San Rafael Jacked

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San Rafael Jacked Page 16

by Tom Ellis

  “Oh, if you weren’t expecting me I’ll leave.”

  “Don’t! Please stay. I’ll get dressed.”

  “Good, you don’t need to dress on account of me.”

  Ivalou stepped over and kissed him full on the lips removing his towel at the same time. He led her to the bed and put his pistol on the night stand.

  “You finally decide you weren’t going to need that.” She said as she stroked his member and at the same time she unbuttoned her blouse. Kroll was busy undoing her jeans. The only thing she said when she stood naked in front of him was.

  “Turn back the sheets. I know this is a nice joint, but I still don’t trust motel room comforters. And Kroll, I don’t do one night stands.”

  “I don’t either.”

  Sated after a second round, they lay entwined in the other’s arms and legs. Ivalou rested her head on Kroll’s shoulder. “I figured Havelee’s outfit primed your pump, and I was right.” She said nibbling at his ear.

  “It was your outfit the first time I saw you.”

  “My outfit or Penelope’s?”

  Kroll lightly pinched her butt. “You. Penelope let me see more of you.”

  She snuggled against him. “Kroll, no man has turned me on like you do. Why do you think I sit on a towel when I’ve got my Penelope outfit on?”

  “So you won’t catch crabs off the bedspread?”


  “How did you get the boss lady in a slut suit?”

  “Took her shopping and picked it out for her. She has no idea of how much she showed you. Poor Desmond and M&M had to keep their heads turned. I was afraid M&M would wreck the Caddy.”

  “Honestly, I think she knew what she was doing.”

  “Maybe, but I think her mind was on TR the cowboy. That phone call was from him. He’s coming to town and taking her to dinner tonight.”

  “So you two have advanced past the agent and supervisor agent to girl talk.”

  “Yep. That wrangler is a hunk, and he went right for Havelee, and she opened the door. I don’t think I could like somebody that might track horse shit into the house.”

  “So you’re a city girl then?”

  “Not really, It’s beautiful down there, but too far from civilization. Now that little place went through to get there; I could like.”

  “You talking about Patagonia?”

  “Yeah, that’s it.”

  “It looks peaceful. When this is over, I’ve got to find a place to settle down and be a retired FBI agent.”

  “So you are going to retire?”

  “Yes, that is the deal, stop Bradford and they will let me retire. They even gave me a notarized contract saying that. And I have a lawyer that will make sure they abide by it. They’ve tried to fire me too many times.”

  “All the records say you got fired. The contract is probably smart. But can we get Bradford?”

  “They are moving a large shipment of marijuana out of the ranch in the next couple of days. That’s why Bradford told me to leave for two or three days. And he left with his thugs too. He did tell me he has human cargo coming through, and I think we might do something with that. He says my job is to keep an on Porn Dude. Bradford is afraid he will screw up the merchandise.”

  The remark earned Kroll a jab in the ribs.

  “You’re good at that, remind not to piss you off.”

  Vargas smiled demurely. “I’ll run that by Havelee when you get more information. Do you still think something bigger is going down like a terrorist attack?”

  “Absolutely, with a bunch of AK-toting ragheads on the place. They’ve even got an RPG or two. We could probably make a case on that. But I think they have something bigger in the works, and they will stage it out of that ranch. That is when we move in. However, we might not get much time to act. I wish there were someplace closer to for you guys, and we could have a SWAT team on standby.”

  “With Havelee screwing the cowboy she might think us moving to that ranch is a good idea. There are some RV hookups there. It is possible; I mention it. We will still have to come to town to play Penelope.”

  “Or have a quickie in the barn.”

  “There will be waiting list for the barn. Havelee has it staked out already.”

  “She must be in heat big time over that cowboy.”

  “Yeah, they got it bad for each other. Almost as bad as I have it for you, Kroll. And I’m not letting you get away. So don’t go do something stupid like getting yourself killed.”

  “I like a woman who says what’s on her mind.”


  Ivalou untangled herself and got out of bed. A few minutes later she came out of the bathroom and put on her panties. “For the record Kroll. I like this kind better than those thongs in your fantasies. They cover my ass.”

  “And a nice ass it is. My fantasies about you don’t have anything to do with thongs.”

  She put on her bra and began to dress. Ivalou sat on the bed and touched Kroll’s bare chest. “Just so you know Kroll, I’m serious about this is not being a one-night stand for me. If it is that way for you tell me now, and it will never happen again.”

  He kissed her. “Lou, you aren’t a one-night stand woman. I want you to keep coming back.”

  “Me too, but we have to be careful.”

  “We will be.”

  He walked her to the door and stood behind it naked as she slipped out. Ivalou turned back and smiled sweetly. “I think I like the naked look. Maybe with the pistol too.”

  Kroll watched her leave. When she was safely in her Bu-car, he closed the door, and leaned against it. “Wow.” He said to the empty room.

  Lois Thornton answered the FBI agents’ questions under the watchful eyes of the General. She made no mention of Burns and Hadfield being in Arizona. What the FBI didn’t know would not hurt them. And to the General’s thinking they did not know very much. This federal fishing trip only verified what he already knew compliments of Andy Burns. At least the FBI showed some respect since one of the agents was a supervisor.

  “So based on what you have learned from your private investigator. You believe your brother has met with foul play and did not sell the ranch to this person Bradford.” The Agent asked.

  “That is correct.”

  “And this investigator, a Mr. Russell searched all the real estate records and could not find a sale of the ranch?”

  “That is correct.”

  “Why is it that your brother is reported missing by the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Department and not the sheriff’s department in that county, uh, Santa Cruz County?”

  “The Sheriff out there refused to take the report. He told me my brother was not missing. Our Sheriff Rabun called him, and that man told Sheriff Rabun to worry about policing his county and not Santa Cruz County Arizona.”

  “We will speak to Sheriff Rabun before we return to Mobile. I appreciate your being candid with us.”

  “You never did say why the FBI is interested in my brother in laws disappearance.” The General said.

  “We were asked to follow up on information on his missing by the local field office. The request was to verify specifics about Mr. Hamilton and the ranch. I can’t say why Tucson wants that. And if I knew, we wouldn’t be able to tell you.”

  “Can we expect full disclosure when you conclude your investigation?” The General asked.

  “It’s possible you might be briefed on the aspects which involve Mr. Hamilton and his ranch.”

  “Unless you have any more questions for Mrs. Thornton and myself, we have plans for lunch. Good day gentlemen.”

  They watched the FBI men leave.

  “It doesn’t appear they have a clue about Andy and Jolene being out there.”

  “And they don’t have the need to know either.”

  “Just like we don’t know what they are doing. Are you planning on leaning on the Director to find out what they are planning?”

  “Not unless they screw up. Which is likely.”
  Jolene and Andy watched the computer screen. The cameras were perfectly positioned providing excellent video of the Rocking H Bar. A gang of foreign males loaded marijuana bales into the old box trucks delivered to the ranch by Bradford’s thugs. Unless it were prayer time, distinguishing between Mexicans and middle easterners was difficult. El Jefe’s helicopter made several daring fence top level flights across the border, discharging two or three heavily armed men each trip.

  “Burns remind me never to complain about your flying again after watching that helicopter.”

  “You mean you wouldn’t want frequent flyer passes for El Jefe Air?”

  “NO! And I wouldn’t want to be that pilot either if he crashed that helicopter.”

  “If he crashed it and got out alive, El Jefe would kill him. If he died in the crash, El Jefe would dig up his corpse and kill him again. Then go kill his family.”

  “I don’t know what’s scarier for this country Mexican drug lords or radical Islam.”

  “We will find out soon, check the feed on the rear horse apple camera.”

  They watched as some males spread out prayer mats facing east.

  The General went to his study and reviewed the images and reports from Burns. Burns concluded with the presence of heavily armed obviously Muslim males arriving in El Jefe’s helicopter and the visit by the drug lord himself. There were two issues, smuggling, and terror. The General quietly passed the word about the trucks and the three routes they would likely take out of the San Rafael.

  Chapter Sixteen

  TR and Butter Billy Three were repairing a fence between the Double B and the Rocking H Bar pastures. Both men were working off horseback because there were no ranch roads of trails near this section. A fence stretching tool broke and Butter Billy returned to headquarters to get a replacement. TR continued to work. His horse was enjoying cropping grass despite his hobbled front legs. TR heard an ATV approaching from the Rocking H Bar pasture and checked the location of his horse. Tobias’ rifle was on his saddle when he saw the side by side ATV gaining speed and coming his way. TR moved toward his horse and the rifle.

  A burst of automatic rifle fire came from the ATV. TR’s horse bolted the moment he reached it. Even hobbled the gelding could quicker than his owner. And the burst from the nearby machine gun caused the equine to ignore Tobias’ shouted whoa. TR stumbled as he tried to grab the horse.

  From the ground Tobias Rutledge watched his horse flee carrying his rifle. TR heard a voice behind him yell; “ALLAH AKBAR INFIDEL WILL DIE ALLAH AKBAR.”

  TR struggled to his feet looking for a place to hide. The ATV crashed through the loose fence wire. The passenger fired another burst from an AK-47 rifle. The rounds missed TR striking the ground fifty feet away. TR ran in the opposite direction and dived into a low area that would provide some cover.

  Butter Billy Three topped a rise on his way back to the fence when he heard the ATV approaching. He spurred his huge gelding Kenworth forward. The massive horse reached full gallop, and Butter Billy pulled his rabbit-eared double barrel 12-gauge cowboy shotgun from his saddle scabbard. The big cowboy managed to shoulder the weapon and cock both barrels and stay astride the charging Kenworth.

  The bursts of fire didn’t cause the horse to waver. Butter Billy’s accidently firing both barrels did. Kenworth proved the saying you could shoot a gun off the back of any horse, once. Butter Billy was airborne and about learn the pitfalls of his other dream, riding saddle broncs in a rodeo.

  Andy Burns’ charge to the sound of the guns was not as dramatic as Butter Billy’s. Burns watched the incident unfold from a ridge three hundred yards away. He’d dismounted with his rifle when he first noticed the ATV. The crosshairs of his scope were aligned on the driver when the passenger begin firing. Andy shifted his aim as Butter Billy galloped onto the scene reminiscent of the cavalry in a B western.

  The extra-large cowboy hit the ground with all the grace of feed sack falling off a truck. Burns aimed at the now slowing ATV. The passenger was clutching his chest. No one was in the driver’s seat. He lay on the ground with blood pumping from his throat. Butter Billy wasn’t moving. Andy hastily mounted up and spurred Don Cameron to the scene.

  TR recovered and was yelling into the ranch two-way radio he carried and ran toward his partner. Between panicked transmissions, he is calling out to Butter Billy.

  “Butter ya got the bastards! Wake up Butter! Wake up!”

  Don Cameron slid to a stop as Andy dismounted and trotted to the prostrate Butter Billy Three, who was lying flat on his back and moaning. Jazz ran toward the ATV growling.

  “Stay still Butter. TR is calling for help.” The radio hissed static each time TR released the transmit button.

  “I must have broken the radio when I hit the dirt, Andy. Carson should have answered by now.” TR said.

  “Let me see the radio,” Andy said reaching for the small portable unit. TR handed it to him and spoke to Butter Billy.”

  “You alright Butter?”

  “Kenworth threw me! Where is he?”

  Andy examined the radio and turned the frequency knob. He handed it back to TR.

  The cowboy pushed the transmit button. “Carson!”

  “What do you need TR?” The rancher answered.

  “Mr. Carson a couple of assholes wearing those Arab head rags charged me shooting a machine gun from an ATV. They came from the Rocking H Bar. Butter got ‘em both with his shotgun. But he got bucked off. He’s hurt. We need some help out here!”

  “I’ll send Miguel in an ATV and call that jackass sheriff of ours. How bad is Butter Billy?”

  “He’s conscious and asking about Kenworth. Jackson ran off too. And he is hobbled. Both of them are probably on their way back to the barn. Probably be smart to get the medic helicopter out here. Butter is hurting too bad to get up.”

  “Give me your GPS coordinates?”

  TR fished out his handheld from his vest pocket. He mashed a few buttons and read off the figures to Carson Bell.

  “Got them I’m clear on the radio, keep yours turned on I’ll get back with you.”

  TR got his cell phone out next and texted Havelee. Burns was photographing the scene and the dead men. When the cowhand finished texting his FBI agent girlfriend; he turned his attention back to Butter Billy, who was trying to get up but hurting too bad to do so.

  Burns walked over to TR and put his hand on the cowboy’s shoulder. “You’ve got things under control be careful what you say to the cops. And I wasn’t here, comprende?”

  “We got you covered Andy.”

  “Yeah Andy, will you find Kenworth for me?” Butter said with difficulty.

  “I’ll do my best big guy.”

  Burns mounted Don Cameron and cantered back over the ridgeline. When he reached a point where he could observe unnoticed, he dismounted and loosened the cinch on Don Cameron and let his reins fall to the ground. The horse was ground tied and would not wander away. Burns got his binoculars out of the saddlebag and began to watch the scene. The medical helicopter landed fifteen minutes later. The medics went to work on Billy Butter. They were loading him up when Carson Bell arrived riding an ATV. He spoke to the EMT’s and ducked his head below the turning blades and stepped into the cabin to speak to Butter Billy.

  “Butter you are in good hands. They are taking you to the Sierra Vista hospital. I passed Kenworth on the way over. He’s cropping grass I’ll catch him and take him back to the barn. Don’t worry about your horse and I’ll call Bonita for you.”

  All the big Wrangler could do was mutter thanks and give his boss a smile.

  Bell stepped back and along with TR watched the helicopter take off.

  “Miguel will bring the sheriffs people out here. Are you alright?”

  “I thought I was a goner for sure. Jackson, my bay horse, ran right off, hobbles and all, with my rifle still in the scabbard. All I had was my knife and those bastards had machine guns.” He gestured to where the ATV sat still running with its fron
t wheels caught in a ditch.

  “One of is laying over there. And there’s one in the ATV. You should have seen Butter Boss; he comes charging in here on that big old horse like John Wayne. Except Kenworth didn’t take kindly to both barrels on that shotgun going off above his head. I’ve never seen a draft horse buck. I sure wouldn’t have wanted to be in that saddle when it happened. Butter hit the ground hard. But he saved my life. I texted Havelee and told he what happened. She said she was on her way.”

  “Good maybe the FBI can find out what the hell happened out here. Have you seen Burns this morning?”

  “Yes, sir he rode in right after it all had happened he had a mean looking scoped rifle in hand. He would have got those bastards if Butter hadn’t got a lucky shot. He talked to Billy and me. He asked me to say he wasn’t here.”

  “You don’t say anything about him to your FBI agent girlfriend either.”

  Havelee exchanged several texts with TR. When she was sure he was OK, she called Ivalou Vargas.

  “I got a text from TR a few minutes ago; there was a shooting incident at the ranch. Two are dead. They appear to be middle eastern males. The cowboy they call Butter Billy was injured when his horse threw him. The locals are in route. Can you contact Kroll and see what he knows?”

  Vargas knew Kroll was still in town; they were going to meet for lunch later in Rio Rico.

  “I’ll send a text code on the Penelope line that asked him to call me.”

  She grabbed the other phone and texted:

  I have a new thong I want to model for you. It’s hot, like me. OXOX Penelope

  “He will call back on this line. I think we need to let the locals handle this and see what happens. And I don’t think I would tell them I was FBI either.”

  “I agree, but I’m worried about TR. I like that cowboy.”

  “Yeah I saw lust, at first sight, when he got off that horse girlfriend. Do you think he will tell the cops he’s got an FBI hottie with a thong?”

  “No, he won’t! He doesn’t care for the local sheriff at all. And I’ll get even with you for that thong trick you pulled on me with Kroll. Girl, you got one coming.”


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