San Rafael Jacked

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San Rafael Jacked Page 17

by Tom Ellis

  “I thought you enjoyed that. You flashed poor old Kroll enough.”

  “Kiss my ass, Vargas.”

  “The Tucson SAC might do that; I won’t.”

  “How have you gotten this far in the FBI without getting written up and sent to sensitivity training?”

  “I’m a Latina, and we’re special. Kroll’s calling let me get back to you.”

  “I hope you aren’t calling to break our lunch date. I would be upset.” Kroll said when Vargas answered.

  “Not a chance sweetie, that’s a high priced joint I have in mind.”

  “You would look good in a fast food place.”

  “You’d better say as a customer and not an employee. I’ve said do you want fries with that enough in this lifetime.”

  “I’m in Nogales ordering a pair of boots. What’s up?”

  “Oh, spending Bradford’s money I see.”

  “You got that right. The only way I can afford boots like these. What’s going on?”

  “Havelee got a text from TR there has been a shooting at the ranch. Two of the middle eastern types charged the fence shooting. One of the cowboys got them first. You have any thoughts on why?”

  “No, I haven’t been there in two days, and I don’t think Bradford went back. El Jefe is shipping dope, and he didn’t want us around the ranch for whatever reason. I’ll listen when I get back tonight and see what’s said.”

  “Any suggestions?”

  “Yeah, we don’t need to be involved. Let the locals handle it. If Havelee wants to know more, she should put on her tightest cowgirl jeans and take off to the Double B worrying about her boyfriend. She might wind up getting laid in the hayloft.”

  Vargas giggled. “I’ll tell her you said that.”

  “Tell her to wear her thong.”

  “I thought that little wildcat was going to whip my ass for that trick.”

  “See you for lunch.”

  Vargas got Havelee back on the line. “Kroll hasn’t been back to the ranch since he left. He doesn’t know if Bradford went back or not. He doesn’t think so. He is for our staying out of it and let the locals handle it. He did suggest you trot your butt down there wearing tight jeans and your thong. And play the worried girlfriend. He mentioned something about a hayloft too.”

  “Flip that asshole off for me next time you see him. I know he hasn’t had any hayloft experiences, or he wouldn’t have suggested tight jeans.”

  “Sounds like the voice of experience.”

  “Flip yourself off as well. I am going to go down there and play the worried girlfriend.”

  “I would suggest you tip TR not to say you are an FBI agent. He needs to let the other ranch folks know as well.”

  “Will do. I’ll keep you in the loop. I’ll brief Desmond and M&M before I leave.”

  TR’s phone buzzed with a text message.

  I’m on the way. Don’t tell local sheriff I’m FBI, let the others know this 2. Do not talk to the news media Hav.

  He discretely showed his phone to Carson Bell, who nodded. They were both watching the Sheriff’s detective and Deputy Willie Hillman tramp around the scene. The detective was taking pictures. Hillman was on his phone.

  “What’s going on Willie?” Ashton Bradford said calmly into the phone.

  “Brad, two ragheads started shooting at the Double B hands. They were in an ATV with the Rocking H Bar brand painted on the front. What the hell you want me to do? These dead assholes are wearing them Arab scarf things around their heads.”

  “Where are these so-called ragheads now Willie?”

  “They dead as hell, one of the cowboys shotgunned them!”

  “They’re probably in hell Willie. I’m in Tucson for a little gambling and drinking. I gave my Mexicans a few days off. I suggest you check my ranch and see if my two ATV’s are there. With all the wetbacks crossing the border these days you can’t be too careful. Those two probably stole it from the barn shed. I would appreciate you making a report and seeing that the machine gets back to the barn. And Willie I appreciate your calling about this. You are a fine police officer.”

  “I’ll do that, Mr. Bradford. I don’t think your ATV is damaged much. And I’ll check your ranch too.”

  “Thank you, Willie.”

  Bradford disconnected the call and said, “dumbass.”

  The bartender asked if he needed another round. Bradford thanked him as he dialed El Jefe’s phone.

  Bradford recounted what Hillman had told him in a circumspect manner, which warned El Jefe that the deputy would be prowling around on the ranch. The drug lord invited Bradford and his colleague Senor Kroll to a late dinner that night in Nogales.

  Vargas and Kroll were enjoying lunch when his text message tone sounded.

  Meet 10P 2nite border lot dinner same place Ash

  “I hate to mix business with pleasure.” Kroll handed Vargas his phone. She read the message.

  “I know I don’t need to say this, but be careful. And I need to text Hav and let her know what’s happening.”

  Havelee read the message about the meeting in Nogales Sonora Mexico. She was waiting for Miguel to pick her up in the ATV. She saw TR’s bay gelding standing at the barn saddled next to Kenworth, the Belgian gelding that belonged to Butter Billy. Havelee walked over to the horses and saw the bay wore hobbles. She removed the hobbles and unsaddled the gelding. It took some effort to remove Kenworth’s saddle. Havelee managed to get the massive draft horse saddle on the ground by simply pulling it off the horse's back instead of lifting it. Kenworth didn’t move during the process.

  She worked up a sweat tending to the horses. She put them in stalls and gave them hay. She was filling the water barrels when she heard the ATV’s returning.

  TR walked over to the barn and hugged Havelee.

  “I’m sure glad to see you.” He said.

  “And me you. I put your horses up. I suppose the Belgian is Kenworth, Butter Billy’s horse?”

  “He is thanks. We are going to the hospital in Sierra Vista to see him as soon as the sheriff and the coroner's people get out of here. Miguel is going to take the jeep truck out with the coroner to pick up the bodies. Carson is mad as hell at Willie Hillman. He drove out to the scene in a sheriff’s truck and broke an axle. That guy with Carson is a detective. That’s his car by the coroner’s van.”

  “TR, who is Willie Hillman?”

  “He’s a dumb ass deputy the sheriff hired. He’s as crooked as a sidewinder rattlesnake and likes boys as much as he likes girls. Probably likes boys more because no self-respecting woman would have anything to do with him.”

  “So he is still at the scene?”

  “No, once we got the Rocking H Bar’s ATV out of the ditch. Hillman insisted on driving it back to the headquarters. He said, and I quote ‘Ash wanted him to do it.’ That sack of shit, pardon my French, is in bed with those bastards. I know it.”

  Carson Bell walked over to TR and Havelee. The detective got in his car and left.

  “Good to see you again Agent Harris.” The rancher said removing his hat when he spoke.

  “Thank you Mr. Bell, and I’m off duty so drop the agent part. I was worried about TR.”

  “Well, you have certainly dressed for the ranch this visit. It looks like you have been working the barn.”

  “She put up Jackson and Kenworth,” TR said.

  “You’ll make a hand Miz Havelee,” Bell said.

  “Thank you, what’s happening with the homicides?”

  “The coroner is going to rule justified as self-defense in both deaths. Our great sheriff’s investigator and deputy have decided those two crossed the border illegally and stole the ATV from Rocking H Bar. Hillman believes nobody is home over there. He is taking the so-called stolen ATV back over there. I don’t know how he is going to get back. The investigator told me he wasn’t going over there to pick him up. The detective is, what do they call it? A homophobe or something. I called the sheriff and said that torn up SUV needs to be off my pr
operty before dark. They are sending out a towing outfit that specializes in off-road recovery. Miguel believes our Jeep FC170 will make it out there, and he will take the coroners people back to get the bodies.” Bell answered.

  They watched the old Jeep pickup leave as Bell continued.

  “Bonita, Butter Billy’s girlfriend, says he has several broken ribs and a concussion. They want to keep him overnight for observation. I figure when they get the bodies out we’ll ride over there and see how he is doing. I expect we can find some grub while we’re there. It will be my treat. Miz Havelee it will be after dark when we get back I would prefer you accept the hospitality of my guest room rather than you driving back to where you are staying.”

  “Thank you, Carson, I will take you up on that.”

  “Let’s go sit on the veranda and see if Estelle can rustle up some of her lemonade.”

  The whole crew from the Double B went to Sierra Vista and visited Butter Billy Three. He was still addled a bit and didn’t believe the lithe Havelee was able to unsaddle his horse. When TR assured him she did it correctly, and Kenworth was well, the big cowboy was happy. Later that night Havelee visited TR in the bunkhouse, slipping back into the ranch house at first light.

  Willie Hillman got lost trying to find the Rocking H Bar headquarters. The ATV ran out of gas. He wandered about the San Rafael on foot most of the night. A rattlesnake bit him at some point. Willie was not well liked by his colleagues, and no one gave a damn about him being missing. A Border Patrol agent heard shots fired as dawn was breaking. He found Hillman lying next to a farm service road with his legs caught in a barb wire fence. He was almost out of ammunition. Willie was not exactly known throughout the southern Arizona law enforcement community for his stellar abilities as a cop. The Border Patrol agent summed it up when he said to Hillman.

  “I hope you were saving the last bullet for yourself Willie.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Kroll and Bradford were patted down for weapons in the massage parlor before they ever entered the tunnel. The hombre doing the shakedown was macho and didn’t check either man’s crotch area. Kroll breathed easier when they made it through the strip club without getting accosted by a Latina dancer. Getting groped by a stripper would have revealed the Keltec P-3AT .380 caliber pistol resting in the protective cup pouch of the athletic supporter he wore. This meeting with El Jefe worried him particularly after the incident at the ranch. The searcher also missed a large folding knife secured in his sock against his Achilles' tendon.

  El Jefe greeted them at his table in the back of the restaurant. Once again they were the only patrons. After they had were seated, another man joined them.

  “This is Emran, my associate from the middle east.” The drug lord said with a wave of his hand. Emran glared at Bradford and Kroll.

  “Emran is troubled by today’s events involving his soldiers, Si.” El Jefe continued.

  “Emran was to instruct his soldiers they were guards this day, not killers of gringos. That will come another day. Emran’s soldiers were anxious to kill Americans. This action might have caused us a great financial loss and set our timetable back, causing great danger to Emran’s associate's plans. Emran’s numero dos has been sent to your ranch to ensure such stupidity does not happen again. Emran is not sorry this happened.”

  One of El Jefe’s minders stepped behind Emran and strangled him with a garrote. The man struggled almost upsetting the table. El Jefe calmly pushed it out of the way as he watched Kroll and Bradford. Emran’s sphincter muscle gave way with an odorous blast. Two more bodyguards wearing rubber gloves assisted the strangler in removing the corpse.

  “Emran has been replaced. Si” El Jefe said. The drug lord’s cold eyes contrasted with his smile.

  Kroll sniffed and waved his hand in front of his face. “Whew! It must have been something he ate.”

  El Jefe burst out in laughter. “I knew I liked you Senor Ron! You have a sense of humor. Dinner is on El Jefe this night. No worry, they did not remove him by way of the kitchen.”

  The return trip was through a different tunnel and exited into a tattoo parlor. Bradford and Kroll were a block from the parking lot.

  “Willie Hillman saved our asses on that screw-up. El Jefe sent along a bonus for him.” Bradford said.

  “Ash, Hillman doesn’t strike me as the brightest light on the tree. I’m surprised he didn’t screw things up worse.” Kroll said.

  “You’re right. But Willie did call me and ask what to do. I told him we were out of town, and no one was home at the ranch. Some illegals must have stolen the ATV. We are going to have to make peace with Carson Bell somehow.”

  “I wouldn’t unless he reaches out to us.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “There was no mention on the evening news about anything happening. The only crime mentioned was in Tucson. We are out of town. We don’t know anything. If we go to Bell, it looks like we knew something. Let him come to us.”

  “Good idea, I’m going to drive back to Tucson and grab a room. Are you going that way?”

  “No, I’m going to stay here and check out the action on Backpage.”

  “Wear a raincoat. No telling what those women got.”

  “Will do, let me know when everybody heads back to the ranch.”

  Kroll went back to his room at the Best Western and drank a beer while he contemplated calling Vargas. It was two AM. The strangulation he witnessed was bothering him. He’s managed to keep his head in the game while it was happening. Now he wasn’t sure. He picked up his cell and dialed Ivalou’s personal number.

  The phone ringing woke Vargas, and it took her a moment or two to realize which phone it was. She reached for it and fumbled with it while she turned on the light. A call from Kroll, this time of night, wasn’t good.

  “Ron, what’s wrong?”

  “I know it’s late. But I need to see you. Just put some clothes on and come over.”

  “Be there in fifteen.” She clicked off and threw on some clothes. She took a couple of minutes to brush her teeth. Ivalou put a band around her hair and a baseball cap on her head. She grabbed her purse and pistol. Nineteen minutes after the call, Kroll answered the door and let her in. He did not look good.

  Vargas sat beside him on the small couch. She held one of his hands in hers as he recounted the dinner across the border.

  “I’ve seen some garbage undercover. It was always a tossup with me as who was worse, biker gangs, mobster made men or middle eastern terrorists. They all made me wanna puke. That business tonight is without a doubt the worst I’ve seen. There is not a psychological definition that defines El Jefe. Someone needs to take him out of the game.”

  “Ron, you can’t do that. You are still an FBI agent. Regardless of what they say you are; you are not an assassin. And with the bodyguards El Jefe travels with it would be suicide. Do even think that way.”

  “Lou they have something terrible planned, that we have to stop.” Kroll got up and went to the same fridge and took out another beer.

  “We need to be face to face with Carter. Get Havelee to arrange it. And we need to meet tomorrow. You guys have to be closer to the ranch.”

  Kroll drained the beer and went for another. Ivalou walked up behind him and put her arms around his torso and just held on while he drank the beer.

  “My contacts in the coroner’s office have sent prints and photos to all the federal databases and Interpol.” Burrito Cruz said.

  Russell and Cruz were sitting at the picnic table outside the motorhome with Burns and Hadfield. They were drinking coffee enjoying the early Arizona morning.

  “I’m having a hard time with the lackadaisical attitude of a double homicide by the sheriff’s department,” Jolene commented.

  “It reminds you of the good ole boys back in the good ole days in Alabama,” Burns added.

  “Not just Alabama, that sort of stuff was everywhere,” Russell said.

  “What is the deal on the border patrol
finding that sheriff’s deputy Hillman?” Burns asked.

  “He’s in the hospital. Unfortunately, his injuries are not life-threatening. Apparently, the dumb ass got lost driving that ATV back to the Rocking H Bar. He walked around all night and got snake bit. My sources tell me it was a dry bite.” Russell answered.

  “And four box trucks full of dope just drove off to points unknown,” Jolene said.

  “El Jefe carried the day,” Cruz said. “Do you think it’s possible those ragheads did that as a draw off?”

  “I don’t know, whether it was or not, it worked. I will say this, the next load of dope isn’t going to get away.” Burns said.

  “What have you go in mind?” Russell asked.

  “Destroying it.”

  “I don’t know if my heart can stand watching another nocturnal visit to the Rocking H Bar,” Jolene said.

  “That will happen.”

  “Oh shit.”

  The FBI team used the Escalade as a conference room. Desmond drove while M&M kept watch from the right front seat. Havelee, Ivalou, and Kroll rode in the rear seat. The dark limo tint kept anyone from seeing them. Havelee sat in the middle. She was not going along with Kroll’s desire for a face to face meeting with Ransom Carter.

  “I will report everything you have said to Mr. Carter. Getting a face to face meeting with him is not going to happen. He will not fly out here because you want to talk to him. Granted you have a unique situation with the assignment, but it is not enough to demand the Director’s special assistant fly across the country to see you. I believe you are right that a terror attack is being planned and will involve Bradford and El Jefe. But until you come up with more hard evidence other than illegal immigrants from the middle east; Carter will not commit the resources. You are looking at all we’ve got. I’ve been promised another agent from the Phoenix Field Office when he winds up something he’s working on. But there is no timeline on the when that will happen.”

  Kroll started to say something. The is phone buzzed. He looked at the screen and held up a finger for silence. Bradford was calling. Kroll held the phone were Havelee could hear Bradford.


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