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San Rafael Jacked

Page 18

by Tom Ellis


  “Ron, Brad here I need you to pick up two drivers in front of that massage parlor we use in Nogales. They are our friend’s men. They will have on white polos and University of Arizona ball caps. They are on their way now. Bring them to the casino lot in Tucson. These guys are on their way now. How long before you can get there?”

  “Between twenty and thirty minutes, I am pulling into Patagonia now. I’ve got to turn around.”

  “Call me when you are headed this way with them.”

  “Will do.” Kroll clicked off.

  “Got any idea of what is going on?” Havelee asked.

  “Only what you heard. I suspect another load of narcotics is involved, and they are staging the trucks at the ranch for load out.”

  Vargas was able to hear the conversation also. She spoke up. “We have a good chance to get eyes on with Bradford’s people and some good intelligence.”

  Desmond pulled into the Best Western Parking lot.

  “What are you thinking Ivalou?”

  “We trail Ron then pick up Bradford’s crew at the casino.”

  “I know Bradford’s SUV from when we first staked him out. M&M and I could head on to the casino and get eyes on with the SUV.” Desmond offered.”

  “There is a big parking lot at the Border crossing for people who walk across. And the main road back to I-19 is one way and has several parking lots. The massage parlor is the one with the tunnel. I suggest Ivalou get her car and get eyes on the front of that building. Havelee you make the loop and find a parking space on the northbound side where you can pick up my car.” Kroll said.

  Ten minutes later Ivalou found a street side parking space and eased her car into it. She got out with a tourist sized purse and went to her trunk. She was able to photograph the two men Kroll was picking up. They walked out of the parlor after she opened her trunk. She rummaged around in the trunk until she saw Kroll’s car drive up. Vargas closed her trunk and got behind the wheel of her car. She radioed Havelee Kroll was moving.

  With five minutes, Havelee and Ivalou were alternating between leading and following Kroll’s vehicle north on I-19. Ivalou knew a different route to the casino and got off before the I-10 interchange. Havelee continued west on I-10 when Kroll exited. She got off at the next exit.

  Ten minutes later M&M was able to get photos of Bradford talking to Kroll who remained in his car. Just before that M&M got pictures of Porn Dude and Numb Nuts. Bradford, ever the big shot was photographed getting in the back seat of his SUV with Numb Nuts holding the door. Soon the large Suburban pulled out into the roadway with Kroll following. Moments later Ivalou was on their tail.

  Thirty minutes later Bradford’s vehicle pulled into the dusty lot in a warehouse district. He stopped in front of four box trucks. The rough looking vehicles with obvious damage to the cargo boxes were former rental trucks sold off once more when they were well past their prime. Vargas and Havelee photographed Porn Dude Numb Nuts and the Mexicans each getting into a truck. Bradford and Kroll chatted a bit then went to their cars. Bradford left first, and this gave Kroll a chance to send a surreptitious text to Vargas.

  Trucks 2 ranch

  She called Havelee with the message. Desmond and M&M were already in route. They would change vehicles and park in Patagonia near the state highway south to the San Rafael. M&M would photograph the trucks as they went through the small town. Havelee was on her phone to TR, she was going straight to the Double B and planned to be waiting near the ranch road entrance to the farm service road in one of the Double B vehicles. She would photograph the procession of trucks from that point. Ivalou would follow Kroll and report. She would stop in Patagonia.

  Bradford was driving his SUV and headed straight back to the casino. Kroll stayed with the trucks. Ivalou stayed with Kroll.

  One they were on I-10 her phone rang. It was Kroll.

  “I’m following the trucks to the ranch; then taking the Mexicans back to the massage parlor. Bradford is staying Tucson, and I’m going back to the Best Western in Nogales for the evening.”

  “Got it. Havelee grabbed the chance for another night at the ranch with her cowboy. She’s on her way there to photograph the trucks from the road. Any idea of why the change?”

  “No, El Jefe alluded to having a shipment ready for drivers coming from another destination. I suspect more of our middle eastern friends will drive the trucks. The ones on the ranch now are guards. We won’t be allowed to hang around during the loading process. And I think they are too smart to go cowboy hunting before this shipment leaving.”

  “Could this be the big one Bradford has talked about?”

  “No. We are still waiting for a shipment of women before the big one. These trucks could be for the women. I don’t know. I’ll be making a Penelope call in a few days when this gets sorted out.”

  “I’ll notify Hav and pick you up on the route back to the massage parlor.”

  Vargas clicked off and called Havelee. After passing on Kroll’s information to the supervisory agent, Ivalou listened to Havelee’s plans.

  “I’m going to ride with TR tomorrow when he checks the cattle on the Rocking H Bar. I want to get a feel for the place, and maybe I can find an observation point somewhere on the Double B. I’m going to feel out Carson Bell about our moving to his ranch for the duration of this investigation. We would be a lot closer to Kroll if things went sour.”

  “I think Ron would like that. We will have to tweak the Penelope plan some to make it work. I don’t think the Escalade would fit in very well in that valley.”

  “The guys still have that pickup. We can rent a storage building for the caddy if need be.”

  “Why don’t we play it by ear for the time being but be ready to move to the ranch. I’ll pick Kroll up when he comes back through Patagonia. I’m going to enjoy that little park area in that town.”

  “That is a pretty little town. I understand Bird watching is a big attraction there.”

  “I’m a big city girl LA is home for me. I think I could get used to Patagonia if I ever retire and settle down.”

  “I could get used to the San Rafael Valley.”

  “Girlfriend I think you are in lust with a San Rafael cowboy.”

  Havelee laughed, and they both clicked off.

  “Havelee Harris is getting to be a regular visitor at the headquarters house. And the bunkhouse after dark” Jolene said after reviewing camera footage from the Double B headquarters.

  “That’s not surprising after the interaction between her and TR the day the team visited the ranch,” Burns answered.

  “Do you think it’s a case of mixing business with pleasure or she is genuinely interested in TR. He is a nice guy. I would hate to see him broken hearted when she moves on to another investigation.”

  “TR is good people. Havelee is a ranch raised cowgirl, and they know how to break hearts. I expect Havelee is mixing business with pleasure and is wanting to use the Double B for a surveillance base. We know Bradford is bad. They visited every place in the valley asking about Lyon Hamilton. They have sent agents to see Lois Thornton. I don’t know if they realize who her husband is. I suspect Kroll is undercover as himself, a disgruntled terminated FBI agent and they are after Bradford. With El Jefe on the radar, they may be trying to land both fish. Bradford and his gang took off when it came time for the last dope shipment. Four more trucks came in yesterday, so they are up to something. It will be interesting to see if Bradford and his crew shows back up today. And if Kroll is with them.”

  “I hate the idea of you sneaking back over there in the middle of the night with all the new guards. But, putting a tracker on Kroll’s car might answer the question of who’s side he is on. Buddy and Burrito could follow the tracker.”

  “That is a good idea. Bradford is still not posting guards at night. And I have a couple of trackers. If Kroll shows up today, I’ll put a tracker on his car tonight.”

  “Provided they don’t start posting guards,” Jol
ene emphasized.

  “I’m going to put on a pot of coffee. Cruz and Russell are turning off the farm service road.”

  “You ignored my guard's comment.”

  Burns poured water into the coffee pot and turned on the machine. He went outside to meet the private eyes.

  “For a make-believe cowboy from down south, you don’t make bad coffee,” Russell commented when the group sat down at the picnic table.

  “Apache’s wouldn’t know good coffee if it spilled on them,” Cruz said.

  “Mexican flavor tin cup of water cattle walk in with old horseshoe and call it coffee.”

  “If it were left up to you two it would be coffee grounds boiled in a pot with eggshells,” Burns said.

  “TR has a new helper riding the Rocking H Bar herd this morning.” Buddy Russell commented.

  “Blond and cute, she sits a horse well. I had a nice view of her crossing the farm road. It looks like they took the long way to that section the herds grazing.” Cruz said.

  “And she was paying a lot of attention to the Rocking H Bar side of the fence.”

  “When are you two gumshoes going to get some up to date information. Miguel told me that when he brought a load of hay over this morning.”

  “Does Miguel think TR will get pussy whipped into telling about our operation?” Cruz asked.

  “That is always possible. But TR thinks he’s pumping her for information.”

  Jolene laughed. “Burns you could have used a better choice of words.”

  “What do you guys think about putting a tracker on Kroll’s car and following him when he leaves the ranch?” Burns asked.

  “Red neck southern cowboy way behind the power curve. Indian have a tracker on city boy’s car since he spent the first night in town.”

  “Yeah and they’ve got a pretty slick operation going. FBI blondie isn’t the only special girl agent in heat. The Latina is Kroll’s girlfriend. I don’t think the Harris woman is aware of that either. They use an elaborate prostitute scam to meet and swap info. The women show up dressed like hookers in mini dresses with their butts hanging out.”

  “No way,’ Jolene said, ‘not Havelee.”

  “Yes ma’am, her little fanny was hanging out the bottom of her skirt, that butt crack underwear showing off both cheeks.”

  “I would have to see that to believe it,” Jolene said.

  “Turn on your computer,” Russell said, holding up a flash drive.

  Cruz went on with his narrative. “They meet at the Motel 6 and the two black guys dress like pimps and drive a black Escalade. The Latina has met Kroll several times. Kroll has been followed by Bradford’s thugs twice. They have stopped following him, so I suppose he has earned their trust. The real winner is that Kroll stays at the Best Western when he overnights in town. The FBI team stays at the extended stay. The Latina agent sneaks out and visits Kroll at night. She’s hot in a slut suit. It must have got to him. The real kicker was yesterday. They all met in the Escalade then split up in different cars. Kroll picked up two Latino males near the border in Nogales and took them to Tucson and met Bradford. The went across town and picked up four trucks. Bradford’s crew drove two of them, and the Latino’s drove two. The FBI team followed them all the way. I expect the trucks are now at the Rocking H Bar. Kroll came back to town and the Latina agent picked up following him in Patagonia. They shacked up all night at the Best Western.”

  “You guys shadowed an FBI operation?” Hadfield asked.

  “Indian have a video to prove it,” Russell said holding up the flash drive again.

  “I thought you two didn’t do the sleazy divorce stuff,” Burns said.

  “Not much, Indian stay in practice by following FBI. Indian prime pump by looking in windows with the camera.”

  When Burns and Hadfield quit laughing. Andy got serious. “I knew it was a good idea to get you two involved.”

  “I second that,” Jolene said.

  “It’s obvious Kroll is undercover. And they have a well-planned op going on.”

  “The operation is not well backed up. Kroll is out on a long thin limb.” Russell said.

  “Are we going to act as discreet back up for Kroll?” Cruz asked.

  “Let’s see how this is going to play with the trucks they brought in yesterday,” Burns said.

  Later Burns mounted on Don Cameron watched Havelee scouting for a place to observe the Rocking H Bar. He used his binoculars to look at the horse she was riding. Havelee carried the rifle he built years before in scabbard attached to the saddle. TR did not offer to lead her to the property included in the casita lease. Andy got out the satellite phone and made a call.

  While he was out Jolene texted Andy, saying she was going to explore some of the shops in Tubac and Rio Rico. She would stop for groceries before returning to the casita. He was pleased with how quickly she acclimated to southern Arizona. Burns hooked up the horse trailer and loaded Don Cameron. Jazz jumped into the trailer with the horse. Burns left the casita and headed east toward the Huachuca Mountains.

  Pleased to find no one camped at any of the forest service sites, Burns found a shady place to park his rig. He unloaded the horse and mounted up, traveling east on trails. He skirted the edge of an unoccupied house and entered the Sunnyside ghost town from the west side. Riding Don Cameron down what was once the main street of a religious sect copper mining town; Burns looked over the sagging buildings and the exposed foundations. He could understand why the town’s founder chose the place. After leaving the town, he guided the stallion to the dry creek bed and heard Jazz growl a warning. The horse’s ears perked up. Andy reined in and watched. A man wearing a camo uniform stepped from the tree line. He carried a small black hard case. Burn’s knew there were several others watching. He dismounted and walked toward the soldier.

  “Mr. Burns?” The soldier asked.


  “I’m Reid. The General told me you need this equipment, and I will brief you on our operations this far.”

  “Correct, let’s see what’s in the case.”

  They squatted down, and Reid opened the case. The contents secured in protective padding. Reid quickly briefed Burns on their operation. “Once the timer is set these things work as advertised. They get very, very, hot; you could probably set concrete fire with these things.”

  “That is what I need, are the timer’s accurate?”

  “It is a mechanical timer, not a clock. Twenty-four hours or less they will ignite within three minutes of the length of time set. Set them for over twenty-four hours they will ignite within an hour of the setting. But they will ignite. The General wants me to brief you on our prep for backing up your operation. We have a dedicated drone overflight every twelve hours. The flash drive I will give you has all the video from last week. Give me a secure email link and I will send them daily. There is a separate file with the soil excavation information you wanted. We can support any incursion you make. We have made four recon missions already. I’ve found your trail markers. The General tells me you have surveillance cameras on the ground. Can I get a feed from them?”

  Burns removed a sim card from his shirt pocket. He exchanged the sim card for the flash drive. “Everything you need to access my cameras in real time is on here. There are files with photos of all the targets. We identified Ron Kroll as deep cover FBI agent this morning. He is on our side.”

  “Does the FBI know you are reading their mail?”

  “No. Based on the recent arrival of large trucks, I expect another narcotics load is coming soon. So be prepared to cover an incursion to sabotage these trucks.”

  “Law enforcement is not interdicting them?”

  “Law enforcement didn’t get the last load and the General tipped the DEA and Homeland. The FBI knows these trucks are on the ranch. And they know there is a smuggling operation. I think something bigger is coming, and they are letting the drugs go through to catch the bigger prize. I suspect a terror op. Eight middle eastern males have crossed t
he border in the past week. Look at the download files from those cameras; you will see what I’m talking about.”

  “Very well, Mr. Burns, we need to get back through the gate before the MP patrol comes around. I don’t like to attract attention. Nice looking horse and at some point, I would like to see that rifle you have the General talks about.”

  “Mr. Reid you are welcome to see it and shoot it anytime.”

  Burns watched Reid disappear back into the tree line. Andy mounted up and rode Don Cameron back to the trailer using a different route. He wondered if it would be possible to link up with Kroll. He discarded that idea as soon as he thought of it. The FBI didn’t like anyone playing in their yard; they didn’t invite. And the invitation to play was limited to watching from the sidelines. Burns read the online editions of all the local newspapers daily. Tucson Arizona had its share of gang-related violence. And if the news was accurate the gangs were at odds with El Jefe; who wanted to control their turf from south of the border. Andy took out his cell phone and texted Jolene.

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  Burns considered his plan while he rode. Once back at the trailer, he loosened the saddle cinch and loaded the horse. The drive back to the casita was uneventful. TR was waiting patiently on a bench in front of the barn. His horse tied to a nearby fence rail. Burns waved at him as he stopped the truck. TR met Burns at the trailer and watched him unload Don Cameron. As long as Burns was around the horse and dog were docile around other animals and humans.

  “Andy, we have a problem,” TR said as he watched Andy unsaddle and the stud horse.

  “Is the problem about five four blue-eyed and blond?”

  “How, did you know?”

  “I watched you and her ride out to check the Rocking H Bar cattle this morning.”

  “We didn’t see you and she weren't missing much.”

  “She has a good eye for detail. But she wasn’t looking for me either. What is the problem?”

  “She wants to move her team to the Double B to be closer to the Rocking H Bar. They are watching the place for some reason. Havelee won’t talk about her investigation as she calls it. I’ve gotten myself hung up over that little gal. I think she feels the same toward me. But that FBI side of her is hard to get around. I hope she’s not playing me.”


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