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San Rafael Jacked

Page 32

by Tom Ellis

  “The barn has evidence of marijuana storage and also a large number of people. We found female hygiene materials in the barn. We believe this ranch may have been a drop off point for persons smuggled into the country.

  “We have teams searching the adjacent areas to this area. And another team working all the ranch trails. We have found an area that appears to be gravesites. Our cadaver dogs hit on this area, and we have a forensic anthropologist supervising the disinterment of human remains.”

  “Have any computers been recovered.” The Director asked.

  “Yes, several they have been taken to our lab.”

  “Will you share the information you find on them?”

  “I’ll defer that question to the State Police Commander.”

  “Director, we will share anything we find with the FBI. We will allow agents to inspect this scene. We will not relinquish jurisdiction to you. We will ask for your resources in identifying foreign nationals involved. Another helicopter is inbound from Mexico as we speak and will land here within ten minutes. It carries the head of the Mexican National Police force. He will confirm the identity of one of the deceased. Who we believe to be EL Jefe.”

  “El Jefe was involved with the target of this investigation and complicit in the smuggling operations happening here.” Ransom Carter added.

  “The FBI is well known in the law enforcement community for not sharing all it has during joint investigations. In the spirit of hoping, you can change that attitude, Director. I’m going to share something that will affect the investigation into the deputy’s death.”

  “I would like to say I appreciate that. But it depends on what you are sharing.”

  “We recovered the cell phone of the deceased person who bled to death. He was in the habit of recording his calls. He called the deputy and asked him to stop a vehicle containing two pimps. And keep them out of this valley. Two other cell phones recovered indicate text messages to a prostitute using the name Penelope. Other conversations between the deceased and the deputy indicate some involvement down here by the deputy. I would appreciate enlightenment on the prostitute Penelope if you would. And you can have a copy of the deputy’s conversation.”

  “The two agents were assigned to the undercover investigation. We have not been able to talk to them yet. They were in route to back up an undercover extraction. I understand they posed as pimps. The female agent posted as a prostitute the deep cover guy would visit. I honestly don’t know the name she used. Our operation was code-named Bad Apple’s. W. Ashton Bradford was the target. He was a rogue agent we terminated but screwed up the prosecution. The undercover agent, Ron Kroll, was playing the part of a terminated rogue agent.”

  “This guy Kroll must be one hell of an actor.” The Commander said.

  “Your tech mentioned one of the deceased bled to death from an unusual wound. Would you elaborate Commander?”

  “The deceased suffered a wound at the hands of an unknown person or persons. This wound appears to have severed his femoral artery. The wound occurred when the unknown assailant severed the deceased’s penis. The deceased bled to death while he was trying to reattach his penis with duct tape. The said penis was the largest our medical examiner claims to have seen. I suspect losing one that size might cause a person to overlook the fact he was bleeding out from a femoral artery.

  “We also found a nice and bloody folding knife in the rear seat of the car apparently driven by your female agent. And it appears she changed clothes as well. Remind me to be nice to the ladies carrying federal creds.”

  “Thank you for your candor Commander,” Ransom said. “I understand from that Agent’s supervisor that she is concerned about her knife.”

  “Once we have her statement I will approve releasing it to her. She might want the pistol with a real interesting holster back as well.”

  “I think we are getting into an area we don’t need to know. Commander, I heard your reminder about sharing. And what you have shared is most welcome. Thank you for your time. Supervisory Special Agent Havelee Harris ASAC Quarles are the agents assigned to inspect this scene. Quarles will remain here. We need Agent Harris to accompany us to a neighboring ranch. She will return when that detail is complete.

  “I believe the Chief Federale has arrived.”

  They watched the Mexican helicopter land. A distinguished looking Latino with stone gray hair alighted from the aircraft. After introductions, he was directed to a body bag, which a technician unzipped for him. The man nodded as he said, ‘that is El Jefe. May he rest in hell.”

  The Mexican official asked for a briefing on how the criminal died. The Official listened to everything. He spoke in accented English.

  “When I was a young Federale I worked Sonora. Time and time again we were called to the bodies of narco trafficantes dead on our side of the border. They were always killed as they prepared to execute a hombre who told of their deeds. That was the work of La Migra El Con Riflie. He must still ride these hills.”

  The Mexican looked north and crossed himself saying, “Vaya Con Dios Mi Amigo, muy gracious.”

  With that, he shook hands and returned to his helicopter. As the noise of the departing aircraft subsided. The Director asked.

  “Anyone know what that last part was all about?”

  “Thirty years ago or there about, I was a rookie trooper working this sector. There was a legend about a border patrolman who used a long range rifle to shoot drug smugglers. They confiscated one of their guy’s rifle and tried to match it to evidence the Mexicans found. No match. Most people believe that is a story the Mexicans cooked up to cover up for one of their people doing the killing.” The State Police Commander said.

  The Director, Ransom Carter and Havelee all sat on the verandah of the Double B Ranch headquarters house. Carson Bell and TR sat with them. Estella served tea, and two little girls came around. Larcena sat next to Havelee while Lupe enjoyed sitting Carson Bell’s lap.

  “Mr. Rutledge the FBI and two of its agents owe you a large debt of gratitude for your help with getting that phone to Agent Harris. If we can ever do anything for you, legal that is, all you have to do is ask.” The Director said.

  TR didn’t waste any time asking. “Mr. Director, the first thing you can do is transfer Havelee to Tucson. She promised to marry me when this investigation is over. The second thing you can do is we are going to adopt that Apache girl is sitting next to her. Anything you can do to make that happen. I would appreciate. Your Agent Vargas plans on adopting Lupe, the little one sitting in Mr. Carson’s lap. Add that one to your list as well. And I’m not done asking either.”

  “Ransom, make what he wants happen. Congratulations Agent Harris. Now, what else is on your list Mr. Rutledge?”

  “I worked for Mr. Lyon Hamilton on the Rocking H Bar. Mr. Lyon would never sell the place. I believe those people killed him and buried him over there somewhere. Find his body. So his sister will know where he is.”

  “That is happening as we speak.”

  “Mr. Director, I have a question.” Carson Bell said.

  “Go ahead Mr. Bell.”

  “Sir I am a retired Air Force Colonel. This valley is my home. My late brother ran this ranch like our father and uncle did before him. I grew up with Lyon Hamilton. I too want him found. So do the rest of his friends in this valley. The next thing is, and I held a top secret security clearance when I was in the Air Force. So start telling me everything that happened at the Rocking H Bar. I can keep a secret.”

  The Director told him.

  Back at the Rocking H Bar the Director and Carter started toward their helicopter. The Director paused and looked at Havelee.

  “Transferring you out here will happen. My question to you, is, do you want greater responsibility? I think you can handle it.”

  “If I may be candid Sir.”

  “I would expect nothing less.”

  “I would love the responsibility, but I am afraid I would flunk the chick shit requirement.”
/>   “We need a lot less of that in management. The current Tucson SAC submitted her resignation to accept a job with a Congresswoman. When all the paperwork catches up, how would you like to be SAC Tucson?”

  I would, but Mr. Quarles is ASAC, shouldn’t he be given a chance?”

  “Well said, Quarles will do a good job for you. Right now I need you as Tucson SAC.”

  “I will accept Sir.”

  “Good wrap things up down here and wait for the official notification.”

  “I want Taylor, Morris, Vargas and Smith assigned to my Field Office Sir.”

  “I can do that. Put this mess to bed Agent Harris. We will talk when your promotion becomes effective. The only person you can tell is your cowboy, TR.

  “Yes, Sir!”

  As the helicopter ascended north over the Patagonia Mountains, the Director, and Carter spoke through headsets, with the pilot’s blocked from hearing their conversation.

  “Are you going to follow up on Kroll’s statement about a nuclear weapon El Jefe brought across the border for an attack on Los Vegas?”

  “I would if we had any evidence it was there. I’m going the ask the President to have the Army come clean about what they know.”

  “How are you going to handle who killed the bad guys?”

  “I’m going to spin it as being another Mexican drug cartel’s work. Let them start killing each other. That will solve the terrorist bomb plot in Tucson as well.”

  “It will give the President a chance to say look what we have done to keep our borders secure.”

  “He will say that.”

  “One thing that bothers me. Carson Bell said the same thing in Spanish the Chief Federale said. La Migra con riflie or some such.”

  “Ransom, when we get back to headquarters, take a look at that legend and see if there is any truth to it.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  There was no mention of this anywhere in the news media. The big story was as it happened. FBI and US Marshal Service SWAT teams descended on Santa Cruz County, arresting the Sheriff and seven deputies. The news media received the footage of their crimes. Video of deputies repeatedly kicking and beating the agents was shown over and over again. Along with footage of a deputy opening fire on an FBI helicopter. Agents Taylor and Morris were carried from the Santa Cruz County and loaded into an ambulance. Their condition was listed as guarded in a Tucson hospital.

  A search warrant revealed the Agents credentials the Sheriff’s desk drawer, along with their handguns. The Governor announced the State Police would take over the operation of the Santa Cruz County Sheriff’s Department until a successor could be appointed. There only four deputies that were not involved in the debacle. Two of them were out of state on vacation, and two more hadn’t answered their phones when called with orders to come into work.

  The President held a press conference at the White House to announce the FBI had thwarted a major terrorist plot against the United States involving the notorious Mexican Drug Lord El Jefe. At the President’s behest the FBI Director came to the podium and did the expected, the FBI took credit for the bust. Mexican drug cartels got the blame for assisting jihadists and blowing up rival gangs in Tucson. There was no mention of the San Rafael Valley.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  The Mexican Police and Military stormed El Jeffe’s compound. The Iranian bomb maker got killed in the shootout, or so it was said. Evidence recovered from the Tucson bombs connected the deceased bomb maker to those devices. Another victory for international cooperation along the US Border with Mexico. After the reorganization, it would be business as usual. The press made a big deal about a sophisticated border tunnel between a massage parlor and a strip joint.

  The former Santa Cruz Sheriff and most of his deputies and jailers faced indictment in US Federal Court for numerous charges stemming actions related to the shooting of Deputy Willie Hillman by FBI agents. The FBI shooting team found that Desmond Taylor acted within the agencies policy for using deadly force. The Santa Cruz County Prosecutor declined to take the shooting in front of a grand jury. Desmond and M&M would recover from their physical injuries. Taylor took leave and went home to Biloxi Mississippi where he spent time with Rev. Theodis Cleckler. M&M was transferred to the Tucson Field Office as was Ernie Smith.

  Miraculously, with all the agencies involved, the Rocking H Bar was never mentioned in any media releases. There was no mention of the nuclear bomb. The President told the FBI Director it was not his need to know. And the Director was having problems with a scandal involving a mistress. The General was not pleased with the Director claiming credit for what his Bureau didn’t do.

  Reid visited Burns place with several team members. They all shot the suppressed .338 Lupa rifle. Reid wanted three. Burns built them and never sent a bill. The team members that wanted Burns knives got them as well. During the visit, Reid briefed Burns about the bomb.

  “Once we got medical help for the FBI people. We drove the truck with the bomb back to Fort Huachuca. We entered the Fort via the rear gate and drove to the airfield where a C-17 waited on the ramp. My people drove the truck directly onto the aircraft. We stood by and watched the bird leave for points unknown. The General told me later the bomb was Soviet approximately twelve megatons in size and rigged to detonate via cell phones. Exactly like your typical IED. It would have worked and Las Vegas as we know it would no longer exist.”

  Reid extended his hand to Burns. “Good shooting Cowboy. Damn Good Shooting.”

  Jolene drove her Nissan 350Z to the trendy cafe in Fairhope Alabama. She was not looking for to this meeting. Lois Hamilton Thornton was waiting at a private table. The older woman got up and hugged Jolene.

  “I understand Sheriff Rabun needs to obtain a sample of my DNA. Can you explain that request?” Lois Thornton asked.

  ‘Officially your brother was listed as a missing person by the Baldwin County Sheriff’s Department. The State Police in Arizona has to make the request for DNA through the reporting agency.”

  “The FBI is not involved in this?”

  “No, the General made sure they stayed out of the way.”

  “He’s good at that sort of thing. What I want to know is, was Lyon involved in that mess?”

  “No, there is no evidence whatsoever that indicates he was anything other than a victim.”

  “Can you tell me about what they found when they discovered his body and why they want DNA if they know it was him?”

  “They are sure one body is your brothers due to identification found on it. They want the DNA sample to be one hundred percent sure. They can’t leave anything to chance.”

  “You said one body. You mean there were more?”


  “Tell me everything. Please.”

  “Lois, are you sure you to hear this?”

  “Jolene that’s my only sibling I have to know.” Lois Thornton was crying now. Hadfield reached over and held her hands. She let Lois cry for a few minutes. Jolene teared up as well.

  “Lois, your brother's remains, were discovered in a grave with three others. His cause of death was from a gunshot to the head. He died instantly. The medical examiner stated all those in that grave died almost at the same time. The other three’s injuries were consistent with being struck by a shod horse. Two men had their skulls crushed; the third had massive chest injuries.”

  “Don Cameron.” Lois Thornton said almost in a whisper. “Lyon always said that horse was as protective of him as a dog would be. The Border Collie Jazz was the same way. They would accept people who were with Lyon. But no one else could get near them. TR could feed them. And Miguel over at the Double B. I understand the horse and dog are over at the Double B. I don’t know what I can do with them now.”

  “The subject of the FBI investigation hijacked the Rocking H Bar and killed your brother. The horse and the dog defended Lyon. There was canine bite damage on the other bodies. So I can imagine what happened when those people killed Lyon. Andy Burns believes
their violent response was why they escaped and ran to a place of safety they were familiar with.”

  “What about the other graves?”

  “Mostly people they can’t identify and probably never be. There was one female, a Latina who was smuggled into the country believing her and her daughter would have a new life. Had she lived she would have been forced into prostitution. I understand the individual responsible died a very suitable death. The child was rescued and is in the process of being adopted to what will be a very good home.”

  “So they got everybody involved?”

  “They think so. It’s not likely anyone escaped.”

  “How do I give this DNA sample do they take blood?”

  “No, Sheriff Rabun is a friend of mine. I have a swab kit. I will take a saliva swab from your mouth. Then seal it in a test tube and it will be sent overnight FedEx.”

  “How long before they know for sure?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You told me from the beginning that your Andy Burns said someone stole the ranch. He was right. I’ve spoken with Carson Bell; he is impressed with Mr. Burns horsemanship. Lyon always said Don Cameron was a one-person horse. And Jazz, a one-person dog. Carson says Andy Burns handles them as well as Lyon ever did. I understand Mr. Burns wishes to purchase those animals.”

  “Yes, he does.”

  “I guess that brings us to the question of your fee. What do I owe you?”

  “You owe me the cost of the private investigators we used out there. Here is a copy of their bills. David Cromwell is Burns lawyer and accountant. He has already paid them. Just send a check to David and a copy of this bill.”

  “I want to compensate you Jolene for what you have done.”

  “Sell Andy Burns that horse and dog. I will consider us even. And if you decide to sell the Rocking H Bar, Buddy Russell one of the investigators we used is also a realtor out there who can handle the transaction on that end. Andy wants the ranch as well, and he can afford it. David Cromwell has an offer ready for you to look at.”


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