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Page 45

by L M Adams


  My power bursts from me so heady and thick it consumes Lucien’s power. I drive into their Sacrals and makes them remember they are mine. I may be their whore, but they are my slaves.

  I scream and push back on the vampire, raising my body up until I’m sitting on both of their cocks. I begin riding them both as they scream for me in pleasure or terror – who knows the difference… who cares?

  My hands become unbound by will and thought and I reach up to the gods and goddesses and welcome them to commune with me. There is no matter, only power and will – there is majic.

  They wish to know of the power of Ishtar, they wish to know of my love. Then I shall show them. My men scream as I come on them… in them and they in me. As I squeeze so much pleasure from their bodies and minds… from their very souls that their hearts slow to only a breath away from death if only I wished it.

  I look down at the Beast, his eyes shine gold and purple and true.

  “Behave,” and my voice echoes with layers, one syllable chasing the other, layering my voice with power.

  “Yes, my Goddess.”

  I turn my head to look at my Vampire, his eyes shine blue and purple and true.


  “As my Goddess wishes.”

  “Worship me,” I order them both and they scream as their sacks empty and their synapses ignite with pleasure.

  “Goddess!” The vampire screams as the beast roars.

  I turn to look at the beast, his fear brings me back to myself… at least a bit.

  “You do not use your power in the midday sun unless you can maintain control. Do you understand me Lucien Hari Ramzia?”

  He nods, gritting his teeth.

  “Lucien, shall pay tribute.”

  His mouth opens wide with a roar of pleasure as I rip another painful orgasm from him in tribute.

  I turn to look at the vampire again. He begins to tremble, knowing he is next.

  “Your pride is not worth our lives, if you need help to survive you will take the help.”

  “I understand, I do not need…”

  “Capaneus, shall pay tribute.”

  I watch his torment play out in slow motion, abs contracting painfully, eyes closed against the horrid pleasure, his fangs slide down as he loses complete control – as if control was something that was his to command in the first place.

  I. Am. Goddess.

  He is the dreamer, the fruit of the womb, the connection to Isis – and yet he has turned away from his true purpose and now only serves the curse of his people – what kind of existence could that ever be? He has turned dreams of connectivity to pursuits of power, turned the giving heart into the bondage of a slave… he has forgotten.

  I turn back to my strength, the rock that did not know how to bend.

  He the builder, the seed, the connection to Ra – and yet he fears his own strength. He watched his life burn and has been running from that fire ever since. Now he lets his own curse consume him as punishment – what kind of existence could that ever be? He has turned protection to jealousy, turned the dominant heart into one of unbridled rage… he has forgotten.

  With a thought I tell them both to hold me to them. They sit up and clasp me, one another, in their arms. I warm them with the fire of creation and chill them with the ice of death – I show them the duality of all – I am their perfect virgin whore.

  I. Am. Goddess.



  The power begins to dissipate as we fall to the weaved palm leaf floor of our little hut; becoming once again mortals in this corporeal world. A tangle of arms and legs, their cocks slip from my body, soft, pliant… obedient.

  Our collective consciousnesses fall into a peaceful slumber, my heart at peace – I do not mind playing the dutiful whore for them, not one bit. But they will not use me because they are making bad decisions. I whore for pleasure and pleasure alone.

  The midday sun comes and goes, and still we slumber through the heat of the day. Not until I feel the push of Neoma begin that my consciousness rises from the depths of nothing as the eventide cresses and with it the power of the moon begins to ascend as the heavenly body.

  Some other thing fills me… calls to me. Lucien and Jack are still dead to the world – yet still, the both of them look healthy. Jack’s skin is completely healed, albeit a bit tanned. Their bodies gorgeous, relaxed, rippling in muscle, their manhoods soft and drained… dark and light, my ebony and ivory. I tuck away a secret smile as I get up and leave the palm leaf hut.

  I’m naked with the very lifeforce of my men still sticky and slick between my thighs, yet it doesn’t bother me – as if this is my true state, a purer version of myself and there is nothing shameful about it.

  The golden sand beneath my feet is hot, yet the heat doesn’t bother me, instead it is a comfort. I climb up the closest sand dune to get a better view. Just as I crest the sparkling sand hill, the sun begins to set, the temperature begins to drop, and I’m filled with enough power to birth a cosmos. I knew that Ra was strong here, but I feel Neoma, I feel her like I’ve never felt her before.

  Is all power here just stronger? Was the connection to the gods more pure, more innate… simply more in this time?

  The sight of the sun setting over the golden mounds of sand will be something I never forget. What has just tried its damnedest to kill us for the past few hours, now sets my heart ablaze with beauty. But perhaps that is the duality in all things.

  A sweet wind blows over me and my heart aches with longing and peace, with confusion and wisdom, with all and nothing.

  The sky above me is so clear, seeming so close that I could reach up and pluck the stars from the purple velvet sky above me… if only I tried.

  “Jaevia?!” I hear Lucien’s roar.

  I turn my head slightly, “Here.” I whisper, knowing that he can hear me.

  I feel them both draw near, my sun and earth. They join me at the top of the dune, wanting to be close, yet keeping their distance. Afraid of my mood.

  “Are you all right, Jae?” Jack’s voice filled with worry.

  I nod, “I’m just fine.”

  “Are you angry with me then, Wench?”

  “No, Lucien.”

  “Are you hurt then? I know we hurt you and I… I am sorry. You have no need to fear me… run from me... I will not lay another hand on you…”

  “Lucien,” I turn to him. His features are covered with worry and regret. “You did not hurt me, and I am not running from you.” I reach up to cup his face gently.

  “You brought your goddess out to stop us…”

  “No, I brought my goddess out because you both needed her.”

  “Thank you,” his voice is deep and rough, and just a bit shy.

  I nod gently and let my hand fall from his roughhewn features so I can hug him to me.

  “Oh, Wench,” he sounds overcome with emotion, “I am such a fool.”

  “A bit cocky, that is all – and this I love about you. But your connection to Ra is stronger here, you know this. Let yourself, your curse, adjust.”


  “Unbraid my hair, Jack.”

  I feel Jack’s body closer to me and his hands come to unbraid my hair.

  “And you, my dear vampire king… you may not be a Blood Lord here, but you are a son of Isis – if you would accept this, I believe you would find untold power in these lands.”

  “I don’t know how to do that…” I turn my head to look at him, eyebrow raised. He bows his head. “But I shall try.”

  I hum and turn back to Luey, letting Jack finish undoing the large thick French braid.

  “I’m going for a swim.”

  “Jae…” Lucien starts, not wanting me in danger, his need to protect firing through him.

  I pull back and smile up at him. “The mighty Sobek welcomes me, he welcomes us all… home.”

  My husbands stand at the top of the dune as I turn away and walk back to the cooling water
of the oasis. The large date palm leaves swing in the breeze, they almost seem happy to see me. At times fear keeps you from enjoying life. I know that more than most. I’ve lived most of my life in fear… afraid to fail my parents; the Kindred. Afraid of my own choices, afraid of the consequences of my choices, afraid to love and trust. Afraid of my own spirit and existence. I know fear, but I know of bravery too. I know what it means to have courage in the face of evil – even when that evil wears your own face. I know the bravery in taking another step forward when all you want to do is retreat. I know the courage it takes to die and the courage it takes to live. I know the courage of love.

  This side of the lake has no shore, the land simply drops off into the hidden depths of the underground lake. I dive headfirst into the inky depths that reflect the stars so beautifully.

  This place and I are one and almost the same. These dark waters are life giving, and death dealing. They are a beginning and an end. This power, the majic of Sobek, feels familiar to my own. My body floats in full suspension, still in these reflections of heaven. Sparkles float in the water and I feel the heartbeats of his creatures, their curiosity – the great crocodiles of Sobek, friend of Horus.

  The water is so clear, the stars so bright, the majic so pure – I can see under water so very clearly the movement of the large crocodiles. Their armored hides sparkling in green and blue hues. Their eyes a herald to times long ago when the great dragons of before ruled these lands. The iris slits are dark and deep, around the sharp ovals the colors of green and yellow – the eyes of hunters.

  I hold open my arms, welcoming them to me, and slowly one very large croc begins to swim towards me using his large thick powerful tail to propel him beneath the water. He’s massive, at least thirty feet long… and old, so achingly old. These are his lands, his waters and so he guards them against all that would not be friend.

  Perhaps I should be afraid, but there is no fear, because I remember him, and I know that he remembers me. Perhaps not the me I am now, but another me from another time and space or even another existence.

  The great Sobek tests me and the large croc opens its powerful jaws showing those deadly teeth, yet still, I smile and welcome him to me.

  At the last moment he rolls that massive body and swims past me, the current is so strong it turns me in a perfect pirouette. Soon at least twenty of the large crocs swim around me in welcome. I reach out a hand to touch their toughened hides. Many of them roll over showing me their white bellies, their vulnerability, showing their trust in me.

  I could stay here, in this world within a world, for forever. But still, I’m caught in the coil of this mortal flesh and I need to breathe air.

  Perhaps they can read my thoughts, the largest of them, the one that carries the spirit of Sobek the deepest, swims back towards me. I can feel his intent in my thoughts – or perhaps it is my heart.

  I grab hold of him and turn mounting his back and squeezing his sides with my thighs. His armored back digs into my flesh, into my sensitive places, yet it is a pain I remember, a pain that is pleasure; after all, there are not many that can ride the back of a crocodile.

  We erupt from the surface of the water not more than a few feet away from my husbands. They stand worried at the water’s edge. Lucien holds his sword in his hand tightly.

  “Ra take me, Jaevia.” He whispers, amazed, afraid… mostly proud.

  Jack looks downright horrified.

  I grin at them both and pat the great Sobek, lean over and kiss the top of his head and get up before I give my husbands a heart attack.

  “Thank you,” I whisper to him before I walk over to Jack.

  My vampire husband grabs my wrist and draws me closer to him… he’s trembling lightly, eyes wide. I turn to see what has him so afraid. The surface of the water seems to move with life… with the bodies of the crocodiles I just swam with.

  “I’m okay,” I smile.

  “Goddess help me, Jaevia, I just knew you were being eaten alive. But Lucien knew…” he shakes his head “… he knew you’d be welcomed.” Jack sounds so lost, he feels lost. He does not understand the balance of life. My beautiful vampire has lived for too long and too deeply in only the power of death.

  But death can give life. The death of just one of Sobek’s mighty creatures, will give the three of us life on our journey. But it was important that we show ourselves as friend before taking from his waters.

  Lucien drives his sword into the sandy shore and takes one knee.

  “Sobek, my brother, I and my mates need your flesh and hide for the journey ahead. I ask for gift and favor.” Lucien whispers bowing his head, showing reverence.

  The mighty croc opens his jaws wide and snaps them closed before turning and walk back to the edge of the dark waters.

  Lucien stands and strips out of his pants…

  Jack runs an errant hand through his dark hair, “Please tell me you’re not about to go battle a crocodile ass naked!”

  Lucien turns to look at Jack, a raised eyebrow his only expression of confusion. “Aye, I will have better movement without the clothing, but I can wear the pants if you would like.”

  “No…” Jack says hauntingly, “no, I want you to not go and fight a fucking crocodile, butt ass naked or not!”

  Luey sighs and walks over to Jack, cupping his face gently. “Believe in me, hmm?”

  Jack sighs closing his eyes, “It is not about believing…”

  Lucien cuts him off with a kiss, a short and sweet pressing of lips, “It is always about believing.”

  He pulls away from Jack, smiles at me full of cockiness, and turns grabbing his sword from the sand before going to the water’s edge, dick swinging all the while.

  “Jaevia, please explain this to me.” Jack begs, so very lost.

  “Sobek will give Luey a crocodile as tribute to a son of Ra, to Horus reborn, and brother. But Luey wishes to give that crocodile an honorable death. You must give as much as you take from the lands, strive to live as one in the balance.”

  I do my best to explain to Jack what Luey was trying to explain to me earlier. Do not take more than you need and give back what you can. That killing for sustenance and survival, that taking from the lands, should be done with reverence and respect. You cannot kill for sustenance with the same heart as you do when killing an enemy.

  “I feel like I’m in the fucking twilight zone.” He whispers sounding so very dejected… it’s cute.



  The battle between the crocodile and Lucien begins. There is a thrashing of water at Lucien tries to grapple with the croc. The two forms roll and turn in the water, I can just spot Lucien’s hair and the lighter underbelly of the crocodile before they both go under and all goes quiet and stays quiet for minutes on end. Jack can’t settle his heart enough and starts pacing back and forth at the water’s edge.

  He’s worried and out of his element. He’s lived a life pampered in political espionage, yes, as a slave – but a slave in a gilded cage. This land of before is alien to him.

  I’m not sure why I’m adjusting better, perhaps because I have lived off the land before. Perhaps I am more in tune with my inner goddess and she remembers these lands. But most likely, it is because I still have my powers, and although Jack preaches of wanting to leave the vampires behind – he feels naked without them. Without the steady weight of their sin and companionship in his heart. I know I would.

  “I’m getting cold,” I whisper, trying to distract him. It works as he pauses his pacing to go back to our little hut and grabs my clothes for me.

  I skip the pants and decide to just put on my panties and tank top. I’m not really cold after all.

  “We should gather branches for a fire,” I try to give him another task to keep him occupied.

  “He’s been under there for five minutes, Jaevia!” Jack rages at me.

  “Dry ones would be best,” I say dispassionately.

  “I cannot believe this!” But he stomps of
f to get the branches. “You know what? Perhaps I should believe this. The sun has addled both of your brains, I’m the last sane man in the middle of no fucking where!”

  I try to hide my smile as he brings over an armful of branches and dumps them at my feet.

  “Neatly, Jack.” He bends over to straighten out the wood, and right at that same moment the inky star filled surface of the water ripples.

  “Look,” I whisper and point.

  Jack stands up straight to stare at the spot. The head of one Lucien Hari Ramzia breaks the surface.

  “See, nothing to worry about.”

  “He actually did it? He actually won?”

  “Of course, he’s Luey.”

  “He’s never going to shut up about it now… Lucien – the bare assed crocodile slayer.”

  I laugh agreeing, “Well, he’s not really meek, is he?”

  Jack chuckles, sounding more like himself, “No, that is not an adjective I would use for Lucien.”

  Our husband – the bare assed crocodile slayer – rises from the water. His sword in one hand, the tail of a croc in the other as he drags the large animal behind him. It isn’t the one I rode, the largest of the bask, but one of the others. Still… he is a hearty sacrifice and tribute from the mighty Sobek to the son of Ra.

  I think upon the waters with thanks and I feel my power radiate out, I’m sure some lady crocs will enjoy the randy attention of their males, and few eggs will be fertilized, we are giving more than we take.

  Dripping wet Lucien with a sword in one hand and dinner in the other… it’s sexy as fuck.


  Jack clears his throat awkwardly, and I know he feels the same, although, he won’t dare express it.

  “Oh aye, Wench? Capaneus should be able to make us a decent meal.”

  I chuckle low at Mr. Oblivious. Jack groans and goes to find stones to put around what will be our fire pit.

  Soon Lucien has a fire built and begins gutting the croc. Jack actually manages to get over himself and becomes eager to learn. It seems he’s hunted animals before… as sport – but he’s never actually gutted one, prepared one for consumption.


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