Kanes' Kisses: A Three Book Collection

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Kanes' Kisses: A Three Book Collection Page 7

by Loni Ree

  While his uncle orders boxes of treats for their law office, Jason pulls me aside and tells me, “Snowball seemed a little out of sorts when I dropped him off with my sister earlier. Do you think you could drop by later and check him out?”

  Concern for the little guy hits me. “What do you mean, out of sorts?”

  Before I can get too worked up, Jason runs a hand down my arm and reassures me, “He wasn’t acting sick or anything. Just not as playful as usual. I just want to be sure that he’s okay.”

  My pulse begins racing for a whole new reason with his warm hand touching my skin. Everyone else in the room fades away as he looks into my eyes. For a moment, I forget what we are even discussing. After taking a few seconds to pull myself together, I agree, “I’ll come over later on and make sure everything is okay. I just need your address.”

  He holds out his hand and smiles. “Give me your phone and I’ll program my number and address.” Without thinking, I hand over my phone and watch while he types. After finishing, he smiles and hands my phone back. “I’ll see you later tonight.”

  Once I agree to meet him later, the guys leave, and I turn to my sister. “You never did hand over the shoes.”

  Chapter 15


  An hour later, I walk through the garage door and throw my purse on the granite counter, still shaking my head at the events of the day. I can’t believe, after Tricia assaulted Jason with a door, my sister had the bright idea to set us up using my love for Snowball. They just need to meddle in my relationships.

  After changing clothes, I hurry and eat a sandwich then grab a can of soda before rushing out the door. I’m eager to check on Snowball. The closer I get to Jason’s house, the more my stomach cramps from nerves. These new, intense feelings are terrifying me. His large home is located a few miles outside of town at the end of a private road.

  Once I pull into the circular driveway and park, I sit back in the seat and take a deep breath to calm my nerves until I’ve talked myself into getting out of the car. I check my teeth in the rearview mirror before forcing myself to open the door and step out of the car. I head up the steps of the wrap-around porch and ring the doorbell before giving myself the chance to turn around and leave. As the door flies open, my heart slams against my chest at the sight of him holding the small puppy up against his broad chest. The tight t-shirt and well-worn jeans mold to his fit body and cause my body to overhead. Nerves are forgotten as lust takes over.

  “I was starting to worry that you’d forgotten us.” He smiles and steps back for me to enter. As I walk past, his unique masculine scent wraps around me, and the lust rushing through me intensifies.

  I turn and run my hand over the furry little head and respond, “I had to run home and change. Sorry it took so long to get here.”

  Snowball licks my hand, and as far as I can tell, the puppy looks perfectly fine. Jason must read my mind because he admits, “I know he looks okay right now, but he alternates between normal and sick. Why don’t we go into the living room for you to check him out?”

  When he walks away, my eyes stray to his perfect ass, and I groan in the back of my throat. Worry for Snowball competes with lust for Jason as I fight to maintain control of my emotions. I follow him into the living room and wait for him to hand over the puppy. Throughout my examination, as Jason watches me intently, my skin tingles with awareness as the room fills with sexual energy.

  After examining Snowball, I can’t find anything wrong with him. The puppy acts normal one moment, then the next minute, he seems lethargic and listless. Twice, I’ve moved toward the front door to leave, and the puppy takes a turn and looks sick.

  Jason looks at me with worried eyes and shakes his head. “See, he just isn’t acting right. Do you think he’s sick?”

  “I can’t figure out what’s wrong with the little guy. He doesn’t appear to have anything wrong with him. Maybe I should stay a while and observe him.” Both Jason and Snowball seem to perk up at my offer.

  “Then let’s watch a movie and keep an eye on the little guy.” Jason takes my hand and leads me into his spacious sunken living room. I notice a large flat screen television hanging over the fireplace. “Have a seat and I’ll grab us something to drink, then we can see what’s on.” Jason points at the huge leather sofa across from the fireplace, and I smile and sit with Snowball.

  While he’s getting our drinks, I look around the enormous room. One wall is covered in bookshelves, and I’m dying to sneak a peek at his reading tastes. The other side of the room is floor to ceiling windows looking out over the beautiful open country-side. Since his nearest neighbor must be over a mile away, this home feels quaint and private.

  “I made us some hot chocolate. Hope that’s okay.” Jason hands me a steaming mug, and I smile.

  “This smells wonderful.” When he sits next to me, his scent surrounds me, and I snuggle closer. Sitting so close to him causes dirty thoughts to filter through my mind. I squirm around, trying to ignore the sexual tension.

  We watch two movies, and the small puppy lays snuggled between both our laps. I check on Snowball periodically, and he appears to be fine. After the second movie, I admit, “I’m dead on my feet. It was a long weekend.” Snowball has been sleeping comfortably the entire movie, and I can’t find any signs of distress.

  He smiles and rubs circles on my hand before asking, “Can I take you to dinner on Friday night?”

  “It’ll have to be a late dinner. My office has hours until six.” We agree on a late dinner, then I gather my things. Snowball limps across the floor and whimpers as he rubs his head on my leg. Leaning down, I run a hand over his soft fur, and he drops at my feet.

  “See, this is how he’s been acting. Like something is wrong.” Jason picks the little puppy up and cuddles him. When I take the puppy, he snuggles into my arms and closes his eyes.

  “I wish I could take him home to keep an eye on him tonight, but my landlord would toss me out. I’m never going to sleep while worrying about him.” I bite my lip, trying to think. There’s no one who is up at this time. My sister and Tricia get to the bakery at four o’clock in the morning, so Megan would kill me if I woke her up to babysit a sick puppy.

  “Would you like to sleep in my guest room? I hate to think about you worrying about him.” As I nod my agreement, I tell myself that I’m only doing it for Snowball. Yeah, right. Staring at Jason’s ass as he walks up the stairs in front of me, I realize it’s going to be a long night. Between worry for Snowball and lust for Jason, sleep will be scarce. He gives me a t-shirt to sleep in, and as his wonderful scent wraps around, my eyes roll back. This isn’t going to help my sleeping situation.

  Snowball sleeps like a baby. I wish I could say the same for myself. What little sleep I manage to get is filled with images of Jason’s bright blue eyes smiling down at me and his tight jeans-covered ass flexing under the denim. I wake up cranky and horny.

  Jason is sitting at his breakfast bar having coffee when I fly down the stairs. Needing to get home to shower and dress so I’m not late for my first appointment, I don’t have any time to waste. “I’m sorry to rush. I’ll call you later to check on the little guy, but he did fine all night.” I hand Snowball over to Jason and realize that the puppy doesn’t look great. My suspicion is raised. “Actually, why don’t you drop him off at my office on your way to work? I’ll have one of my techs watch him today, and you can stop by after work to get him.”

  Jason looks concerned. “You think there’s something wrong?”

  “Yeah. Smart puppy syndrome.” He looks confused, and I point my head at Snowball. “He’s fine until someone is ready to leave him. He’s got separation anxiety and is playing us.” Understanding dawns in Jason’s eyes, and he throws his head back.

  “That little shit. I’m thinking he’s dying, and he’s only acting.” As Jason shakes his head, I laugh.

  “I really need to head home so I can shower and change, or I’d take him with me.” Jason agrees to bring Sn
owball by the office as I rush out.

  Chapter 16


  “You stinker. I’m not complaining, except you nearly gave your old man a heart attack. We need to find a way to get her to spend more time with us without you freaking me out.” I fuss at the little shit as he looks up from the passenger seat. I wanted to take aspirin for the headache that he’s causing but forgot while trying to get him out the door. This six-month-old puppy is more work than a child, I think. He turns his head to the side, and I swear the puppy understands every word I’m saying.

  As I drive, I lament the situation. I’m tired, cranky, and feel the headache building behind my eyes. I didn’t sleep last night, knowing she was twenty feet down the hall. Every time I closed my eyes, I pictured her wearing my t-shirt and nothing else, which left me turned-on and wide awake. Knowing she’s a virgin brings out my caveman tendencies. After a cold shower and jacking off twice failed to help the situation, I gave up and watched television until it was time to get ready for work.

  Karen is at the front desk when I walk in with Snowball. She smiles and holds out her hand. “Sophie told me you’d be bringing this little doll by. She’s already seeing patients, but she said to tell you she’ll call you at lunch.” I hand my little faker over and head to the office.

  I’m just settling into my office when my uncle sticks his head in the door. “I need to see you for a second.” He walks in and shuts the door behind him, and I wish I’d taken that aspirin this morning. The headache is now pounding relentlessly.

  “We have three issues you need to be aware of…”

  It takes the rest of the morning for me to figure out how I’m going to handle Jackson Rand’s case. My uncle decided to give me my first huge case, and it’s my sister’s new love interest. Yay.

  The second issue is our former employee, Lola. She caused a scene at the Christmas party last weekend, when she started rumors about Jordan and his new girlfriend. Lola has been a nightmare since we hired her. She finally committed an act bad enough to warrant dismissal, but now she is becoming an even bigger problem. Uncle Harris tells me to handle the Lola situation as I see fit.

  Finally, he’s a little concerned about one of our newer lawyers. Uncle Harris has the feeling something is off with Debra Snider’s billing and cases. He wants me to keep an eye on Debra until he has proven that his intuition is wrong. In one fifteen-minute meeting, Uncle Harris has doubled my workload. Fuck my life. The headache is exploding now, and this time, it isn’t from the knot on the back of my head. I’m getting all the fun this week.

  Because I was too busy to take Sophie’s call earlier, she left a message that she’d meet me at my house this evening with Snowball. At least, my love life is looking up. With the help of a little furry friend, I’m wooing the girl of my dreams. Throughout the day, thoughts of Sophie sneak into my mind at the oddest times. I’m making plans to reel her in by Christmas since I don’t plan to let her slip through my fingers again.

  On my way home, I pick up dinner. When Sophie arrives, she smiles weakly and hands Snowball over. “Sorry, I have to drop him and run. I’m dead on my feet. He was perfectly fine all day long. Definitely separation anxiety. I can recommend trainers that can help you with the problem. Until you find something else, bring him to the office in the mornings, and he can stay with us while you work.”

  My little terror snuggles into my arms as I look at Sophie and say, “Thank you, but please stay for dinner. I’ve already set everything. At least, let me feed you for taking care of my little troublemaker,” I beg, and she considers for a minute before agreeing.

  Throughout the meal, Sophie struggles to stay awake. She tells me about her busy day at work and explains she’s currently looking for a new place to live. After we finish eating, I invite her to watch movies again, but she refuses.

  “I’ll see you Friday night,” she agrees instead as she’s heading for the door. Once again, Snowball acts pitiful, but we don’t fall for his antics this time. “Thank you for dinner. I’ll talk to you later in the week about our plans.” She leans up to kiss my cheek, but I turn my head and take her lips. This kiss hits me as hard as the first one. Groaning in the back of my throat as her mouth opens under mine, I tangle my tongue with hers and pull her curvy body tight against me.

  Her hands tangle in my hair as she holds on, and I lightly bite her bottom lip as I pull back and lay my forehead against hers. “Much more of this and I won’t be able to let you leave.”

  After reaching up to kiss my chin, she smiles. “I hate to leave, but I need to get some rest before tomorrow. I’ll see you Friday.”

  I watch her pull away and adjust myself. Looks like I’ll spend another sleepless night wishing my girl was in bed with me. Instead of a warm, cuddly woman, I end up with a cold nose jammed right in my side. Every time I move, Snowball follows. By morning, I’m hanging off the side of my bed while the small dog is spread out across the whole thing.

  “Man, I’m making you sleep in your bed tonight,” I grumble, and he looks at me unconvinced. We both know I’ll cave when the crying starts.

  Friday can’t come soon enough. Work is kicking my ass. I realize my uncle is brilliant. He nerfed dealing with Damien Rand’s insane manager and my sister’s hysterics by putting them off on me without blinking. The Lola situation was easier to fix. I pushed that task off onto my sister, Candace. If she wants me to fix her boyfriend and his twin brother’s business and criminal affairs, she’ll take over the Lola problem. Shit flows downhill as Candace finds out today.

  We fall into a routine with Snowball. After the pup spends the day with Sophie, he sleeps with me as I cling to the edge of the bed. Then I get glimpse of my girl when I drop the little guy off and pick him up, but it’s not enough.

  Working on Jackson Rand’s case gives me negotiating power with Candace. I wander into her office Friday afternoon and inform her, “Hey, I need you to do me a favor.” She looks up from the computer and stares at me.

  “The last favor involved me taking over the Lola situation. I’m fresh out,” she sasses, and I shrug.

  “It might be a difficult case with your boyfriend. I mean…” I know how to push my sister’s buttons, and she interrupts before I even get to my threat.

  “Oh, for the love of God, what do you need?” She glares as I smile sweetly.

  “Nothing hard. I’ll drop Snowball off on my way home. I have a date tonight, and the little guy can’t stay alone yet. He has separation anxiety.” As I’m turning for the door, something hard clubs me in the back.

  “I can’t believe I’m babysitting your love dog. You dumbass. Next time, get a fish to impress your girl,” she screeches.

  I call over my shoulder, “She’s the one. There won’t be a next time. By the way, I’m sure Snowball will get along with Dirk, but tell your foul-mouthed bird not to teach my puppy any bad habits.”

  “You asshole. He’s foul-mouthed because you taught him the words. I’m going to return the favor. You just watch,” she promises as I walk away. I’m glad dogs don’t talk since she probably would try to teach my poor baby bad language. I had no idea the bird was smart enough to learn, “Good morning, asshole,” when I told him that every morning. She should have found a better babysitter than her twenty-three-year-old brother to watch Dirk while she went to Mexico for a week. I consider the foul-mouthed bird her fuck up, not mine.

  Chapter 17


  I’m ready to go but nervous as hell. For the rest of the week, I’ve counted down the minutes until I get to see Jason again. The last couple of days at work have dragged while waiting for Friday to get here, and now that it’s here, I’m so excited for our date.

  I finally got my Louboutins from Megan, and I borrowed a blue dress to match for tonight. Wanting to wow Jason, I curl my hair into ringlets and let it hang down my back then put on a little more makeup than usual. I’m pacing the floor when I see his car pull into my driveway.

  After he rings the doorbel
l, I wait a few seconds before opening the door since I don’t want to appear too desperate. He looks me up and down slowly before stepping into the room and shutting the door. My brain shuts off completely as his lips cover mine.

  We come up for air, and he lays his head up against mine and groans, “Let’s go before I say to hell with dinner.”

  Unable to find the words to respond, I smile and grab my purse. He takes me to a new Italian restaurant across town. As we pull into the full parking lot, he turns to me and asks, “I hope this is good with you?” I haven’t really paid attention to anything since the kiss. My mind is still reeling.

  Nodding, I remark, “I’ve been dying to try this place.” At least, I’m able to make small talk now. My mind is finally waking up a little bit, and I realize Megan and Tricia are going to be so jealous. They’ve been trying to get reservations here forever.

  We’re shown to a small table in the back corner of the room. Trying to pay attention to the menu is hard with Jason’s scent surrounding me. The buzzing returns and all the people in the room disappear. I finally pick something that sounds delicious and lay the menu aside. After ordering, we’re finally left alone. He tells me about his week and his increased workload.

  “Where’s Snowball?” I find a safe subject to discuss while squirming in my chair.

  “My sister is dog-sitting tonight.” He smiles, and I take a huge gulp of my wine to cool my thoughts. How long does it take to make Chicken Parmesan anyway?

  “When are you getting him back?” I ask, trying to find a safe subject. I wonder if Jason realizes the affect he is having on me right now?

  “I told Candace I’d get him tomorrow sometime.” He smiles, and there go all the safe subjects in my arsenal.


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