Kanes' Kisses: A Three Book Collection

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Kanes' Kisses: A Three Book Collection Page 8

by Loni Ree

  I let him carry the conversation since I’m caught up in my lustful haze. As we’re walking out to his car, I realize I didn’t even taste my dinner. “Would you like to come to my house to watch a movie?” he asks after helping me into my seat and I freeze.

  “Uh, sure. That sounds great.” Brain overload caused by being enclosed in this tight space next to him hits me.

  After deciding on a movie, we sit on the sofa, and the closeness isn’t helping my condition. Trying to watch the movie is useless with his body pressing up against mine. After I look up at him and smile, he leans down and softly touches his lips to mine. I moan at the soft contact, letting my lips open for his tongue to sweep inside of my mouth.

  The next thing I know, I’m sitting across his lap, running my hands through his thick hair. When he stands, I wrap my legs around his waist and allow him to carry me up the stairs. He runs his nose down the side of my neck and whispers, “If you have any doubts, now would be the time to voice them.” And I shake my head, unable to find my voice.

  He gently lays us on the bed with me still wrapped around his body. “If we are going to go much further, you’re going to have to let me undress us,” he teases, and I giggle then release his neck and unwrap my legs.

  As he stands and begins slowly stripping, I melt into the bed at the sight before me. My gaze slides down his muscular chest and well-defined abdomen, halting as he begins lowering his zipper. He drops his pants, and my eyes pop when I get my first look at his huge cock. Holy freaking cow.

  “I love the way you’re looking at me,” Jason groans as he runs his hand up and down his dick. Moaning, I lean over and run my thumb over the head to catch the bead of cum that appears, and he throws his head back and shudders. His eyes turn dark when I bring my thumb up to my mouth to taste him.

  He spreads my legs and starts moving up the inside, leaving little kisses and nips along the way. When he finally gets to my pussy, I breathe a sigh of relief as he pulls my thong down and spreads my lips, breathing warm air into my wet center. The first touch of his tongue to my sensitive clit causes me to cry out as stars burst behind my closed eyelids. He slowly pushes two fingers into my tight opening and scissors them while sucking on my little bud, and I explode without warning. “Fuck, I’ll never get enough of you,” he groans as he licks my juices. When my ears stop ringing, I realize I’ve been screaming his name while clutching his head to my pulsing core as the orgasm raced through my body.

  My body is still on sensory overload when he crawls up my body and runs his tongue around one of my aching nipples. He licks across my chest to treat the other one with the same attention, and the sensation is almost too much. I wrap my legs around his waist, trying to alleviate the frustration of waiting, and beg, “Fuck me, please.”

  He reaches over to the bedside table for a second, and I realize he getting a condom. Protection never even crossed my mind. Finally, Jason runs his cock through my wetness then slowly starts pushing into my waiting pussy. As I tense up, he whispers in my ear, “I’m trying not to hurt you too much. I’m pretty sure I love you.” My shock at his admission is overshadowed by the pain when he thrusts forward all the way. He immediately stills and gives me time to adjust. As my eyes fill with tears, I’m not sure if they are from the pain of his penetration or from joy at his words.

  “I think I love you, too. Now move your ass,” I groan, and he laughs then slowly starts circling his hips. The pain begins receding, and in its place are the most delightful little bursts of pleasure. After a few minutes, Jason’s circles become slow thrusts that increase in pace until I’m piercing his back with my nails as an orgasm starts moving through my body. As my tight pussy constricts around his shaft, Jason jerks and huffs against the side of my neck as I feel his warm cum filling the condom.

  “Fuck, I’ll never get enough of you.” He kisses my ear then pulls his dick from my body. “Give me a second.” He disappears into the bathroom. When he returns, he pulls me into his arms and we snuggle together.

  “Snowball is going to be jealous,” I tease.

  Jason laughs. “Let him get his own girl. You’re mine now.”

  Chapter 18


  The next day, we go to pick up the little guy, and I get to meet Candace and her new boyfriend, Jackson, whose twin brother is a huge rockstar. It’s shocking how much he looks like his twin brother, and I have a hard time not staring at him. Candace’s Macaw, Dirk, seems to have fallen in love with Snowball. Snowball sits next to his cage, and the bird sings while Snowball blinks and stares.

  “Your dog hasn’t moved all night. When Jackson took him for a short walk, my freaking bird squawked, ‘Asshole,’ the entire time they were gone,” she growls at her brother. “If my bird acts out after you leave, you’re paying for therapy,” she tells Jason as the bird looks lovingly at the puppy.

  Jason walks over to pick up Snowball, and Dirk jumps onto the bars of his cage. The piercing screech that fills the condo is deafening. Jackson whistles under his breath as Candace walks over and tries to comfort the bird.

  I bite my lip, wondering if I should intervene, and finally decide to suggest, “I have recommendations for excellent bird trainers. Call me and I’ll give you their numbers.” Candace glares at her brother but smiles and agrees.

  As we walk down the hall, the sound of a shrieked, “Asshole, asshole, asshole,” follows us.

  “Yep, the bird is in love.” Jason laughs as we get on the elevator. “My sister is going to be out for blood. I may have to take a sick day Monday. When I taught the bird to say, ‘Good morning, Asshole,’ she acted like it was no big deal, but the next weekend she invited me for a sibling’s massage.” He stutters as he finishes recalling the story. “While I’m falling asleep on the table, a little chick comes in and tells me, “Your sister paid for you to have the full treatment.” The next thing I know, there’s warm liquid being spread on my chest. Just as I’m thinking wow, that kinda feels nice, BAM the chick rips all the fucking hair off my freaking chest. Evidently, the full treatment is a full body waxing. Never gonna trust my sister’s generosity again.

  As I laugh at his story, I remind myself never to get on Candace’s bad side.

  After spending the rest of the weekend together, I hate going back to my lonely apartment on Sunday night. I spend the entire night missing Jason and Snowball. Jason manages to soothe his sister’s ruffled feathers at work on Monday, at least for now. When Jason asks me to spend the night again Monday night, I can’t resist. This begins a cycle that we continue up until Christmas.

  The week of Christmas, Jason invites me to his uncle’s house for Christmas dinner, and I’m nervous and excited. We’ll spend the day after Christmas with my mother and sister, which should be fun. Not. Snowball is finally settling into a routine, and we’ll be able to leave him for a few hours.

  Christmas Day turns out much better than I expected. I wake up early and find Jason making breakfast. “What are you doing up so early?” I rub my eyes as I grab a cup for my much-needed coffee.

  “Sit at the breakfast bar and I’ll serve you.” He raises the pot to signal me, and I slide onto one of the stools. After we eat, Jason suggests opening our presents before we go to his uncle’s house. I fall in love with the beautiful diamond bracelet and stuffed German Shepherd puppy. Jason looks very handsome in the wool sweater and leather gloves that I give him. We each give Snowball several dog toys and a new bed. All in all, it’s a great Christmas morning.

  His uncle lives in a gorgeous modern home. When we arrive, Candace and Jackson are helping Harris set up for dinner. Jackson smirks at Jason. “You have no idea how close you came to getting another wax job.”

  “I maintain my innocence,” Jason argues, and Harris throws his head back and laughs while Candace prepares to argue.

  “Okay, guys, we aren’t going to try Jason for Dirk’s crudeness on Christmas.” As Jordan and his new girlfriend walk through the door, I realize she looks very familiar. Her adorable cat,
Milo, is a patient.

  While the guys are discussing Jackson’s case, I finally ask Candace, “How is Dirk doing?”

  “My brother bought him a stuffed German Shepherd, and Dirk loves the stupid thing. Luckily for Jason, I was starting to plan my revenge after listening to my bird call for his Asshole all night long.” I look over at my love, impressed at his ingenuity. He’s going to make a great father one day.

  The next day at my mother’s house turns out about as well as I expected. My mother takes joy in embarrassing me as usual. “Megan, when are you going to find a nice young man like you sister somehow managed and stop getting in trouble?”

  Of course, my sister can’t let that one pass. “Sophie only managed to snag him because I dared her to kiss him under the mistletoe.”

  Tricia snickers, and I groan as my overdramatic mother gasps and grabs her chest. “Not in public, I hope.”

  “Right there in Old Timer’s Tavern, I’m afraid. Everyone got to see her clean off his tonsils for a good couple of minutes.”

  While listening to my mother lament where she went wrong raising me, I wonder if my sister would like to go for a massage this week.

  Over time, more and more of my stuff begins to migrate to Jason’s house. I’m a little jealous when his brother proposes to Holly on Valentine’s Day, and I get a diamond pendant from Jason. I mean, the pendant is gorgeous, but a diamond ring would be prettier. Finally, around mid-April, he asks me to give up my lousy apartment and move in permanently. I jump at the chance and take great pleasure in telling my creepy landlord to take a hike. We get all of my things moved into Jason’s home within a week, and I’m settled in a few days later.

  Things are going great when, one Wednesday afternoon, I’m checking out Toodles, a cute little Shih Tzu, when Karen pops her head in the door. “Your sister is on the phone and said it’s an emergency.”

  My heart drops and I ask, “Would you give them an appointment for Toodles’ next check-up and the new puppy info?” After Karen nods, I smile at Toodles’ owners then rush out the door.

  When I get to my desk, I see six missed calls from Megan and two from Tricia. I call Megan without listening to the voicemails. “Oh my God. Your boyfriend is representing the company that’s shutting down my bakery,” she screeches in my ear before I even say hello.

  “What are you talking about?” I try to understand what the hell is going on.

  She shrieks in the phone at me, “A little dickhead just came in and served official papers with the Kane Law Firm name across the top that says I have thirty days to find another location because this one has been sold. I can’t move my bakery in thirty freaking days.”

  “There has to be some mistake,” I try to assure her. Jason would have told me if he was working on this. “I’m on my way over.”

  I’m so upset for Megan; I don’t even remember the drive to Sweet Treats. Megan’s waiting at the door and thrusts the papers in my face before I even clear the door. My heart sinks when I see the Kane & Associates logo. Jason and Harris’ signatures on the last page send an arrow right through my heart. I spin, leaving to head over to their firm, and call over my shoulder, “Just you wait. I’m about to wax two jerks.”

  Darla, the secretary, takes one look at my face and points at the conference room without trying to stop me. I fling the door open, and several shocked faces turn toward me. Jason is standing when I throw the papers down in front of him.

  “You better have a good excuse for this or I’m done with you.”

  “Everyone out, now,” Harris barks behind me, and I hear shuffling feet as Jason riffles through the papers.

  “I didn’t sign this, and I sure as fuck don’t know anything about your sister losing the building for her bakery.” He slams his hand on the desk then looks up at Harris who grabs the document to thumb through it.

  “What the fuck?” Relief flows through me when I realize they aren’t behind this. A part of me knew all along that Jason wouldn’t betray me this way.

  His dark eyes cut into me as he growls, “I’ll get to the bottom of this, don’t you worry. But right now, you get your ass home and think of ways to apologize for threatening to leave me and scaring the shit of me.” I swallow and look over at Harris, who’s trying to act like he isn’t listening.

  “Uh. Okay. I’ll see you at home. Can I tell my sister not to worry?” I ask as I walk to the door.

  “I’ll talk to Megan. I need to see what’s going on.” I nod as Jason follows me out the door to the elevator. He turns me and kisses me roughly before the doors open. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  I swallow and nod as I step on the elevator.

  Chapter 19


  My day was going fine until my world almost imploded. Hearing Sophie threatening to end our relationship woke me to the fact that I’m never letting her go. After I figure out what the fuck is going on with Megan’s bakery, I’m going to tie Sophie to me so she can’t get away easily.

  The office is buzzing with gossip after Sophie bursts into the meeting. Uncle Harris and I try to keep the investigation under wraps until we can figure out what’s happening. It only takes a couple of hours to find that Debra Snider has been taking on questionable clients and hiding her activities from the firm. She’s been forging our names to documents for weeks and serving paperwork for her clients. It might have taken much longer to come to light if not for Megan’s bakery. Firing Debra is only the beginning of cleaning up this mess. It’ll take weeks to fully fix this disaster.

  When I get home, my heart drops a little at the quietness of our house. I drop my things and head upstairs to look for Sophie. After opening the bedroom door, my eyes almost pop out of my head at the sight of her sprawled across the bed in a baby pink teddy. “I’m ready to make it up to you.” She bites her lip as she spreads legs and gives me a view of the wetness dripping from her tight center.

  I quickly rip my clothes off and drop them on the floor. My cock is so full it hurts. “That’s a good start,” I whisper as I climb up her beautiful body. She reaches between us to rub my dick, and I growl, “I don’t have much control tonight.”

  “That’s okay.” She winks and pushes me onto my back. As she runs her tongue along the head of my cock, my eyes roll back in my head. Her delicate licks while tugging up and down with her tight little hand are driving me insane. Finally, she closes her lips and sucks hard, causing me to grab the back of her head and piston my hips, thrusting into her mouth. When I feel an orgasm beginning, I pull her up and over me.

  “Ride me, baby,” I command as she sinks onto my hungry dick. When she leans back and pulls the frilly cups under her breasts to pluck her nipples, I grab her hips in a bruising grip and pull her down to meet my thundering movements. The bed groans under our frantic pounding, and suddenly, her tight pussy spasms around my sensitive shaft and she tears at the skin on my chest as she screams my name. An orgasm powers through me without warning, and cum fills her and runs out as she drops onto my chest while we both try to catch our breaths.

  “That’s a start. I expect you to make it up to me every day for the rest of our lives,” I tell her a little later as we lay curled up in bed.

  I spend Thursday quietly making arrangements. Uncle Harris and Karen are the only people I let in on my little secret since they have to arrange for our extra day off on Monday. Friday morning, I tell Sophie to pack a bag because we are leaving for a weekend getaway after work. She calls me at lunch to ask yet again for a hint at where we’re going, but I refuse.

  “Las Vegas?” Sophie croaks as we wait for security at the airport. “Isn’t that a little far for a weekend getaway?”

  “I got a great deal,” I appease her as I scoot our things forward. A couple hours later, we check into the hotel and make our way down to check out the hotel and casino.

  “Oh my God, I’ve never been to Vegas. I want to see everything.” She looks around excitedly, and I laugh.

  “I’ve heard that they give
wonderful massages.” She turns and glares as I shrug. “Just an idea.”

  Later that night, we have dinner in a quaint little restaurant. On our way back to the hotel, the nerves are eating me alive. I’m ready for this to be over. When we get back to our room, I tell Sophie I need to go to the bathroom. I hear her talking on the phone and know it’s almost time.


  There’s a box of Louboutins on the bed. Before I can touch the box, my phone dings with a text from Megan. It reads: I bet you the shoes on the bed that you won’t marry the first guy to walk in the door.

  I throw open the box’s lid and find a beautiful emerald cut diamond sitting on top of the shoes. I don’t even really notice what the shoes look like as I grab the ring.

  “How badly do you want the shoes?” I hear from the doorway behind me and turn, smiling through my tears, to find Jason on one knee.

  “Nowhere near as much as I want the guy. I’m absolutely positive I love you.” I laugh as I rush over and tackle him to the floor. Placing small kisses all over his face, I whisper, “You are the best two bets I’ve ever taken.”

  “I’m the last bet you’ll ever take. I’ve been sure about my love for you since the kiss. You knocked me on my ass.” He takes the ring and slides it onto my finger then kisses my lips.

  As he rolls over on top of me, I tease, “That was actually Tricia and the kitchen door the weekend after our kiss but we’ll keep your version.”

  “I have a vision of you in nothing but those shoes and my ring. Think we can make that a reality?” Seriousness enters his eyes.

  He kisses my nose, and I smile. “Let me grab the box, and I’ll meet you on the bed in five minutes.”

  A few minutes later, I step out of the bathroom to find his gorgeous naked body stretched across the bed. As I walk toward him wearing only the strappy, high-heeled, silver sandals and his ring, his huge cock jumps against his stomach. Using my left hand, I run my finger around my nipple then tug on it as I slowly walk to the bed, and his eyes darken as he watches my movements.


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