Kanes' Kisses: A Three Book Collection

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Kanes' Kisses: A Three Book Collection Page 9

by Loni Ree

  “You have two-seconds to get your gorgeous ass on this bed.”

  As I crawl over his body, Jason grabs me and flips me over. “Eek!”

  His mouth covers mine as his fingers circle and tweak my nipple. Arching my back, I rub myself against his body as he leans over me. Jason scoots down the bed and raises each of my knees to place them on his shoulders. “Lets see how those shoes look wrapped around my back.” Then he winks at me before grabbing my ass cheeks in his large palms. He uses his hold to lift my core over his mouth. As he runs his tongue up and down my center, I hold on to his head while squirming.

  I don’t even realize I’m begging until he gives my clit one last kiss then climbs up my body and whispers, “I can’t take you begging me to fuck you anymore.” As he thrusts his huge cock into my tight center, stars burst behind my eyelids and we both cry out. I hold on tightly while he slams into me over and over again. I come without warning, and he keeps thrusting, dragging my orgasm out until the tight spasming of my pussy pulls him along with me.

  The next day, we get married in one of those little hotel chapels. Jason worries that I’ll regret missing out on a big wedding, but I assure him I never want to deal with my mother and wedding planning. No, thank you. We’ll have to keep our marriage a secret for a little while, since Jordan’s wedding is in a few weeks and we don’t want to steal their thunder, but that’s fine, too.

  Jason and Candace have been working full-time to clean up the mess caused by the unscrupulous lawyer. For months, she had been secretly taking on clients that the Kanes would never have accepted, and there were many hours of clean up to be done. Luckily, they were able to stop the contracts that would have led to the sale of my sister’s bakery.

  The day of Jordan and Holly’s wedding finally comes, and I’m so happy for them. Watching Candace attack my husband with her wedding bouquet because she missed our wedding is priceless. One more crazy Lennox-Kane story to tell. My mother is less than thrilled.



  “No, no, no. They have to be wrong. There is no fucking way it’s two girls. The doctor just missed their third legs.” My husband paces the little room furiously as I try to contain my laughter. Ever since he gave Jordan a hard time over having a girl, I’ve had a feeling Karma would come calling. Today, she delivered her revenge squared.

  When Dr. Jenkins walks in the room, Jason demands, “You need to look again and find penises.”

  My usually unflappable doctor looks shocked for a second before she bites her lip, I’m sure trying not to laugh in my serious husband’s face. Finally, she takes a deep breath and informs him, “Jason, there are no penises in there to find. You are having two girls. You have five months to get used to the idea. Jordan managed to survive, and I’m sure you’ll find a way, too.”

  She smiles at me then finishes telling me about my next appointments and what to expect while Jason sits quietly for the rest of the appointment.

  “I think we need a second opinion,” he declares as we pull into our driveway, and I snort.

  “Jason, you only get second opinions when there’s a problem. You will survive this,” I assure him, but he looks terrified.

  In the middle of the night, I wake to the sound of Jason’s soft voice as he lays whispering next to my swollen stomach. “You two are not allowed to date until you’re thirty-five, and then I get to run a complete check on the guy first. No driving until you’re eighteen, at least, uh… maybe twenty-one. We’ll have to see on that one.” He lies back and looks at the ceiling for a few minutes, and I pretend to sleep while he thinks. He rolls back toward my stomach and begins again. “You’re not allowed to be anywhere as beautiful as your mom. I’ll never keep all the guys off of three of you.” My heart melts and I run my hands through his hair.

  He looks up at me and smiles. “I knew you woke up. Of course, they are going to be freaking gorgeous. I’m teaching Snowball to be a guard dog. A convent in Europe is sounding like a good idea.”

  I lift my head and raise an eyebrow. Snowball is a spoiled, lazy slug on a good day. My mom started babysitting him after we got married, and she has turned him into a spoiled rotten doggy. Oh well, my husband can have some hope, I guess.

  The day the girls are born, Jason handles the delivery well until he sees the two small infants. “Jesus, they are so small,” he keeps repeating over and over again as he holds Tabitha and Jordan holds Talia.

  “Doesn’t this all feel very familiar?” Holly’s sitting next to my hospital bed, laughing as she watches my husband.

  Before I can respond, Candace and Jackson come rushing into the room. She sees Jordan holding one of the girls and demands, “You’ve had your shot. Hand her over. It’s my turn.”

  Knowing it’s useless to argue, Jordan hands Talia over to Candace while my husband is still worrying over their size. Candace turns to Jason and snaps, “Would you man up? You’re embarrassing the hell out of me. Both of you wimps are scared of girls. What the hell?” When she turns her back, Jackson signals to her back and smirks.

  As I shake my head and look at Candace out of the side of my eye, I wonder when Karma will strike the last hold-out. Jackson needs to feel the Kane little girl karma pain train.


  Jason-Six Years Later

  The sound of Christmas music greets me as I walk in the garage door after working late. When I walk around the corner, I see the lights from the Christmas tree shining brightly, then the sound of laughter echoes from the corner of the room. Snowball is sitting patiently while Talia brushes the hair on his ears and Tabitha paints his toenails red. One of them has already placed two sparkly ponytails in the short hairs on his head, and the poor dog looks at me for support. “Girls, Snowball is a boy. He may not want pigtails and painted nails.” I try to convince my stubborn little misses.

  When they realize I’m in the room, Talia gives the dog a reprieve as she drops the brush and runs for me. “Daddy! Snowball wants to look just like me.” As her arms fly up in the air, I lift her and hold on tight for her hug.

  Tabitha continues her work but smiles and greets me. “I have to finish, then I’ll hug you, Daddy.” Both of their smiles are so much like Sophie’s. At least, our six month old son looks exactly like me.

  “Where are Mommy and Brandon?” I ask while kissing my girl on her head and placing her back on the floor.

  Tabitha, the more outspoken of the two, shudders. “Brandon had a dirty diaper, and Mommy is cleaning him then putting him to bed.” Then she continues telling me about her day. “We got to spend the day with Aunt Holly and Claire. Tommy was there, too. His grams said it’s a shame you and Uncle Jordan have been caught cause his mom needs to catch a fish.” As she tells me about the neighborhood kid my brother has been watching football with every Sunday, I shake my head. The poor kid begs any man he can find to help his grams find him a daddy. I really wish I had a suggestion to help him out.

  I glance down and see my daughter staring at me, so I take the opportunity to remind her, “Boys are gross. All boys except Daddy, your brother, and your uncles. And little Tommy is okay, too.”

  “Jason Kane, you aren’t teaching our daughters that boys are gross.” My wife stands in the doorway with her hands on her hips, and I shrug.

  “It’s better they find this out young.” I shake my head, and she throws her hands up in the air.

  “Girls, go get ready for your bath. I’ll be in to help you in a second.” The two girls run past me, and I turn and smirk as she smacks my arm. “They are going to go to school and tell the teacher you taught them boys are gross.”

  “Well, I’m doing my job.” When she gives me the mom eyes, I cave. “Okay, after their baths, I’ll tell them I was joking, but I want you to know I’m only doing it for you.”

  “Thank you, and I want you to know that I hung some mistletoe in our room so we can have a little fun later since today’s the anniversary of the kiss. I wanted to remind you of one of the best nights
of my life.” She winks.

  “How could I forget? That kiss led to me getting Christmas Kisses for life.”


  Candace Kane

  URGH. I’m never letting Melly talk me into just a couple drinks again. I barely remember stumbling into my room sometime after two a.m. and passing out. It’s going to take lots of hot water and caffeine to turn me into a human this morning. Deciding the coffee will help more than a shower, I make a quick stop in the bathroom before heading for my morning gold. Man, I was really out of it last night. I don’t even remember showering. Seeing the wet towel on the bathroom floor tells me I’m a slob after a night of drinking. Dirk gives me his usual, “Morning, asshole,” as I walk by. I’ll never ask my jerk-face brother to bird-sit again. Dirk’s daily greeting was Jordan’s little welcome home present.

  Holy cow. I must have died and gone to heaven. Wait, do people see naked men in heaven? I really should have refused those last three drinks last night. I can’t quite believe what I’m seeing. There’s a hot, naked man in my kitchen making coffee, and I don’t know whether I’m dead or alive. Honestly, I don’t care. And I also don’t mind that he broke in to make me coffee, either. I’m willing to forgive a little breaking and entering just to get a look at him and all of his presents. Merry Christmas to me.

  “Do you always break into people’s houses to make coffee naked?” I’ve always wished I had a properly functioning filter between my mouth and brain. My uncle always says I speak then realize what I should have said a week later.

  Mr. Naked Lots of Presents almost drops his coffee cup and spins around, muttering, “Fuck,” under his breath. After grabbing the kitchen towel and covering up his presents, he glares at me. “Do you make a habit of peeping at people without their clothes on?”

  Mr. Jerk-ass Naked Lots of Presents’ attitude pisses me the fuck off, and my five margarita hangover is forgotten as my eyes narrow. I snarl, “Since you broke into my house to make coffee naked, I can look if I fucking want to, asshole.”

  My intruder’s eyes widen, then he sputters, “Wait a minute. Harris Kane told me this is his condo and had the front desk give me a key. He told me I could stay here and no one would know where I am.”

  My befuddled, hungover mind figures out the mistake. “You came into the wrong door. I’m Candace Kane. Harris Kane is my Uncle, and his law firm owns the condo across the hall. The desk must have given you the wrong key.” I introduce myself as I drop onto a barstool and try to act nonchalant with a hot, naked, vaguely familiar stranger in my kitchen. “I’ll call down and get the right key for you, then you can get over to the right condo.” Before he has time to respond, I hightail it out of the kitchen. His intense stare does something to me that I’ve never felt before, and the unfamiliar feelings terrify me.

  The thought that he looks just like Damien Rand, the rockstar, hits me, and I shake my head at my ridiculous thought. As I flee down my hall, I could swear I hear a growl coming from the kitchen. God, no more margaritas for me. Ever.

  Chapter 20


  Leave it to me to get arrested in bum fuck nowhere for speeding. Luckily, my brother’s manager, Grey, knows a hotshot attorney who is able to get me released before the media can descend. When I agreed to drive Damien’s car across three states, I never anticipated causing this big of an uproar and being mistaken for my celebrity brother. Until Damien settles all of his business, I’ll be stuck in Naverton, Ohio. All of this over speeding. Okay, I was doing one-twenty-five in a forty-five, but there was no one around but me and the cows, and apparently, Deputy Rodney Jones.

  Before dropping me off at his condo last night, Harris Kane assured me he would have all this resolved within a few days. He encouraged me to lay low in the building and let him work. After passing out on the sofa sometime around three a.m., I wake a few hours later, barely able to move my neck. Rolling to my side, I hear, “Morning, asshole,” screeched from the corner. In my haste to jump up, my feet tangle in the throw and I fall to the floor. Looking up, I find a cage with a large, brightly colored bird staring back at me. How the hell did I miss that last night? I must have been dead fucking tired. I wonder if Harris Kane expects me to take care of this fucker while I stay here. I’ll worry about that when my brain is fully functioning.

  After dragging my tired ass to the bathroom, I notice all the feminine crap on the counter and in the shower and shake my head. That fucker has me staying in his love nest. In the back of my mind, I wonder where he stashed his mistress, but I guess it really doesn’t matter. A hot shower does wonders, but I realize I didn’t bring any clean clothes into the bathroom with me. Oh well, I’m in no rush to get dressed since there’s no one around, anyway.

  Caffeine calls to me, so I make my way to the kitchen. I’m attempting to make coffee when I’m startled by a gasp as a beautiful voice shrieks, “Do you always break into people's houses to make coffee naked?” I turn around to find the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen gawking at my naked ass. From the top of her wavy red hair, down her mouthwateringly curvy body, to the dainty little feet peeking out from under her long pink robe, there’s perfection in every inch of her body. As lust and a powerful, unfamiliar emotion seize me, my knees almost buckle from the shock. I’m going to kill Harris Kane and take his girl. I grab a puny kitchen towel to throw in front of my rapidly expanding erection in an attempt to hide the effect her gorgeous body is having on my dick.

  I spout off some stupid shit, and she gets even more outraged with me. Finally, my brain gains control of my mouth and overrides my heart and my dick. After I explain to the beauty how I got into this condo, she knows that there’s been a big mistake. The entire time she’s standing there, I gawk like a schoolboy. For the first time in my life, I’m tongue-tied over a woman. She introduces herself, and I don’t even return the favor. What the fuck? At least, she’s Harris Kane’s niece and not his mistress. While I’m celebrating in my mind, she rushes away, and I can’t contain the growl that escapes my throat when it hits me that I don’t want to leave this town or this woman. Ever. What the ever-loving hell is happening to me?

  Candace is busy figuring out how I ended up in her condo, so I grab my clothes and head into the bathroom to dress. When I emerge a few minutes later, she’s sitting on the sofa waiting for me, and I walk over to sit next to her. A reddish gold lock of hair falls into her eyes as she looks over at me, and I want to reach over to brush it aside but manage to restrain myself. These foreign emotions are scaring the hell out of me, and I nearly miss her explanation as my mind wanders.

  “I talked to the front desk. The security guard last night was new and got confused.” She shrugs her shoulders, and the fuzzy, pink sweater slips off of one shoulder. I barely resist leaning down and running my tongue over the soft skin that’s exposed. Then I blink several times and pull myself together to listen as she continues. “Sorry. I can run down and get the key to my uncle’s condo for you in a minute.” As she smiles shyly, my dick turns to stone once again, causing me to wince from the pain.

  She bites her lip as she looks up through her thick eyelashes, and the urge to kiss those plump lips runs through me. After shaking my head slightly to clear my thoughts, I manage, “Thanks. We didn’t get a chance to introduce ourselves. I’m Jackson Rand.” Her mouth drops open into a perfect O when she realizes I’m not Damien.

  Her cherry red lips call to me, and I watch her eyes widen as I lower my head to cover those juicy lips with mine. Her tongue shyly tangling with mine causes all thoughts to flee my mind and electricity to flow through my body. After shifting onto my back, I drag her soft, curvy body over mine, which brings every delectable inch of her into contact with my over-sensitized nerves.

  She groans into my mouth then pulls back. “I don’t kiss men the first day I meet them.”

  The thought of her kissing another man sends fury coursing through my body and causes me to growl, “You won’t be kissing any other fucking man, first day or five-hundredth
day, from now on.”

  As Candace leans back with a confused look on her face, she stammers, “What are you talking about?”

  After running my hand down my face, I stand and pace the room. I honestly don’t have a good answer for what the hell is happening, but I try to explain. “Fuck if I know. I do know that I’ve never felt this way before. The thought of another man kissing you or touching you makes me want to commit murder.”

  Candace’s eyes bug out of her head, and she looks as shocked as I’m feeling. These foreign feelings coursing through me have knocked my equilibrium to hell. One look at this girl and I’ve lost my mind and my heart in one shot, but I realize that I’m coming on too strong. At this rate, I’m running the risk of scaring her off.

  Deciding it’s time to back off a little, I smile and ask, “How about you take me down to get the key to my condo, then I’ll take you to dinner tonight so we can get to know each other?”

  She bites her lip, and I barely resist the urge to kiss her again before she responds. “I don’t know. I don’t understand any of what’s going on here. You look just like Damien Rand, but you’re not, and you say all this stuff. This doesn’t make any sense.” She tries to pull away, but I grab her hand and hold her close while staring into her eyes so she can see how serious I am.

  “I’ll explain everything. Just give me a chance to get to know you. Please. We can take things nice and slow.”


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