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The Legend of Zelda: Forgotten Goddess

Page 14

by N Felts

birthday. Then, a forgotten date. Always to meet with his forbidden love, scouting a potential threat or quelling a bandit nuisance.

  “Someone has got to step up when evil strikes again,” Navi shrugs, apathetic toward Ilia’s emotions.

  “Was she there?” Ilia asks, her face turning stern. A suffocating silence is all the confirmation she needs. “She was,” she sighs, her eyes dropping to the floor. With no words to offer, Link watches her pathetically, physically exhausted from his brutal fight to save the realm once again. No peace, and certainly no hero’s welcome waiting for his deserving spirit. In time he has learned fighting in secret has its advantages, but gradually it has become more and more of a burden on his day to day life.

  “Do you know what he went through last night?” Navi chirps, trying to turn the tables. “Get off his back already.”

  “Fine,” Ilia states flatly, starting toward the door. “You won’t ever find a princess waiting here all night for you. Just me,” she concludes, slamming the door as she exits. A brief grunt followed by a long sigh is all Link can utter, his outstretched arm finding nothing but the vibrating door. He doesn’t need this. Not now. Ganondorf has returned with a vengeance, and the hero of time can’t even manage a brief rest without receiving a bucketful of stress. Painfully pulling off his cumbersome shield, his wounds produce a loud hiss through his teeth with the effort. The only thing he needs right now is sleep. Dropping onto his bed, a powerful drowsiness overwhelms his mind and muscles. Ganondorf’s evil eyes flash through his mind, then Zelda’s lips, sweet as nectar upon his, though he quickly stifles the thought. She is royalty and he is a commoner. He finds himself having to repeat the fact all too often lately. Such thoughts only prove to infect the heart with sadness in the end. For whatever reason, Saria’s song and thoughts of the forest drift through his head as he falls asleep.

  “Sweet dreams,” Navi whispers, swirling around above his bed as she watches him thoughtfully. Link opens his eyes and finds himself in the forest. He is a young boy once again. The Lost Woods are as familiar as the back of his hand, but he has journeyed much deeper than ever before. Searching for days, Navi is still nowhere to be found. Suddenly, Epona bucks him off of her back, spooked by some unseen presence. Before he can climb to his feet, Link spots the heart-shaped mask, drifting toward him and filling him with dread. The large eyes and colorful spikes protruding out the sides bear down upon him just as the earth below opens up to swallow him. Falling into the dark abyss, his stomach lurches, jolting him awake. The sun has already begun its descent into the west as Link’s nap continued much longer than he’d planned.

  “Finally,” Navi exclaims, bobbing about his bed. “You are impossible to wake up, you know that?” Feeling groggy, he holds his head for the moment before climbing to his feet. The recurring nightmare has tormented him for years. Termina, Clock Town, the falling moon, and Majora’s Mask plague his subconscious like a cancer. Navi had stumbled upon him lying unconscious in the forest, but even she couldn’t tell him how he got there. The entire experience was far too real to have been a dream, but still, not a single shred of evidence exists to prove he ever ventured to Termina. Navi left him when he told the princess of Ganondorf’s plot, returning to the forest feeling depressed and useless once their adventure together had ended. She has always held a bitter remorse for the princess, and more importantly, her effect on Link. Eventually, touched by his efforts to find her, Navi has returned to his side and has remained ever since. With his empty scabbard and heavy shield resting upon his back once again, Link exits his house with determination. Ordon has been the least affected of the provinces since the drought took hold of the kingdom. The children play along the paths near the mill, the creek continuing to produce a meager amount of water. Scanning the area for his horse, Link spots young Colin jogging over to greet him.

  “Link! You’re back,” Colin shouts, giving Link a slug in the shoulder. Having grown into a young man, Colin has matured beyond his timid ways. Utilizing Link as a role model, he has sworn to protect his younger sister from harm. “Ilia looked pretty cross. What’d you do this time?” Shaking his head dismissively, Link decides he’d rather pass on the subject.

  “Where’s your sister?” Navi asks, dancing through the open air.

  “Right there by the,” he starts, his jaw dropping open upon locating her. “Oh no! Uliana!” He shouts, sprinting back toward the mill. Always a handful, young Uliana is attempting to grab hold of the wheel attached to the mill and ride the rotating contraption like a carnival ride. With a gleeful smirk, Link turns to leave while Colin is distracted. It doesn’t suit the Hylian man the same way it might have suited the adolescent. The life of a hero. The insistent attention from every passing soul, praising his actions and sacrifices. He never chose this life, it chose him. Running Ganondorf through with his sword etched his name into Hyrule’s history. The king demanded a celebration once the land had recovered. A statue of the slayer of evil was erected in the center of Castle Town to commemorate the grandiose occasion. Poems were written and songs were sung as Hyrule finally saw a prosperous day dawn on its citizens. All of the clamor and special treatment only served to remind Link why he moved so far south. Simple people of simple means who respect his privacy every bit as much as they respect the man himself. Guiding Epona past the stables and toward his house, Ilia seems to have cooled off since this morning.

  “We don’t have time for another lecture,” Navi groans. Shooting her an angry glance, Link manages to silence the fairy for now. Having grown all too comfortable answering for him, Navi often fails to accurately capture his mood.

  “I’m not here to argue. Epona needed to be brushed is all. She’s ready to go,” she explains, handing the reins to Link. Accepting them graciously, Link suddenly feels uncomfortable leaving things as they are. “Colin sure has grown up,” she points out as they turn to watch him pluck Uliana off the wooden wheel. Attempting to scold her, he has to chase her down once again as she quickly scampers away. “At least he knows how to take care of his family. Rusl answered the call to arms for the Gamelon front and took Talo with him,” she reveals, grabbing a shocked expression from Link. Certain Rusl would go, he never dreamed young Talo would tag along. “I know, he’s young, but he’s better with a sword than half the guard. I think he’ll be fine.” A slow wind glides through the area, the trees rustling lazily as the sun continues to set. The village has a stifling sense of nostalgia that Link has grown to find slightly more unsettling than pleasant. Glancing back to Ilia, Link notes her thoughtful expression as she stares into the distance.

  “We better get going before the sun sets,” Navi points out, already floating away from the town to hurry Link along. Though her insufferable antics never fail to intensify when he is near another woman, Link knows she is right. With an apologetic face, he turns back to Ilia.

  “It’s alright,” she shrugs, touching his arm and tracing her fingers down to his hand. Grabbing hold of his shabby, leather glove she squeezes it between her hands before looking Link in the eyes. “Time never stands still, Link. We need you here. My dad’s getting too old to manage the goats anymore. He asked me to convince you to stay, but I know you won’t,” she breathes as her watering eyes fill to the brim. “So I’ll just ask this,” she starts, touching a hand to his cheek. “Don’t forget about us.” With that, she releases his hand and quickly retreats to her home. Feeling increasingly guilty, Link presses his forehead against Epona’s while he considers Ilia’s words. Though it is so much more than most men could dream of, the life of a rancher holds no appeal to him. Working through the days, settling down with a lovely wife, and having kids. To want for more is a fool’s endeavor.

  “Link! Come on! Daylight’s burning,” Navi calls, circling the path exiting through the trees. With an irritated sigh, Link climbs into the saddle and quickly gallops away from the village. The sun has all but set as he charge
s past Lake Hylia to the west. The repetitive sound of hooves meeting dirt coupled with the fresh wind pressing against his face grants Link a needed reprieve from his thoughts. Responsibility and obligations have plagued him since childhood, but out here in the open he feels a sense of freedom from the restraints pulling him in every direction. Zelda will know what to do. Now that he has much more than a petty excuse to see her, his stress begins to lessen, and his sense of morality relents for the time being. A chill runs down his spine as he suddenly can’t shake the feeling he is being watched.

  “What is this?” Navi asks. Suddenly on edge as well, Epona’s gallop slows significantly. Though it is impossible, Link recognizes the feeling well. It is the aura of a thirst for blood. A sensation limited to his dreams, until now.

  The Empty Handed:

  Some Open Hands are Fleeting

  The pale, green water pours over the lip of the tilted wall like a capsizing ship. The once-level room takes on a noticeable slant as the oncoming water shifts the balance of the floating temple. Moving up the short staircase to the platform

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