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MasterShots Vol 2

Page 2

by Christopher Kenworthy

  The scene opens with a brief master shot to make it clear where everybody is positioned in relationship to the door. We then cut to an over-the-shoulder shot of Clive Owen. The camera is quite low here, to emphasize that he’s the hero.

  With the geography of the scene well established, it’s possible to cut to the cops on either side of the door without any confusion. The ideal setup, as shown here, has the farthest character in focus, with the other two out of focus. A long lens will help generate this shallow depth of field and capture the reaction of the farthest character.

  The other cops even turn their attention away from the incidental character, which further emphasizes that this scene is really about Clive Owen’s character establishing his authority, rather than on the plot revelations.

  Doorways are interesting to directors because they act as barriers, or thresholds that may need to be crossed. Conversations held on these thresholds are tantalizing, because nobody is sure which way the balance of power will fall. This is far more interesting than having two characters come to the door, go inside, and have a chat.

  When shooting this sort of scene, the setups can be quite basic with little movement from actors or camera. The way you direct the actors to focus their attention is the key to how this scene will play out when cut.

  The International. Directed by Tom Tykwer. Columbia Pictures, 2009. All rights reserved.



  The more subtle the conflict, the more subtle your camera work needs to be. If you want your character to feel left out of a conversation, a simple arrangement of actors and camera can create the desired effect.

  In this scene from Lost in Translation, the characters are arranged in a triangle. They are all equal distances from each other, but rather than creating a feeling of equality, this creates some power imbalance, because two of them are a couple and should probably be closer together.

  To emphasize this, the opening shot is taken from behind the couple, so that the interloper is almost central in the frame. This makes her seem significant to the audience, and it is clear that she is invading their territory.

  The next shot places Scarlett Johansson in the center of frame. Given what has just been said about putting somebody in the center of frame, you would think this would make her the dominant character. But this time a longer lens is used, closer to the actors; this means their faces frame her as they talk. She is left out of the conversation, looking across from one character to the other.

  She remains the focus of the audience, but is not the focus of the other two characters, because they are talking to each other intently. This is an extremely clever way of keeping our focus on the central character, while making her feel left out of the conversation.

  Lost in Translation. Directed by Sofia Coppola. Focus Features, 2003. All rights reserved.



  Directors usually take great care to make sure the audience knows exactly where they are situated in a scene. When you establish the geography of a scene clearly, the audience knows exactly where everybody is, and who’s talking to whom. Out of this need for clarity, a set of rules has evolved around exactly where the camera should be in any scene. By breaking these rules, carefully and at the right time, you can add to the scene’s sense of conflict.

  If this scene from 21 Grams was shot conventionally, the cameras would always stay on one side of the characters. Instead, the camera switches to the opposite side with the cut. This is called crossing the line, and most of the time directors are told not to cross the line.

  Imagine a line between the two characters (if they were facing each other). In normal situations, you keep the camera on one side of that line. Here, though, with the first cut, the camera switches from being on her right-shoulder side to being on her left-shoulder side. The next cut remains on her left shoulder.

  If you watch the whole scene, you see actors walk in without facing each other, and the camera sometimes pans from one to the other. At other times these cuts across the line are made. The overall feeling is one of disorientation. We don’t actually become disorientated, because we know they are talking to each other, but the constant moves and shifts make for an uneasy, restless feeling that captures the emotion of the argument well.

  By having him wait for an elevator, the director is able to have him turn his back on her plausibly. Equally, there isn’t room for her to move around in front of him, which justifies her standing behind him. You should always look for good reasons to justify the way your characters stand and move, because it helps to add realism and makes the actors more comfortable with their performances.

  21 Grams. Directed by Alejandro Gonzãlez Iñárritu. Focus Features, 2003. All rights reserved.



  When people are in conflict, something stands between them. You can make this idea literal, by putting a physical barrier between them in the scene. It may be a table or chair, or even, as in this example, a wall and window.

  A physical barrier gives characters more of a justification to shout, especially if it’s a wall, and this can add realism to your scene if the conflict is strong. Arguments often begin with some distance between the characters, and a physical prop can help. Be aware though, that as the intensity creeps up, that barrier will probably be crossed. In this scene, he eventually moves into her room.

  You can experiment with barriers that completely separate the characters, giving them no view of each other, but you may find that having a window helps. They cannot see each other clearly, as the glass is mottled, but they can see each other’s position. This means they know where to direct their energies.

  Having a line of sight like this, even though it is distorted by the glass, makes it more powerful when one of them turns away from the other. For much of this scene she turns away from him in anger, increasing the conflict between them.

  The camera setup can be quite simple. In one room, try to capture the whole scene, so that we see him clearly, and see her indistinctly. The second camera should show only her, and should not look back into the room at him. To do so would draw too much of a connection between the characters when you are actually trying to separate them.

  The Reader. Directed by Stephen Daldry. The Weinstein Company, 2008. All rights reserved.



  Capturing both actors in one frame enables you to see their body language and the way they interact physically in the scene. This can be exactly what you need for an argument or conflict. The disadvantage is that you frequently find yourself shooting the actors’ profiles, which limits how much we see of their faces.

  Body language is important, but to really know what characters are thinking and feeling we want to look in their eyes. If you want to show a medium shot like this, without cutting to close-ups, you have to find clever ways to move the camera and actors to show us more of their faces.

  This scene shows the two actors facing each other directly, so that most of their acting comes from their voices and body language. To get their faces in the shot, the director has them walk towards camera, and then dollies along the sidewalk with them. The key to this, however, is that the actors switch sides when they begin to walk away.

  This switch serves two purposes. First, it adds some visual interest and realism, because it looks more energetic than simply having the actors move off in a straight line. Second, it gives the director a chance to let each actor have a moment where he or she dominates the frame.

  When they first begin to walk, she is almost directly facing the camera, so we listen to her more intently. Then, as they catch up with the camera, he turns his face toward her, and he is the focus of the conversation.

  You may find that to get this to work you need the actor that’s closer to camera to walk slightly behind the other actor. It might not feel natural to the actors, but it looks real when filmed.

  Melinda and Melinda. Directed by Woody Allen
. Fox Searchlight Pictures, 2004. All rights reserved.



  This shot gives a surprise impact, when a calm conversation suddenly turns into a conflict. The group of three characters walks along, and then as the argument ramps up, one character comes face to face with another, and they stop in their tracks. These two frame the third character. Although she is central in the frame, she remains an observer (rather than the focus of the scene) because the camera is at their head height, not hers.

  The moment where one actor runs forward and turns to face the other is actually quite unrealistic, and will feel so to the actor, but it looks convincing to the audience.

  The camera should move slightly slower than the actors. This enables the camera to come to a rest without it looking too sudden. The actors should, therefore, start a short distance away from the camera, and gradually catch up to it, finding their final marks as the camera stops. Although this looks simple, timing it exactly can take a lot of rehearsal, especially as the movement has to be dictated by the lines they are speaking, rather than where they happen to be standing.

  The snap turn is almost a reverse of the side switch, but it ends with the characters facing each other. As such, it creates a different effect, because the argument appears out of nowhere and surprises the audience (whereas with the side switch, the argument progresses into a conversation).

  Garden State. Directed by Zach Braff. Fox Searchlight, 2004. All rights reserved.



  An unexpected cut, during a scene filled with lots of motion, can have a startling effect. Used well, it can add impact to a quiet or calm line.

  In 21 Grams, the two characters move around the room as they argue. In the first frame you can see how the character closest to camera is moving in on the other. The camera arcs around to the left, as they move in to face each other.

  As soon as we have established that they are in a face-off, the camera cuts to close-up. Given all the handheld camera moves that have gone before, this is a surprise, and adds real weight to the moment where he whispers an important line.

  Often, it’s wise to avoid too many cuts during a conversation, as they prevent you seeing those important moments of change on an actor’s face. That is why Master Shots, Volume 2, shows you lots of ways to keep two or more faces on screen at the same time. In some cases, though, a quick, hard cut to a close-up is exactly what’s needed.

  The lenses used throughout this scene are short, to match the wide, handheld feel, but at this moment of rest, a long lens is used. This makes his face dominate the frame, so that most of the background vanishes.

  When you shoot this type of scene, make sure that your camera comes to rest in the opening, handheld shot. If it doesn’t, then cutting to a motionless camera will be too jarring for the audience. The camera doesn’t have to completely freeze, but it should settle as the two characters come together.

  21 Grams. Directed by Alejandro Gonzãlez Iñárritu. Focus Features, 2003. All rights reserved.



  Even when your characters end up fighting, as they do in this scene from Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, a lot can be gained by building the main conflict when the characters are at a distance from each other.

  This scene is a good example of deep staging, in that there is always something in the foreground, the midground, and the background. Although the viewer is watching the two men face up to each other, the setup gives this small room a much larger feel, making it seem more threatening.

  You may think that every shot automatically has a foreground, midground, and background, but many shots focus so intently on the subject — usually the main character — that they lack any depth or sense of space. Directors are especially guilty of neglecting this concept when shooting indoors, but as shown here, it is possible to give an indoor space this level of depth.

  By placing both cameras close to the wall, the director has his audience look out into the space of the room. Had the director shot from the middle of the room, this space would have looked quite conventional, and the depth of the space would have been lost.

  The cameras remain stationary, and the only movement is made by the deputy as he turns away from the wall and approaches the FBI agent, where the actual fight takes place.

  To shoot this sort of scene you only need to be aware of the importance of including foreground, midground, and background, and position your actors and cameras accordingly.

  Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me. Directed by David Lynch. New Line Cinema, 1992. All rights reserved.



  Conflict often leads to a direct power struggle, and that can be shown by one character ignoring another. In this scene from Defiance, Daniel Craig is trying to get the attention of the distant character, who largely ignores him.

  The positioning of the actor in relation to the camera is as important as the camera placement itself. In the first shot Craig’s body is turned off to the side, as if he is afraid to face up to the problem. Although he is facing the enemy, his body is turned more towards his friend and confidant who stands beside him. This body language contradicts his words, creating an interesting tension.

  The next shot gives the distant character some power, because he is filmed from behind, and acts as though none of this is of interest. His unwillingness to engage in the argument is shown by his body language; but rather than being afraid, he is showing that he is unperturbed. Importantly, the director uses a long lens for this shot, from behind Craig. This foreshortens the distance between them, which makes the distant character seem closer than he should be, as though he’s imposing his power on their space.

  Then, the director cuts to a wider shot that shows the whole scene, and this builds on everything that has gone before. The enemy is clearly surrounded by his friends, and remains disinterested in the conversation, only glancing around. Craig and his friend, meanwhile, are tiny in the frame, looking isolated in the snow.

  By making the main character appear afraid as he tries to regain power throughout this scene, the director creates far more tension than if the hero immediately acted like a hero.

  Shooting this sort of scene requires strong direction of the actors and careful placement of the camera. But it is relatively simple to shoot, because there are only a few shots and almost no camera movement.

  Defiance. Directed by Edward Zwick. Paramount Vantage, 2008. All rights reserved.





  Tension is often hidden underneath the surface, rather than being out in the open. You need to shoot in a way that makes it clear to the audience that a tension is present, while making it plausible that the characters are pretending all is well. This scene from Inglourious Basterds shows how the camera can circle two motionless characters, with both appearing calm, yet both knowing disaster looms.

  The move around them could be said to be a way of filling time, or just adding some visual interest to a dialogue-heavy scene, but it is much more than that. By leaving them in place, the director emphasizes that they are almost motionless, talking politely, almost in whispers.

  The move also means there is a brief moment where the viewer looks almost directly into one of the character’s eyes. His fear is evident, even though he is trying to hide it. This shows the audience that the other character can probably also sense his fear, and it is thus a subtle plot revelation.

  A move such as this also emphasizes that the two characters are located in opposition and focused on each other. No matter how casually they are playing it, they are extremely intent on each other’s words.

  To shoot this type of move, it helps if you have a dolly on curved rails, although it can (as with all the shots in this book) be done handheld. If you simply move around the table, the characters will get closer to the camera halfway through and this can weaken
the overall effect. The trick is to keep the camera at the same distance from the characters throughout, by moving around them in a smooth arc.

  Inglourious Basterds. Directed by Quentin Tarantino. Universal Pictures, 2009. All rights reserved.



  This scene from Munich shows how it’s possible to raise the tension, while also showing people opening up to the possibility of trust. There are times when using these contrasting ideas and emotions can give a scene huge impact. It plays much more deeply than if they were simply mistrusting, or if they were merely listening. It’s the contrast that makes for tension, and makes us hang on their every word.

  First, this is set in an interesting space, with one character physically much higher than the other. During the course of the scene, he comes down to the level of the second character. At the same time, the second character moves closer. They are literally and figuratively crossing a huge divide.

  To exaggerate and emphasize this feeling, the director films the opening shots with wide lenses. As the actors get closer, longer lenses are used. When they are at their closest, the longest lenses of all are used. At each cut, this lens choice enhances their movement toward each other.

  If you watch the film you’ll see that the scene opens with an even wider lens, showing both of them from above, to firmly establish their separation.

  To look at these frame grabs, you could say that this is a traditional angle/reverse angle scene, but the small changes made in terms of height, distance, and the choice of lens turn it into drama.


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