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Truth of the Children

Page 2

by Adam DiSalvo

  “Who gave you this power?” asked Taytha. “Who gave you the right to it?"

  “It is in the name. It is a birth right. Ether born.”

  Haitrion turned his attention back to Taytha's legs.

  “Having ether born parents however, has nothing to do with your chances of being ether born. My parents are not ether born. They are human like you. Very easy to repair. Easy to improve.”

  Haitrion raised his hands over Taytha’s body.

  “Although keeping them safe is difficult,” he conceded under his breath.

  Taytha peered down at the ongoing surgery. Her bones had been wrapped in an exotic mesh and her muscles were being replaced with neon green swatches of synthetic fibers. Her feet appeared to be reconstructed using metal and plastic.

  “What do you mean?”

  Haitrion shot Taytha a sideways glance.

  “They are the reason I am here.”

  “Your parents are here on Styx?”

  “No. They are under threat by members of the Royal Family. Nearly captives. As are you.”

  Taytha looked back up.

  “I am not a captive. I have a gun.”

  Haitrion lowered his hands and chuckled. The machines stopped.

  “You are on a moon circling the furthest planet from the suns with nothing but, an AGR, a pretty sword, and a destroyed space suit. You would have not made it off this planet if not for me.”

  “How do you know that?”

  "Because here, we are sustenance.”

  The silence stretched on for hours, only broken by the occasional whine of tools. Taytha began to drift. The myriad of robotic arms sustained their elegant waltz. Every bit of Taytha’s injured legs were repaired or replaced. As the robotic assistants torqued in the final screws, the engines inside Taytha’s new limbs activated. One of the arms approached Haitrion with a needle connected to a slender tube. Hatrion tensed his body and tilted his head back. He presented the inside of his arm and the machine collected his blood into a small fuel cell. Behind the cell’s viewing window Haitrion's blood was a dark crimson with gold and incandescent blue specs. The machines pulled back flaps of skin exposing Taytha’s new polysteel femurs and placed one blood filled cell inside each. Taytha stirred as the arms wrapped her torso in compression bands. After a moment she spoke.

  “What are those things?” she asked gesturing towards a window .

  “Out there.”

  Haitrion lifted an eyebrow.

  “The worms?”


  “The worms are scouts. Maybe. Whenever you encounter the worms the predators are not far behind.”


  “Beasts with razor blade manes and heads like a wolf. Oversized arms. I’ve heard there are others although, I’ve never seen any evidence to support those claims. Most of the others seem to disintegrate not long after death and while alive, they consume everything. People. Supplies. Equipment. Metals.” Haitrion paused. “Ash.”

  He closed his eyes and placed his hands on the flesh that remained at Taytha’s thighs. A gentle pressure rose up in her upper legs. Like a massage the pressure moved around her quads relaxing nerves. Her skin began to heal and regrow, weaving around the new synthetic muscle and bone. Feeling returned. The sensation took her breath away. She inhaled sharply.

  “Feels good, doesn’t it?” Haitrion said with a smile.

  Taytha nodded.

  “You will retain full sensation. Your legs themselves will be stronger however, your skin will not be. It will still sustain damage under its original stress limits.”

  “You talk like I am a machine.”

  “To me you are.”

  Her healing skin continued its path down to her heels.

  “To a Syren?”

  “Maybe. I haven’t met many other syrens.”

  “The Royal Family.” Taytha noted.

  “Yes. Feera protects them.”

  Taytha cocked a half smile at his sarcasm.

  “Are they why you are here?”

  Haitrion nodded.

  “You are a prisoner.”

  Haition lifted his hands from her thighs. Taytha looked down to see all ten of her toes wriggling back and forth. A breath of relief hissed through her teeth. She bent her knees, unable to keep the smile from her face. The ease of movement surprised her. She sat up in the floating shell of her suit looking down at her feet. Her long black hair falling around her face. Hanging over the edge she swung her legs back and forth. Blood covered the floor below her. Haitrion caught her staring.

  “You would have died. No doubt.”

  Taytha took a deep breath and looked up.

  “Thank you.”

  Taytha forced out the rest of the words.

  " I don’t mean to seem ungrateful but, why did you save me?”

  “Because now Sergeant, you will do something for me.”


  DINASTY GENTLY DRAGGED her fingers along the glossy black banister as she descended the grand staircase of the palace Therremos. Her dark red dress flowed along her flawless form and her long blond hair fell into perfect curls about her bare shoulders. The buzz of the party filled the room.

  “Dutches.” came a voice through the crowd. “You look stunning as always."

  Dinasty turned to see a young man dressed in black formal wear. His gaze was fierce. Dinasty flashed a plastic smile.

  “Mr. Calaris! Good to see you!’ she lied holding out her hand. “So glad you could join us!”

  “I wouldn’t miss it my lady. And please. You may call me Irono”

  Irono reached out and kissed the back of her hand.

  “Mr. Calaris, Singluarium has been a great asset to me and my family however, do not mistake our well working relationship to extend to friendship;”

  Irono raised an eyebrow.

  "Certainly Dutches. A woman such as yourself must not have the luxury of having many friends.”

  “I do not need friends Mr. Calaris. I need guarantees.”

  “Is there something more you desire of Singluarium?” Irono asked through a smile.

  “Tonight is not the climax, Mr Calaris. It’s merely the bridge.”

  Dinasty took a glass of champagne from a waiter who nodded his head in acknowledgement. They came to the edge of the crowd.

  “The artificial gravity systems are flawless,” she continued. “How long till you can reach past the outer rim with the BLS drives?”

  Irono’s grin widened and he followed Dinasty down a quiet hallway.

  “You’re referring to our faster than light engines.”

  “Yes! Much faster am I correct? Genotech was ahead of you in developing faster than light travel but, they refused to move into full production.”

  Dinasty took a sip of champagne.

  “They’ve been sanctioned by the courts. I doubt it will have any real effect.”

  Irono frowned flirtatiously. His gaze drifted down her dress.

  “Your cousin plays favorites predictably. Genotech has always been the stewards of the Emperor's pet projects.”

  Dinasty’s face brightened with amusement as they walked out onto a high, glass domed balcony. The city below lay out like a golden carpet. Spires of super-skyscrapers pierced the artificial cloud barrier like reeds in a placid lake.

  “Careful Mr. Calaris. One might mistake you in the possession of courage.” Dinasty quipped.

  Irono’s expression darkened but, his smile remained.

  “You're not in my bed because you’re the best at what you do,” revealed Dinasty over a pouty grin. “You’re in my bed because of your discretion. Singularium’s discretion.”

  “We will honor our continued commitment to anonymity,” Irono offered. ‘But, keeping mouths either fed or quiet is exhaustive and expensive work, my lady.”

  “You have a new deadline.” Dinasty interrupted. She placed her glass on a high table next to her.

  Irono could not keep the shock from his face. He stammered.r />
  “Excuse me Dutches that’s impo —“

  Dinasty raised her hand cutting him off. She then reached and grabbed his tie as if to adjust it. She pulled Irono close.

  “My brother has informed me that we are moving up the deadline and that no would be an unacceptable answer.”

  The tie around Irono’s neck grew heavy and turned to steel in Dinasty’s grasp.

  “Your continued discretion would come with our deepest gratitude,” she sneered.

  The knot in his tie grew solid and a sharp spike pierced through his collar and poked the skin of his neck. Sweat began to gather around his forehead.

  “The Emperor may shield Raffa Calderon and Genotech from me and my brother because they have his favor.”

  The spike pressed deeper into Irono’s neck. Pain filled his throat as he struggled. Blood dripped down Irono's collar. Dinasty held him close.

  “But you Mr. Calaris,” she went on. “You are not safe from me.”

  Irono choked out his words.

  “I don’t understand. What is the reason for this?”

  Dinasty glared and torqued the spike in Irono’s neck. The pain struck like lightning. Irono let out a gasp.

  “I do not have to explain myself to you, Mr. Calaris. All you must know is that we expect the last one hundred and fifty units to be delivered in less than ninety days."

  Irono began wavering on his feet. Dinasty released him from her grasp. The spike pulled back from his neck and Irono’s tie returned to its original crimson polyester cloth. Irono gripped his throat and fell to the ground.

  “Do not be upset Mr. Calaris. Next time you should spend the money and wear all organic.”

  Dinasty turned and started back down the hall.

  “Ninety days Mr. Calaris!"

  The hum of the party slipped back into the air as she approached the main hall. Dinasty shuddered.

  “I hate mixing business with pleasure.” she mused.

  “It is my family that is the most beautiful in Ur.” claimed a voice just within Dinasty’s earshot.

  She turned to see Sodom, her twin brother standing among the other Dukes. He had perfect pale skin and his long black hair draped over his shoulders in thick curls, falling all the way down to the small of his back. The black coat he wore tastefully adored his political rank and the family crest. His emerald eyes came upon her watching him.

  “And look. There she is.” said Sodom with an outstretched hand. He wore a genuine smile.

  “Good evening gentlemen.” offered Dinasty.

  “Sister. Do you remember Xian Krager?”

  A tall, clean shaven man with large haunting brown eyes reached out to greet her. Dinasty shook his hand.

  “I do. Mr. Krager. How good to see you again.”

  Xian bowed his head.

  “Good to see you as well Dutches. I hear your brother has been gone at the outer rim for almost four years now.”

  Dinasty kept her smile.

  “He’s been gone for quite sometime yes. But! He sends word regularly. We’re not concerned."

  “What is he searching for out there?” Krager pried. “Sodom says Kilahren never told you why he left in the first place.”

  “Kilahren is an explorer!” spouted Sodom with a raised glass. “May he find what he is searching for! I hope it is satisfaction!"

  The Dukes raised their glasses ginning wide and toasted to Kilahren. Just beyond the ring of Dukes, Dinasty noticed a familiar pair of eyes in the sea of unfamiliar faces.

  “Would you excuse me gentlemen?”

  The men bowed as she left.

  She slipped through the crowd to the only CEO to ever deny the Dutches of Ur. Raffa Calderon. Raffa was as tall as he was handsome. His broad shoulders and wide chest granted him an imposing presence. His dark skin was flawless and was matched by his posture and grace.

  “Raffa! So glad you could join us! I did not expect you this evening.”

  “Thank you Dinasty,” Raffa responded.

  The Duchess raised on eyebrow. Raffa continued.

  "When I had heard that Singularium had accepted a gracious contract from you I was hoping to learn more about it.”

  “My you don’t waste time with pleasantries do you Raffa,” joked Dinasty with a smile, the small group around them laughing along. “You should speak with Mr. Calaris.”

  “The CEO of Singularium. Yes I have made several attempts to contact him but, it seems he is a very busy man and very difficult to get a hold of. I could have sworn I saw him here tonight though.”

  “Yes! He was here but, I think he has retired for the evening.” Dinasty explained. "Well. I certainly hope so anyway. He said his throat was bothering him and he wanted to head home to avoid becoming ill.”

  The small crowd murmured with concern.

  “How disappointing,” Raffa sighed. “Well, I hope that Mr. Calaris feels better soon. I would like to speak with him very much.”

  Dinasty moved quick to change the subject,

  “Raffa if you don’t mind me asking, were you ever able to track down my cousin’s ship? The Alejandra?”

  Raffa shook his head with embarrassment.

  “That fiasco has yet to be remedied but, it’s hardly the issue New Fate has been causing, wouldn’t you agree?” Raffa grinned.

  The group nodded their heads in agreement.

  “I digress. We were successful in not only developing faster than light travel but, loosing it as well!”

  The gathering gasped.

  “Yes! I know! Our innovation and creativity was matched only by our carelessness and neglect.”

  Raffa took a sip of champagne then raised his glass.

  "At least thats what it says on the court documents!”

  The group erupted into laughter. Dinasty forced a smile.

  “Sister!" came a voice from beyond their circle.

  “Gamora!” Dinasty replied.

  Dinasty’s twin approached..

  “You look ravishing, my love.”

  They were dressed identically.

  Dinasty grabbed her twin sister by the waist and leaned in for a deep kiss. Raffa looked around the group his brow raised. The sisters turned to address the group.

  “Lady Gamora you’re simply captivating,” offered Raffa in an attempt to control the conversation.

  “Thank you Mr. Calderon. You look tempting as always.” replied Gamora with a playful smile.

  “Your, uh, sister was just teasing me about my latest blunder.”

  Gamora laughed.

  “I hear it’s quite the pickle.”

  Dinasty stiffened. The group held its breath.

  “It is indeed the longest debacle we have ever found ourselves in. That is true.”

  The group was captivated.

  “How long has it been exactly?"

  Dinasty would hear no more.

  “The Alejandra has been missing for months. Mr. Calderon is that not correct?”

  “Yes, it has.”

  “I find it hard to believe that you didn’t install some sort of tracking device onboard.”

  “My lady. Emperor Feera requested the vessel be completely undetectable. We were extremely successful. It is without a doubt the fastest and most sophisticated ship my company has ever built.”

  “Yes it was unfortunate you decided not to reproduce such a wonder,” frowned Gamora.

  “I assure you my ladies the sacrifice was too great to create such a device. I hope that as soon as it is recovered it is grounded and dismantled.”

  “Excuse me sir,” came a fresh sounding voice from behind Raffa.

  The group broke form as a young woman with long black hair in average formal wear addressed Raffa. She covered her red lips as she whispered into his ear.

  “Act casual but, we must leave. Now. Your locator is dead and I can’t hail your primary security team.”

  Raffa turned his head quickly towards the young woman then back at the group.

  “I apologize everyone
but, you must excuse me. I believe something has come up that requires my immediate attention.”

  “Oh dear!” exclaimed Gamora. “What a pity.”

  Raffa bowed his head.

  “Good evening ladies.”

  The young woman turned to leave. The twins bowed their heads and Raffa followed her.

  “Thank the goddess, Serena you’re wonderful.” snickered Raffa into Serena’s ear.

  Raffa cozied up next to Serena as they walked. Their former company melted away into the crowd.

  “Sir I couldn’t believe what you said to Dutches Gamora.”

  Raffa placed his empty glass onto the tray of a passing server and grabbed a full one.

  “I might have had to much too drink tonight my savior but, did you hear how she spoke to me?”

  “Sir, have you ever carved up fowl before you enjoyed eating it?”

  Raffa paused. The chorus of the party mixed with his thoughts.

  “Yes, I see your point. Wait. Maybe I don’t.”

  Serena smiled as they continued their walk.

  “What's the point of being great friends with the Emperor if you can’t do something with it once in a while?”

  Raffa took a sloppy sip of champagne.

  “Sir you are definitely drunk. I don’t know how you kept it together.”


  Raffa wiped his face.

  “I’m not anymore, clearly. Did you call for the wings?"

  “Yes sir. I did. It should be waiting for us but I think --."

  “Raffa!” boomed a voice over the heads of the guests.

  “We almost made it,” chuckled Raffa while he draped a smile across his face.

  Raffa turned to see Damon of Saint Julian's Praetorians. They already had shared too many drinks tonight.

  “Raffa the party is just getting started! You’re not leaving are you?!” roared Damon through his thick praetorian beard. He pushed his way through the crowd towards Raffa and Serena.

  “Sir Damon!” Raffa bellowed back.

  Raffa tossed his glass of champagne to the side and opened his arms. Damon grasped him around the torso and lifted him up. He placed him back down wearing a big toothy smile.

  “Raffa you can’t leave! Surely you can stay for another drink! Jonas needs to meet you!"

  Raffa shot him a confused smile and placed his hand on Damon’s shoulder.


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