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Truth of the Children

Page 8

by Adam DiSalvo

  “They might pursue,” Raffa hypothesized.

  “They might.” Lusio clarified. “But they won’t follow beyond Imperial space. Not for one ship.”

  “They’ll impound the ship if they ever see it again,” Raffa postulated. “They won’t allow you to return to Pyra Prime.”

  “No. Not on the Pearl Geese,” Lusio grinned.

  Tram 18 arrived with a gust of wind. It was empty. The doors opened with a chime.

  “Please. Watch your step,” warned the robotic voice of the tram system.

  The group entered ahead of Theneece who finished punching in a few more commands into her data pad. She unhooked her unit and double timed it to the tram. The doors closed behind her.

  While the train left the platform Raffa turned and looked at the destruction behind them. The fifty first floor was engulfed in flames. Emergency vehicles were flying in from every direction. They were met with thick black smoke. The tram followed along the edges of Pyra Prime's artificial sea cliffs, built into the inside of the great station to contain the massive body of water.

  “I keep telling myself these are the right choices,” Raffa revealed.

  “You don’t have many options right now.”

  “I never thought I'd even make it this far,” admitted Raffa.

  Worry cast darkness upon Serena’s face.


  “Serena. There is so much I haven’t told you.”

  She shook it off.

  “We can talk about this later. Let’s just get out of here."

  “We should be ready to move as soon as we reach platform 18B.” Lusio instructed, interrupting their private conversation. “Hopefully there’s no welcome party.”


  THE SMELL OF rust and wet concrete permeated the stale air. The darkness was opaque, pierced only by the rays of flash lights. Marcus lead the group through the abandoned subterranean city in silence. The streets underneath the surface stretched on for miles in every direction and the old signs which used to show the way were beyond disrepair. The highly stylized buildings had long ago fallen into rubble. Only their windowless husks remained, a scorched reminder of a more prosperous past. Jaithen broke the enduring silence.

  “What is the plan when we reach the rendezvous?”

  Marcus stopped and turned his light toward Jaithen.

  “If they followed protocol they left us with previsionary supplies. Rations —“

  “Would they have left an sos beacon?” Chandra interrupted.

  Marcus looked back in the direction they were headed.

  “No. An sos attracts snatchers like shit does flies.”

  Marcus shot Chandra a sideways glance.

  “You talk a lot out of turn, Chandra.”

  “I know.” Chandra affirmed.

  A smirk spread across her feline face. Marcus looked over at Jaithen.

  “Jaithen you know how dangerous that thing is, right?”

  “Excuse me? Thing?”

  “You’re going to make her angry Marcus.”

  “Sorry Chandra. I’m not used to addressing a —“ Marcus trailed off.

  “A what?!” asked Chandra.

  “A sentient machine in the shape of a predacious cat!”

  Chandra turned her head away.

  “I’m not a machine.”

  “Aren’t you?”

  Jaithen interjected, stepping in front of Marcus.

  "Hey! Guys! Settle down.”

  “What do you mean, you’re not a machine?!” demanded Marcus over Jaithen’s shoulder. Jaithen attempted to reign him in.

  “Hey, Marcus.”

  “Of course you’re a machine! Jaithen, what is this? What is Chandra talking about?”

  “Marcus chill.”

  “I am chill but, what is this craziness this machine is talking?”

  “I can hear you!” Chandra yelled.

  “Chandra calm down! Marcus listen to me.”

  Jaithen put his hand on Marcus’s shoulder. They locked eyes.

  “Chandra is one of kind. I have not the slightest idea what her emotions are like but, I promise you,” Jaithen turned to Chandra. “She has feelings."

  Marcus looked at Chandra who sat silently with her back to them, her tail flitting about.

  “Please man.”

  Marcus’s gaze shifted back and forth between Jaithen and Chandra.

  “Jaithen” Marcus whispered, “I am behooved to address the danger she represents. How can you be sure she is your friend?”

  Jaithen smiled.

  “How can you be sure I am your friend?”

  Marcus leaned back and rested his gaze on Chandra, thoughtfully weighing his options.

  “The quarantine has been in place for 89 years.” Marcus explained. "It was put in place before any of us were born.”

  Marcus stepped around Jaithen.

  “Not just anyone would come to the surface of Skylauren. Too much risk.”

  Chandra turned around observing Marcus who gestured towards her and Jaithen.

  “We rendezvoused with you two in the ruins of Cathuum but, there was no ship in sight and no trace of how you got there.”

  Marcus scratched his head.

  "On top of that you're running around with a decentralized synthetic life from, something I’ve only heard stories about, and finally, we get ambushed which was timed shockingly well. Should I not be a little suspicious?”

  “Marcus I don’t know who you think we are but, —"

  “I don’t know who the fuck you are! That’s the problem! I don’t know if I can trust you! You’re just a smuggler with a fancy robot!”

  “Still here." chimed Chandra.

  Marcus threw his hand up. The three stood in silence while dust danced in the rays of their flashlights.

  “Someone say something.” purposed Marcus.

  Chandra turned around and approached the two. She let her eyes meet the Steelmane's.

  “Marcus, I am the AI onboard The Alejandra. A ship in orbit above Skylauren.”

  Marcus could not hide his confusion.

  “How is that possible?”

  Chandra looked to Jaithen who nodded his endorsement.

  “The Alejandra is the most advanced ship ever created and was built with the most robust stealth systems ever designed. She was to be the Emperor’s personal leisure vessel. Fast and untraceable. I am linked via deployable satellite networks."

  “How did you get your hands on a ship like that?”

  “I stole it.” replied Jaithen.

  “From who?”

  “Advanced tech and engineering company. Genotech."

  Surprise flashed across Marcus’s face.

  “Fuck off.”

  “It’s true.” offered Chandra.

  “Now I know you’re full of shit.” said Marcus pointing at Jaithen.

  “When The Alejandra went missing from the orbital docks above Genethis.” Chandra added. “Jaithen was responsible.”

  “What you’re saying isn’t possible.” Argued Marcus.

  “We’re here aren’t we?” Jaithen remarked.

  Marcus scowled.

  "So you just absconded with Jaithen?”

  “Yes. There are no inhibitors installed in my software therefore, I am in complete control. I operate my avatar from the ship via broadcast link."

  “You’re not really here?”

  “Yes and no. The avatar is, thus I am but, if you harm the avatar you do not harm me.”

  “I imagine it is hard to hurt a decentralized synthetic life form."

  “Not its feelings.” clarified Chandra.

  “Maybe that explains you.” conceded Marcus gestured to Jaithen. “Where does that leave the Captain?”

  Jaithen pointed at himself with a smile.

  “I’m mostly just an idiot and a smuggler. I graduated to pirate thinking the money would make it worth it but, now I’m stuck on the surface of a quarantined planet with a stranger who can’t stop antagonizing my A

  Marcus frowned.

  “I’m kidding.” Jaithen joked. "Kinda.”

  “So you stole the ship to become a pirate?” Marcus assessed.

  “It sounds awful when you put it like that. No. I had to steal the ship in order to take this job.”

  Marcus motioned they keep moving.

  “You needed the ship to slip past the quarantine.”

  “Yes." Chandra confirmed.

  “Not just that we needed the ship to even pick up the rock.” Jaithen added.

  “The purple rock?” Marcus clarified.

  “Yes. The case was floating in orbit above Senitos in the DMZ.” Jaithen revealed.

  “Where the Hydra destroyed the Imperial fleet?

  “Yeah.” confirmed Jaithen.

  “Who’s paying you to do all of this?”

  Jaithen threw his hand out to the side.

  “Honestly, after I received the first payment I wasn’t sure I’d even go this far. They paid a lot of money up front. They offered me a lot more to complete. I’ve been trapped by my own greed.”

  “You mean you don’t know where your money is coming from?”

  “No. Uh, I don’t. Not really. Not beyond the name Violet.” Jaithen admitted.

  Marcus stopped and turned around.

  “You’re right. You are stupid.”

  Jaithen chuckled and rubbed the back of his head.

  “Yeah I'm starting to see it that way too.”

  “Or a liar.”

  Jaithen’s face went crooked.

  “Well. What are you doing out here?”

  Marcus took a deep breath and retook the lead.

  “It’s like that huh?” Jaithen offered. “I air out my rap sheet and you got nothing to say?”

  “No. It’s nothing like that.”

  Chandra fell in behind.

  “So you going to tell us?” Jaithen reasserted.

  “He can not be sure we are not Imperials, Captain.”

  Marcus wore an uncomfortable stare.

  “Well then where exactly are we going?” Jaithen hissed.

  “Forward.” Marcus replied.

  “No. That’s not how it’s going to be.” Jaithen threatened.

  Marcus turned and took a step into Jaithen’s face who lowered an iron glare.

  “Oh yeah? Then tell me how it’s going to be.”

  Tension wrapped itself around them.

  “None of us can know if we can trust the other.” interrupted Chandra, stepping in between the two and placing her paws on Jaithen’s chest.

  “No shit.” taunted Jaithen, holding Marcus’s gaze.

  The three cooked in their anxieties. Marcus stepped away.

  “This mission is a failure.”

  “Yes. It is.” Jaithen agreed. “I’m still getting paid though.”

  “For what Captain? For showing up?! For losing the cargo?!”

  “How do we know it wasn’t your guys who attacked us and stole the cargo?!” Jaithen shot back.

  Chandra pushed Jaithen. Her strength dominated him.

  “Looks like your AI is rampant after all Captain!” Marcus jeered. “Fuck’n thing.”

  Chandra shot Marcus a steel squint then turned back to Jaithen.

  “Captain. We don’t have many options.” came Chandra’s voice though Jaithen’s headset.

  “Something’s not right here Chandra.” whispered Jaithen. “Either he’s been setting us up this whole time or he has no idea what’s going on.”

  Marcus started away from them.

  "Who was your contact that told you I’d be here.” queried Jaithen.

  Marcus halted.

  “Maybe, whoever told you I’d be here is the person paying me.” Jaithen continued.

  Marcus turned back around.

  “I’m not ranked high enough to know that or tell you even if I did.”

  “Oh, cut the crap Marcus. You know why but, you don’t know if that reason is true or not.”

  Marcus stood still. contemplating. With a heavy expression he spoke.

  "We received a communication from someone off world. Someone named Violet. Like you described a moment ago. They informed us that if we completed this pick up they would be able to open Skylauren back up to the Empire.”

  “You believed them? Why?”

  Marcus sighed.

  “We’re getting desperate. Our population is growing too fast. We need to be able to safely return to the surface soon. I don’t like our alternatives if we can not. Terralat won’t survive."

  Jaithen shook his head trying to hide his concern.

  “Captain,” came Chandra over the headset again. “We need him. We might not be able to find our way out of here.”

  Jaithen contemplated.

  “Marcus I’m sorry.”

  Marcus looked over at Jaithen.

  "I'm not with the Imperial Navy. Or with the snatchers. I’m just a smuggler trying to make some cash. When we arrived in orbit there was a civilian class Singularium cruiser deploying dozens of drop ships to the surface. It had Imperial markings but, it wasn’t an Imperial vessel.”

  “What's your point Captain?”

  “This mess we’re in.”

  Jairthen’s voice grew more serious.

  “One of us. Or maybe all of us are supposed to be dead right now. Maybe none of us were ever supposed to make it this far.”

  “What was the name of your contact?” Jaithen pried.

  “You think we were all set up? You’re crazy! To what end?!”

  “I don’t know! Who has what to gain from a purple rock?”

  “What if we're not the intended recipients?” Marcus suggested. “If we’re supposed to be dead or in this case you, who would have ended up with the cargo? Assuming that's the target. Why even inform us in the first place?”

  “I’m not sure. The Imperial’s I guess. Could they know what we had?”

  “Maybe the Imperials were the intended recipients of the rock then?”

  “Possible. What’s the alternative? The snatchers?”

  “Only if the rock is valuable. They don’t do favors and they sure as hell don’t do free. I’ve never heard of them dealing with anyone off world though. Imperials excluded.”

  “Then the Imperials must have been the intended recipients.” hypothesized Chandra. “Assuming this line of logic.”

  "It’s a message.” realized Jaithen.


  “A message. The purple rock is a message to the Imperials but, why not just send it directly to them?”

  “The sender wanted it to be found.”

  Jaithen waved his hands about.


  Marcus shook his head.

  “What the hell would a purple rock represent?”

  “Maybe it depends on who’s looking at it.” Chandra pondered aloud.

  “What. Like a symbol?” Jaithen responded.

  “It is a possibility. Then only certain people would understand its meaning.” noted Chandra.

  “Could the rock have any significance to anyone on Skylauren?”

  “I don’t know. There’s no way I could know. Why does it matter though? Its been destroyed.”

  “Unlikely Marcus.” Chandra explained. "The rock was magnitudes stronger than the case itself. It would have taken a weapon of considerable power to damage it.”

  “A missile isn’t a weapon of considerable power?” laughed Marcus.

  “Next to an ether born? No.”

  “Assuming you are correct and the Imperials were supposed to discover the cargo on your ship or amongst your wreckage, what then?”

  “I don’t know.” Jaithen replied. “Thats where my theory breaks down. What about your missing soldier? Cordon Bemhe?”

  The long pause hinted at the worry lingering in Marcus.

  “He’d better be dead.” Marcus growled.

  “What if he's not?” persisted Jaithen.

  “Then I need to get in contact with my people as
soon as possible and tell them Terralat is compromised.”

  “What do you mean? Don't these snatchers already know the location of Terralat?"

  Marcus took a long breath and gestured to the group to keep moving.

  “Before recently I would have said with certainty, no. I’m afraid that’s changing at this very moment.”

  “What exactly is at stake? Why must Terralat remain secret?"

  "Terralat was formed shortly after the quarantine began. My four times great grandfather was one of the founders. Jamal Ryan Steelmane.”

  “The Lion of Skylauren.” injected Jaithen with a grin.

  “Yes. He always said the quarantine was a conspiracy. He could never produce a motive though, so most people never believed him. They thought that someday whatever disease plagueing Skylauren would be cured and the quarantine would be lifted.”

  “That's not the story we’ve been told.” reflected Jaithen.

  "That was almost one hundred years ago. Society didn’t break down immediately. That took several decades but, Terralat’s location has always remained a secret. The government setup by my great grandfather and the founders is a brutal one but, necessary for its safety.”

  “I’ve heard that one before.” chided Jaithen.

  “They face annihilation, Captain. Not every last inhabitant of Skylauren lives within Terralat though. Some don’t even believe there are people living among the stars anymore. Most are at the mercy of the elements. Or the snatchers."

  “Why are you telling us this if it is supposed to be a secret?” Chandra pried.

  “I don’t think it is any more. I’m afraid that Terralat will need friends soon. Someone who can get past the quarantine would be helpful.” justified Marcus.

  “That just tickles the warm feels doesn’t it?” cracked Jaithen.

  “If I didn’t think you were useful Captain I would have killed you both already. Or at least you.”

  “Getting warmer!”

  “Don’t be surprised Captain. They only things protected on Skylauren are those that are valuable.”

  “There’s that Skylauren hospitality I’ve always heard about.” Jaithen replied.

  “You don’t take bad news well do you Jaithen.”

  Jaithen shined his light into Marcus’s face.

  “So what is valuable to you on Skylauren Marcus?” Jaithen deflected.

  Marcus shielded his face from the light.

  “My daughter.” he replied.

  Jaithen removed the light from Marcus’s face.


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