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Truth of the Children

Page 16

by Adam DiSalvo

  “You see it?” chirped Raffa’s voice through the speaker.

  “Why is my boss so insane?” she groaned, appealing to the sky.

  She lifted her head as she brought the com back to the side of her face.

  “Yes, I see it.”

  “So, now that you know I’m serious. Will you hear me out?”

  She sat up.

  “Raffa you can’t give that to them.”

  “I most certainly can.”

  “Raffa that’s a weapon!”

  “It’s a very valuable weapon actually.”

  Serena rolled her eyes.

  “One anyone, would do anything for, to get,” he added.

  “You can’t give the Hydra’s crown to any one of the five!”

  “Who said I wanted to give it to one of them?”

  Confusion scrunched Serena’s nose.

  “What do you mean? What are you planning?”

  “Haha! See? I might actually have a plan!”


  “Okay. Okay. Okay.”

  “I’m not going to like this, am I.”

  “I thought you had a taste for adventure.”

  “Raffa, a life of pleasure and gluttony is supposed to follow said adventure. It sounds like you’re offering suffering and potential death.”

  “Potential. Death.”

  “What does this have to do with the Alejandra?”

  “I’m glad you’re interested.”

  “You haven’t won me over yet. You said you don’t even know where it is.”

  “Serena, you honestly think I don’t have some way to track it down? C’mon.”

  “You made it public knowledge, Genotech was unable to track it down.”

  “Was I too obvious?”

  “Terribly. Where is it?"

  “It’s beyond the quarantine line, in orbit above Skylauren.”

  Serena shot to her feet.

  “What? How the —, what idiot would steal it and then take it to Skylauren?”

  “The kid I hired didn’t seem that stupid. I guess people can surprise you.”

  Irritation clamped onto Serena’s jaw.

  “You hired a kid to steal it? Raffa what the fuck is going on?”

  “Well I’m not sure if he’s a kid or not. Never saw his face. Seemed eager tho. Besides. I had to get the ship out of there.”

  “Why?! What for?”

  “Serena! It’s my ship!”

  “No, it’s not! You designed it! You don’t own it!”

  Raffa let out a long sigh.

  “Serena please. I couldn’t in good conscience let that ship be delivered to the Emperor.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Serena. You have no idea what that ship represents. Knowledge of how the Alejandra operates will shred the Sungarden Empire.”

  “Raffa, what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying I need to get that ship and I need to postpone the death that looms on the horizon.”

  “If you give the crown to the five you’re not postponing disaster, you’re courting it.”

  “Serena, I’m going to trade that crown.”

  They engaged in a silent stand off.

  “I can’t talk you out of this can I?”

  “No. I’m afraid you cannot.”

  Serena made her way across the balcony to the double doors leading inside.

  She shook her head wearing a nervous smile.

  “Which three? What do you need from them?”

  “Serena I love you in the most plutonic way possible. Whatever you want when this is all over."

  She entered her suite and made her way through the lounge area to the master bedroom.

  “You’re right whatever I want. I’m getting my own ship. That’s what’s happening.”

  “We need the tempest, the graven, and the illuminated.”

  Serena rolled her eyes again.

  "Lady Kess, Lord Gaiyagen, and Lord Ty.”

  “You want them to exercise their power for you. You’re going to ask them to jump you to Skylauren.”

  “I am.”

  She walked into a lavish closet and strode over to where a handful of bright dresses hung near the center of the left wall.

  “That’s why you need the crown.”

  She removed a crimson dress from its hangar and walked back to the bedroom, laying the dress on the foot of the tall bed. She then started toward the dresser on the other side of the closet.

  “It will compel them. Yes.”

  “Raffa we’re not just attending court with homicidal ethers, this time.” she cautioned, opening the dresser’s top drawer. “Whatever game you’re playing, it’s far more dangerous."

  Out from the dresser came matching black under wear.

  "You’re planning on handing them the crown and the secrets to faster than light travel?”

  "Yes but, they won’t be able to exercise it without one another. Or at least those three.”

  “Raffa what exactly is in the Alejandra? What are you not telling me?”

  “C’mon Serena. There’s tons of things I haven’t told you.”


  “I’m not telling you.”



  “Serena when I designed that ship I was fucked up out of my mind.”

  “What? What are you tal—"

  “I was in a fucked up place. Okay? I heard another one of our employees had been escorted out by ether guards—"”

  He cut himself off.

  “They never came back. I—“

  He cut himself off with a breath once more. Serena covered her mouth.

  “Oh no.”

  “I found myself hating ether’s more than usual. Serena. I need to get that ship back. After that I don’t know what I’m going to do. Probably hide like you said.”

  “Wouldn’t destroying the ship solve most of your problems?”

  “If it were that easy I’d be happy to but, it’s not. It’s far more complicated.”

  “What’s your plan then? It doesn’t sound like you can even tell them about the Alejandra.”

  “I can’t, which is why I’m going need your help to convince them.”

  “Raffa they’re not just going to make that trade without asking questions. They’ll’ think you’re crazy for giving up that crown. What are you going to tell them?”

  “Shock doc.”


  “A shock doc! That’s what I’m going to tell them!”

  “I might be just mentioning this now but, you lost me,” Serena admitted.

  “I’m going to tell them I want to film a shock documentary.”

  “What? About what?"

  “About breaking through the quarantine and taking samples from the surface showing there’s no diseases and that the quarantine can be lifted.”

  “Raffa there is a deadly disease down there.”

  “Something tells me that if my friend took the Alejandra there, maybe it’s not as dangerous we think.”

  “You’re friend?” Serena laughed.

  “You know what I mean.”

  She placed her underwear next to the dress.

  “So you want to make them believe, you believe, that what the conspiracy theorists believe is true. That there really is no disease warranting a quarantine and you want to be the one to prove it.”

  “I should have made you head of PR."

  “You’re selling them the idea that you want fame more than anything. Even life.”

  “It’s the language they understand.”

  She sat down on the bed.

  “I don’t know if you're crazy or genius.”

  “In most cases it’s both.”

  “In your case it’s both.”

  Raffa chuckled.

  “You’re probably right.”

  “How can you be sure they won’t kill us and try to secure the crown on their own?”

  “The secrets to faster than light travel s
hould be too great a gift to pass on. The crown is just to sweeten the deal. Plus whatever else I can get my hands on.”

  “So you want them to jump you first and then you’ll deliver the crown. Then what? Throw in a nepheri swag bag?”

  “Precisely. Half up front. Half when the job is done.”

  Serena stood up form the bed and walked to the bathroom.

  “Has Lusio agreed to this?”

  “Lusio? What does that matter? He’s a paid mercenary. His job is to ensure our survival, not ask questions.”

  “Sir, you’re aware of what you’re dragging him into, right?”

  “Serena. We have limited options here.”

  She reached into the shower and waved her hand over the hot water symbol carved into the light brown, granite wall. Steaming water fell like rain from the ceiling.

  “Oh I know, I just don’t think not telling your security detail what your plans are, isn’t in your best interest.”

  She felt the temperature of the water with one hand as she waved the other back and forth in front of the cold water symbol, adjusting the warmth.

  “Serena you expect me to divulge to a mercenary that I am currently in possession of the Hydra’s crown? I know you two have become close over the last few months but, seriously? I’m supposed trust him with that information?”

  Serena’s expression turned to irritation.

  “Raffa. Lusio is a good man.”

  “That’s not the point I’m trying to make here.”

  “Then what are you saying? You don’t trust him?"

  “I don’t trust anyone Serena. Power tempts people.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’m trading it aren’t I?”

  “Yes but, for what I’m not sure without you telling me what’s onboard the Alejandra.”

  “What if I said it was personal and I was deeply ashamed about it? Would you let it go then?”

  “Raffa, you’re not ashamed of anything.”

  “What if this time I was?”

  Serena looked into the mirror.

  “Are you?”


  She leaned on the stark white marble counter.

  “You’re going to pay me so well,” she begrudged.

  “I’ll have a transport come get you in less than an hour to chauffeur you to the capitol building.”



  Raffa’s tone darkened.

  “What ever happens when we’re in there. Maintain your nerve.”

  She swallowed hard.

  “I understand.”

  Raffa placed the communicator down on the desk in front of him and leaned his chin on his fingers and thumb. The office around him was beautifully decorated in the style of the ancient desert cultures of Genethis. The effects were covered in whites, creams, and beiges, which were accented with polished copper and bronze. Teal lights highlighted the soft color scheme. He looked up at the sound of the door chime. With a wave of his hand, the way opened.

  A woman in her early twenties stepped in. She had flawless olive skin and her long blonde hair was pulled back into a tight high ponytail. She had piercing turquoise eyes and her flowing robes adorned the beige and white colors of the House of Light. Tanned sandals wrapped up her feet with bronze threads. Her wrists were covered in topaz encrusted bronze bracelets with ancient Ergish symbols engraved in between the gems. Laylani Sundive's beauty was stirring. She was flanked on either side by two capitol guards in their polished bronze plated armor with a dozen more in tow. Raffa sat up straight.

  “Minister Sundive I was not expecting any official company.”

  Laylani smiled and took a seat opposite Raffa.

  “I’m only here to chat Mr. Calderon. There’s no need to worry.”

  “That’s a lot of guards for unofficial business,” smiled Raffa. “Either way. I conduct all my business off record.”

  “So I’ve heard.” Laylani revealed.

  Raffa leaned back.

  “What can I do for the Minister of Public Security?”

  Laylani leaned forward meeting Raffa’s gaze.

  “It has come to my attention there was an attempt on your life back on Pyra Prime, at the palace of Thermipoli.”

  Raffa shifted in his chair.

  “It would have been a successful one if it hadn’t been for my assistant, Serena.”

  “Yes, Ms. Redbird. We understand she’s quite talented.”

  “You understand that do you?” Raffa smirked

  “We do indeed Mr. Calderon.”

  “Well, I can’t imagine the Minister of Public Security took the time to visit a vacationing Imperial citizen just to talk about his talented assistant.”

  “Vacationing,” Laylani laughed. “Oh my. You are funny.”

  Raffa maintained a plastic, cheerful expression.

  “Mr. Calderon, I may just lack the gravitas of one such as yourself however, it’s peculiar to require a meeting with Our Lord under such short notice.”

  “I have a very urgent matter to discuss with Lord Ty. Yes."

  “How many times have you been to Cantiga Mr. Calderon?”

  Raffa adjusted in his chair, recollecting.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Maybe three times or so. Including this one.”

  “So after only three visits to Cantiga, when you seek an audience with Our Lord, it’s supposed to be granted expediently?”

  “I’m charming enough aren’t I?”

  “Yes, you’re quite the billionaire playboy."

  They held each other’s eyes with equal patients. Laylani severed the connection.

  “As Minister of Public Security, the safety of Our Lord as well as our citizens is my greatest concern.”

  “I assure you Minister I’m not here for the sake of doing harm.”

  Raffa shifted his gaze to her bracelets.

  “Never the less.”

  She brought up her hand and rested her finger against the side of her face.

  “It's not you we are worried about.”

  “Should I be relieved?”

  "I don’t know Mr. Calderon. Are you relieved to be on Cantiga?”

  Raffa turned in his chair.

  “I am relieved the Lord of Light has granted me an audience under such short notice considering my station.”

  “Yes, your station. Is your position as CEO of Genotech possible motivation for the attempt on your life?"

  “I suppose it could be assumed that because of my societal position there might be some animosity towards me but, no one has come forward to claim responsibility.”

  “We can assume there are no terrorist motives then?”

  Raffa nodded his agreement.

  “We can.”

  “Then it’s also safe to assume the attempt on your life had nothing to do with the events at the Pyra Prime Flight Transportation Security building.”

  “Beg pardon?”

  She flashed him a pouty grin.

  “The FTS building? How could you have forgotten? Letassa cleaved the skyscraper in two. Hundreds died. You filed the report on the attempt on your life in that building moments before Letassa destroyed it. And now you’re here."

  “That was only a few months ago. You’re incredibly well informed Minister.”

  Laylani smiled.

  “It is my job Mr. Calderon but, honestly did you think it wouldn’t hit the news? Whatever instructions you left for Genotech during your absence seem to be sustaining them well.”

  Raffa clasped his hands together.

  “I left them in the very capable hands of Hector Brightbowe and I assure you the two incidences aren’t related. New Fate claimed responsibility for Letassa’s assassination.”


  “Excuse me what?”

  “She survived.”

  Raffa sat back in surprise.

  “You didn’t know?” Laylani prodded.

  “Well, before a few weeks ago I was in space for a couple
months. I had assumed it was successful.”

  “And why’s that?”

  Raffa didn’t respond.

  “Mr. Calderon it is imperative you share every detail with me you can. It could help protect yourself as well as Our Lord and all of Cantiga.”

  “Minister. I was inside that building when New Fate attacked. There was savagery on both sides. I don’t know how you’d protect me from either.”

  “Are you saying you feel some sympathy towards New Fate?”

  Raffa scowled, furrowing his brow.

  “You’re joking right?”

  “I’m quite serious.”

  “No. I have no sympathy for or any relationship with New Fate."

  Laylani tilted her head, giving a slight nod of acceptance. Raffa kept fiddling with the bangle on his wrist.

  “Minister. Do you know what those symbols mean on your bracelet there?”

  Layalni smirked.

  “Mr. Calderon. It’s written in ergish. The same language as your Imperial laws. Governing ethers here on Cantiga don’t even know it.”

  “Yes, the language of ’the gods’,” Raffa mocked. “The first language of Genethis."

  “Then you know only those who address the Imperial court read and speak ergish.”

  Raffa stood up.

  “Yes, big secret. And those ethers from the age before Athronin too. Lord Ty for example.” he added walking over to the window.


  “Then allow me to indulge you further,” he suggested with a sideways grin.

  Laylani pressed her finger tip to her lips taking Raffa in as he continued playing with his jewelry. The office facilitating their meeting was eighty floors up in a towering glass spire giving one the feeling of flight inside. The light reflecting from the pyramid capitol building cast a soft yellow glow throughout the room.

  “Why not? Indulge me,” Laylani conceded.

  Raffa turned and stepped around the desk. The soldiers grabbed for their weapons. Raffa froze, still wearing a smile, spying them from the corner of his eye. He tilted his head waiting for Laylani’s endorsement. She nodded and the soldiers retuned to a relaxed posture. Raffa reached out and took Laylani’s hand adorning the ancient ergish bracelet.

  “Is Lord Ty one for tradition? Does he believe in symbolism?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Does he think they truly have any meaning?”

  “I would never pretend to feign comprehension of Our Lord's mind.”

  Raffa nodded.

  “Fair enough. Did you know it’s an original?"

  Laylani chuckled.


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