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Firefighter's Risk: A Clean First Responders Romance Book Two

Page 12

by Bree Livingston

  His Adam’s apple bobbed as he nodded. “Yeah, I can.” He paused, seeming to pull himself together and find the words he wanted to say. “Miss Johnson, I want to tell you I’m sorry. I’ll never be able to say it enough, but I hope to one day earn your forgiveness.”

  Ashton blinked. The same gruff man with the explosive temper was speaking so softly she couldn’t believe it was the same person. She nodded, and he continued.

  “Not only did I hurt you and the kids that go to your center, but I hurt my little girl. I thought I could find what I was missing or whatever I was looking for in the Vipers. I was stupid to not see what I had right in front of me.” He covered Monica’s hand with his. “I have two people who love me, want me, and are willing to put up with me.”

  Nodding, Ashton fought back tears. “You do.”

  “I know. Your boyfriend…” He swallowed hard again. “He…he came into that burning building and pulled me out. He didn’t have to. He could have left me right there to die, and he should have, but he didn’t. I’d threatened him and his little sister, but it didn’t matter.”

  “Well, he’s not my boyfriend,” Ashton said and paused. And if he was before, he wasn’t anymore. “Carlos is a good man. He really only cared that Lucy was safe. Me too. That’s all I wanted.”

  Monica patted his hand with hers. “See? They weren’t judging you, baby. They just wanted Lucy taken care of.”

  He nodded. “I know. I was really stupid.” He began coughing and held his chest. When it subsided, Monica held a glass to his lips. Once he drank a little water, he began again. “I’ve talked to my buddy, one of the Vipers who’d pushed back when I told them what I was going to do. He said he’s got contacts, and as soon as you have a building picked out, he’ll get the guys who were smart enough not to follow me, and they’ll help you get the center going again.”

  With a small gasp, Ashton stepped forward. “That’s very kind of you.”

  Duke looked up at Monica. “I was trying to replace my family with something that had no way of loving me back. Trying to be important to people who would toss me aside as if I were nothing.”

  “I think everyone does that at times, when all we want is right in front of our faces.” Come to think of it, she’d been doing that too, looking to the kids and the center to replace what she’d lost so many years ago. A feeling of belonging and family. As much as she loved the kids and what she’d built, it couldn’t hold her or comfort her.

  Sadness filled her heart. She could have seen that happening with Carlos. She loved him, but until he could love her the way she deserved to be loved, there was nothing she could do.

  Duke looked at Monica again. “I’m going to do my time. When I get out, I’m going to be the husband Monica needs and the father Lucy deserves. The old Duke Rivers died in that building. You have my promise that when I get out, I’ll do what it takes to make up for what I did.”

  Rounding the side of the bed, Ashton palmed his arm. “Let your lawyer know that if you need me to testify, I will. I’m not condoning what you did, but your family needs you. Maybe I can help with the sentencing. Maybe we can keep your time in there short.”

  Monica jumped up, ran around the foot of the bed, and pulled Ashton into a bear hug. “Thank you.” She leaned back and glanced at Duke. “I told you he wasn’t always mean. This is the man I married. A good man with a heart of gold. He just got lost for a little while.”

  Ashton smiled. “You did tell me that. I’m so happy for you.”

  “That firefighter friend of yours is lucky to have you. You don’t give up on people. You didn’t give up on me or Lucy or even Duke when you had every reason to.” Monica released Ashton and returned to Duke’s side. “Thank you.”

  “I’m gonna go so you two can talk,” Ashton said, easing her way to the door. “If you need anything, just call. I don’t even mind babysitting Lucy. Okay?”

  Monica smiled. “Thank you for everything.”

  With that, Ashton left the room. She’d just witnessed a miracle, or pretty close to one. A man realizing he’d put value on things that bankrupted him and waking up to see the treasure right in front of him. It was the sweetest, best thing to happen in a long time. This was what her parents would have wanted.

  At least someone would have a happy ending, even if she didn’t. But, this was a good thing. It gave her hope that maybe after she put the pieces of her heart back together, a few good things could happen for her too.

  Chapter 33

  Ashton had intended to go home, curl up on her couch, and cry until she couldn’t, but before she knew it, she was on her way to the center. She had no idea why. Nothing would be different. It would still be burned to the ground. She’d pinched herself enough times to know it wasn’t a nightmare—even if it was.

  As she pulled into the parking lot, her heart skipped a beat. Carlos was standing by his truck door, hands in his pockets and leaning against his door. Pulling to a stop, she parked the car a few feet from him and stepped out.

  Stopping at the front of her car, she gave him a small smile. “I almost went home, but before I knew it, I was here.” She stepped a little closer as she turned and faced the building. “It’s all gone. All of it.”

  “I know, and I’m so sorry. We tried.” Sadness seemed to hang on the words.

  She turned to him. “Oh, I’m not blaming you. I’m mostly feeling a little sorry for myself.”

  “I know, but that doesn’t mean I don’t hurt for you, because I do. I know how much it meant to you.”

  “You might not believe this, but Duke apologized.”

  “He did?” The question held as much shock as she’d felt in the hospital.

  Nodding, she said, “Yep. I think his little brush with death gave him a change of heart.” Her smile widened. “He couldn’t believe you pulled him out after what he’d done.” Although Ashton could. Carlos was that kind of man.

  Carlos shrugged. “I was just doing my job.”

  “Because you’re a good man.”

  He toed the ground. “Polly and I talked.”

  She tilted her head, her pulse racing a little faster. “Oh?”

  “Yeah. I used her as an excuse to run. I told her she’s not telling me what I can do or…who I can date…or love.”

  Love? “What?” Mostly, she just wanted to hear it again to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating.

  He lifted his gaze to hers. “I told her I love you, and that while I love her fiercely and she’ll always be a priority, she was going to have to share the number-one spot.”

  “You did?” Her breath came out in fast little puffs of cloudy air. “What did she say?”

  He chuckled. “She said Elise had a talk with her. Told her that she was being selfish and bratty. She said she was sorry for being that way.” He laughed a little more. “Can’t say I wasn’t a little shocked. I expected a fight, but I’d already made up my mind that as soon as I could, I was finding you, telling you I love you, and hoping you’d take pity on me…and let me love you.”

  Ashton threw her arms around his neck. “I love you too. I told her that I loved you.” She leaned back. “I love you so much.”

  Cupping her cheek with his hand, he said, “I was using devotion to Polly to keep myself safe. Losing my parents changed so many things. Don’t get me wrong, I love Polly, but it was hard, and I was afraid of what loving someone could do. So I sort of pushed you away. But I realized if I walked away from you, I wouldn’t be losing you, I’d be giving you away. I’d rather risk a broken heart with you than anything in this world.”

  She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’d been running too. I was afraid of loving anyone and then losing them. It wasn’t until Duke said something that I even realized it. Losing my parents, being an only child, it was scary to think that I could lose someone again.”

  “I do fight fires, you know.” He grinned.

  “I know.” She playfully popped him on the arm. “But I’d rather love you, build a
life with you, and store up memories than go through life as a shell. I’d rather be in your arms and be loved by you than be too afraid to even try. I love you, Carlos.”

  He picked her up by the waist, swung her around, and gently set her feet on the ground before lowering his lips to hers. “I love you, Ashton Johnson. I’m so sorry I ran. I’m so sorry I—”

  She put her hand against his lips. “I know. You can make it up to me by letting me love you too.”

  “I think I can manage that.”

  With that, he lowered his lips to hers, and she melted into him as he deepened the kiss.

  All the fears, the heartache, and the loneliness drifted further away as he held her and kissed her. The unknown was still scary, but she had someone’s hand she could hold while facing the future.

  Yes, she’d lost something she’d built, but she was being held by a man she wanted to build a life with, a home with. A man who would hold her when she cried, soothe her aches, and be her shelter when she felt lost. Someone who thought of her the same way.


  “What is taking them so long to get to the good part?”

  Ashton could barely suppress a smile as she patted Carlos’s knee. “Be patient. You’ve waited all these years. You can wait a few more minutes.” If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was the one graduating.

  Polly had run the gambit of emotions before they arrived for the ceremony, but now, she never even looked back like most of the other kids in the sea of white caps and gowns. When they walked in, she’d held her head high and smiled as she shot them a glance—poised and calm—like she was ready to face the world.

  In the months following the center burning down, so much had happened. First, the community had come together yet again to help her rebuild, with contractors, small businesses, and even the Vipers stepping up to the plate to help.

  It had been amazing, and today they’d be christening it by holding Polly’s graduation party there. It had been Polly’s idea…a way to inspire the younger kids to keep going to school. Ashton was so proud of her.

  If she felt that way, she could only imagine how Carlos felt. Unlike Polly, who sat still, he fidgeted in his seat, nearly vibrating with energy and pride at what his sister had accomplished.

  “You okay?” she whispered.

  “Yeah. I’m good.” He shot her a smile, lacing his fingers through hers. “Thanks for being here with me.”

  “Where else would I be?” She rested her head on his shoulder.

  “I know, but for the longest time, I saw myself here, alone, and I’m so glad that I’m not.”

  As the speakers concluded, the principal and vice-principal began calling names with each row slowly filing out to get in the procession line.

  They both got their phones ready. Carlos was on video duty while Ashton would take pictures. Polly worked her way through the line, though the fact that the class was arranged in alphabetical order meant she was fairly far back with the other S-name kids.

  “She’s so grown up,” Carlos said, shaking his head. “I blinked, and she went from awkward to…to this.”

  “I know. You raised an incredible young woman. I’m proud of both of you.”

  “I love you, you know,” he whispered.

  Nodding, warmth traveled up her neck to her ears. Even after all this time, hearing it daily, it still gave her goosebumps.

  “I love you too.” She kissed his cheek then noticed how far Polly had progressed while the two of them whispered back and forth. “Ooh, she’s almost at the front of the line!”

  Ashton snapped several photos of Polly waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

  “Pauline Scott, graduating with top honors,” the principal said.

  “Yeah, Polly!” Carlos clapped.

  Once the ceremony was over, Ashton waited with Carlos. As he spotted Polly, he began frantically waving. His little sister nearly ran and threw her arms around him.

  “You looked so great up there!” Ashton shouted over the noise around them.

  Polly mimed wiping sweat off her forehead. “I can’t believe it’s over.”

  “We have to go and celebrate,” Carlos announced, sliding an arm around Ashton’s waist.

  Polly’s jaw dropped. “You asked her already?”

  Ashton looked to Carlos for answers. “What’s going on?” she asked, looking from Polly back to him.

  Polly’s face went beet-red. “I don’t know. I, uh, forgot…everything. I have no idea what I’m talking about. Who am I? Where am I?” She looked around like she was lost.

  “Knock it off.” Ashton lifted an eyebrow. “What was your brother supposed to ask me?”

  “I’m sorry,” Polly whispered, looking at the ground.

  “It’s okay.” Carlos sighed. “I mean, it’s not exactly the way I’d planned it, but nothing ever is.”

  “I wish one of you would clue me in.” Ashton sighed. “Because you’re worrying me.”

  Another sharp glare passed from Carlos to Polly. “I don’t think it’s anything to worry about. Maybe. I hope.”

  “What is it, for heaven’s sake?”

  He turned to Ashton, seeming a little deflated. “This isn’t how I wanted to do this. I didn’t want to overshadow Pol’s day, either. But it looks like I don’t have a choice now.”

  That was when it hit her like a speeding truck. The whole world tilted a little, or maybe it was just Ashton thinking it did. She sure felt like it. “Oh,” she said, her hand coming to her chest and palming it.

  Carlos dipped a hand into his pocket while sinking to one knee, his eyes never leaving hers. “I love you. I want a lifetime of adventures, celebrations, and happiness with you. Will you please marry me?”

  Ashton’s heart pounded so hard it nearly drowned out the crowd around them.

  “Well?” Polly prompted. “What do you say? You’ve got an audience now.”

  Sure enough, a quick glance around told Ashton as much. People were starting to clue into what was going on, even in the middle of so much celebrating.

  What would she say? What an unnecessary question! “Yes, yes, of course!” She laughed even as tears started streaming down her face.

  The people surrounding them cheered as Carlos slipped the ring on her finger and stood, taking her in his arms and kissing her.

  Yeah, this is what she wanted. A lifetime of him. And whatever came, they’d face it together.

  Thank you for reading Firefighter’s Risk. I hope you’ll consider leaving a review.

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  Looking for a new series? Turn the page to read the first chapter of Her Pretend Billionaire Boyfriend.

  Sneak Peek! Her Pretend Billionaire Boyfriend Chapter 1

  Tristan Stone swiveled his chair away from the boardroom table and looked out over the Seattle skyline. The sun glinted off the windows of the Space Needle while a white-capped Mount Rainier stood in the background. He wished he was there, on the top of the mountain, and not dwelling on the board meeting that had just ended. He didn’t want to think about the dozen or so men and women who’d argued about which direction his grandmother would’ve wanted him to take the cruise line he’d inherited.

  He missed her.

  Find someone to love, sweetheart. Not all women will want you for your money. His grandmother’s words were like a megaphone in his head. He could still feel the aged hand touching his cheek and see the wrinkled face smiling up at him. Even while she was sick, she’d been thinking of him.

  He’d tried to convince her he didn’t feel lonely, but she could always see through him. Three months, and not a day went by that he didn’t miss her laughter and wisdom.

  “Tristan!” Grayson Matthews’s voice broke through his thoughts. “Are you listening to me?”

  “No,” he said without taking his eyes off the skyline.

  “Nice. Real nice.” Grayson huffed, pulling a chair directly in front of him and sitting backward in it.

  Tristan leveled
his eyes at him. “What?”

  “That board meeting was out of control. Why didn’t you do anything?”

  Why? Because he didn’t want to do anything. His grandmother wasn’t even cold, and vultures were circling. “My head isn’t here.” He had tasks to finish for his grandma. One of which was taking a cruise on the last cruise ship she’d designed so he could spread her ashes over the ocean.

  Grayson’s icy blue eyes softened. “Buddy, I know you miss her, but if you want this company to continue, you’re going to have to bring that alpha dog reputation you’ve created to the table.”

  Alpha dog. Tristan snorted. “I know, but this is different. I’m not buying up a company. This was her company. A company…people…I promised to take care of.” He was used to taking over companies, bulldozing over anything that got in the way of making it successful and turning it into a thriving business. This was different. He’d made a solemn vow to take care of her employees, among other things. Things he wasn’t willing to tell his best friend.

  “Listen, man, I know you were close to her, but…”

  Tristan stood and raked a hand through his dark-brown hair. “I’m not selling this company. I’ll buy out everyone’s shares if I have to. I don’t care if I go bankrupt keeping it.” He closed his eyes. He wasn’t just close to his grandmother. Other than Grayson and his Aunt Felicia, she was the only person he trusted to love him for more than just his money.

  The chair squeaked as Grayson stood. “Maybe you should take a vacation. Get out of here, get some fresh air, grieve. Come back when you’re ready to make some hard decisions.”

  Grayson continued when he didn’t respond. “Seriously, take one. Two weeks. What can possibly happen in two weeks without you here? It’s been three months, and nothing’s changed yet.” Grayson grasped his shoulder and turned him around. “You took care of her the last eight months of her life. I know it had to be hard on you. Taking a break will help.”


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