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Fated Healing

Page 11

by Alanea Alder

“Maybe they could hear the excitement in my voice. Thanks to my mate, we have determined that the chocolate is indeed the source of the virus. After tearing Gilberton’s office apart we located a packing slip for the chocolate that he tried to deliver to the pride. It specified very carefully that the chocolate was to be kept cool. When we heated the chocolate above ninety-eight-point-six degrees, the virus activated. It’s how Gilberton was able to get the virus over the perimeter. Technically it was inactive, or dormant. It would not have been blocked or triggered a lock down,” Claybourne explained.

  “God, Claybourne, that means Felix is sick, doesn’t it?” Bran whispered. Felix nodded and held up his IV bag.

  “I don’t understand. If he had this chocolate, why try to kill Kent and Sebastian?” Lachlan asked.

  “You know, I never thought about it that way,” Claybourne admitted.

  “I think I know why. That day when I went to pick up the chocolate, he said he hoped I choked on it. I told him that I wasn’t a sweets eater. I think he wanted to hurt Liam more than he wanted to take out the pride. Me being there in the basement must have proved to be too big of an opportunity for him to pass up, especially when Sebastian was the one to check on me later. He didn’t want to leave it to chance that we wouldn’t eat the chocolate. He must have really hated you, Liam,” Kent explained, very pale.

  “If it had gone straight to the pride, they all would have eaten the chocolate and lain around for days. No one would have suspected a thing. They would have just curled up together in kitty piles and died.” Liam covered his face with his hands.

  “All because you were mated to men. All of this pain and suffering because of one old man’s closed-minded hatred.” Lachlan growled fiercely.

  “So what happens now?” Aleks leaned forward.

  “Now I subject the virus in its purest form to a battery of treatments and see what reactions I get.” Claybourne turned to Lachlan.

  “I need some testing kits that contain shifter tissue samples from different parts of the body, kidneys, lung, and heart. We’ll take a page out of Gilberton’s book and freeze the samples so they can cross the perimeter. I need them as soon as you can get them, Lachlan,” Claybourne said.

  “Consider it done. I’ll call Liam when we’re ready for a delivery.” Lachlan’s screen went dark.

  Claybourne turned to the men in the room. “Gentlemen, go back into the gym smiling and upbeat. Let’s give the people some hope. Let them know we’re finally actively working on a cure. You’d be amazed at how large a part a positive attitude can play in trying to combat an illness,” Claybourne said.

  “Will you have a cure ready in time to save my ma?” Aleks asked.

  “I will work as fast as I can. But knowing your ma, she’s hanging on by the tips of her fingernails to hold her grandbaby,” Claybourne said.

  Aleks gave a faint smile. “Then we won’t hold you up any longer. Because her grandbaby needs the cure as well,” he said, standing. The other leaders stood and they left the conference room.

  “Baby, I want you to rest in the gym,” Claybourne knelt beside his mate.

  “No way. Whether you want to admit it or not, you need me. I’ll sit in my chair and be your moral support.”

  “The second that you start to lose consciousness I’m admitting you to the gym,” Claybourne compromised.

  “Deal. Now carry me back to the lab. Chop-chop,” Felix said, imperiously clapping his hands.

  “You’re pushing it.” Claybourne laughed. Felix was glad to see a genuine smile back on his mate’s face.

  Chapter 9

  “I think Rebecca was right. This virus doesn’t act normal. Where in the hell did that hateful bastard get an engineered bioweapon! This level of technology would be impossible to get. If it isn’t technology what in the hell could do this?” Claybourne exclaimed.

  “Magic,” Felix said sarcastically. Claybourne snorted and then froze.

  “What did you say?

  “Magic. What? You can’t be serious. Witches are like the nuns of the paranormal world. Do good. Be good. Spread happiness. Yadda-yadda. Though I guess no one group is perfect.” Felix sat up straighter.

  “What do you mean, baby?” Claybourne asked.

  “There have been bad nuns in this world just as I’m sure there are bad witches. I completely forgot about magic. It makes more sense that Gilberton would have dealings with a lone witch than international black market weapons of mass-destruction dealers.” Claybourne scooped up Felix.

  “We need to talk to Lachlan. This is beyond me,” Claybourne said, heading back to the school.

  “Maybe you should get one of those papoose things so you can just carry me around,” Felix said, laughing.

  “Smartass.” Claybourne walked into the school and went directly to the principal’s office, which to Felix’s surprise was already in use. Claybourne walked in on a discussion between Liam and his grandfather.

  “Sorry to interrupt, actually no I’m not. Lachlan I need some information. What do you know about witches?” Claybourne settled Felix in a chair.

  “I take it this is in regards to the virus?” Lachlan asked.

  “Yes, between my own and Rebecca’s observations, I don’t think this virus is natural. It’s definitely engineered. There’s no way Gilberton would have access to that level of technology to go the science route, but what about magic?” Claybourne explained. “I’ve seen magic do more impossible things than this in my lifetime.” Lachlan ran a hand over his closely cropped beard.

  “Sir, we need to confirm if there is a magical element to this virus. That could change everything,” Claybourne said quietly.

  “Meet us at the pickup point at the town border. When we couldn’t get past the perimeter, I called the leader of the witches, the High Priestess of the Triple Goddess Temple. She presides over their version of a council, only they call it the High Coven. She’s here studying the barrier. If you can freeze a sample and get it across the border, I bet she could tell us if there is magic in it,” Lachlan said.

  “We’re leaving now,” Claybourne said. Lachlan nodded and his monitor went dark when he ended the connection.

  Claybourne picked up Felix and followed Liam into the hallway.

  “I’ll grab some samples from the clinic, you let the others know that we’re heading to the perimeter,” Claybourne said to Liam. Liam was about to respond when Claybourne’s phone began to ring. Handing Felix to Liam, he answered his phone.


  “Doc, come quick! It’s Ma, she’s in convulsions, we don’t know what to do!” Benedict’s frantic voice yelled. Liam and Claybourne started running.

  “Wheel her into the adjoining gym, be there in under a minute.”

  Felix watched from Liam’s arms as Benedict and Finn raced toward them, wheeling Ma down the hallway. At the halfway point they turned and went into the small gym. Claybourne and Liam following.

  Once inside Liam set Felix down and ran over to insert a bit in Ma’s mouth to keep her from biting her tongue. Suddenly the heart rate monitor flatlined. Claybourne pulled open Ma’s hospital gown and charged the defibrillator paddles.

  “Clear!” he screamed and shocked Ma’s still body. There was no response. He tried twice more before he got back a faint heartbeat. Moving quickly, he intubated her and turned on the respirator. The Arkadion brothers were collapsed against their Pa. All eight men were slumped against the wall, weeping.

  Wiping his eyes, he walked over to the group and knelt beside them.

  “We’re heading to the perimeter now. We’re so close to understanding this thing. I swear to you I’m doing everything I can.” Claybourne’s voice broke. Felix went to his mate, kneeling at his side.

  “We know you’re doing everything you can, Claybourne. Do whatever you have to do to find a cure. Whatever you have to do, son.” Pa looked Claybourne in the eye. Felix watched as Claybourne nodded and picked him up. He turned to Gavin.

  “Are you okay to watch over
her? I can call Baptista in here,” Claybourne offered.

  Gavin shook his head. “I can take care of my own ma,” he said vehemently. Claybourne turned to Liam.

  “Let’s go.”

  * * * *

  Felix watched as his mate packed a single piece of chocolate in ice and packed it in a small medical cooler.

  “How much time does she have, Doc?” Liam asked.

  “Hours. Once Brayburn went into respiratory failure, she only had hours left,” Claybourne said quietly.

  “We can’t lose her, Doc, the town wouldn’t be the same without her,” Liam said, picking up the cooler.

  “Then we better hurry.” Claybourne went to Felix.

  “You should stay here.”

  “Who thought of the chocolate?” Felix asked.


  “Who proved that it was the chocolate?”


  “Who thought to search Gilberton’s things which led to finding the packing slip and uncovering how the virus was hidden in the chocolate?”


  “Who thought of magic, even if I was kidding?”


  “Who is the most handsome and amazing man in the world.”

  “Me,” Claybourne immediately said, grinning. Felix grinned back.

  “Absolutely right. Face it, Doc, you need me,” Felix said. Claybourne simply picked him up and followed Liam to the car.

  The drive to the perimeter seemed longer to Felix. He could tell that Claybourne and Liam were lost in their own thoughts. Liam was right. If they lost Ma, nothing would be the same. The car rolled to a stop. Along the perimeter Bran’s wolves coordinated with the council support team in getting boxes through the perimeter.

  Liam grabbed the cooler as Claybourne easily lifted Felix, helping him out of the car.

  “I can walk, you know,” Felix grumbled. He hated feeling weak.

  “We’re short on time. It would take you at least twenty minutes to reach the perimeter from here with you in this condition. You’re as weak as a newborn,” Claybourne reminded him.

  “I hate this damn virus.” Felix sighed and waved at Riley who was staring at them in shock.

  “Liam, it’s good to see you, Grandson,” Lachlan smiled at Liam.

  “We need to hurry, grandfather, Ma doesn’t have much longer,” Liam said, placing the cooler on the ground.

  “Then let’s begin, gentlemen, for there are few women in the world as kind as Margaret Arkadion.” A figure in a long forest-green cloak stepped forward. Slender arms pushed back the hood to reveal a beautiful older woman. Her face still hinted at the great beauty she had been in her youth, age only adding character. Her white hair was arranged in a braided crown on her head.

  “Liam, I have the honor of introducing the High Priestess of the Triple Goddess Temple. Celeste Dilys. Celeste, this is my grandson Liam Lewenhart, Alpha of the Lewenhart pride. Beside him is Maddox Claybourne and Felix Kilpatrick, they’re the ones who have been working night and day to eradicate this virus,” Lachlan said with a half bow. Felix felt Claybourne’s upper body incline and looked over to see Liam giving a bow as well.

  “It is a pleasure to meet you. It is rare that I see such honor and compassion in the modern world, yet it seems to be growing in Arkadia exponentially.” The priestess’s eyes crinkled and her mouth twitched.

  “Rebecca,” All three men said at the same time, looking at each other.

  “You fear her?” Celeste asked, raising a single brow. Felix noticed he wasn’t the only one who hesitated to answer.

  “Does anyone fear their mother?” Claybourne asked. The woman threw her head back and laughed.

  “Yes. Absolutely. If she’s doing a proper job in raising her children. That she has this effect on grown, educated, and powerful men, tells me she’s doing a wonderful job. You all love her and attribute the positive changes in Arkadia to her efforts. I look forward to meeting her.” Celeste smiled. Felix suddenly wanted to jump from his mate’s arms and into hers. He suddenly missed his mother.

  The woman’s eyes grew moist. She looked right at Felix and gave him a gentle, knowing smile.

  “I would if I could, young hybrid, for if there was anyone who needed a mother’s love right now, it’s you. The sacrifice you have made to get this far is astounding.” Felix dashed his tears and snuggled in closer to his mate.

  “Not to be rude, but wasn’t Celeste the name of the witch who created the perimeter?” Liam asked.

  Celeste nodded. “When a priestess is revealed to be the next ruler, she takes the name Celeste when she assumes the role of High Priestess. We have honored her memory every generation since the beginning,” she explained. “Now then, the sample?”

  Liam nodded and took the long pole from Riley, who had been standing to the side watching. Slowly Liam pushed the cooler through the perimeter and to the priestess.

  “Holy hell, dark magic much!” A voice from behind Lachlan exclaimed.

  Felix watched as two men joined Lachlan and Celeste.

  “Liam, Maddox, Felix. These two gentleman are Nathaniel Hamilton and Ronan Evans. Nathanial is a medic and has healing gifts, and Ronan is a true Omega, or heart of his pack. Coming up behind them are Conall York, their Beta, and of course Eirik Lyall, the Alpha of the Lyall pack. I called them in to assist before I knew the perimeter was locked down. They have stayed to assist in any way they can,” Lachlan explained.

  “As if we could leave. Do you know how much work I put into keeping little Ashby alive when he first arrived at Purgatory? We all kinda took to the little guy. If there’s anything we can do to help him, we will,” Nathaniel said.

  “You’re a ginger, so you have to be amazing,” Felix said weakly from Claybourne’s arms.

  “Gingers are amazing.” Nathaniel grinned before his face turned serious.

  “I wish I could help you. This damn perimeter won’t let us even get a toe across,” Nathaniel said, sounding frustrated.

  “You boys are right, there is dark magic at work.” Celeste knelt beside the cooler, running her hand lightly over the lid.

  “But how would they know? They are wolves, not witches,” Claybourne asked.

  “Our pack is unique. I got healing abilities from my mother’s side of the family. Ronan was just born weird,” Nathaniel said before Ronan punched his arm.

  “They have witches in their familial line, as Nathaniel explained more than likely through their mothers. They are just more shifter than they are witch, so they ended up as wolves with a few special traits. It’s not unheard of,” Celeste said absently, her attention focused solely on the cooler.

  “What she said.” Ronan shrugged. Felix watched as the priestess opened the cooler and all blood drained from her face. She swayed slightly and Lachlan stepped forward to steady her.

  “So much hate. So much hate and evil went into this spell. His blood, his intent. But her will and power. There are only a few in this world that could perform such a spell. I consider all of them my closest of friends, like sisters. To think that one of them could do such a thing.” Celeste reached into the cooler and picked up the piece of chocolate. Before anyone could stop her, she popped it in her mouth. Felix stared in disbelief.

  “Celeste!” Lachlan yelled and started thumping her on the back. Celeste stepped away from him, chewing, an annoyed look on her face.

  “I am not a choking toddler, Lachlan, honestly. Now, yes. Where was I?” She tilted her head back closing her eyes and continued to chew.

  “I was right. The one who requested the spell donated his blood, and with it gave his hate, malice, and desire for death. I can see his intent that is guiding the virus. It was born to kill, specifically shifters. It would not have any effect on anyone else, because his intent did not cover those groups. This virus was created to weaken its victim, preventing them from shifting, and thus destroying the virus. There is a stasis spell here that would keep the virus dormant until it reached a certain temperatu
re. It was engineered to come alive in a living body. Oh Goddess! It was designed to resist any known cures and medicines.” She stopped abruptly before opening her eyes. Two steady streams of tears made their way down her cheeks.

  “There is no cure. He made sure that no medicine would be effective. I’m so sorry!” She buried her face in her hands. Felix felt his mate begin to shake.

  “No! You can’t tell me there is no cure. I cannot stand by and watch my mate die. The townspeople are counting on me!” Claybourne screamed.

  “My mate is pregnant! We cannot lose him, or our child,” Liam whispered right before his knees gave out and he collapsed to the ground. Riley and the wolves surrounded Liam and Claybourne reaching out and touched them for comfort and support.

  On the other side of the perimeter, Celeste turned and leaned into Lachlan for comfort and support.

  “Magic created this virus, so let magic create a cure! There has to be something you can do!” Claybourne yelled at the older woman. She shook her head.

  “It’s impossible to uncreate something another witch has created. This witch, whoever she is, took the sacred act of creation and turned it into something dark and twisted. I’m sorry, Doctor, there is nothing that I can do,” she explained, tears in her eyes.

  Felix looked at Lyall’s wolves standing a bit apart from Lachlan and Celeste. Felix met Eirik’s gaze. The man tilted his head back and a heartbreaking howl lifted from his throat. Ronan, Nathaniel, and Conall joined their Alpha as the timeless soul-wrenching melody floated through the air up to the sky.

  Riley and the Arkadian wolves dropped their heads back and joined in a wordless song of loss and sorrow. They were mourning for their Alpha, who back in town lay sick and dying. Felix looked to Claybourne. His mate looked beaten, broken. Liam was no better, sitting on the ground with his arms wrapped around his knees. If there was one thing he learned trapped in a cage too small for his body, it was to never give up. If he had given up, he wouldn’t have been around to escape or meet Claybourne. He refused to believe that Fate had brought him all of this way simply to die. Angrier than he had been in a long time, he began to thrash around. Confused, Claybourne set him down. Leaning back, he balled up his fist and punched his mate as hard as he could in the stomach. Shocked, Claybourne grunted and grabbed his midsection.


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