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Page 24

by Bethany Daniel

  Chapter 23

  Shortly after we're all dolled up, we walk down to the formal dining area and find the boys standing there all tuxed up.

  " look red carpet ready.” I tease Liam and walk over to his out stretched arm.

  "I could say the same about you, look beautiful.” He kisses my forehead and guides me over to a chair.

  Scott sticks his arm out for Krista, "Red is so your color.” He looks her up and down and pulls her against him as he kisses her.

  She lightly pulls back and jokingly reprimands him, "You'll ruin my make-up, Scotty."

  He blushes the shade of her dress and escorts her to sit across from Liam and I.

  "So, tell me” Krista says leaning forward with her arms crossed on the table, "What's this whole set up about?"

  Scott clears his throat and takes a big breath as someone walks in and pours each of us a glass of wine and Liam picks up his glass. "Here's to new beginnings, letting go of the past and making all new memories."

  We all raise our glass and say "Cheers!"

  Then Scott scoots his chair back and a soft song begins to play and I realize that there's actually someone in the corner playing a violin and my eyes widen. I steal a glance at Krista and see the same expression on her face. But the color drains from her face when Scott pulls her chair to face him and bends down on one knee.

  "Krista Alayne Quinn...I love you more than I can ever express. You've become the center of my whole world and I want to keep you right there forever. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” he asks as he opens a golden satin box and inside a gorgeous cushion cut diamond ring is sitting in the center.

  "Oh my God,” she starts crying and nodding her head, "Yes! Yes! Yes!” She yells and throws herself into his awaiting arms.

  "I love you so much Scotty.” She whispers through her tears and goes to wipe them, "You ruined the make-up anyways.” She shakes her head and kisses him again hanging onto him tight.

  "I love you too, Krissy.” He whispers and helps her to wipe the tears away. "Now before I ruin your pretty dress along with your make-up, how about we get back in our chairs?"

  She nods standing up and pulling him with her, and he puts the ring onto her finger, "Perfect."

  "Congrats Kris and Scott!” I grin and walk over to hug them both, "Thank you for making my best friend so happy.” I pat Scott's shoulder and hug Krista again.

  "I feel like I'm dreaming.” Krista shakes her head and takes a breath to calm herself. "Like this a movie scene or something, only ya know, I'm not actress."

  I laugh, "He sure made it feel like one.” I look around the room. "You know what? Now we get to plan weddings together!"

  Her eyes get wide with excitement, "Oh my gosh we do!” She looks at each of and gets a mischievous grin, "I have a really great idea!"

  I raise an eyebrow at her, "What?"

  "A double wedding, we can do this all together, just like we have everything else.” She reaches across and squeezes my hand, "Hey Scotty?"


  "Do you want a long engagement?"

  "Not really...why?"

  She grins, "How about a super short engagement then? We're in the middle of an island. Lots of security around, and we have a private jet at our beck and call as well as stylist who have already approved of us calling them if the need arises."

  Liam looks at her confused, "Krista, what are you getting at exactly?"

  She crosses her hands and puts her chin on them, "Do you think it’s possible to send the jet to pick up all of our parents over the next week?"


  "So do it! And Kate and I can arrange for Elize, Becca, Billy and Alicia to come and find us dresses and every other accessory we need, and to do our hair and make-up."

  I put my hand on her arm to get her to slow down, "What she's saying is....we can have our big wedding here. Like during this time we have the vacation booked. It's perfect!” my own eyes light up thinking it all out.

  "Are you ok with this, man?” Liam asks Scott.

  "I am...the sooner I can call her Mrs. Adams the better.” he grins and leans over to kiss her before looking down at the ring on her finger.


  "Ok? You’re really ok with this whole plan?” I ask Liam.

  He nods and pulls me closer, "M-hm...Because that just means I get to take you on a proper honeymoon even sooner.” He grins and kisses below my ear.

  I smile slyly at him and turn to Krista, "Sounds like we have a ton of planning to do in just short amount of time."

  "Sweetie, I've been planning my wedding since I was 5 years old.” She laughs, "We can do this."

  "Should I be scared?"

  She pauses to think about it, "Nah...Unless you’re scared of doves? A dove release would be so pretty out by the water...,” she gets a faraway look in her eyes and I shake my head.

  "We might have a monster on our hands."

  "Better a monster then a bridezilla.” Krista replies with a smirk.

  A couple days later, I'm buried under my covers trying to sleep when I hear a pounding on our door.

  Liam groans, "Who would be up this early?"

  "I have an idea...” I mumble and flop over onto my back.

  "Kate Parker-Warren! Get your butt out of that bed so we can get busy!” Krista yells through the door and I pull the covers over my head.

  Liam laughs tiredly and pulls them back down, "Baby, I don't think ignoring her is going to make her go away."

  "I heard that! Kate, come on!” She pounds on the door again and I groan.

  "Fine...Fine, Kris, I'll be out in a minute!"

  "You better!” She yells back and I hear her retreating steps down the hall.

  "She's trying to kill me, I swear. Yesterday, we both tried on like 20 dresses and different heels. And then she had Billy come in and do some "practice" hair dos. Today, I'm in charge of calling around for flowers and finding a non-paparazzi photographer."

  He kisses my forehead as I stand up, "She's just excited...remember, she's been planning this since she was 5."

  I just nod my head and get up to hunt through my clothes for something comfy and pull my hair into a messy bun.

  "You enjoy your sleep.” I walk over and kiss his forehead, "I've got a fun day ahead of me."

  "I can't wait to see what dress you end up with."

  I smirk, "I don't even know yet...none of the ones yesterday really screamed this is the one! We'll see.” I shrug and walk out and into the hall.

  "About time, sleepy head,” Krista scolds me, "We have so much to do! I couldn't even sleep last night!'

  " need to remember to breathe, ok? This is exactly why we eloped the last time around, so many decisions to make!"

  "Well sweetie, this time you have me to help you.” She beams, "Now! What should we start on first? Flowers, dresses or jewelry?"

  I shake my head, "No more dresses...those can wait till our Moms get here tomorrow. I guess we can tackle jewelry. Whatcha got?"

  She pulls up a thick catalog and my eyes widen. "That's all jewelry?” I ask incredulously.

  "Uh-huh” she answers distractedly, "I was thinking maybe a necklace like this for me, and maybe a matching bracelet. Oh! And look at this tiara, Kate!"

  I rub the sleep out of my eyes and raise an eyebrow, "A tiara, really?"

  "Of dad has always called me his princess, and Scotty says I'm his princess and he's my Prince Charming, so it fits.” She sticks her tongue out at me.

  I smile over at her, “This is your day Krista, you can dress up however you want too, you deserve it.”

  She gives me a pointed look, "It's your day too, Kate. You didn't get to do this when you got married before. This is your chance! Be girly for once in your life, if anything for your Mom. She missed that whole Mother/Daughter bonding over wedding dresses and invitations and everything."

  I sigh, "You’re right..."

  Krista beams over at me, "Yes, ye
s I jewelry, what do you want to wear?"

  I sigh taking the catalog from her, "I have no idea. Something simple, I'm not a big diamond girl."

  "That's such a shame too,” she shakes her head at me, "Some of these are just, wow."

  Shaking my head I start sorting through the book until something catches my eye. "Speaking of wow....look at this necklace, Kris!"

  She leans over and her eyes widen, "Oh that's so you, Kate! You have to get that, like now!” She grabs her purse and starts digging around for her phone, "Here, make a phone call."

  I bite my lip looking down at the picture of the elegant heart pendant with small diamonds all around it. It's a pretty penny, but Krista's right, it's so me!

  "I don't know, I'm not really one to make demands on people to get something...I mean, it could be sold out or something."

  She rolls her eyes, "Lucky for you, I'm not afraid to make demands. You’re the wife of the famous Liam Warren, use the name sweetie."

  "Fine...fine, I'll call!"

  She hands the phone to me and immediately picks up a book all about flower arrangements.

  I dial the number and sit back waiting for someone to pick it up.

  "Hello?” A very high class sounding woman answers the phone.

  "Yes, you sent my husband one of your Elite member’s catalogs, and I would like to make a rush order."

  "And who may I ask is calling?” She sounded annoyed.

  "Kate Warren...wife of Liam Warren."

  "Oh...Oh, yes Mrs. Warren, what can I get you?"

  I tell her the item number and bite my lip, "Is there any way to have it shipped and delivered in the next five days?"

  "Yes! Yes ma'am...Elite members get first priority on shipments. We can get it sent right away."


  "Will there be anything else, Mrs. Warren?"

  "No, that's all I need, do I need to give you any other information?"

  "No ma'am, all of Mr. Warren's information is on file."

  "Right, thank you.” I hang up and look over at Krista, "Happy now?"



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