Irish Sparrow: The Caged Trilogy Book 1

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Irish Sparrow: The Caged Trilogy Book 1 Page 9

by Erin Trejo

  “Alexei, please,” I beg needing to feel him inside of me. He’s ruined me in the time that I’ve been with him. I’m ruined from the inside out craving him and the depraved things he does to me.

  “Please, what sparrow? Tell me what you want me to do to you?” His hand moves over the spot he just hit, and I find it soothing and erotic all at once. His pleasure is my pain.

  “I want you inside me, please, Alexei,” I beg once more.

  “You’ve been testing me, Sparrow. Why?” Another slap across the other side and I’m a panting mess. I gasp for air as swat after swat comes and the immense pain does little more than stoke the fire in me.

  “I want you to break! I want you to come undone!” I scream and before I can react he’s thrusting inside of me. The way he stretches me burns but I love it. I’ll gladly sit in the flames if it means he will never come out.

  “You want me to break? Is this broken enough for you?” He grabs my hair and yanks until my neck is straining and sore. His hips pound into me, without a doubt marking me all over again. Feeling him moving inside me, stretching me is the most perfect sensation. Alexei growls when I thrust my hips back into his. His hand leaves my hair, nails raking down my back. I can feel the burn and welcome it as he takes his aggression out on me.

  “You want to fucking break me? You can’t break me! No one can!” Alexei leans over my body, his teeth sinking into my flesh. I scream his name and my pussy clenches and pulses around him. I come hard, harder than I ever have before with him and my legs begin to quiver. His body slams into me a few more times before I feel him filling me so full. His seed hits deeply and I gasp every time his cock twitches and jerks inside of me. His sweat drips onto my back burning the scratches that he’s left in his wake, but it’s a welcome feeling. As I slowly come down from the high, I was on, my body begins to give out. Alexei pulls out of me, wrapping his arms around me and lifting me. Cradling me in his arms, I lay my head on his chest, listening to the rapid beat of his heart as he walks us out of the basement. We get a few glances from his men, but they all look away quickly. It isn’t until we make it to his room that I realize he was as completely naked as I am. He walks us into the bathroom and starts the shower, stepping in with me still in his arms. Water rains over our heated skin but Alexei doesn’t set me down, in fact, he pulls me closer.

  Chapter 21


  “I asked you, Alina, because I want your thoughts not because I want to hear you whine,” I say as I rub my temples. This woman, my cousin is causing one of the worst headaches imaginable.

  “Why are you asking this? You know how I feel already, Alexei,” she huffs.

  “You’re right. I shouldn’t have asked you.” Shoving out of my chair, I walk to the bar in my office and grab the bottle of cognac, pouring a glass.

  “He’s my father, yet he didn’t care that I was taken. I don’t understand his gain or why he did what he did. His death would mean nothing to me, Alexei. I respect you for asking and worrying about my feelings, but I already know what needs to be done,” she says softly. I down my drink and pour another before turning back to her, leaning my hip against the bar.

  “I gave Lev the choice of taking over your father’s home or moving here. I will extend the same to you.”

  “I don’t want to go back there, Alexei.” Her voice is full of pain and anger. I can’t blame her. Once I have my uncle in the basement, I intend to find out why he would let that happen to her but for now, other things must play out.

  “And I won’t force you to. You are your own person and you are always welcome here, Alina.”

  “Thank you. I find that I like being here although there is nothing to do. Why is your home more like a prison?” She giggles, and I find myself smiling back at her.

  “Well, двоюродная сестра. That would be because of my little prisoner. She isn’t allowed such privileges at this point.” In seconds, Alina is on her feet glaring at me.

  “What do you mean prisoner? You bought her, I saw the way you two looked at each other. She doesn’t want to be here?” She asks clearly confused by all of this.

  “To a point, yes. You will have rules you will abide by if you are to live in my home, Alina.” Her eyes widen as her mouth falls open.

  “Rules?” She huffs. I swallow down my drink setting the glass on the table before I move toward her.

  “Yes, rules. You are not to discuss anything related to this family with her. What I want her to know, I will tell her myself. You will not offer her help in any form. No phones, no TV, no leaving this house. I have upped my security measures to ensure that my requests are followed. You can befriend her, talk to her, spend time with her but that is all. Вы понимаете?” She watches me intently with her mouth still gaping. It amuses me, but she must understand and follow my rules.

  “Fine. I will do as you say,” she finally agrees. I smile and nod heading back to my desk.

  “Are you attending the wedding this weekend?” She asks calmly as if I didn’t just tell her about the rules of living here.

  “I am. I am bringing Clara,” I tell her as my gaze drops to the computer in front of me. I pull up the live feed from my cameras when I see her. She lies on her bed, a book in her hands. She looks content, almost happy.

  “I’d prefer not to go,” she says. I pull my gaze from Clara and look at Alina.

  “Why is that? You haven’t left this house since you’ve been back. It isn’t healthy, Alina.” She huffs out a laugh and smirks at me.

  “Says the man holding prisoners. I’m not comfortable going out just yet. My anxiety is not under control. I went for a walk around the property the other day and panicked when I heard one of your men running the perimeter. I freaked out, Alexei,” she says with her head lowered as she drops into the chair in front of me. No one told me about this which angers me further.

  “I can arrange for some counseling. That may help.”

  “Thank you.” The door flying open interrupts our conversation. Dmitry flies in with a rifle over his shoulder.

  “There’s a breach. You must get to the safe room!” Within seconds, the alarm that alerts of such a breach begins to sound. I glance down at the screen of my laptop once more and see the panicked look on Clara’s face. She leaps from the bed and pulls back the curtain. Stupid girl. Anger surges through my veins as I shove out of my seat.

  “Take her!” I nod toward Alina as I run from the office. I’m down the hall nearing her room just as I hear glass shattering. My heart races and adrenaline courses through me. Clara screams and as soon as I shove open her door, I see it’s her window that’s shattered. She slams into me on her way out of the room. I pull her tightly against me, trying to soothe her and make her move all at the same time.

  “Be strong for me, воробей,” I whisper as I pull the gun from the back of my slacks. We move down the hallway and into my room where I usher her into my closet. She doesn’t say a word, but she does gasp when I reach up and brush my suits to the side revealing the elevator door. The retina scanner does its job opening right away.

  “Get in,” I usher her giving her a little shove. When she sees I’m not joining her, the look of fear crosses her face.

  “Where are you going? Don’t leave me, Alexei, please!” She begs as tears trickle down her cheeks. I reach for her, pressing a kiss to her lips before shoving her back inside.

  “It’ll take you the safe room. Alina will be there too. I will come soon, yes?” She doesn’t want to but when she looks at the monster in my eyes, she nods and takes a step back.

  “Come back,” she says before I step back and watch the door close. I spin on my heel and head toward the hallway once more. Dmitry and Lev are already heading down the stairs when I catch up.

  “Do we know anything?” I ask as we race toward the back doors.

  “South end. Shots were fired,” Dmitry says quickly. The other men are already in position as we head out the door. The perimeter is secure
. I glance around, proud of how quickly my men have handled things.

  “What do we have?” I ask Igor, one of my other men as I step up next to him. He holds a tablet out to me, which I take and look at. The video is all from the security cameras that I have placed around the property.

  “Who are they?” I ask as I watch masked men shooting at the back wall. They are no doubt, not as smart as they’d like to think they are. That’s a twelve-foot wall they are trying to destroy with mere handguns. I nearly chuckle at the sight of it all.

  “We don’t know. We have men tracking them as we speak,” he informs me. I nod my head and pass the tablet back to him.

  “Everything else secure?”

  “Yes, Mr. Pavlov.”

  “Good. Let me know when you have something.” I turn around and shove my gun back into the back of my slacks as I walk back toward the house. I leave Dmitry and Lev to handle anything further. Walking into the kitchen, I move to the pantry and open the door. The shelf already moved aside, the elevator door sealed as it should be. I step up to the scanner and the door opens immediately for me to step inside. It takes seconds before the door opens into the safe area underground. I had the house set up this way in case there was ever an attack. We could live easily down here for at least a year without outside resources. Stepping through the entryway, I see Alina and Vera huddled together.

  “Where is Clara?” I ask both heads turning to look at me. Alina points down the hallway when I say, “We’re cleared. It was nothing important.” They both nod and stand ready to get out of here but I head down the hallway and find Clara in the corner of the room, her knees tucked against her chest, her back against the wall. Her soft sobs reach into my chest and tug at my heart.

  “Everything is okay, Clara,” I say when I stop in front of her. Her head rises and her tear stained cheeks glare at me. In seconds, she’s off the floor and throwing herself into my arms. I hold her tightly trying to figure out how to handle her. I know she doesn’t want to stay with me. I know she wants to leave even though she says she doesn’t. I just can’t wrap my head around what the best choice for her is.

  Chapter 22


  “You look gorgeous! I think you look better than the bride,” A woman I’ve never met before in my life tells me as I stand next to Alexei. The wedding was nice, very expensive and extravagant. Not something I would have pictured for myself, but I am not one of them either. It was mainly in Russian and I couldn’t understand most of it, but it was beautiful to watch the way the two of them smiled at each other.

  “Thank you,” I tell the woman and watch as she walks away.

  “She’s telling the truth. You look exquisite,” Alexei leans down and whispers in my ear. A shiver races over my skin as his warm breath dances over me. He notices, letting out a chuckle.

  “Alexei. How nice to see you,” the man walking toward us says. Alexei instantly tenses beside me. I glance up at him and see the hardness in his eyes. This isn’t someone that he wants to speak to, that much is clear.

  “Uncle,” he responds tightly. Uncle? Why does he look as though he’d rather murder him than speak to him if they are family?

  “Clara, would you mind going and grabbing us a drink? I need a private word with my uncle,” Alexei says pressing his lips to my ear. “Don’t go far.” I nod my head and smile as I walk away and head toward the table of drinks. That’s when my heart stops beating. The man I hadn’t planned on seeing stands in the corner, a glimmer in his eyes. He watches me intently before motioning me to him. I hesitate for only a second before my feet move in that direction.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “You look awful cozy with Mr. Pavlov,” he says a grim look in his eyes.

  “Shouldn’t I be? That was the job was it not?” I hiss feeling the roar of anger seep through my body.

  “You were to kill him, Zia! You were to get in there and take him out! That isn’t what you appear to be doing!” I cringe when he calls me by my first name. I’ve always hated that name.

  “How would you know what I appear to be doing? I haven’t seen or heard from you in months. How dare you leave me to that vile pig to rape me, then speak to me the way you are,” I hiss under my breath. My father’s smile brightens but it isn’t a friendly smile. It’s full of hatred and rage. He reaches for me, grabbing my arm and jerking me toward him.

  “I always knew you were weak. I never wanted a child. A son, perhaps. Women are weak. They can’t do the job set out for them.”

  “Since when is it the woman’s job to be the assassin? You could have always done it yourself. You hold no rank, father. That’s what this is about, isn’t it?” His eyes flash deadlier than I’ve ever seen them.

  “You are speaking to me in the wrong way, Zia. You want to play house with the enemy?”

  “I’m not playing anything. I’m doing as I was told. I am getting in with him, getting him to trust me. You wanted it all, yes?” Tilting my head, I glare at him. Hate courses through my veins as confusion wracks my brain.

  “Ah, yes. And do you think that you can get it all and kill him?” He raises an eyebrow and I nearly laugh in his face. I don’t know what’s running through his head right now. I just want him to leave, I want him as far away from me as I can get him because the fact of the matter is, he left me to Timur to be raped and abused. I understand why he sent me to be taken. The whole point was for Alexei to find me, but I thought my father would have placed some kind of protection orders for me. The fact that he didn’t has me reeling inside.

  “I can handle it.” I spin on my heel and head back toward the drinks just as Alexei looks up. Lifting two glasses in my hands I head back toward him, offering him one. He takes it and smiles.

  “You look amazing, Clara. Truly amazing.” I smile and look down at the pale blue dress that he had brought in for me. I have to say that it does look good with my pale skin.

  “You are too good to me. Why keep buying me things and taking me places?” I ask curiously. Alexei takes a drink from his glass, his throat bobbing as he swallows.

  “I have found that I enjoy your company. Is that a problem for you?” I can see the way he looks at me and my body temperature rises. The heat in his gaze unnerves me. It’s so intense.

  “Not at all. Although I do prefer the comfort of your place over all these people,” I admit mainly meaning my father. He’s the last person I want to be around right now.

  “Then we shall go. We made our appearance,” he says finishing off what was left in his glass before setting it on the table near him. I do the same with mine when he reaches for my hand. Tugging me along, we head out of the room and down the hallway.

  “I’m having a truly hard time not fucking you right here, воробей.” Heat fills me from the inside out, but Alexei just keeps walking as if he didn’t just say that. We grab our coats and are out the door to the waiting limo. As soon as I climb in, Alexei is on me. He grabs me roughly, yanking me onto his lap. His lips crash against mine and heat pools between my thighs. I lower myself so I’m sitting fully on him feeling the hard length of him pressed against me. He growls into my mouth and I nearly lose all control. His hand skims under my jacket over the bare skin on my back causing bumps to form.

  “Alexei,” I whine his name like it forever belongs on my lips. His teeth sink into my neck and I cry out in pleasure and pain. He knows what he’s doing to me. He knows what I need and that sends my mind spiraling. I know who I am and what I’m to do. How can I possibly do that now after I’ve had a taste of the man that can bring me to my knees.

  “Get the coat and panties off,” he huffs shoving me from him. He moves to unbuckle his slacks as I shrug out of the jacket. He watches me as I lower my panties down my legs and toss them to the side. His cock is fully hard, pre-come glistening on the tip as he strokes himself. I watch the fire building in his eyes when he lifts my dress and I drop between his legs. Alexei tilts his head to the side watching me with fascination. I lowe
r my lips to the tip, twirling my tongue over it, tasting him. His flavor explodes on my tongue. I wrap my lips around him and bob my head, sucking him into my throat. My tongue tickles a trail up and down his length as he groans. His hand finds my hair, tugging and jerking as he wraps it around his fist. The searing pain in my scalp is a welcome one. Alexei raises his hips, pounding his cock further down my throat. I gag, and spit runs down my chin, but he doesn’t stop. When I glance up at him through the tears forming in my eyes, he looks feral. An uncaged animal that seeks its prey. His eyes dance with amusement as he looks down at me. Further and further, he thrusts into my throat. After a few more, he jerks my head away from him.

  “Get up here and ride me,” he growls. I climb up, wiping my hand across my face to remove the spit as I lift my dress, bunching it at the sides. Alexei watches me but doesn’t make a move to touch me. I straddle his lap, grabbing his cock in my hand and lowering myself down his length. I gasp when I sit fully on him. Alexei’s eyes are on me, hard and unyielding. I roll my hips and take him inside me the way I want to, and he lets me. For the first time since I’ve been with him, he’s passing me a little piece of control. I rise and fall, rock and roll, loving the way he makes me feel.

  “Almost home. You better finish,” he hisses but never touches me. I bring my hand down between us, finding my clit swollen and needy. Circling it a few times, my body tenses. Alexei grunts and groans as I take what I need, what I want, what I crave, but there is something holding me back. I’m frustrated, and he can see it. He leans in, grabbing my hips in his hands roughly. His nails dig into my flesh and then and only then do I find my release through the pain. We both come hard, him grunting and me moaning. It’s the perfect sound as I drop my head to his shoulder. His lips move over my skin, soft and gentle.


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