Royal Blood and One Forever : Book Three

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Royal Blood and One Forever : Book Three Page 6

by Simone Nicholls

  "Any problems?" I asked Chase as he walked into the lounge and scooped up a beer from the table.

  "Nope, he went down fine. We had a busy day though." He answered me before he took a long drink from his beer.

  The house was mostly unpacked now and it hadn't taken the boys that long to put Cooper's cot back together, he was now sound asleep in it. Ryan was sitting on the couch with Serenity's head in her lap and Nick was in the opposite arm chair.

  "So are you guys going to come?" Serenity's eyes flashed with excitement. "Please come?"

  Nick, Chase and I all shared a look, did we want to go? I hadn't really travelled that much before, only for royal duties. It wasn't really a holiday.

  "You guys should come." Ryan's spoke up and all our eyes snapped to him. He ran a hand in Serenity's hair. "It will be experience."

  Chase's and mine eyes locked and we both had a silent conversation. I knew he would care if we went or not and I knew Nick would do whatever. So it was up to me.

  Chase placed a hand on my knee and sent me a wink, his way of saying 'let's do it.'

  "Sure why not." I said slowly turning to face Serenity, just in time to see her drop up and squeal.

  "This is going to be so much FUN!" Serenity grinned. "Us and little Cooper!"

  "It will be an experience." I smiled at her. Before reaching for my glass of wine of the table and sipping on it.

  Hopefully it would be a good experience, but then I remembered, had I ever had a bad experience with Serenity and Ryan. Even when I stayed with them with...... I inhaled sharply..... Connor. I just enjoyed myself.

  "So we will leave the day after tomorrow." Serenity smiled and got up from the couch.

  "Sounds like a plan." Chase grinned before getting up himself. "I'm going to bed, see you guys in the morning."

  I nodded my head and watched him leave the room he was followed soon after by Nick. Who actually looked half excited about going overseas.

  I sat on the couch, listening to Serenity go on about all these places she wanted to take me and show me. I just leant back in to the soft fabric of the couch and let her go, nodding my head here and there.

  Ryan just had a soft smile on his face, as he watched her. She waved her hands in the air as she explained this, though my main attention was on Ryan as he just watched her; with the softy's expression.

  I don't know how long we sat here, but the soft tapping of rain on our roof was now present and Serenity let out a low yawn.

  "Bed time." I smiled at her and she nodded her head, we shared good nights. I picked up my empty wine glass and hers Ryan scooped up the empty beer bottles and followed behind me, he turned the lounger room light off as we walked out of it.

  Walking into the kitchen, boxes shattered the benches, still not unpacked. I sighed, I would have to do that before we left.


  I spun around to face Ryan as he placed the bottles in the bin and his expression tight as our eyes locked.

  "I know I haven't said this before and it might be late, but . . ." He exhaled slowly "I want to say thank you, for being there for Serenity when I wasn't."

  "She's my sister." I said lightly and titled my head studying Ryan, he was not the man I use to think he was. "I would do anything for her and she loves you."

  "Yeah I know." A smile twitched at his lips before he suppressed it. "But all the same, thank you."

  I nodded my head, this was our first conversation together. Why had it taken so long?

  "The pain being apart from your mate, is. . ."

  "Agony?" I offered and he nodded his head.

  "You're doing a good job hiding the pain." He crossed his arms "I know what it is like."

  "Yes apart from Serenity didn't betray you." I pointed out before sighing and running hand threw my hair.

  "Connor was, well I didn't like him but he was a good man. I find it hard to believe he would hurt you in that way. When he, well it was clear he cared for you."

  "How would you know?" I cocked my head to the side. "Connor kept his feelings under wrap."

  "He slipped up, a lot." Ryan smirked. "A hell of a lot actually."

  I smiled and felt the tears drift to my eyes. "Good memories." Because that was all they were now, memories. That was all I had over Connor, memories.

  "Yeah." Ryan shifted uncomfortable. "I know I shouldn't say this..."

  "But you will anyway." I arched an eye brow knowing Ryan was never scared to say what he thinks, unless Serenity was involved and I smiled as I thought that.

  "You need to keep in mind Isabella, that the pain you feel the numbness. He would be feeling that too." Ryan's eyes held mine. "You both were the marks, which means you both will feel the hollowness."

  "Are you saying I should go back to him?"

  "No. But it wouldn't kill either of you too, to share a conversation. To numb the pain for a few moments."

  "A band aid for stab wound." I said lightly "Point taken." I smiled at his briefly and he nodded his head turning his back, clearly the conversation ended. But it wasn't on a sour note, it was one a good note. It was our first brother and sister in law conversation and I enjoyed it.

  Though it did make me miss Liam, for his brotherly advice.

  "Night Ryan."

  "Isabella, one more thing," He paused in the door frame and turned to face me "your blonde hair suits you better."

  He shot me a small smile before disappearing out of the room. I ran my hand through the black locks, he was right.


  "What is it Tyler?" I asked him as he walked into the dining room, with a grim expression; an expression which he didn't wear well.

  The dining hall was empty, it was only me sitting here. I was meant to be eating, but food wasn't appealing.

  "We got some news." Tyler shifted uncomfortable. "Regarding Isabella."

  Dropping the fork to the plate and standing up. "What news?"

  Tyler gulped and looked me in the eye, why did he look so scared. Why did terror play across his face like that? The air was absorbing his fear and terror.

  "She dead," he inhaled sharply "we got work a woman matching Isabella's description took her own like at Capes Cliff."

  "It can't be here, I would of felt it." I snapped. It wasn't true, it wasn't true!

  "Our informer says that the Blackmore's have stopped their search for her." Tyler took a step away from me. "The King has given up on her."

  "She isn't dead, Chase went with her. He wouldn't let her do that."

  I gripped the edge of the table. I couldn't stand Chase, but I knew he would keep her save. She couldn't be dead, I didn't believe it.

  "There is another thing, Connor."


  "There was reports, that the women didn't die straight away, according to the information that was supplied she landed on a bed of rocks and died of starvation."

  My face drained of color, and I fall backwards into the chair. "How long do they think she was there?"

  "They don't know, weeks perhaps. Our wolf can last a long time without food."

  I was frozen in the chair, it made sense and it was killing me to admit that. The pain I was feeling, matched the time frame. But then why didn't she drop the shield to let me save her?

  Did she hate me that much, she would rather die slowly than reach out for me? Tears dipped from my eyes

  "Get out!" I hissed under my breath. I would not let one of my best mates see me this way. Tyler didn't say anything as he walked out of the room.

  "I will make sure you no one comes in." Tyler said, his voice low before he closed the door.

  I didn't nod my head, I just sat here. She was gone and I didn't even experience the pain of her death. Because even as she died she would not make contact with me, she hated me that much.

  Silence tears ran down my cheek, how was I to survive now? Hope of finding her, or making her forgive me was the only thing that drove me to wake up of a morning and now it was gone.

  She was

  Chapter Seven


  Chase was sleeping peacefully next to me and Cooper's little heart beating was also mixed into the sound from across the room.

  Pulling the blankets back gently I got out of the bed and crept to the bathroom. Opening and closing the door softly. What Ryan had said to me about Connor, ran through my mind once again. I just couldn't get it out of my mind.

  Resting my head in hands and sitting on the edge of the bath. What would I say if I contacted him? Deep down I was scared from his betrayal, but then most of me would do anything to let the shied drop and let my mind flow into his and his into mind.

  Was he okay? How was he coping?

  Why did I care? After everything he had done, why was I even thinking this? But as much as I argued with myself not too, I couldn't find it forever.

  So I did something, I promised myself I would never let myself do again. I let my shield flow down and it was relief. The built up presser was gone and my mind felt light.


  I closed my eyes I felt his mind, I felt his connection.

  'Isabella?' his voice was hollow, lifeless as it flowed into mind. It sounded like mine, when I didn't attempt to put emotion into it.

  'Yes.' I bit my lip, I had no reason to contact him. What was I going to say the reason was for?

  'You're alive?' his voice floated into my mind and heard disbelief.

  'Why would I not be?' I frowned, letting my reply flow back to him.

  'I was told you died. There was this...' his voice cut off 'You're alive.' He repeated.

  I smiled a weak smile as I heard his happiness. I was alive, barely.

  'Yes.' I steadied my breathing and closed my eyes enjoying his voice. 'Are you okay?'

  'I am now.' His voice replied quickly, 'I miss you.'

  The words echoed in my mind, as I heard his honest and pain in them. What was I to say to that? I shouldn't even be speaking to him in the first place!

  'I miss you too.' My hands curled into fists.

  'Are you okay Is, is everything okay?' I heard his panic 'Where are you?'

  I couldn't I wouldn't tell him where I was. Because I would never be ready to go back to that life, not when I was on a path for a new one.

  'I'm fine. Safe. I just needed to...'

  'I understand.' His voice was soft and I head his pain it tore through my blood and I knew he could feel mind. Our emotions swirling back and forth between each other.

  'You're about to go aren't you?' His voice floated in my mind and I couldn't bring myself to reply.

  'It's okay sweetie, I understand. I love you.' His voice was gentle and he even attempted to mask the pain he felt as he said them, to save me from it. 'I won't give up on you.'

  'I know.' I bit my bottom lip and didn't stop the tears as they ran down my cheek. 'Bye Connor.'

  I flung my shield back up and the presser in the back of my mind returned as I fought to keep it in place. I wiped the tears from me cheek, not letting myself dwell in this sadness. Not when I had spent so long already in the darkness.


  I nodded my head and Chase opened the taxi door and Nick slammed the boot closed. Cooper wiggled in my arms for a few moments as I got into the taxi and then Chase sild in next to me and Nick did the same on my other side.

  Today we were leaving, for the airport. Serenity and Ryan were in the taxi behind us. I glanced at our house as the taxi began to pull away, I knew we would be come back to it. I just didn't know when that would be.

  Cooper cooed in my arms and I let him go to Chase, as he reached out for him. Chase held him in his lap tightly.

  I smiled sweetly at Cooper, he was my existence now and nothing would hurt him why I lived on this earth. So as the taxi drove up the deserted street, I didn't feel sadness.

  The path we were about to embark on, was meant to be. Connor might not be by our side, but Chase, Nick, Serenity and Ryan were. So I knew we would be fine.

  I had finally pulled myself back together, the pieces were glued together. I knew I would always miss Connor, that would never go away. But it was time for us both to start living the path we were own and sadly our paths weren't connected. I let out a low sigh; I was finally ready to face the world and my life with Cooper- as a single mother.

  Chapter Eight


  Five years later

  "No not there, perhaps try by the window again."

  Gritting my teeth and clamping my mouth shut, keeping my thoughts of Melissa to myself. Matt rolled his eyes and we lifted the large four poster bed up again. The bed itself wasn't heavy, but after moving it around this room for the past hour, it was beginning to become frustrating.

  Sitting the bed down at the window, were it had been at least three times already. Matt and I knew what would come next. . . wait for it.

  "No, it's not right."

  Snapping my head over to Melissa, she was holding her clipboard in one hand and a cup of tea in the other, while sitting in a big fancy armchair in the middle of the room. Her short shoulder length brown hair, only made her look older; which is why I was told she cut her long locks off.

  "Where now?" my voice was a low hiss. I knew we had to respect her, she was our Queen. But even Queen Griffin, didn't treat us like this. Like her personal waiters. I was a trained defence wolf, for heavens sake! Here I was moving furniture for her royal pain. I secretly wished that crown would slip from her head and chock her.

  "Over there." She pointed her finger in the direction the bed was just at before.

  I wasn't sure if it was just my ears, but I found Melissa's voice a few pitchers higher then must females.

  Matt and I brought the bed back in the air and moved it back to where it was moments ago.


  Matt and I lowered the bed, just in time for May to bounce on it. May was the spitting image of her mother, apart from she was cute and we all liked her.

  "May my flower." I winked at her, as she jumped up and down on the bed. Her straight dark brown hair was like a sheet around her face.

  "May, off the bed please." Melissa got up from her chair. Well want do you know, it wasn't glued to her butt. "A lady doesn't act like this."

  "Good thing she is a little girl." Matt said under his breath while moving around the bed. Melissa shot him a dark look.

  "Dad won't let me play in the study." May continued to bounce on the bed, her little arms waving in her air as she did. "He told me I had to find you."

  My stomach flipped with fear, as I remembered it was my turn today. Great, I get to deliver the news to Connor.

  "What is he doing now?" Melissa rolled her eyes and reached out for May pulling her from the bed "He is always busy doing something."

  "Actually I have to go see him." I spoke up and moved away from the bed, happy to not be holding it anymore.

  "Wait! I don't want it there." Melissa snapped while putting May down to the ground. "I am sure whatever you have to do for my husband can wait."

  I hate it. I HATE IT. When she refers to Connor as her husband, instead of using his name. She did it just to remind us. Though it only made me bitter when I thought of the measures he was taking to track Isabella.

  "I want the bed here Mom." May tugged on Melissa's arm. "Please."

  It's May's bed, if she wanted it there it will stay there. Melissa didn't look to happy about it, but nodded her head.

  Matt and I took the opportunity to escape, working through the room quickly and leaving the woman we are forced to call 'Queen' behind.

  "So your turn to deliver the news to Connor?" Matt looked sideways at me, as we walked up the corridor, leaving May and Melissa talking in May's new bedroom. Our stride was quick, wanting to put as much distance between Melissa and us as we could.

  "Yep, no changes I guess?" I stuffed my hands in my pockets.

  "Yep, same no news, no leads." Matt nodded his head and I wasn't surprised to hear this.

  It had b
een over a year now since our last spot of Isabella. She was in Paris, spotted on the streets, with her sister. Then a few years before that we found her in the streets of England, but she always disappeared before we made contact.

  The trail was cold, but still Connor sent us out in groups to search the world for his love. Groaning to myself as Matt broke away from me with a quick nod, he knew what it was like to deliver the news to Connor.

  Each week every Sunday, like today. We would report the weeks findings, which was usually nothing. I had searched for Isabella for three years straight and did another six months trace last year. But now fresh groups were out searching and I dealt with matters in the castle.

  It was mine and Matt's duty to report back to Connor and I hated it. I hated taking that small trace of hope from his eyes every Sunday.

  I wish Isabella, would just contact him. Just talk to him, god I wish she would do anything to pull my friend back to the man he was.

  He wasn't as cold as he once was when she first left. After about two years, Connor finally got some life back into him. He at least made an effort with people, and was now a great King.

  Stopping at his door, I brought my fist up and tapped lightly. I knew what to expect. The flying objects, the hurt in his eyes and then the pain. I closed my eyes tightly and gritted my teeth. I hated this.

  I cracked the door open after hearing his low voice give me permission to enter. The summers day was bringing the large study room to light. It was better than the darkness he would dwell in, those years ago. At least now he kept the curtains open.


  I nodded my head at Connor, as he looked up from the maps in front of him. His hair was short now, the messy tangled hair he once had now gone. A shadow of facial hair across his strong jaw and then when my eyes connected with his dark hollow ones, I flinched at the coldness in them.

  This is why you don't separate from your mate. This is why wolves die without their mates, the pain was unbearable.


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