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You Were Born for This

Page 16

by Chani Nicholas


  Venus in Scorpio is famous for desiring intense connections that few can appreciate the depths of. With Venus in Scorpio as ruler of your Ascendant, part of your life’s direction might be about experiencing these kinds of emotional embroilments or learning to channel the obsessive desire this placement signifies into your creative projects and partnerships. This placement doesn’t do small talk and, as the ruler of your Ascendant, it steers your life toward activities that are investigative, deep, penetrating, and transformative. Venus in Scorpio can represent an experience of your gender in ways opposite to the expectations that the world has of it. You may have an innate understanding of the suffering that the gender binary or gender-based violence creates and this may feature in your work and activism in the world. When your Ascendant is ruled by a planet in its detriment, you will often feel like you have to try much harder to develop yourself, but rigorous effort comes with big rewards. If you have Venus in its detriment, notice what it has forced you to develop within yourself in all aspects of love and connection.

  Damsel of Details: Venus in Virgo

  In Virgo, Venus finds itself in a place where it has been stripped of its ability to enjoy pleasure for the sheer sake of it. When the ruler of your Ascendant is in the sign of its fall, as Venus is in Virgo, it can sometimes require extra work to get where you need to go. Venus in Virgo’s kink is to work with great effort and efficiency. A sucker for the grind, Venus in Virgo as ruler of your Ascendant will steer your life toward exacting and detail-oriented ends, but you may not feel appreciated, seen, or noted for your efforts. Planets in their fall struggle to feel worthy. Struggle to do their job. Struggle to function in the way they are supposed to. In Virgo, Venus can put itself in an inferior position to most. Feeling disrespected and dejected, Venus in Virgo does the only thing it knows how to do. Criticize. Analyze. Separate. Categorize.

  Purification is a necessary part of creating union, beauty, and alignment—something Venus in Virgo excels at. However, if you try to purify your relationships or partners by way of criticizing their flaws and features, you’ll end up isolating yourself from connection and the prosperity that comes through it. Your Venus may have you working instead of playing, so you’ll have to find things to achieve that feel joyous for you. Venus in Virgo will serve the temples of its desire like a priestess of the highest order.

  Venus in All the Other Signs

  Venus in Gemini (connecting through social interactions), Cancer (connecting through emotional bonds), Leo (connecting through passion), Sagittarius (connecting through adventure), Capricorn (connecting through common goals), and Aquarius (connecting intellectually) is fairly neutral. Venus in any of these signs will, of course, build relationships and create beauty but will do so based on the style of the sign it is in. For example, Venus in Sagittarius will want to create relationships based on adventure, a quest for the truth, and exploration.

  Reflection Questions

  Are you known for your ability to make others feel at ease? In what ways? How is this specifically related to the sign your Venus is in?

  Are you generally liked? Even if you are someone who is controversial, do you generally find ways to build bonds with others? How is this related to the sign your Venus is in?

  Are you prone to pleasing people or forgetting about your own needs? What helps you to refocus on yourself?

  Look around your life and notice all the ways in which you naturally, without thinking about it, create beauty. What power do you find in attaining the right aesthetic for your mood or current needs?

  What do beautiful things around you do to your mood?

  How can you honor Venus in your everyday life?

  Is your Venus in a strong, challenging, or neutral sign? How does the style of the sign your Venus is in speak to the ways in which you go about your life’s direction?


  When Mars is the ruler of your Ascendant, your life’s direction is steered by a passionate, driven, sometimes aggressive, and generally courageous sentiment. Aries and Scorpio have their own distinct ways of doing this, as the section regarding your rising sign detailed, but no matter your rising sign, with Mars as the planet in charge of steering the direction of your life, you will be demonstrating your ability to tackle difficult circumstances with a great amount of energy and desire. The sign that Mars is in will tell you the specific style in which you move toward your life’s main aims.

  Below are explanations of Mars through the signs. Please read the description of your Mars and answer any of the questions that resonate with you.

  Warrior Ways: Mars in Aries or Scorpio

  Mars rules both Aries and Scorpio, which means Mars is at home (in its domicile) in both signs. This gives both signs an edge. If Mars works better when in one of its own signs, what exactly is it working better at? Is it more likely to do damage well, or does it desire to protect and defend? Both can be true. Being ruled by a planet that has a penchant for aggravation may mean that you have to learn how to use your power and energy to defend against what’s harmful instead of unconsciously (or consciously) causing it. Though there are similarities as to how Mars works in both of its domiciles, there are some very important differences.


  As ruler of Aries, Mars is bold. Fast and furious. Able to cut through the thick fog of fear that immobilizes most of us, Mars in Aries is the warrior in action. On the field and engaged in battle. Rushing toward its target. On the edge and pushing past it. Aries is a fire sign, and here, Mars is prone to act first and forget to ask questions later. Blazing through challenges big and little, Mars in Aries makes its mission known. If Mars in Aries rules your Ascendant, what you tackle may be done in an extreme manner, but it will get done. Knowing what you are fighting for, protecting, and serving can help you to go far with any aim. This is a tremendously strong signature to have in your chart, and it is up to you to learn and refine how you use it.


  In Scorpio, Mars battles mostly in secret. As ruler of your Ascendant, Mars in Scorpio lends you its strategic powers. Long-range psychological warfare is Mars in Scorpio’s forte. How you use it is entirely up to you, however. If you give a sting, you better be able to receive one in return. This combination is resilient beyond reason, and as the planet that steers your life’s direction, you might be too. With Mars as ruler of your Ascendant, you’ll have the patience, persistence, and ability to work through the most difficult of scenarios. You may even be drawn to them. Those around you may constantly remark on how you are able to do and say the most challenging things, but if you are carrying with you the ability to sort through the densest, funkiest, most horrific aspects of being human, what else are you going to do? Mars in Scorpio as ruler of your Ascendant will want to know what life is like at the edge and can therefore need to work with people who are too.

  Warrior of Wonder: Mars in Capricorn

  Mars is exalted in Capricorn. Here, like all exalted planets, Mars gives you a certain amount of fame for what it’s good at. Known for your ability to accomplish challenging tasks, you are emboldened to constantly outdo yourself. This is a very strong placement and speaks to the life being steered toward success; whether that success makes you happy lies in your ability to direct yourself toward what is soulful and emotionally fulfilling. A worker like no other, Mars in Capricorn steers your life toward conquering your to-do list while climbing to the top of your current mountain. Calling your life’s direction ambitious would be an understatement.

  This placement will help you to be a leader in some regard, though Capricorn is known for being a lone wolf. With this placement you may be more than happy to go off on your own, a master of yourself.

  Wounded Warriors: Mars in Taurus or Libra

  Mars’s ability to fight outright is impeded when the warrior finds itself in Taurus or Libra, the signs of its detriment. Here, Mars may get angry about things that it has eve
ry right to, but it will generally have a hard time articulating why or finding a reasonable way to remedy the situation.

  Mars in its detriment defends and protects itself differently. Like all planets in their detriment, it is working in conditions opposite to its nature. When your Ascendant is ruled by a planet in its detriment, life can sometimes feel like you’ve gone to a pool party even though you can’t swim and hate being in the Sun. It’s just not your first choice, but there you are. You make the best of it, even if it’s uncomfortable. You compensate. You make effort. You learn about something you wouldn’t necessarily choose for yourself.

  Here, Mars is less able to move with absolute certainty. Mars in its detriment has to work through second- and third-guessing itself, but when it gets to its conclusion, it will have worked hard for it and be able to own it completely.


  In Taurus, Mars may defend itself through inaction. Some might call this lazy, but you can’t push a bull. It’s not that Mars in this sign doesn’t get angry or take action, it’s just slow to rouse.

  If Mars rules your Ascendant and it’s in Taurus, life might at times feel slow to ignite, so you’ll have to remind yourself that you are in it for the long haul. Nothing won in a rush is satisfying to this combination, and that sentiment might rule your life in some way. Mars in Taurus isn’t going to jump into an uncomfortable situation one minute earlier than it needs to, but once in, it’s in. The same goes for taking action. It can take the long road, but it’s not going to veer from its path. With Mars in Taurus ruling your Ascendant, you will arrive, just on your own time.


  With Mars in Libra ruling your Ascendant, your best defense can often be an incredibly likable offense. Mars lives on the battlefield. Libra wants peace and harmony. With this as ruler of your Ascendant, you’ll have to do battle without causing a disruption, an impossible feat that your Mars in Libra will never give up on. Possibly too forgiving at times, with Mars in Libra steering your life’s direction, you’ll want to win with everyone. Unable to think only of your own interests, this combination is likely to make you give your weapons to your opponents. Boundaries, therefore, become a big deal for this placement. In Libra, Mars is forced to function in a style opposite to its nature. However, some very creative possibilities can come from Mars when its focus is justice, balance, and the needs of everyone involved.

  Water Wars: Mars in Cancer

  A warrior waterlogged, Mars is in its fall in Cancer. Crabs scuttle sideways, making this version of Mars a little more prone to passive-aggressive tactics as its only option for defense. A soggy soldier, Cancer’s moodiness can make its motivations emotionally muddied. With Mars in Cancer as the ruler of your Ascendant, part of your life’s direction may be to find your way through the emotional ups and downs that embroil you in internal battles. Knowing what dampens your ability to effectively channel your righteous rage will help you to establish honest, emotional closeness. Cancer is a sign that wants to create stability through emotional bonds with others. Mars as ruler of your Ascendant is therefore burdened with the impossible task of defending itself without rupturing any of the connections it cares for. As with any water sign, emotion repressed can be a dangerous thing. Turning into tidal waves of stifled emotional energy, Mars in Cancer can devastate situations when it refuses itself the time and space necessary to sort through feelings that lie beneath the surface of its facade. You will need to learn how to be a warrior fighting for what needs protection as part of your life’s purpose.

  Mars in All the Other Signs

  Mars in Gemini (sharp communicator), Leo (courageous persona), Virgo (courageous critic), Sagittarius (courageous adventurer), Aquarius (courageous intellectual), and Pisces (spiritual warrior) is fairly neutral. Mars will, of course, demonstrate its courage and desire based on the style of the sign it is in. For example, Mars in Aquarius will be potently courageous in its communications, able to cut to the core of a thought with the precision of a surgeon.

  Reflection Questions

  What have you learned to effectively fight for in your life? What have been the challenges along the path of doing so?

  When does your anger, passion, or misguided energy get you in trouble? What helps you to redirect it?

  Where in your life do you find it most important or impactful to apply your energy?

  Where in your life is your ability to be contrary most effectively put to use?

  Do people often tell you that you are brave? How does that make you feel?

  Is your Mars in a strong, challenging, or neutral sign? How does the style of the sign your Mars is in speak to the ways in which you go about pursuing your life’s direction?


  If you have a Sagittarius or Pisces Ascendant, Jupiter is the ruler of it. When Jupiter is the ruler of your Ascendant, your life’s direction is steered by a relentless optimism and an abundance of goodwill. With an overdoing, overextending, and exuberant kind of steersperson, Jupiter in charge of your life’s direction wants you to go big. Sagittarius or Pisces, as your rising sign, will each have their own distinct styles, but with Jupiter as the planet in charge of both, optimism is clearly steering the ship of your life.

  Failing outright is unlikely when you are being led by Jupiter, not because you are always able to do what you set out to, or that life is fair or forgiving, but because Jupiter will always try to steer your life toward being grateful, seeing opportunity no matter the challenge, and finding the silver lining to focus on.

  The sign that Jupiter is in will tell you the specific style in which you move toward your life’s main aim. Below are explanations of Jupiter through the signs. Please read the description of your Jupiter and answer any of the questions that resonate with you.

  Captain Fantastic: Jupiter in Sagittarius or Pisces

  Jupiter is at home in both Sagittarius and Pisces. In either of its own signs, Jupiter creates an unwavering faith, confidence in the self, and an ability to push through the dense realities that life puts in your path. Having Jupiter in its own domicile is much like a winning lottery ticket. It is something that is easy to take for granted, as it was gifted to you by the gods. What you don’t work for you often misplace, misuse, and misunderstand.

  Those with Jupiter in its own sign can have a lot of lucky experiences in life, but even they need to learn how to work at creating places for it to manifest, becoming disciplined enough to understand what about it helps them to create a meaningful and fulfilling life.


  Here, Jupiter is empowered to help you bring about your life’s purpose. Steered toward inspiration and the ability to act on faith, Jupiter in Sagittarius infuses your life’s path with an abundance of intuitive blessings. Make sure you listen to them. The wild horses of Sagittarius want you to run freely toward many philosophical possibilities. An untamable mind is one that is focused on the truth. Seeking the ultimate expressions of it, with Jupiter in Sagittarius as your ruler, you will need to gallop toward the experiences that help you generate the best questions. This placement will always orient your life toward ever better quests.

  Infused with visions of future adventures, having Jupiter in Sagittarius ruling your Ascendant means that it’s important to trust your visions. Creatively, you’ll need to be fearless in your explorations. You’ll be led by a faith that is unrelenting, but sometimes undeservedly so. Jupiter in Sagittarius unchecked will count its chickens before it even has the eggs. Like all planets in their own signs, Jupiter in Sagittarius is extremely itself.


  This creative and fertile placement knows no bounds. Jupiter in its own sign and in charge of steering your life’s path gives you an advantage. You easily become a generator of opportunities for yourself and others because the nature of this signature is overflowing abundance.

  But abundance isn’t always easy to handle or hold.

  This pla
cement opens up opportunities for you, but you may have difficulty sorting through which to take on and an even harder time following through with them. The fluidity of Pisces engenders emotional connections with many, and here Jupiter becomes more of a consoling philosopher than a strategic guide. Your life is steered toward connecting to what you find meaningful, soulfully inspiring, and maybe even spiritually illuminating. A natural teacher, Jupiter in Pisces will lead you to give of what you have. Jupiter in Pisces does its best to connect to the pain of others, knowing that compassion is the greatest tenet to espouse. This makes alleviating a little pain when and where possible the aim and orientation of your life.

  Waters of Wonder: Jupiter in Cancer

  In Cancer, Jupiter is exalted. This is an auspicious combination that lends you the ability to manifest your blessings. Jupiter’s fertility is at an all-time high in these waters, and as ruler of your Ascendant, this means that you’ll be known for your ability to give, conceive of creative projects, and generally have an excess of optimism and compassion to pour forth to others. Jupiter in Cancer wants to feed, nourish, and nurture many, and as the planet that steers the direction of your life, you’ll most likely have the desire to feed, symbolically or specifically, many a malnourished being.


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