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Symphony of Desire

Page 5

by B. J. Hardy

  “Welcome to our guests and for those of you who are here for the first time. Tonight we have some extra horny fun in store for you. Now, much of what the lifestyle is about isn’t just sex, it is about developing a deep trust in a relationship. However, sometimes it is about pure raunchy sex!” She grinned. “So, without further ado, let’s welcome Francine back to the dungeon.”

  Everyone broke out with applause as a woman whose arms were tied behind her with ropes was led to the center of the lounge by a good-looking bare-chested man wearing blue jeans. Francine was totally nude. I was impressed by the man’s physique. He was cut.

  “That’s her owner, his name is Master Jeff.” Devon whispered to us.

  “Owner?” I was repulsed by the term.

  “She is his slave.”

  That freaked me out a bit for sure.

  “Now, Master Jeff has decided that his slave has earned a treat, as she has been exceptionally obedient and pleasing to him. So, he has some fun planned for her this evening.” Said the woman in the spiked heels.

  Master Jeff led Francine to one table at a time, telling his slave to bend over facing away from the patrons and encouraging them to check her out. That is, the men and women at the table would spread her ass cheeks for a good look, and some would feel her pussy. One man even finger fucked her for a bit, until it was obvious that she’d come. This whole exhibition turned me on, and I imagined what it would be like to have a complete stranger finger fuck me with people watching. That thought made me wet.

  When they got to our table, Jeff said, “Please enjoy my slave as you wish, ladies.”

  Devon rubbed her pussy and giggled.

  Both Lara and I just watched. I sure didn’t want to touch that freak at all.

  Then Jeff barked the order for her to follow him, but she was a bit slow in obeying him. Instantly he pulled a collar and a leash from his back pocket and put it on her. Then he pulled her to the next table. All this was kind of weird to me, but I found myself enjoying the show anyhow. It was certainly different. Then it got even kinkier as at the next table he ordered her to suck the man’s dick who was there with another woman. The woman who was with the lucky guy even undid his trousers and pulled his cock out for the bound Francine to suck. I wondered if I could ever be so nonchalant with a lover of mine. Probably not I figured. Still I did enjoy seeing his cock, and to watch Francine suck it. Again, I imagined myself in her place. Enjoying the taste of a hard dick. Fuck I needed some penis!

  Master Jeff finally took Francine the slave to the center of the room and he held her while the woman in spiked heels turned on a magic wand and used it on Francine’s clit until she was howling in climax and was dripping all over the floor. He told her that her howling was unbecoming of her, and with that he strapped a ball-gag into her mouth. Then he forced her to the floor and mopped up her cum with her hair. This seemed to be kind of rough, and for some reason that turned me on. Jeff pulled his cock out and bent Francine over a stool, then he fucked her hard!

  “Fuck her ass!” The woman who’d pulled her man’s dick out for Francine to suck in the booth next to us called out.

  I was wide eyed as Master Jeff pulled his large, thick, hard cock out of her pussy and pressed it into her anus. Francine whimpered.

  I had watched enough porn to not be totally shocked, but this was the first time people had sex in front of me live. It was kind of weird. I wanted to look away, but at the same time it was so totally hot!

  “No!” Master Jeff commanded her. “Silence!”

  He rammed his cock all the way balls deep into her ass, and she let out a muffled scream. It was no wonder she did to me, as his dick was pretty damn big. I’d never had anal sex before, but I was absolutely certain at this point that it most likely was more than just a bit painful. It wasn’t just the yelp that Francine had uttered, but the look in her eyes that really told this story.

  “I warned you.” He said evenly. “Master D, would you be kind enough to help me discipline my slave?” He called out.

  Francine shook her head as if in panic.

  “Oh shit!” Devon whispered. “Master D isn’t the normal sort of Dom. This will be epic!”

  “What’s different about him?” I asked.

  “He doesn’t have a slave, or a sub. His specialty is inflicting serious pain. He’s a fucking sadist big time!”

  That made my eyes bugout. It also made me even wetter for some reason. What the fuck was wrong with me?

  From a curtained door way off to the side of the bar, an extremely ripped, bare-chested man entered. He was totally cut! My pussy responded to the sight of him with throbs of want. As if it was telling me, “Hey bitch, fuck this guy! Do it! DO IT!” It screamed at me with horny fucking pulsations. He wore leather pants and had on a leather full head mask. It frightened me just at seeing him as he imbued the sense of danger, but this also made me even hornier. I found myself wondering if I was a sicko or something at that moment. Then I saw the full-on whip he had coiled in his large hands. My pussy screamed at me, “YES!” That certainly answered my question… Yup, I was a pervert for sure.

  Master D went to where Master Jeff and Francine were. Master Jeff pulled his cock out of her ass and stepped back. He bowed his head to Master D as if giving him permission.

  When the whip was uncoiled it was about six feet in length and with a simple seeming circular motion of his hands it suddenly snapped with a resounding crack on Francine’s bare ass. She let a loud muffled scream go, and I watched in fright as blood began to trickle from the gash it had made in her bottom.

  “Oh my fucking god!” I blurted out.

  It was a knee jerk reaction that I had no control over. Master D turned to look right at me, and I became terrified. He took three steps towards me and pointed at me. Then he moved his finger to point at Lara as well. Then he pointed at the exit.

  “Oh shit!” Devon gasp.

  The woman in spiked heels approached our table. “I am sorry ladies, but Master D has requested that you leave.”

  Devon nodded. “I apologize, Mistress Yvon.” Then she scooted to get up from the booth. “Let’s go girls.”

  Lara and I hurriedly got out of the booth and gladly followed Devon out of the club. That bastard Master D scared the living shit out of me. Yet there was also something about him which made me completely and utterly horny as fuck.

  Chapter 6


  I was stunned to see Cassie and Lara at the club. If I had been paying better attention before show time I would have dealt with the issue before I came out. Then when I heard Cassie’s voice after I laid the first taste of the whip on Francine’s bare ass, I knew who it was even without looking. Her voice was forever etched into my mind already. It is a damn good thing that I only ever play at the Dungeon with a full head mask on. There were very few people who knew what I looked like and of them only one, Yvon, knew my first name. I hadn’t told her that I was a professor at the University, nor would I. The fact that Cassie went to the club gave me hope though. Hope that she might one day enjoy the sting of my whip. Just her being there would seem to prove that she had a more interesting side than I imagined. However, I am glad that she didn’t get to watch Francine suck my cock after I shredded her ass cheeks, or especially watch me come all over her face. If Cassie knew of my kink before I could properly introduce her to it, well… it would be all over before it even began. Because I had not uttered a single word, I felt completely confident that my identity was safe.

  It had been quite needed relief, and now I would be good for a while. That Francine sure could suck a mean dick! I didn’t fuck her, mainly because Master Jeff hadn’t invited me to, but I suppose I would have had the invitation been extended. I knew Francine would have loved it, as she sure had before. That naughty woman was into it all, especially gang bangs. She was Jeff’s primary slave though, and as such it was a rare thing for him to share her in that manner. Back in the days before she was owned by him it was a different story. I h
ad been a regular at the club for some years. I got into the lifestyle after it had all gone down. In a way, finding my love of sadism had saved my life. Without that outlet I might not have wanted to go on. The lifestyle demanded discipline, and that fit right in with the road that I had chosen.

  There was a balance in this way of life that I hadn’t seen anywhere else. The balance between pure hedonism, which was a dead-end road, and the ability to let go of inhibitions with control. Take Francine for example; she did like to be double penetrated by numerous guys in the same night, yet she didn’t always go there. She would build up to such an unbridled release, and then be good for a while again. Jeff had seen her ability to self-control, yet also her occasional need for abandon. He provided the baseline of regimented discipline for her, as well as giving her true love. A Master who didn’t love his slave was not a master at all. Of course, with Francine there was also that masochistic need as well, so she truly belonged in the lifestyle. I’d had the opportunity to claim Francine as mine, as she’d made clear, but that wasn’t what I was needing at the time. Hell, I still don’t want or need a slave, nor even a sub. I needed a purely devoted partner who shared the same loves that I do, or somethings close enough anyhow. The important things like music, discipline, pain and suffering exploited and expressed physically. Yes, sadism and masochism. I couldn’t imagine a relationship without my partner having such desires. Yet I had no interest in ownership. That was something that would and should be unspoken, and mutual as far as I was concerned.

  My reputation as a hard-core sadist was well earned. I had no issue with cutting a woman, with breaking her skin from my whip. In fact I loved inflicting pain on women, but only to the point of them enjoying the pain. It was never real torture, but always the use of pain to heighten their ecstasy. The opposite was also true; I occasionally needed to feel such pain. It wasn’t nearly as forefront as the other, and I never displayed such in public. Only Yvon had been allowed to take me there, and rarely at that. If only I’d known of these wonderful disciplines before. Then my first love might not have wasted away. I had been such a fool, thinking that I could control the beast of Cocaine, of alcohol, of pleasure without bounds, but there is a price to pay for everything. I had learned that without strict discipline, hedonism was a literal dead-end street. Since then I don’t even drink a drop of booze, not a single snort, and not even one puff of pot. That road had cost me everything, it was the low road for sure. Drugs were just a symptom though, not the underlying cause. Now I was committed to the high road, but I was still looking for another eagle to share the lofty mountains with.

  Cassie had that same spark in her eyes that Janine did. That same fiery spirit which was begging to be tamed, even though that was a complete impossibility. Mutual discipline could provide the necessary tools for her to… not tame herself, but rather to control the fire. There would be no way that I would ever unleash the true beast onto anyone again, not without them being fully vested in raising themselves to those higher places of being, not without them being an eagle first. That true beast being unbridled means. I am talking about having riches beyond anyone’s wildest dreams. This was what caused Janine’s demise. Without a firm base of self-worth, a mountain to land on if you will, then such means will always destroy a soul. I was convinced of this.

  I hadn’t been so stirred to even consider a possible partner in the crime of life since Janine. Cassie had instantly caught my eye because I saw it in her eyes. I determined to push her buttons until I knew for certain, and then I had to make sure that she was compatible with developing herself into said eagle. I guess I shouldn’t have been shocked to see her at the Dungeon, after all such explorations are of the spirit I saw in her. My biggest fear was that when she did find out the means I had available, as there was the very real phenomenon of not needing to strive once this sank in, that she would let it ruin her. This was the real killer.

  The next class with Cassie I made sure to push some more buttons. I fucking had to know.

  “Today I’d like to discuss the play of dark emotions in compositions, and what sort of base formula we can extrapolate from these.”

  “I like the dark.” Lara said.

  “Me too!” Cassie joined in.

  “Good. Now what is some of the darkest music that you enjoy?”

  “Hurt by Nine Inch Nails.” Coby offered.

  Lara turned and told him, “Oh, hell yeah! I like the Johnny Cash cover the best.”

  Coby smiled and nodded.

  “The Sounds of Silence by Disturbed.” Vicky told.

  Several others agreed with that one.

  “How about the original by Simon and Garfunkel?” I asked.

  Pretty much everyone just shrugged. That made me sad.

  “The End by the Doors.” Coby added.

  Finally, some hope for them!

  “That is a pretty dark song.” I agreed.

  “I thought you didn’t like rock music, Professor?” Jerry questioned.

  “I never said I didn’t like some of it, just that I am not a fan, or a fanatic about it. With that being said, I do consider the Doors a cut above most others of the genre.”

  Cassie took a deep breath as though she was trying to keep her patience.

  “Decent into Oblivion by Vulcan’s Forge.” Lara blurted.

  Cassie’s eyes lit up at that.

  “Any others?” I prompted.

  “Educating Gin is another good one by them. I love the BDSM theme in that one.” Lara went on.

  “Perhaps we should limit our discussion to less controversial themes.” I suggested.

  “Daddy, by Korn.” Cassie said.

  I sighed. “So much for non-controversial.”

  “Oh, hands down!” Vicky almost shouted.

  “That is a sick fucking song!” Coby agreed.

  Lara laughed with seeming glee. “I think Cassie wins!”

  “Alright without considering lyrics, what makes a particular piece dark?” I tried to steer the topic back to where it would be pertinent for the class.

  “The rhythm of impending doom.” Another boy named Zack stated.

  “Excellent!” I smiled. “And just what would that rhythm sound like?”

  “Mozart’s Requiem.” Cassie said.

  “Good!” I nodded.

  “Beethoven’s fifth!” Lara exclaimed.

  “Ah, the classical example. Probably the quintessential expression of impending doom.” Now it was going where I wanted it to go.

  “So deep bass is the route to go for expressing the dark?” Coby asked.

  “More often than not. However, it can be stated with a treble rhythm as well. For example…” I walked over to the boom box I had set up and pushed ‘play.’

  The music captivated the class.

  After a few measures I asked, “Name the piece and composer, anyone?”

  “Gustav Mahler?” Cassie guessed.

  “Close, but no cigar. Mahler did heavily influence him though.”

  Everyone shrugged. I sighed, yet again.

  “The composer is Dmitri Shostakovich. This is his String Quartet Number Eight. As you can hear and feel, he can evoke impending demise by use of treble harmonies.”

  “It’s much more complex than by using bass alone.” Lara noted.

  I nodded. “Yes, it is. Now if you wish to take the most simplistic yet still effective route, consider the soundtrack of the movie ‘Jaws.’ The danger sequences are entirely composed of just a few bass notes. Simple to the extreme, but highly effective.”

  “Professor, are complex emotions very hard to elicit from music?” Cassie asked.

  “Yes. Consider Vivaldi’s La Quattro Stagione, or Beethoven’s Sixth Symphony. Both are absolutely brilliant examples of the development of complex emotional response. I would suggest examining these if you ever want to form an algorithm for doing such a thing.”

  “You mean to design a computer program to compose music?” Cassie saw what I was inferring.

“Exactly, or even one to analyze existing musical pieces and see how and why they either succeed, or what they may have done to perform the function of emotional enticement more efficiently.”

  “Holy shit!” Lara exclaimed. “Now that’s fucking heavy!”

  “It is unavoidably the future of the music industry. Any producer wanting to be on the cutting edge will embrace this idea, and the technology involved.” I looked right at Cassie.

  She nodded. I thought that she did indeed get the message loud and clear.

  “Now, let’s have you all analyze the first twelve measures of this dark piece by Shostakovich and translate each measure into an algebraic expression. Then solve for the combined measures as one function.” I grabbed the stack of pre-printed sheet music I had prepared for them and started handing them out.

  Lara asked, “Is this going to be graded, Professor?”

  “Aren’t all pop quizzes?” I responded.

  “Fuck!” She blurted.

  At the end of the day, I drove home in my Toyota Rav4. I parked in the garage of the modest four-bedroom house. Then I took the elevator down to the tunnel leading to my beautiful real home a half mile distant. The upper-end modest home was just a decoy. It wouldn’t be good for people to know that a mild-mannered professor at Berkley was indeed a multi-millionaire many times over. It would lead to uncomfortable questions like; what the fuck, how the fuck, and the ever so dangerous, who the fuck are you? The electric tram car arrived at my destination in just under a minute and I took the elevator in my basement up to my wonderful real home. I did so love luxury, and I had the means to enjoy such, so I figured why not. I changed into my workout clothes and began to warm up. I had my advancement test in Master Shue’s school coming up, and I wanted to make sure I was ready. I did several sets of various dynamic tensioning exercises known as hard Chi-Kung that I had been taught, and I reveled in the feeling of raw power these instilled. Then I performed the advanced sets of the Northern Fist System. It was just one of the many styles that Master Shue taught, but I found that I enjoyed them more than many of the others. They were action packed and the martial applications seemed to be more forefront than some of the other styles. When I had finished with the third set, the Plum Flower Fist, I was good and winded as well as sweating heavily.


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