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I.N.E.T 1

Page 4

by Brenda Cothern

  The grip on Knight’s wrist never changed and he held Knight’s arm away from the cop’s body in what was sure to be an uncomfortable position for Knight. In fact, the position caused pressure on Knight’s shoulder and Slade knew that just a little more pressure would dislocate the joint. He also knew that the cop’s hand would be numb from where his thumb pushed into the pressure point of Knight’s wrist and that if he rocked slightly back onto Knight’s thigh, he could cause the same to happen to the cop’s lower leg.

  The sparring earlier at the gym had been nothing but child’s play for Slade. He could have taken the man down then, but he knew Knight needed to work off his anger. Plus, there was no sense in embarrassing the guy before he knew Slade was going to be his new partner at INET.

  Holy shit, this hurts. Knight wasn’t sure what just happened. One minute he was up in Slade’s face, poking a finger into the agent shield in the middle of the guy’s chest, and now he was face down on his kitchen floor tiles and pinned under the man. Anger at being caught off guard and being taken down so easily like a suspect, flared through him and he attempted to get his free arm under his chest. He was sure that would be all he needed to buck the agent off.

  His movement caused Slade to grab the back of his neck until the agent’s fingers grasped his hair tightly. Another spike of anger raced through Knight, but this time it warred with arousal. Knight had never known someone who could man-handle him and he didn’t like it regardless of how painful his quickly hardening cock was becoming by being pressed into his kitchen floor.

  Slade gave Knight credit for trying to get his free arm under himself, but even if he did, it wouldn’t break the hold. If anything, Knight would dislocate his shoulder if he succeeded in getting a hand under his chest for leverage to attempt to buck Slade off. That was why Slade fisted his new partner’s hair. Of course, if Knight wasn’t his partner and an actual suspect, fisting his hair would allow him to slam the guy’s face into the floor. Slade was still tempted to do just that.


  “That is not how to break this hold,” Slade informed Knight calmly before he leaned down to whisper in the cop’s ear. “You’ll learn how to do that in training, rookie.”

  “Fuck you asshole,” Knight cursed into his floor. He would have glared over his shoulder at the fucker, but the dickhead held his face toward the floor.

  Slade smirked even though his control on Knight’s head wouldn’t allow the cop to see his face. “Your choice. Go ahead, try it. You’ll only end up saving me the trouble of dislocating your shoulder,” Slade told Knight dryly.

  Slade knew he wouldn’t go that far to prove his point. A dislocated shoulder would hurt like a bitch and Fish would kill him if Knight needed rehab before the cop even started his training. Still, his words caused Knight to freeze just like Slade figured they would. The stillness didn’t last long, however, when Knight attempted to raise his hips and buck him off. The movement caused half of Knight’s ass to rub against Slade’s groin, which brought his attention to the fact that this pseudo combat had made him hard.

  “You’re getting warmer on how to break free,” Slade murmured in Knight’s ear, but he couldn’t help taunting his partner more. “But maybe you’re just inviting me to fuck you…” Knight stilled again, but Slade was close enough to hear the groan that rumbled through the cop’s chest. All thoughts Slade had about how bad of an idea it was for them to fuck around disappeared the moment Knight made the sexy-as-fuck noise. “Like you invited me to do in the shower,” Slade finished his comment and waited to see what Knight would do or say next.

  Knight went still under his new partner when Slade’s hot breath whispered against his ear and he wasn’t even aware of the sound that escaped his throat. Slade’s agent badge was trapped between them and pressed so hard into his back that he wouldn’t be surprised if he ended up with a badge-shaped bruise under his ink. He could feel Slade’s arousal pressing against his right ass cheek as well, and feeling Slade hard against him had him questioning why he was so turned on at the moment. That mental curiosity didn’t have time to take root when Slade pushed into him again.

  “I don’t bottom,” Knight growled out. He was surprised when the words left his mouth because he had no conscious thought to say them. When Slade allowed him to turn his head so he could glower over his shoulder at the man, he spat out, “So, get the fuck off me.”

  “Neither do I,” Slade replied ignoring Knight’s order and felt his cock twitch in reaction to Knight’s glare.

  Neither of them had to bottom to take care of their arousal and mutual attraction to each other. Slade knew that and he was sure Knight did too. When he felt Knight shift his weight again in an attempt to buck him off, Slade raised slightly to allow the motion. He pulled Knight’s arm and moved his knee from between the cop’s shoulder blades so that when Knight shifted, Slade ended up straddling his hips. Knight’s free hand came up and not knowing the man’s intent, Slade caught his partner’s wrist and pushed it back to the floor. The move wasn’t harsh. If anything, Slade was gentle with his restraint.

  Knight stared up into Slade’s dark blue eyes. He expected to see smugness along with a glint of arousal since Slade’s erection was now pushing down into his own. Instead, his gaze was met with the same hunger he felt.

  “My hand is numb,” Knight commented because if his hand wasn’t, he was sure he would be reaching between them to open their jeans and give them both some much needed relief.

  Slade saw Knight’s pupils dilate when the cop realized he wasn’t going to be an ass about showing him up. Of course, Knight’s desire blown pupils could have something to do with their hard-ons being pressed together like magnets. Slade never broke eye contact when he leaned closer to Knight’s face. He was giving the cop plenty of time to turn his head or say something to halt Slade’s obvious intention.

  When Knight didn’t do either and Slade’s lips were close enough to feel Knight’s warm breath, he whispered, “Pressure point.” Slade released his hold on Knight’s numb wrist.

  “Pressure point,” Knight repeated almost distractedly and didn’t lift his arm off the floor when Slade let go of his wrist.

  In fact, Knight did nothing until he felt Slade’s hot palm through his T-shirt caress down the side of his sore ribs. It was like his new partner sent a jolt of electricity through him that reminded him that he wasn’t a submissive or passive lover.

  Knight closed the minimal distance between their lips. His kiss wasn’t a gentle touching of mouths. It was an attack of fierce hunger. There was no need to force his way into Slade’s mouth since the agent opened willingly and met his hunger with violent need. Teeth clinked loudly and a lip split before bites and nibbles on lips dominated their melding of mouths.

  Slade fought for control of the kiss while his fingers dug under the cop’s shirt into the skin above Knight’s hip. He wasn’t accustomed to such aggression when he needed to get off, but Knight’s lack of passivity was driving him crazy with want and need. His cock needed friction and his body reacted without any conscious thought. When Knight pulled out of the kiss by tilting his head back, Slade took advantage of his partner’s exposed neck and bit above Knight’s jugular hard enough to leave a mark.

  The moment Slade started biting his neck, Knight was lost. A growl escaped his throat that had nothing to do with anger and everything to do with lust. His hips pushed up into Slade’s that were grinding down and he flexed the fingers of his fist that was still clutched in Slade’s grasp.

  “Fuck, let go,” Knight managed to speak on a panted breath groan.

  Slade released Knight’s wrist and braced himself on his arm beside Knight’s head. His other hand roughly pushed up Knight’s T-shirt so his mouth could get to Knight’s toned chest. He felt Knight’s hand trying to get between them and regrettably lifted his hips to allow the man space.

  Knight mentally cursed. He cursed Slade’s mouth that tormented his nipple and cursed the clumsiness of his right hand when he trie
d to open their jeans.

  Slade felt Knight’s frustration while he fumbled to free them and moved his hand that had been gripping Knight’s hip. Between the two of them, even with their hands getting in the way of each other, they managed to get their jeans open enough to push underwear out of the way. A hiss and a moan filled the silent kitchen when skin met hot, hard skin and neither man knew which sound was their own.

  Slade’s mouth returned to Knight’s lips in an all-consuming kiss at the same time, he felt his cock rub against Knight’s steel hardness. The wetness that dripped from Knight’s cock matched his own and provided enough slickness that they ground together smoothly. Knight’s rhythm, his hand, was uneven and jerky on his cock.

  The touch was welcomed, but Knight growled into his mouth with frustration. Slade’s foggy mind understood. Masturbating right handed sucked if you were a lefty and Slade had effectively made Knight a righty when he triggered the pressure point that made the cop’s left hand go numb.

  “I got it,” Slade breathed harshly into Knight’s mouth and batted his new partner’s hand away.

  Knight didn’t protest or physically resist Slade when the agent spoke and pushed his hand away from their cocks. Instead, a low, long moan escaped his lips into their kiss when Slade took them both into his rough hand. He couldn’t stop his hips from thrusting up into Slade’s grip. Not that he wanted to anyway.

  Slade braced himself on his knees and arm while he stroked their hard cocks together in his brutal grasp. Knight’s hips pumped into his strokes and he matched his partner’s rhythm by thrusting his own hips down into the hard body beneath him.

  Both of them were panting into each other’s mouth more than actually kissing, but it didn’t matter as sweat soaked into their T-shirts from their exertion. Knight’s where it was pushed up under his chin and Slade’s where it was plastered on his back along his spine. More sweat caused their black hair to dampen while they chased their pleasure.

  “Cum.” They each ordered the other at the same time and likely would have each grinned, or maybe smirked, at the other if the intensity of their desire hadn’t already taken control. Practically in sync, both men stiffened and satisfied moans of pleasure filled the otherwise silent kitchen.

  Fuck, Knight thought after he floated back to Earth and felt Slade collapsed against him.

  Slade knew he was currently a limp noodle on top of Knight, but he didn’t care. He also knew his partner was just as solid as he was and could handle his weight. Unlike his usual hook-ups who were more on the twinkish side than not, Slade didn’t have to worry about crushing the man under him this time.

  That had to be the most explosive hand-job ever, Slade thought right before Knight spoke.

  “Shit,” Knight huffed out against the side of Slade’s sweaty neck. He had no idea when they had stopped kissing and he honestly didn’t care while he fought to catch his breath.

  Slade was doing the same. His hot breath was puffing against Knight’s neck and Knight didn’t mind at all. In fact, he was enjoying Slade’s heavy breathing and weight on top of him so much that another sound passed his lips. He was only slightly surprised the man didn’t tense when he cursed before the moan of pleasure followed.

  Slade heard Knight’s curse, but the feel of his partner’s body beneath him didn’t change so he knew the curse wasn’t expelled because of regret. The curse was one of satisfaction, and Slade could agree wholeheartedly while he caught his breath.

  Once their breathing returned back to normal, Slade lifted his head. Knight wasn’t sure if his new partner regretted what they done, but he didn’t and he was sure his gaze conveyed as much.

  Slade looked down at Knight. He didn’t know what he expected to see, but was glad when he detected a glint of amusement in his partner’s steel-blue eyes. At some point after they got off, Slade had moved his hand from between them. It was now curled loosely into a fist near Knight’s head. He was tempted to lick his fingers clean, but he didn’t. Instead, he broke the building silence.

  “You good, rookie?”

  “If I wasn’t, you wouldn’t still be on top of me giving me a protein moisturizer treatment.”

  Slade couldn’t stop the laugh that escaped his lips. “Protein moisturizer treatment? Is that a new thing spa’s offer?”

  “God, I hope not,” Knight joined in Slade’s laughter. “Heard something like that in a movie.”

  “A porn, I hope.”

  Knight laughed again. Strangely, it didn’t feel awkward bantering with the guy he’d only known a few hours, a guy who was going to be his partner on Monday. Somehow, it felt comfortable even if he did feel their combined cum running over his hips, the splinters of glass pressing into the back of his thighs, and beer soaking into his jeans.

  “Yeah, probably,” Knight replied because that was likely where he had heard such a tacky phrase about cum.

  Slade smiled down at Knight before pushing himself up. A groan at the loss of contact rumbled in his throat and he sat back on his heels. Knight moaned at the same time as the noise escaped Slade’s lips. Cool air caressed the sticky mess that covered his abs and chest, but he barely noticed. He wasn’t self-conscious and it appeared Slade wasn’t either while the man straddled him without a care that his now limp dick hung over the zipper of his jeans.

  “Shower?” Knight asked and wiggled beneath Slade to pull off his T-shirt. He wiped himself off before offering it to Slade. Slade took his shirt and did the same while Knight rubbed his sore wrist.

  “Nah, but you’re gonna need ice for that.” Slade nodded to Knight’s wrist that the cop was still rubbing. He almost regretted hurting his partner. Almost. Knight would learn when to get aggressive and how to defend himself, so Slade didn’t feel too bad. Slade gave Knight another smile and rose smoothly to his feet, tucked himself away, and grabbed the dishtowel that hung off the stove before he opened the freezer.

  Knight watched Slade for only a moment before he zipped up his jeans and pushed off the floor with his hand that didn’t ache. He stepped toward Slade when his partner held out the ice wrapped in the towel, and then he applied it to his wrist.

  “Thanks,” Knight tried to hide his wince when he rested the ice pack on his wrist. “You’ll have to show me how you did this.” Knight raised his ice pack wrapped wrist.

  “You’ll learn in training,” Slade winked. “That will start on Monday.” Slade paused for a moment. “I meant what I said about this weekend. Enjoy it. Relax because starting next week, your world is gonna be turned upside down.”

  As Knight held his icepack, Slade was acting as if they hadn’t just busted a nut less than ten minutes ago. That was fine with him. Knight had had plenty of bathroom hook-ups that didn’t involve conversation so if anything, talking now as if nothing happened was weirder than the norm for Knight. Still, Knight didn’t feel uncomfortable or weirded out.

  “It’ll be that bad?”

  Slade grinned. Knight didn’t sound worried or intimidated about the training he was about to start the following week. He sounded like someone who was curious about an outing; like he was going to visit a new park or zoo.

  “You’ll be fine, Knight.” Slade slapped Knight on the shoulder as he walked passed toward the front door. “I wrote my cell on the envelope.”

  Knight turned and followed his new partner. He wasn’t concerned about the INET training. He knew he would excel at whatever they threw at him. However, knowing that still didn’t stop his question.

  “Are you gonna be around for my training?” Knight tried to ask casually.

  “Yeah, I’ll be around.” Slade couldn’t help but smirk. “We’re partners after all. Where else would I be?”

  Knight knew the question was rhetorical, so he didn’t bother answering Slade when the man walked out the door.

  Partners, Knight thought as he closed his front door behind his new partner’s retreating back. At INET. He turned and walked back to his living room. Flopping down on his couch, he picked up his th
ick envelope of INET paperwork.

  “Partners indeed,” Knight muttered through a smile before he even began to read the papers he held.

  Knight knew he was going to enjoy working at INET. He also knew he was going to enjoy working with his new partner even more. His day had gone from beyond shitty to excellent. He had a new job working for an elite worldwide narcotics agency and a new sexy-as-fuck partner. A new partner who was gay, wanted to fuck around, and claimed it wouldn’t be an issue at work. For now, he couldn’t be happier.


  Monday morning and Michael Knight was already bored to tears as he sat in a classroom in Orlando that could have belonged to any large university. His eagerness to start his new career at INET had already waned and he had only been employed for three hours. He understood why new recruits to the International Narcotics Enforcement and Tracking agency had to go through orientation. However, what he didn’t understand was why he was given three inches of new employee paperwork to review if the same shit was going to be covered in orientation.

  The agent, McCall, was only on page thirty if his memory of what he had read was correct. Of course it was since he had an eidetic memory. Damn thing was a blessing and a curse.

  McCall flipped another slide on the PowerPoint presentation and Knight once more wondered how many of the new recruits were paying more attention to her than the slides. Agent McCall was attractive with her long wavy brown hair that she frequently pushed back over her shoulder. Knight had the feeling that she did it to intentionally distract the recruits. It didn’t distract Knight, but instead was just something he observed about the woman.


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