Book Read Free

One Little Bit

Page 19

by Tey Holden

  “You okay?” Addy asked as she took the baby out of the car seat. Karen looked at her and nodded. She then waited for Addy to finish removing the baby from the car. All the time Karen kept looking at the cottage.

  When Addy started to walk towards the cottage, Karen held her by the arm. “Do you remember the day we arrived here?”

  Addy smiled. “Yes, you couldn’t get the door open and when you pushed it in, you flew inside. How could I ever forget that?”

  Karen paused. “Do you remember what you said?”

  “Umm! I said many things that day trying to convince you that this was home.”

  Karen smiled. “Exactly, you said ‘I see love, I see a home and a future here.’”

  “You remembered.”

  “How could I forget? I think that was your best vision ever. Who would have thought?”

  Addy smiled and her eyes misted. She instinctively kissed Karen on the cheek and snuggled to her and the baby. “It’s been an amazing ride, Ms. Larsen.”

  Karen was so emotional, she couldn’t speak. She just grinned and nodded.

  “Come on, let’s get inside.” As they walked towards the cottage, Addy continued to talk. “You know, Ker, even more shocking to me was when we first came for the reading of the will and you brought me over the hills to look at the cottage. Do you remember that I stayed behind and when you came back to get me you asked me what was wrong?”

  “Yes, your eyes were full of tears, and I remember you saying that you thought that you had been here before.”

  “Yes. I felt like I had seen and been here before. It was the strangest feeling.”

  “Addy, do you suppose that we met in another life and that our love stems from the fact that we have found each other again in this life?”

  Addy became very serious. “I don’t know. But aren’t you the one always saying that you’d find me in another life again? Maybe this is that other life and maybe you did find me again. Oh, Ker! Let’s stop all this weird talk, it feels creepy. Let’s just get the baby settled, we’ll talk more later. Just make sure that you continue to look for me in the next life also, okay? I want us to go on forever. Just know that I’ll be waiting somewhere, you can bet your last penny on that!”

  “You bet I will, Addypooh. I will find you.”

  Karen went inside holding the baby with teary eyes, which Addy didn’t see because she was busy trying to open the portable crib in the living room for Karen to lay the baby down. Since the birth, Karen had been extremely emotional. Once the crib was ready, Karen deposited the baby in it. Addy immediately turned to go outside and bring their suitcases inside. Karen followed her out.

  “Where do you think you are going?”

  “I am going to help you get our stuff from the car.”

  “No, you are not. You’ve just had your belly opened and stitched back. You are not doing any lifting while I’m around. You go back in there and stay with the baby. You can help me unpack later.”

  “Addy, you are handicapping me again. I hate it when you do that! I’m fine.”

  Addy kissed her. “Precisely! You are very fine, and I want to keep you that way.”

  “Ugh! I hate to feel worthless!” Karen turned and sat on the sofa. The little one was wide-awake and looking at her. “What are you looking at, your worthless mother?” Alex didn’t understand much, but when she saw her mom’s eyes widen, Alex became excited and smiled and moved her feet and arms at an incredible rate of speed. Karen couldn’t resist and started to talk to her. “You seem to be the one having a ball! At least someone has a life in this house. Look at you! So happy—.”

  “Worthless? Are you nuts? You are precious, and I think the one in the crib agrees.”

  Karen looked at Alex again and the minute the two pairs of green eyes met, little feet and little hands were again going wild. Karen smiled. “Look at you! You are just as crazy as that one. I feel I might be in the minority here a lot. Addy, this child worries me, looks like she might get all discombobulated if she continues to move like that. Should I pick her up?”

  Addy smiled and did not reply. When she looked at the pair, she saw Karen picking up the happy bundle. God, they are beautiful! “I’ll be there in a minute with work for you, Ms. Good for nothing.”

  Karen sat and wondered what had happened to her life and why she felt wonderfully different. Alex stared up at her and she was delighted. When Addy came back loaded with bags, she found mother and child on the sofa playing. Karen was making all sorts of faces and Alex was making cooing noises. “Did you hear that, Addy? She’s giggling! Oh my God! She’s so fun!”

  Addy chuckled. “Hey, let’s take a look at the new additions.” Addy took the baby from Karen and helped her up from the sofa.

  “You just can’t stay away from her, can you?”

  “No, can’t do. You had her for nine months. You’ll have to wait for your turn to come up again. Besides, you gave her to me, remember?” Addy looked back to find Karen beaming, she adored Addy’s fascination with the baby.

  “Yes, she’s all yours.” She grabbed Addy from behind and kissed her on the neck. “And you are mine.”

  “That sounds like an acceptable arrangement.” Addy continued to walk with the baby in one arm and dragging Karen with the other. “I think Cindy and Sandy did a great job. I love the colors and the stenciling is beautiful. I want to show you something that I asked Sandy to do for my security freak. Stand right here.” Then she walked to the baby’s room.

  Karen gasped. “Oh! It’s amazing.” It was a monitor and camera in the baby’s room transmitting to a small screen in their bedroom. The television screen was portable so they could take it downstairs as well.

  “You know, this didn’t occur to me. I think you are becoming more of a security freak than I am, now that the baby is here. This reminds me that I need to make a statement. A house rule, if you will. To preempt any move in that direction.” Addy frowned expectantly. “She’s not sleeping with us.” Karen said pointing to the baby.

  Addy laughed. “Well, I’m sure she’s already heard all the sex talk, and—.”

  “Addy, I’m serious!”

  “I’m kidding, baby. Of course, she’s not sleeping with us! Except, of course, if there’s a big storm and there is lightning and thunder and she’s scared and cries out ‘Mommy? Can I come and sleep with you?’ What are we going to say, umm, ‘no sweetie you can’t, your mom and I are naked in bed, just put your head under the covers, you’ll be fine.’”

  Karen slapped her arm. “You are awful. But I’m serious and I mean it! I know I never win around here, but this point is very important.”

  Addy came from behind and kissed her. “I don’t know about that, Blondie. It seems to me that you never really loose.”

  After they surveyed the place and organized some of the things they had brought from the apartment in the city, they made dinner, put the baby to bed, and then settled in the living room to drink some tea. Karen lay back on the sofa and looked at her in a very sexy way.

  “Are you looking for trouble, Blondie?”

  “With you, always, but now I was just thinking that you do let me get away with a lot, don’t you?”

  Addy quietly smiled. “What has prompted this sudden revelation?”

  “Well, these past months you’ve been calling the shots and have been doing a remarkable job at it. I mean, normally you check things with me and don’t act on your own, but it’s not because you can’t, it’s because you don’t want to. You get me involved and make me think it’s my decision or my choice when in fact—.”

  Before Karen could finish her sentence Addy quieted her with a kiss. She leaned over her and managed to turn her around so that Karen was on top of her on the sofa. When all the maneuvering happened, Addy let go of her lips. “You were saying?” Addy smiled triumphantly.

  Karen laughed and combed Addy’s hair back. “I’m on top because you want me on top.”

  Addy laughed. “It all depends how you view it
. That’s one way of putting it. Here’s another way. You are on top because you have to be on top, because you have a cut on your belly, and if you were down here I’d be hurting your belly. I don’t want to hurt you, I want and need you to be happy, so I let you be on top and we are both happy. You also like being on top, which makes you happier and me even happier, so what’s wrong with all, or any of that?”

  “Somehow, you always manage to put things in a way that I appear to be the winner when I’m actually not most of the time, but you know what, Ms. Marcos? I don’t care. As long as I have you, nothing else matters.” Karen kissed her fiercely and then one thing led to another and they made love on the sofa. That sofa had seen a lot of action in its lifetime. They were very fond of it. In fact, when it was time to replace it, it was moved to the master bedroom and instead, they removed the love seat they had in their bedroom.


  The next day after their arrival at the cottage, JP called to check if they could come and visit, and Addy said that it was okay. JP would have visited immediately, but James thought that it would be most appropriate to give the couple a chance to acclimate at home with the baby, and suggested waiting. JP was not happy but realized that James had a good point.

  Two days later, at around three in the afternoon, the men arrived with a load of bags in their hands.

  “What is all this?” Karen was curious.

  “Nothing, go in there and show off your daughter.” Karen frowned and went upstairs with JP who insisted on seeing his godchild.

  “What is this godchild thing? Karen asked.

  “Hush, woman! Don’t pretend you don’t know, Addy told James all about it.”

  “Jeez, there is no privacy anymore around here! And I apparently don’t count anymore either.”

  “Tell that to the feisty brunette, I’m just the recipient of the wonderful news.”

  Karen was just kidding. Addy would have never divulged something so private without running it through her first, much less make a unilateral decision concerning their daughter. They had talked about and agreed on JP and James being Alexandra’s godparents.

  Addy and James got busy downstairs emptying the bags the men had brought with them. When all was ready, the duo upstairs was called down. When Karen arrived in the kitchen she found a gigantic Martini glass sitting on the kitchen island.

  “Welcome home, baby!” Addy and James exclaimed while JP clapped.

  “Oh my God! That thing is gigantic! She went over to kiss Addy first and then the guys. During the pregnancy, she kept talking about how much she craved a Martini but, of course, she couldn’t have one, so Addy promised her that she could have one the minute they got home.

  “You guys don’t expect me to drink this whole thing. I have to be a respectable mother, so come on scoop it into smaller cups and let’s toast.” The content of the big cup was distributed among all, and Karen made the toast. “To family.”

  “Hear, hear!” All repeated.

  “To the most patient woman and partner I’ve ever known, Adriana Marcos, you have my total respect and admiration!” James toasted.

  They all took another sip while loving green eyes were fixed on the one person who always seemed to inject life into hers.

  “To loving friends!” Addy toasted.

  “To a gorgeous baby girl!” JP toasted. “She’s so beautiful! I can’t stop looking at her!

  Addy hugged and kissed Karen.

  * * *

  The next day, JP called again. This time, he wanted to know if they could come over to bring the gifts people had dropped off at the Manor.

  “Sure, JP, stop by whenever you want.”

  Friends and many of the people in town had wanted to throw a baby shower for Karen, but she had refused. She excused herself saying that she didn’t feel like partying. The truth was that she didn’t want to be seen with her humongous belly. Towards the end of the pregnancy, she had reduced her social outings to a minimum and then she had been bedridden for the last month.

  Addy noticed a truck from the distillery pulling up and thought that it was perhaps a new driver who had made the wrong turn. The distillery’s entrance was two turns before the cottage. She was surprised when she saw James get out of the driver’s side and JP from the passenger’s side and immediately went out to greet them. It was already May and the weather was very nice. “What’s this?”

  “Just making your delivery.”

  “What delivery?” Addy followed the men to the back of the truck, and when James opened the back door. Her jaw dropped.

  “I hope you have room for all of this.” JP said as he displayed the merchandise.

  “Shit! What is this and where is it coming from?”

  “Baby gifts. Addy, I swear, I think we’ve had people from other towns come by with gifts.”

  Karen was just arriving at the back of the truck when her jaw dropped also. “What in the world?”

  “Gifts from people in town and the surrounding areas.” Addy replied

  “You guys are highly regarded around here. I don’t think there was a person in town that didn’t show up with something. Where should we put everything?” James asked.

  “Let’s put it all in the new recreation room until we have time to sort it out.” Addy ordered. The men and Addy spent a good deal of time unloading. Karen was not allowed to carry anything, for which she again protested and was again cautioned. “You want to do something? Well, you are going to be in charge of classifying gifts by type and size. Go over to the rec room and wait for us to bring the stuff. This is a massive operation.”

  Karen shook her head. “I don’t know how this happened! How come I never give orders anymore?” She walked away with JP following her and laughing. He was quick to join the classification team after complaining about his back hurting. “I guess it took you some time to figure out that the brunette is very bossy. Just let them! We’ll do our thing here.” JP seemed delighted with the task ahead. Karen looked at him and rolled her eyes.

  “Looks like you and I are the muscle around here today, Addy.”

  “Yeah! Let’s get dirty James!” James laughed. He always loved Addy’s positive disposition and sense of humor.

  In the rec room, Karen was making some pronouncements. “We are going to have to make a list of people and their corresponding gift and later buy ‘thank you’ cards to send them.”

  Addy was walking into the room and was quick to reply. “Yes, ma’am, whatever you order, ma’am!”

  Karen turned to give her the usual menacing look, but couldn’t. She instead had to laugh. Addy was hardly visible behind all the boxes and packages she was carrying. James followed caring boxes and bags as well. After several trips to the truck, they joined the classification team opening and sorting through the many boxes.


  James and JP were crazy about the little one and stopped to see her every day. “So, Addy dear, I’ve forgotten to ask you with so much going, how is Luke doing?”

  Everyone looked up, James in astonishment, Karen in wonderment, and Addy in total surprise.

  “Why do you ask? What’s going on with Luke?” Karen asked looking at JP and at Addy.

  JP realized his indiscretion. “Oh dear! Me and my big mouth. I’ve done it again! I’m sorry, Addy, I thought—.”

  “JP, it’s okay. It’s my fault. I should have, but it never seemed like the right time.”

  “What’s going on?” Karen pressed.


  James immediately took charge of JP. “JP, I think we should leave and come back at a better time.” Having said that, the men said their goodbyes and left.

  “What’s going on, Addy?”

  “Sorry, Ker, with so much going on, I forgot to tell you. At first, I thought to wait since you had gone through so much, then there was no time for anything, then I didn’t see the point, and then I just forgot.”

  “What? What is there to tell?”

  “Luke had a heart attack.”

  “The day Alex was born.”

  “What? Oh my God!”

  “When they were taking you to surgery, Laurie called. She wanted me to come back to the States. I told her I couldn’t. I explained the situation and she immediately understood.”

  Karen was filled with worry. “Is he alright?”

  “Yes. He had to have bypass surgery.”

  “Jesus, Addy! Are you okay? What about Laurie? Is she okay?”

  “Yes, she is. She was with him. She’s his daughter, so she did what she had to do. She knows that you had a C-section. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you sooner. Please, don’t be mad. I never keep things from you, but I just didn’t think it would do you any good knowing at the time, and later everything turned out well, and it didn’t seem to matter. It’s not like we haven’t had enough to worry about ourselves here.”

  “Addy, I’m not mad. It’s just that you went through all of that alone. So you just found out as I was being rolled into the OR? I remember you said that Laurie called to know how I was doing.”

  “Yeah, that’s when I got the call.”

  “Oh my God, Addy.” Karen hugged and kissed her. Still holding on to her, she thought of what a terribly hard decision that must have been to make, not in regards to Luke, but for not being able to be with her daughter in such a difficult moment. Realizing the enormity of that choice overwhelmed her.

  “How could you possibly think that I would be mad at you? Why would I when you chose to stay with me?”

  “Because I didn’t tell you what was going on.”

  “Addy, I was going into the OR, for God’s sake, and you better than anyone know that I’ve been a wreck for the last few months. I can totally understand not wanting to put more stress on my plate.” She took a moment to gather herself.

  “I’m the one who feels awful because I was not there for you. Promise me, that if anything like this ever happens again, you will tell me as soon as possible. And if there’s ever anything related to Laurie, you drop everything and go, do you hear me?”

  “Ker, if that had been the case you would have known the minute you were in your room at the hospital, and I would have been on the first flight out.”


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