Book Read Free

One Little Bit

Page 28

by Tey Holden

  “Addy, I’m not going to tell you not to worry, but let me start moving the pieces. I’ll keep you posted on any developments.”

  “Phillip, whatever the cost, whatever it takes. Legal or no legal, we need to stop these people.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “What they are doing is evil, and Alex is—.” Addy choked and Phillip could hear her sobs.

  “Addy, they’ll never have her, so help me God!”

  Amidst her tears, which she hadn’t shed until now, she managed to respond, “thanks.”

  “Get yourself together, please. Let me take it from here.”

  “Okay.” Addy hung up hoping that Phillip could somehow work a miracle. She made herself stop crying knowing that she couldn’t let Karen see her like that. She needed to be resilient. Although Karen was a strong-willed woman, her Achilles tendon was the ones she loved, Alex and her.

  Initially, Phillip talked to the family’s barrister. They wanted the estate, the stables, and the money they made from the operation of the Inn that had been on the property. The distillery was not on the estate’s property, so it was excluded. The distillery was on Isabella’s former property. To satisfy Karen’s request to give them what they wanted, a settlement agreement was prepared. The deal was that they would drop Alex’s custody claim in exchange for the estate and the money. The family’s barrister failed to address on the settlement Alex’s birthright to the estate. An omission that, although a loose end, would not be raised.

  As the events emerged and developed, JP and James were furious with Karen’s family. In his frantic emotional state, JP who had missed his calling in the public relations field, made sure that the entire town of Altee knew what was happening to Karen and Addy. When people in town heard what was going on, they demanded a town hall meeting to discuss and plan what could be done to help the women. Karen and Addy were respected and loved for their many deeds towards many of them and the town in general. Mr. Kimbell, the town solicitor, and barrister was present at the meeting. They also invited Phillip, since he was the women’s legal counsel.

  Karen, Addy, and Alex went away to Virgin Gorda, as Karen wished. They needed to get away from the living hell they were being put through and left Phillip in charge of the case. Phillip tried to talk Karen into fighting the custody claim vowing that he would fight them to the death and assuring them that the odds were always in favor of the biological mother, but Karen did not budge. She would not risk their little one to the luck of the draw. There was no money or anything in the world that would make them risk Alex. Of course, Karen was unaware of Addy’s talk with Phillip, and even Addy didn’t know what would come of that talk. Since Karen was always present when they talked to Phillip, he developed code words to remind Addy that there was a plan B.

  “Don’t you worry, my friends, everything is being tackled. Karen, Addy, no stone has been left unturned.”

  “Thanks, Phillip.” Addy quickly replied not wanting to raise any suspicion in Karen’s mind.

  Their plan was to only go back the day before the trial to present the settlement agreement in court, hoping that the court would accept it, and then pack their bags and belongings and leave for good to never to return. They had also agreed that Alex would not be going back to Scotland, and that she would stay with Laurie in an undisclosed location until the matter was resolved. They had also secretly agreed that if the matter was not resolved favorably, they would flee with Alex. They would never give her up, even if it meant living in the middle of nowhere.

  “Addy we are treading on thin ice. I don’t need to tell you that Plan B is illegal.”

  In her mind, Addy knew that this was Plan C. Plan B, was in the works back in Scotland and it was totally legal and decisive. “Karen Larsen, we stand together as always.” Karen embraced her and Alex. Karen’s fears were such that Alex had been sleeping between them on their bed. Even in bed, Addy noticed how Karen always managed to have her hand on Alex in one form or another.

  There were many mornings when she found Karen sleeping on her side and Alex tucked into Karen’s chest. Sometimes the green eyes caught her looking lovingly at the sight in front of her. “Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll crush her.”

  “You won’t.”

  “She seems to like this position.”

  “Of course, she listens to a heartbeat she knows well, the one she heard consistently for nine months and that gave her life.” Addy smiled lovingly, brushing Karen’s hair back.

  “I hope she doesn’t get used to sleeping with us.” Addy smiled. It had been Karen who had specifically been against Alex ever sleeping on their bed, and yet it was she who had done away with the rule now.

  “Don’t worry about that now. We’ll deal with that later, if it happens.”

  Tears flooded the green eyes. “Thanks.” Addy moved closer and kissed her.


  Meanwhile in Scotland, under Mr. Kimbell’s and Phillip’s diligence, a plan was put together. Phillip approached Mr. Kimbell about Addy’s concern, and Mr. Kimbell agreed. “Addy is right. These people will have no mercy. We cannot let this travesty happen. If there is still justice in Scotland, it will prevail. I will gladly plea this case in court.” It had been many years since Mr. Kimbell had gone to court. He had given up the excitement of the courts and had settled to the quiet and light work of a small-town solicitor.

  Phillip came from one of the oldest families in Scotland and had gone to Oxford Law. He knew that, before retiring to the quiet country life, Mr. Kimbell had been a professor of law at Oxford, and later a very prominent judge. Andrew Kimbell had written a few of the best legal decisions ever written in Scottish law. Mr. Kimbell had also been one of the best orators in the judicial system. Phillip, who was a great strategist, was aware that Mr. Kimbell was an asset and quickly enlisted him. When Phillip didn’t have the best cards in his hands, he knew to look for people who could play the game better than him.

  Although Addy was aware of a Plan B, she was not aware of the details of the plan. As planned, they arrived the day before the trial.

  The day of the trial, they walked in the courtroom holding each other by the arm. They did not reflect any emotion, or speak. They didn’t know anyone in the courtroom, so there was no need to greet anyone. The only familiar faces were those of the perpetrators of the travesty and there was no need to even look at them. They sat and stared to the front of the courtroom.

  When the Judge entered the room, the proceedings began. The family’s lawyer explained that they had reached an agreement and that they had submitted it to the Judge for approval and formalization. Charles and Margaret sat pompously next to their barrister, Margaret occasionally looked to see if she saw any reaction from either woman. She saw none. Charles was basking in his glorious moment.

  Judge Thatcher had the documents in front of him. He paused and took a long look at the women who merely stared silently at him. The judge was about to say something, when the courtroom doors opened and, to everyone’s amazement, a mob burst into the courtroom. The judge panicked and called security to intervene. There was no intervention possible because the group was of such magnitude that it was beyond control.

  One of the constables approached the judge, as he demanded to know who were the people in his courtroom. “Your honor, we cannot close the court’s doors, or even get to them. We have been informed that buses have arrived in town transporting hundreds of people.” The District Court was in the town of Edingville, which was the seat of the shire’s government.

  Even though the enormous group had remained quiet, the still shocked judge stood up trying to regain control of his courtroom. “What in the name of God is all this about?” He demanded, almost screaming over his lungs. Judge Thatcher was well known to be a commanding, rightful man. The courtroom and all adjacent areas immediately came to a total halt. As if in response to his question, a known figure emerged from the crowd, which immediately gave Judge Thatcher pause. Judge Thatcher was in awe when he saw Mr. Kimbell
standing in front of the group. The women looked at each other equally speechless and astonished by the developing events. They recognized many faces from Altee but had no idea as to why they were there. “Addy, what’s going on?”

  “I have no idea.”

  Mr. Kimbell spoke. “Your Honor, for the Record, Andrew Kimbell, barrister. I request permission to address the court.”

  Judge Thatcher had no hesitation in allowing Mr. Kimbell to speak. He was relieved and astonished to see someone of Mr. Kimbell’s stature in his courtroom willing to explain the situation. “Please do.” Judge Thatcher knew Mr. Kimbell well and knew that whatever he had to say was worth listening. His speech was slow and eloquently delivered in a tone and stature that one would have imagined Winston Churchill speaking to Parliament.

  “I beg the court to accept an amicus curiae brief on behalf of the town of Altee, a town which I gladly and of my own free will, represent as counselor and citizen.” He paused for effect. “It is the purpose of this manuscript and the desire of the town of Altee, much of it presenting this room and surrounding areas today, to assist this court in deciding the matter of the custody of Miss Alexandra Marcos Larsen, a native of the township.”

  Karen and Addy were shocked. “Oh, my God!” Karen murmured as Addy held her hand.

  Mr. Kimbell was unrelenting. “As the court will be able to confirm, from the brief and its attachments, the document contains the signature of the 800 voting residents of the township. The town of Altee as a whole attests and vouches for the moral character of Ms. Karen Larsen and Adriana Marcos, Miss Alexandra Marcos Larsen’s biological and adoptive parent.” He again paused for effect. This tactic was extremely effective since the man was so eloquent and forceful in his speech. Every time he paused people couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say next.

  “The two ladies in question in this proceeding have been for many years exemplary citizens of our town. Among the attachments to our brief, the court will find affidavits from among others, Mayor Hutton, Dr. Naylor, our constable, our churches’ ministers, merchants and many other respectable citizens of our town who have come to know these ladies as citizens and friends through the years. They all vouch for their integrity, respectability, and decency.” Another pause.

  “The town of Altee respectfully begs the court that the child remain in the custody of her natural and adopted mothers Ms. Larsen and Ms. Marcos” Mr. Kimbell paused again. A lot of people thought he was done and were shocked when he continued.

  “The town of Altee also begs the court to deplore, reject and hold with suspicious eyes any settlement entered in this court today whereby relatives interested in the custody of the child, so quickly, heartlessly and loosely relinquish the interest of the child’s well-being for their own personal gain in acquiring the McGill Estate.” Everyone was mesmerized listening.

  “This custody proceeding was entered with no other purpose but to maliciously use an innocent child as a bargaining chip to swindle these decent, respectful and hard working women from their property, and to SPLIT (Mr. Kimbell raised his voice at this point) and TEAR apart a happy, loving home. If these women, have agreed to relinquish their property without any hesitation, it stands only as evidence of the love for their child - - WILLING TO GIVE ALL FOR HER.” Mr. Kimbell’s voice trembled with his last words and he paused, to calm down and gather himself. He appeared shaken by emotions.

  Judge Thatcher was wide-eyed totally captured by Kimbell’s speech and must have been sitting at the edge of his chair because the man looked as if he was ready to climb over his desk to be in a better position to listen to Kimbell’s speech. Everyone in the courtroom was biting their nails or knuckles.

  “The town of Altee hopes that justice will prevail in this honorable hall of law today. We thank the court for allowing our plea, and beg the court to allow our brief into evidence.” Every time Mr. Kimbell emphasized a word or raised his voice, he raised his hand in such a commanding forceful way that people were mesmerized. Some were grasping hands, some in tears while gasping, or holding on to one another. His speech was hair-raising and shook every heart in the room. Karen and Addy could not hold back their tears anymore and wept as he spoke.

  As Mr. Kimbell ended his summation, only sobs were heard in the room or along the adjacent rooms holding the hundreds of people who had gathered there. As he retreated, Karen got up from her chair, and to Addy’s great surprise, hugged him. Addy got up as well and stood behind Karen. Mr. Kimbell patted her on the back and accompanied them to their seats and then retreated to join and stand in front of the crowd in the room.

  After Kimbell’s speech, the judge took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped his face. Then he spoke. “The amicus brief and the plea from the town of Altee are accepted into evidence. This court will recess for two hours to peruse and analyze the evidence.” The gavel was heard and the judge left the room.

  The women who were totally heartbroken were taken to a small room off the courtroom to have privacy. Alone in that room, they cried and held each other. After a while, Phillip and Mr. Kimbell entered the room bringing lunch with them.

  Karen stood up when she saw Mr. Kimbell. “Mr. Kimbell, I have no words to—.”

  “It’s alright, my child, it’s alright. We will prevail. I have faith in justice.”

  Addy’s teary face was so filled with emotions that she was unable to speak. He came over and also held her in his arms. Sometime later, someone knocked on their door and announced that the judge was coming back.

  Everyone took their seats, and the court was called to order. The judge took notice that the court remained as packed with people as it had been earlier, and noticed that the local press was now also covering the event as well.

  “This court has considered the evidence presented and has reached and will make several judgments today. I advise all present that I will not accept any displays of emotions from anyone. I order that no one speak until this court has rendered its entire judgment. Anyone disobeying this ruling will be taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct.” The judge paused and then continued. People were frightened to death not knowing what to expect.

  “In my entire career at the bench, I have never seen such a public display of solidarity as I have seen here today. Taking into consideration all the evidence presented, this court makes the following pronouncements: First, this court rejects the settlement agreement entered by the parties.” The judge looked up to see if anyone was disobeying his previous ruling. He noticed some faces of disbelief, and how the two women seemed to have deflated. Without acceptance of the settlement agreement, the custody battle was on. Karen buried her face into Addy’s shoulder in anguish, and Addy held her tight. In the depth of her soul, Addy was torn, but this was not the moment to collapse. While most people crumbled at the worst of times, those were the moments when Adriana Marcos thrived and showed her best colors. She held Karen with all her might and stared at the judge willing him almost to deliver a miracle.

  “This court will now pass ruling in the matter of custody of Alexandra Marcos Larsen. Having examined the entire file, this court awards custody to the child’s legal parents and guardians, Ms. Karen Larsen and Ms. Adriana Marcos.”

  Karen and Addy gasped and held themselves in tears. The world stood still at that very moment. Nothing else mattered. They had their child and that was all they wanted. A slight murmur was heard throughout the courtroom, but it quickly subsided when the judge looked up to check on the crowd, everyone much aware of the judge’s preliminary threatening words.

  “This court finds Ms. Larsen and Ms. Marcos fit, and suitable parents on their own record. This court also takes legal notice of the evidence presented in support and solidarity from the town of Altee who in its entirety has vouched for the good standing in the community of these women as respectful, decent citizens and parents. This court also finds the actions of the plaintiffs deplorable and vicious. We will recommend to the court’s prosecutorial branch that an in
vestigation be conducted to ascertain whether the actions that have brought us here today can be construed as any punishable infraction of the law. All legal costs, expenses and fees fall on the plaintiffs. This court now adjourns.”

  The courtroom cleared among congratulatory shouts and handshakes. The women, still shaken and in tears, left the room with Mr. Kimbell’s and Phillip’s arms around them.

  Once outside, they stop to talk. “You have our eternal gratitude, Mr. Kimbell.” Karen pause to gather herself. “We are forever in your debt. Please, let everyone know how we feel. We are in no condition to meet with anyone now. We just can’t. We need to go home and gather our strength.” They were both still visibly shaken, Addy held her hands to her heart. After saying their goodbyes, they left holding on to each other.

  James and JP, who had also been in tears, were waiting for them in the car to drive them home. In the car, no one spoke. They were all emotionally drained. Karen’s head rested on Addy’s shoulder, and Addy tenderly caressed her. When they got to the cottage the men got out with them. They had no intention of staying wanting to give them privacy, but still wanting to hug them for comfort. “If you need anything, give us a call. We’ll come right over.”

  “James? Can you, please, take us to the airport tomorrow afternoon? We would like to go get Alex immediately. After that, we are going to be headed for Virgin Gorda again and spend some time there.” She looked at Karen when she spoke looking for agreement. She hadn’t talked to Karen about this plan, but she knew Karen would not object. She embraced Karen, who immediately cuddled to her.

  “Sure, honey, give us a call in the morning and tell us what time you want us here.”

  Once inside the cottage, Addy led the way upstairs. “Come on, I want to hold you in bed.” Neither one talked for the longest time. They lay under the covers holding each other. “Addy? Do you remember the first time we made love?”


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