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One Little Bit

Page 34

by Tey Holden

  Alex had been watching the interaction from the dining table. Even Alex had trouble believing what happened next. She opened her eyes in pure surprise and smiled when Addy grabbed Karen by the collar of her blouse, pulled her up from her chair, brought her close to her and planted a humongous kiss on Karen’s lips. She released her and headed to the rec room. “I need to call Marshall now. Keep the hairy thing away from me.”

  Karen and Alex looked at each other and chuckled. Neither knew what to say. It was Alex who spoke first. She was nodding and wrinkling her nose in her customary way when she spoke. “She lovez you a lot. Mommy.” Karen grinned. All cocky she picked up Alex and sat her on her lap. “Yes, I believe she does. And she loves you just the same. Come on, let’s go read more about how to take care of the hairy ball.”

  “Mommy! His name is Peanut Crunchy!” Karen chuckled. Alex was right, there was a lot of love going around in their house, and she was glad that Alex could feel it. Those were the signals and the tender gestures of love that filled their home and that Alex would grow up seeing every day of her life. Karen’s eyes misted as she kissed her daughter on the head. Alex was immersed looking at the dog pictures on the computer screen, still sitting on her lap.

  With time the matter smoothed out, but it was only because both Alex and Karen dealt with all the dog issues to the smallest detail. Peanut Crunchy was the best smelling dog in the shire. He was taken to the groomer monthly and bathed twice a week. He was even perfumed to smell good. He also went to dog obedience school and with the years became a fixture and a very quiet member of the family. Addy was tolerant, but never petted the dog, nor did the dog ever come too close to her. It was as if he knew that in order to stay on good terms with the woman, he had to stay away from her. It seemed that after a while both, Addy and the dog had come to a mutual understanding and respected each other’s boundaries. Apparently, the dog was smart enough to understand the terms of the relationship to perfection. As long as everyone understood the terms, peace reigned.

  Peanut Crunchy lived a happy life and lived to old age. He passed away when Alex was about to go to college. They all swore never to get another dog again. Addy cried as many tears as Alex and Karen for the “darn ball of hair.”


  Both women had always attended Alex’s preschool activities and now they were doing the same in Kindergarten. Everyone knew them and loved Alex. Soon, as it happened in preschool, it became evident that Alex had two mommies. In preschool, most of the parents knew them and those who didn’t and gave them second looks, soon accepted them after they came to know them and mostly because Alex was an adorable, polite well-adjusted, loving child. In Kindergarten, there were more children and more parents. As the pool of people was larger, and many were unknown, there was an issue with one of the parents, which was handled by Addy.

  On one of the school events, Karen remained behind talking to the teacher and Addy took Alex out to the playground. As Alex came to the playground, she ran towards one of her little friends. The mother of the little friend grabbed Alex by the arm and stopped her in a not so very nice way. Addy saw the incident.

  “Excuse me is there a problem?”

  “No, I just don’t want her playing with Elizabeth.”

  Addy was puzzled. “May I ask why?”

  “Her parents are lesbians.”

  “Yes, I believe they are, and I happen to be one of them.”

  “Oh! Well, I’m glad to bring this out in the open then. I would appreciate it if you told your daughter not to play with mine.”

  Addy could have punched her in the nose right there, but she was an educated and highly respected woman, so she took the high road.

  “May I ask why?”

  “Well, if you must know, our family does not like your type.”

  In the distance, Karen perceived that something was not right judging by Addy’s demeanor and was trying to cut her conversation short with the teacher without much success.

  Addy continued to smile trying to hold back her anger. “I’m really sorry that you feel that way. But, I will tell you this: First, my daughter can play with whomever she wants to play. Second, your daughter is lucky as to have my daughter as her playmate. Third, if you don’t like who your daughter plays with at this school, perhaps you should consider taking her to another school.” Then Addy lowered her voice to a whisper. “And fourth, and I want you to remember this one because it’s the most important one, if you ever lay a finger on my daughter again, I will beat the crap out of you. Now is that very clear, or do I need to repeat myself?”

  The woman appeared to be insulted but said nothing. She grabbed her daughter by the hand and left. At this point Alex was wide-eyed looking at Addy, knowing that something was very wrong. Karen joined them. She also knew something was not right. “Hi. What’s going on? Why the long faces?”

  “I don’t know, but Mommy Addy was mad at Liza’z mom.”

  “What happened?”

  “Nothing. Let’s go. I don’t want to talk about it now. We can talk at home.”

  On the way home, all was too quiet. Karen kept looking at Addy and at Alex through the rearview mirror. Alex seemed fine, Addy not so much.

  All of a sudden, an unexpected question came from the back. “Mommy Karen, what is a lezbianz?”

  Karen opened her eyes and looked at Addy. Addy was looking straight ahead, and then turned her face to the window.

  Suspecting what had happened with Lisa’s mother, Karen took the question. “Alex, let’s get home, and then I’ll tell you, okay?”


  Karen tried to make conversation during the trip home, but she could tell Addy looked like a volcano ready to erupt. Karen kept wondering what could have possibly happened to propel the imminent eruption. By the time they got home, Alex had forgotten about her question and the incident. She ran out of the car yelling. “I need to get Peanut Crunchy out to pee!” As soon as they got in the house, she put the leash on the dog, who was very excited to see her, and they both walked out to the patio. Alex knew exactly how far she was allowed to go with the dog.

  Addy looked out the window to watch Alex, and finally came out to the patio and sat in one of the chairs. Addy never lost track of Alex. She was like a radar when it came to any of her children, and with Alex because of the issues with Karen’s family, she was relentless in her watch. Karen was the same, but she gave Alex a bit more leeway sometimes. Karen called from the kitchen. “Want a beer babe?”


  Karen came out with the beers, and they watched Alex play with Peanut Crunchy. “So, are you going to tell me?”

  Addy looked at her. “I will, but if Alex comes, I’ll stop and finish later.”


  Addy told her. Her eyes got teary. “That bitch!”

  “Addy, we knew this sort of thing was going to happen sooner or later. We talked about it a long time ago.”

  “Yes, but I didn’t think that it would happen so soon, and also I was expecting it in relation to kids, not to parents.”

  “I think your reply was good. I understand how you feel. You never had to deal with bigotry and discrimination. I know what it’s like. You have no idea how many times I became persona non grata the minute people knew I was a lesbian. One minute they loved me, the next they hated me. And all the time, there I was, the same person.”

  “Didn’t you put people in their place when it happened?”

  “No, getting back at them and telling them off was not going to change how they felt. It’s just the way it is. Acceptance and tolerance for others is something you learn. If no one teaches you, or what’s worse, someone fuels intolerance, then what can you expect?”

  Addy was serious. “Well, this is the 21st century. My child will learn tolerance and acceptance and she will be stronger for that.”

  Karen smiled. “If anyone can teach that it’s us, you especially. There is nothing you cannot do, Adriana.” Karen put her arm around her shoulders
. “I love you, baby.”

  Addy’s eyes welled with tears again, and Karen kissed her. “If only people could understand how good this feels, how great it is, how much we love each other!”

  “I know, baby, I know. For now, all we can do is teach our little one to understand it, and how to handle the situations she will face.”

  Addy looked at her. “Are you going to answer her question, or do you want me to?”

  “Do we have to? It looks like she has already forgotten.”

  Addy looked at her. “If I know my daughter, I know she hasn’t forgotten. The question will come up tonight at story time. Do you want to tackle it, or should I?”

  “I’ll do it if you are not up to it, but you are much better at the talking stuff than I am. Remember what happened when she wanted to sleep nude and the fire thing.”

  Addy chuckled. “I’ll take it. I’m making this my project.” Addy got up and walked into the kitchen.

  Alex was coming back with Peanut Crunchy. “I think he needz a bath, he zmellz, Mommy Karen.”

  The dog didn’t smell, he hardly ever did. Alex just wanted to put the plastic pool out and play with water.

  “Okay, let’s do it!” Peanut Crunchy got so many baths that the vet recommended a moisturizing shampoo with a very nice scent to keep his hair and skin from becoming dry. In the winter, they had to dry Peanut Crunchy’s hair with a hair-dryer so that he wouldn’t be cold. Of course, Peanut Crunchy had his own hair-dryer, which was kept on a very low-temperature setting so as not to hurt him. The first time Addy saw the scene, she had to hide to laugh. Karen saw her, though. “The things we do for you, woman! If anyone ever heard of this, they would probably consider it animal cruelty.”

  “Yes, what a dog’s life! Getting a bubble bath, good food, grooming every month, and vet care. Do you have any idea how much we spend on that ball of hair?”

  “All to meet your requirements.”

  “Sure! The alternative being what? A walking infestation inside my house?” Karen rolled her eyes and shook her head.

  As soon as they were walking into Alex’s bedroom to read, Alex popped the question again. Addy immediately looked at Karen who grinned and walked away into their bedroom. This was another one of those moments when Karen was glad that her wife was so good with children, with people, with stories and most of all that she was so loving.

  “Well, Alex, you know how sometimes we talk about someone having a boyfriend or a girlfriend and there is a boy and a girl? And how we talked about how some families have a mommy and a daddy?” Alex nodded in understanding. “Well, a lesbian is a girl who has a girlfriend instead of a boyfriend. Instead of a boy and a girl, it’s a girl and a girl, and they are called lesbians. And in some very special cases they have a family and there are two mommies.”

  “Are you and Mommy Karen lezbianz, M’Addy?”

  “Yes, Alex.”

  “Iz that why I have two mommies and no daddy?”

  “Yes, Alex, that is why. Mommy Karen and I love each other very much, and we decided that we wanted to live together forever and have a family, which is when you came along.”

  “M’Addy are Uncle JP and Uncle James lezbianz?”

  “Well, no they are …” Addy was thinking of how to answer this question.

  “But M’Addy they wove each other like you wove Mommy Karen, I think they are lezbianz.”

  “Ok, Alex let me see if I can keep this simple. When two men love each other, they are gay and two women are lesbians, it is just words. The important thing is that two people love each other.”

  “Is Liza’z mommy a lezbianz?”

  “I don’t think so.”

  “Does Liza have a daddy?”

  “I don’t know, Alex. You need to ask her.”

  “Her Mommy doesn’t like that you are a lezbianz?”

  “I believe she doesn’t, Alex.”


  Addy was reclined in bed with her. She turned sideways to face Alex. She saw such innocence in that beautiful little face. She wished that no one would take that away from her. “Alex, I wish I had an answer to all your questions, but I don’t. I don’t know why she doesn’t like lesbians. But everyone is entitled to their own opinion, right?” Alex was too young still to explain prejudice, so for now, this would have to do. However, Addy was very aware that one day she would have to sit down with Alex and talk to her about prejudice, bigotry, and discrimination. She was sad with the realization. But then she thought that there is a time when we must all grow up and be aware of our choices and face life as it really is. She was also resolved to tell Alex everything and to let her come to terms with her particular situation. She was confident and hoped that Alex would turn out to be an exceptional human being. After all, she was raised in a nurturing environment of love, and she hoped that Alex would have engraved in her heart and in her soul the love her moms had for each other and to come to appreciate it, and embrace it as the loving child she was, and the loving person she would become.

  “I like you, M’Addy. I like Mommy Karen also.” Alex smiled.

  “I know sweetheart, I hope you always do because we love you. I hope you always remember that no matter what happens in your life, we will always love you and help you with anything you ask of us.” Alex grabbed her by the neck and hugged her. “I love you, M’Addy.” She planted a huge kiss on Addy’s cheek, and then more kisses followed.

  “I love you too, Little Bit, and I love all your kisses. It feels like I can never have enough!” Alex was really happy.

  “Hey, Alex, do you want to learn Karate?”

  Alex jumped and stood on the bed and began to do karate kicks and punches. “Yes! Can I?”

  “You sure can. We’ll look into it tomorrow.”


  “Now how about if we read a story? I believe it’s your turn to read tonight.” They took turns. At the age of four, Alex was already reading.

  When Addy came back to the bedroom. Karen put down her ebook reader. “You didn’t see the Uncle JP and Uncle James question coming did you? And karate? Couldn’t help hearing.”

  “I will admit that the JP and James question caught me by surprise. That child is very perceptive and smart. The best way to deal with her is with the truth and with direct answers. Nothing escapes her. And yes about karate. I will prepare her to be strong. Ever heard those karate commercials talking about people respecting those who know karate?”

  Karen chuckled. “Come here, my amazon. Give me some of that energy.” Addy cuddled to her. “Do you want me to tell you what a lesbian is?” Karen asked as she embraced her.

  “No. I want you to show me.” They cuddled and kissed.


  The next morning on the way to school Alex had one more question for Addy.


  “Yes, baby girl?”

  “Can I play with Liza at school?”

  Addy looked at her through her rearview mirror. “Sweetie pie, I don’t see why not. If Liza wants to play with you, you can certainly play with her. If anyone tells you that you can’t, I want you to tell me, okay?”

  “Okay, M’Addy.”

  After Addy dropped off Alex at school she had a call from Marshall. “Addy, we got ourselves the foal we wanted.”

  “Really? Oh my God! That is wonderful! When can we go get him?”

  “This afternoon provided you have the money.”

  “Oh, Marshall, I need to pick up Alex at noon, and then she needs her lunch. Do you think you can arrange to go get him at two or so?

  “I sure can. I’ll give them a call right now.”

  All was arranged. They were picking up the horse at two in the afternoon. She called Karen to tell her.

  “Do you want to come with us to pick up the horse?”

  “Agh! Addy, I want to, but I already have a teleconference scheduled for this afternoon. If I had known—.”

  “Honey, even I didn’t know. Marshall just called me a few minutes ago.�

  “Well, then you go ahead and as soon as I’m done here, I’ll come by the stables. Alex will be thrilled.”

  “Yeah, she’s been talking about it forever. I told her she could pick the name.”

  “Oh, dear God, I hope we don’t end up with another Crunchy name!”

  Addy laughed. “I’ll see you later, baby.”

  Addy picked up Alex at school and they went to the stables to meet Marshall. From there they parted to pick up the horse. It was still in the stable.

  “Aaawww, Alex look at him, isn’t he beautiful? He was just born a few days ago.”

  “Is he ours, M’Addy? Can we keep him?”

  “Yes, Alex. We are taking him and his mommy with us to our stables so that Marshall can train him.”

  “Is the mommy horse ours too?”

  “No, Alex. The mommy horse belongs to this farm, and we will be returning her when the little one is a bit older.” Alex was not too happy with the news of returning the mommy horse, but since she was thrilled with the little one, she soon forgot.

  Addy settled accounts with the breeder and took her paperwork. An hour later, she was taking the foal and mare home. The mare would be returned to the breeder once the foal was weaned and it was thought it would be easier to separate them if he was familiar with his own stable. They followed Marshall and the horse carriage to the stables and unloaded the precious ones. Even though it was her idea, it still amazed her that they had their very own thoroughbred.

  Marshal spoke directly to Alex. “Alex, your mom said that you were going to be the one naming him. Have you thought of a name already? Is got to be a name no other horse has.”

  “Can I pet him? He lookz kind of lonely.”

  “Sure.” Marshall brought the small horse over to her.

  Addy swore that the minute Alex touched the horse, he pepped up and looked happy. A short while later, Alex announced the horse’s name. “Hiz name iz Alejandro.”

  Marshall and Addy looked at each other. Neither was expecting such a formal name. They were expecting something more like ‘Popcorn,’ ‘Ice Cream,’ or ‘Fasty.”


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