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Survivors (Hell Squad #19)

Page 12

by Anna Hackett

  Winter was not giving up easily here in the north of Norway.

  Liv Bergen lifted her boot-clad feet, trekking through the snow. She didn’t mind. She’d been born and raised here in the Bardu area, part of Troms og Finnmark, the northernmost county in the country. They were well above the Arctic Circle and she loved the cold, the snow, the sense of peace.

  She tugged the wool hat she wore lower over her head. Wisps of her blonde hair had escaped and she tucked them back. She wrinkled her nose at the silver strands mixed in with the gold.

  Taking another large breath of air, she studied her surroundings. There’d been a lot of snow this year, and Liv was fine with that. It kept the aliens at bay. They really didn’t like moving around in it.

  She didn’t dwell on the alien invasion that had destroyed the world. It’d been two years since the alien ships had come and the bombs had fallen. Most of the destruction had been farther south, but they’d still felt the effects up here.

  Here in Norway, they’d initially called the reptilian, dinosaur-like aliens Jörmungandr—after the monster of Norse mythology. But they’d since learned that they were called the Gizzida.

  But life went on. It was different, forever changed, but for Liv—who’d kept to herself anyway—day to day, not too much had changed.

  She heard a noise and watched her wolf, Freyja, come out of the trees, nose to the ground.

  The large, gray wolf loped over and Liv patted the beast’s thick fur.

  “Come on, beautiful girl. It’s not far now.”

  Walking on, her boots sank into the snow and she hitched up the straps of her large backpack. She looked into the valley ahead, and nestled between the mountains, she saw the rooftops of Setermoen dotting the trees. The town had once been the administrative center of their municipality, and it had the highest density of survivors in the area.

  Prior to the invasion, she’d come in to Setermoen fairly frequently. She’d been a veterinarian at Polar Zoo—one of Norway’s premier tourist attractions. The zoo allowed tourists to interact up close with wolves, bears, moose, lynx, wolverines, and a bunch of other Arctic animals.

  After the invasion, supplies had dwindled, and the workers at the park had left to find their families.

  Liv’s parents had died years ago, well before the invasion. She’d been married and divorced by thirty-two. And now, at forty-five, she was happy with her own company.

  Besides, she had Freyja.

  She’d raised the wolf from a pup. Freyja had been born in captivity at Polar Zoo, and after the invasion, Liv had freed the animals, but Freyja had refused to go. She’d stayed by Liv’s side ever since.

  Liv crested a snowy hill, and ahead, Setermoen came fully into view.

  In addition to being the largest town in the area, Setermoen was also home to the Setermoen Military Base. It had been a popular base for visiting United Coalition military forces to come and practice arctic warfare.

  It also meant a lot of supplies had been stored at the base. Climate-controlled caves had been carved into the hills, like had been done years before, farther south at the military base at Trondheim.

  The Setermoen Base was now home to lots of human survivors.

  Liv trekked in and visited the base every few months for supplies, information, and some conversation. She liked being alone, but sometimes, she missed interacting with others. She patted Freyja’s back. “Others who can talk back, my girl.”

  Today, she was here for a different reason. Her mouth tightened.

  She spotted the sentries in their white arctic gear and called out a greeting.

  One man moved over to meet her. “Hi, Liv. Been a while since we last saw you.”

  She nodded at the older man. “Hi, Elias. Good to see you.”

  “Get inside and warm up. Where’s your wild companion?”

  Like she’d been summoned, Freyja ran over. Elias cautiously stroked the wolf’s fur.

  Liv nodded at the guards as she made her way through to the entrance and into the caves. She headed through the polished, concrete-lined tunnels. The place definitely had a military feel to it.

  Keeping Freyja by her side, she headed down to the guestrooms where she usually stayed. One room had been left aside for her, organized by the base’s leader. She let Freyja into the room and the wolf sniffed around, looking unhappy.

  “I know, girl.” Liv slid off her backpack and set it on a chair. “But we won’t be here for very long. Be good and I’ll bring you something to eat.”

  Liv closed the door and headed off down the concrete corridor. She passed one of the base administrators.

  “Liv! I didn’t know you’d arrived.”

  “A last-minute trip, Sara.”

  “You after a hot meal in the dining room?”

  “Thanks, maybe later. I need to see Alexander, first.”

  “The boss is in his office as always.”

  Liv wound her way through the tunnels. Alexander Erickson kept this little community safe and running smoothly. He wasn’t military. He was a former marine engineer, who’d worked for years at the large port in Oslo. A few years back, he’d moved to the smaller port of Tromso, a few hours from Setermoen. He’d wanted to be closer to his family—his parents, and a married brother and his family.

  He was tall, blond, handsome, and ran the base with a steadiness that put the survivors at ease.

  She pushed through a door. A young man dressed in fatigues sat at a desk. “Hello, Liv.”

  “Is he free?”

  “Go right in.”

  She stopped in front of a glossy, wooden door, and felt a curl in her belly.

  Stupid, Liv. Alexander was a gorgeous specimen of a man, who was way too young for her. She didn’t know his exact age, but he was probably late-thirties. She was too old to be feeling flutters in her belly. She knocked briskly on the wood.

  “Come in,” a deep, male voice said.

  She nudged open the door and saw him sitting at his desk, blond head bent over some work. He looked up from the comp screen and smiled. “Liv.”

  That smile made things unfurl inside her. It had clearly been way too long since she’d spent some time with her vibrator.

  “Hello, Alexander.”

  He sat back in his chair and waved her in. “On a supply run?”

  “Not exactly.”

  His face didn’t change—still as handsome as always, but the look in his ice-blue eyes turned darker. He’d read her tone. Something about him made her think of the predators she’d worked with all her life.

  She didn’t think Alexander Erickson missed much.

  “Sit. Let me pour you a drink.” He moved to a small side table, and lifted a pot off a small heating pad. He poured a drink and handed her a cup. “You like your tea black, right?”

  “Right.” She was surprised he remembered. She pulled her wool hat off and her blonde hair spilled out. It was fine as hell, and God, she probably looked a mess.

  Sipping her tea, she looked up. “I need to talk to you.”

  He sat down, resting his muscled forearms on his desk. “Do you need something? Supplies? You know I worry about you being out there, alone. There’s space for you and Freyja here at the base.”

  She sipped her tea again, enjoying the hot drink. He always offered her a room at the base whenever she visited. He really was a good man, worried about everyone. She set the cup down on his desk.

  He watched her carefully, his gaze zeroing in on her face. “What’s wrong?”

  “There’s been alien activity close to my cabin,” she said. “I’m not sure what they are doing, but they are doing something.”

  “Alien activity?”

  Alexander watched Liv nod. He found himself cataloging her features.

  She was attractive—with a pretty, round face and high cheekbones, healthy skin, and deep-blue eyes that made him think of fjords. Her sunny hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail.

  He was well aware that she had no idea of her attractiv

  He’d been trying to get her to see him as something other than the boss of this base for over a year.

  Liv Bergen was fiercely independent and survived alone—with only her giant wolf for company. She didn’t complain, whine, or fall apart.

  But despite spending time with her when she visited the base, she only seemed to see him as the man in charge. The younger man in charge.

  Alex didn’t give a crap about her age or his. She was only a few years older than him.

  She was watching him and frowned. “Alexander?”

  “Sorry, I was thinking. So, you’ve seen aliens close to your cabin?”

  She nodded. “I was out hunting and spotted them on the next hill, where there were some old Polar Zoo workshops. There were a lot of them up there, with lights set up. They were busy doing something.”

  Alexander’s hand curled into a fist. He hated the idea of her out there alone, especially with aliens close by. “Did you see what they were doing?”

  She shook her head. “I didn’t want to risk getting too close. They were moving in and out of the workshops. So far, they haven’t come too close to my cabin.”

  His gut cramped just thinking about the aliens stumbling on her place. He frowned. “We definitely need to check it out.”

  “You think it’s important?” she asked.

  “Yes. They’re far too close to our base.” He rose, moving around to stand beside her, and leaned against his desk.

  He almost missed it, but he saw her gaze run down his body before she jerked her head up.

  “We’re also searching for a bomb,” he told her.

  Her gaze rose and she tilted her head. “Bomb?”

  “Other survivor bases have informed us that the Gizzida have three large, octagonal bombs. If they detonate all three at once, they could decimate remaining human life on Earth.”

  Her face drained of color. “Oh, my God.”

  Alexander itched to reach for her, but he wasn’t sure she’d welcome it. “Two of the devices have been found. One in Australia and one in the United States. The common consensus is that the third one is here in Europe, somewhere.”

  “A bomb.” She pressed a shaky hand to her mouth.

  “We won’t let the aliens finish us,” he said. “But we must find the third bomb. We need to see what the Gizzida are doing near your place, and whether or not that bomb is involved.”

  Liv rose. “I can help you. I can lead your team back to the location. I know the terrain well.”

  “That would be great. I’ll discuss it with our leadership team. I think a very small recon team would be best. We don’t want to risk alerting the Gizzida to our presence.”

  She nodded.

  “Liv, I want you to think about moving into the base.”

  Her nose wrinkled.

  He held up a hand. “I know you prefer your space, but it’s for your safety, and my peace of mind.”

  A smile touched her full lips. “You worry about everyone.”

  “Well, they do keep bringing me all their problems.” And Alexander felt the weight of that. He was well aware that he held their lives in the palm of his hand.

  “You don’t need to worry about me,” Liv said.

  Because he couldn’t stop himself, he reached out and touched the end of her ponytail. “But I do. More than you realize.”

  She stilled and her lips parted.

  Under his fingers, her hair was so silky. “Sometimes I wish you needed me.”

  Those blue eyes widened. “Alexander—” Her voice was a husky whisper.

  There was something buried in her tone that made his gut tighten. “Do you get lonely, Liv?”

  “I have Freyja.”

  “Lonely for things a wolf can’t give you?”

  Her gaze dropped to his mouth, and her tongue darted out to lick her plump bottom lip.

  He shifted closer and heard her breathing hitch. He started lowering his head—

  The door to his office banged open.

  Alexander straightened, stifling a curse. He looked up to see a woman in the doorway, and he barely suppressed a groan.

  He dropped his hand from Liv’s hair as Ingrid bustled in, smiling.

  The young woman glanced at Liv, then dismissed her. “Alexander, I need to see you.”

  “I’m busy right now, Ingrid.”

  The twenty-something tossed her ink-black hair over her shoulder. “It’s very important.”

  Everything was important with Ingrid. Especially since she’d set her sights on becoming Mrs. Alexander Erickson.

  She pressed a hand to his arm and shot him an imploring look. “I need you to have dinner with me. I want to talk about activities for the base residents. It is imperative we stop people from getting depressed and bored.”

  Alexander sighed. He didn’t want to have dinner with Ingrid, not when he’d much prefer to be sitting across a table from Liv.

  “Ingrid, I’m busy—”

  “I’ll leave you to it.” Liv started backing toward the door.

  “Yes, thank you,” Ingrid said without looking.

  Alexander met Liv’s gaze. “Liv—”

  “I’ll catch you later, Alexander.”

  Then she was gone. Damn, she’d slipped through his fingers again.

  Chapter Two

  Liv finished eating her meal. It was an excellent stew and she leaned back, satisfied, patting her belly.

  She missed having a variety of vegetables. And dessert. She might have gorged herself on a huge slice of cheesecake. She’d also wrapped up some meat to take back for Freyja.

  The crowd in the dining room had thinned out. She hadn’t spotted Alexander or the lovely Ingrid, thank God.

  Liv set her dirty dishes at the station set aside for them, then headed back to the room. She called out hellos to the people she passed. It was nice to have that connection, to know that people cared.

  But she felt a gnawing in her gut. The Gizzida had bombs out there, somewhere. Bombs that could end them all.

  She reached her quarters and quickly fed Freyja, giving her wolf a pat. “I know you don’t like being cooped up, beautiful girl. Won’t be long, and we’ll be headed home.” Freyja pressed into her, almost knocking her over. Liv laughed. “I’m going to the sauna. Be good while I’m gone.”

  Grabbing a towel, she headed down to the area that housed the gym and sauna.

  She loved that the base had a sauna. She missed it, since she didn’t have one back at her cabin.

  Her thoughts drifted to Alexander. She should have known he’d have a pretty, young thing. As the boss around here, he probably had his pick of women.

  Stop thinking about him.

  There were only a couple of people in the gym—some of the soldiers, by the look of them. She passed through to the sauna area. The cedar-lined sauna was set into the wall, and nearby sat a small, very cold, plunge pool.

  She stripped off her clothes and wrapped herself in the towel. She checked the controls for the sauna, then opened the door and stepped inside.

  The warm, humid air hit her and instantly, she felt her muscles relax. Sitting on one of the wooden benches, she tipped her head back against the wall and enjoyed the sensation of her skin heating up.

  Then the door opened.

  Dammit, she didn’t want to share. She opened her eyes and froze. Alexander entered, with only a towel wrapped around his lean waist. His powerful chest was on display—all sleek muscles and pale, golden skin. He had the body of a swimmer.

  “Good evening.” He sat on the bench, only a meter between them. “I was looking for you.”

  Liv fidgeted. She was excruciatingly aware that she was naked under the towel, and so was he.

  “You met with your leadership team?” she asked.

  “Yes. We’ve approved a very small recon team to take a look at what these aliens are doing. We have to see if the bomb is there.”

  She nodded.

  “Only one person will go with you. It is
imperative to remain undetected.”

  Liv thought it over. Just taking one person with her would make the journey easier, and help them stay hidden. “Who?”


  She stilled. “Sorry?”

  “I’ll go out with you. I need to find the bomb, and with the aliens so close to Setermoen, I need all the soldiers here, protecting the base.”

  Liv fiddled with the edge of her towel, imagining being out for days in the snow with Alexander.

  “Problem?” he asked.

  “Of course not.” Except I’ll be trapped in close proximity with a gorgeous male for days. “Are you sure you can handle the terrain?”

  He gave her a faint smile. “I’ll manage.”

  “Won’t your girlfriend miss you?” Crap, Liv hadn’t intended to say that.

  He frowned. “Girlfriend?”


  His smile widened, making his handsome face even more attractive. “She’s not my girlfriend. She’d like to change that, but I’m not attracted to self-absorbed, needy women.”

  Liv cleared her throat and rose. She needed to put some space between her and this far-too-enticing man. “Time for the cold pool.”

  “Me, too.”

  She stifled a sigh as he followed her.

  Liv had been taking saunas her entire life and tried not to feel self-conscious. She dropped the towel, and naked, plunged into the cold water.

  A second later, there was a splash as Alexander jumped in.

  The water was icy cold, and she didn’t stay too long. She climbed out and wrapped the towel around her, enjoying the lovely sense of invigoration.

  She turned and every muscle in her body went tight. Oh. My.

  Alexander sauntered out of the pool.

  Completely naked.

  Oh, he was perfection. She’d already noted his toned chest, but now she had a better view of the intriguing ridges on his stomach. She didn’t let her gaze drift any lower. Spinning, she hurried back into the sauna. As the wall of humid air hit her, she sat. She felt like her entire body was on fire.

  Alexander followed her in and sat again. He appeared perfectly relaxed.

  “When do we leave?” God, her voice sounded an octave higher than normal.


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