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Fallen Queen (Mariposa Book 1)

Page 33

by Y. R. Shin

  “It’s late.”

  She blinked like she was flustered at the imminent danger of being ejected as soon as she met him, then soon calmed down her breath. “I want to stay a bit longer.”

  “My lady, the hour is late.”

  “I will be an adult soon too.”

  She was sixteen now, so she would have a coming-of-age celebration soon. Paseid slightly nodded.

  “I will be an adult soon, so…” Elhien repeated.

  She rubbed the stone floor with the tip of her shoe and pouted when the expected answer did not come out of Paseid’s mouth.

  Paseid didn’t not know what the answer she wanted was, but he swallowed his breath and buttoned his lips. In truth, Paseid never knew what to say when he was facing Elhien. It was not that he did not know the set answers, but he did not want to treat her with falseness that did not come from his heart. When it seemed like he was not going to answer at last, shame started to cover the young girl’s cheeks, and her eyes welled with tears.

  Finally, Paseid reluctantly opened his mouth. “Did we not agree that we will discuss the matter regarding marriage once you have come of age?”

  “The lady of Deliad and the lady of Pesikio, who are even two years younger than I am, officially married the esteemed sons of Grinsa not too long ago.”

  “My lady.”

  “It’s Elhien. I don’t understand why it feels more and more like there is a wall between us. You used to call my name without any hesitation before, and you used to come visit me first no matter how busy you were before…”

  Looking down at Elhien whining like a child, Paseid swallowed a sigh and smiled. This girl had been kindhearted since she was a child. She was a lovely girl, regardless of her father. He could not help but be soft to Elhien. But his assessment of Elhien and his feelings for her were two different matters.

  “I have said so before, but…”

  “I know what you are going to say, Your Grace. But I know a girl who got married to a forty-year-old old man.”

  Paseid showed a bit of dismay. “An old man. That’s not a good way to talk.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry. I’ve been spending time with Ja—Jacalrin, little Sir Chesa…”

  Realizing that she’d just said something flippant, Elhien shook her head, embarrassed. Paseid gazed at her with benevolent eyes, then went back to the previous subject. He spoke with a kind tone, like he was cajoling her. “If you mean the second daughter of House Vintraki, I heard she was much past the right age, as she was twenty-four at the time. Though the age difference was great, the marriage ensued with the determination that there would be no problem in carrying out the marital duties on either side, so it would be best not to compare with such a thing. Do you understand?”

  “I do not. I don’t think it’s a problem that there is an age gap. Rather, it’s a good thing.”

  Paseid was quite surprised at her having a firmer stance in her opinions since he’d last seen her.

  He was twenty-seven, and Elhien had just turned sixteen. In truth, age was not that big of a problem when it came to noble marriage, just as she said. But Elhien was someone Paseid, at the very least, wanted to be careful with. His deceased father and the prime minister had set their arranged marriage in stone for the union of the two parties, but he still remembered her as an infant, which Elhien couldn’t even remember herself.

  He of course knew that he would someday marry her, but he could not set his mind on that yet. It was hard to treat a girl who still looked like a child, and he thought of more as a sister, like a woman. Maybe, if he didn’t have any feelings at all. But for now, it was a tragedy that made him extremely uneasy just in imagining it.

  “Really, it disheartens me to see you keep distancing yourself…” she said softly.

  But regardless of Paseid’s feelings, Elhien was determined not to just return home like this today. It was a great shock to see Paseid, whom she hadn’t seen in more than two years, try to eject her as soon as he saw her. Of course, it was not proper for a woman to just barge in early in the evening instead of waiting, but she did not have the time to consider such things. She longed for him that much.

  “Am I being too harsh?”

  She was plagued with worry that Paseid might get mad at her for being too presumptuous, though she didn’t show it. But when Paseid didn’t seem offended like she had expected, she swallowed her embarrassment and gathered up her courage.

  “If you are saying that you are being considerate of me, I can tell you that I am just fine.”

  “Elhien, I must apologize if my inattentive attitude has hurt you.”

  “I’m not trying to make you apologize. You are a busy man, Your Grace. I know going back and forth between Rokland and the capital must be hard by itself. I have heard about the Galkamas as well. How tired you must be. But I’m not certain if that is a valid reason to postpone the wedding. It has already been decided, and it would be more beneficial for you to do it earlier than…”

  Paseid remained silent for a while, then tiredly smiled. “It’s difficult for me…if you keep asking like that.”

  Elhien dropped her head like a scorned child. Sixteen was an old enough age to get married, and yet Paseid seemed like he was not going to give in, using the age gap as an excuse. If only she’d been born ten years earlier.

  “I really…” Her voice trailed off before she could finish. All the nobles had been jealous of her arranged marriage with Paseid at first, but now, it was only a relationship for the sake of itself.

  The young girl was not foolish enough to think that they were in love. Even though he was unusually kind to her because he was fond of her, she knew very well that he did not see and treat her like a woman, as Jacalrin said.

  Paseid probably was unaware of this because he was always busy going back and forth between Rokland and Muiyadro, but she stayed in the capital and heard all sorts of rumors. When the plan for the wedding kept getting pushed back and back, a rumor about the dukedom and House Laperovahan being at a discord had started to spread. Some were even deluded enough to make up that Paseid actually had a mistress and that he was considering breaking off the engagement with House Laperovahan.

  Since this was the case, their jealousy and envy inevitably subsided as time passed. The vain sons and daughters of the nobles truly pitied her.

  Paseid had shaken off the hounds by declaring at last that they would get married once Elhien came of age, but that was long after the anxious girl’s heart had turned to ashes. And Jacalrin stirring the pot this morning played a big part too.

  “I am aware of the matters regarding the marital duties and procreation of an heir too. I would be…”

  “I do not want it,” Paseid firmly stated.

  “I really am not attractive because I’m too young, aren’t I?” Elhien asked in an extremely discouraged voice.

  “It’s not like that.”

  “Little Sir Chesa said that men like mature women. I’m too short, and my breasts are still too small…”

  “My lady. That’s not what I meant.”

  “Of course, I don’t expect you to be a ne’er-do-well like little Sir Chesa, but if it is because I am deficient in terms of appearance…”

  Paseid could guess what sort of hogwash Jacalrin, that uncontrollable good-for-nothing boy, had blabbered to Elhien. He sighed, quite unlike his usual self, and lowered his voice to a kinder tone. It was true that Paseid didn’t have any sexual desire for Elhien, but that was certainly not to do with her appearance. “That is not at all what I meant.”

  “I know you still think that I am young, but I have started to bleed as well, so I can bear your…”

  Where is she going with this?

  Thinking he had no way out, Paseid put his hand on Elhien’s head. She was surprised and stopped midsentence.

  “Elhien Devi.”

  Thanks to him, the fedora that was prettily placed on her head got squashed down to right above her eyelids. It was one of his duties to comfort
his betrothed as well. Paseid slowly pulled the girl that barely reached his chest into his arms.

  “There is no need to be anxious, for you are beautiful enough and lovable enough. Also, if we proceeded with our wedding this moment, you would have to conclude your life in the capital and move to Rokland. I will try my best to give you a satisfying life in Rokland, but you will be lonely without any friends or family. Getting married early and leaving is not the only solution. Do not be disheartened.”

  He realized that the girl was slightly shivering. “We should first head inside, for it is still chilly outside.”

  The small girl’s sigh blew against him. “Then can I go in there?” She looked up at him.

  Realizing what she was talking about, Paseid turned his head to look at the glass greenhouse. She had indirectly expressed the desire to go in the greenhouse a couple times in the past, but he’d always declined. It was a place one could only enter with the permission of a direct bloodline of House Brionake. He felt a bit uneasy about letting Elhien in.

  Overwhelmed with the anxiety that he still might decline, even though she’d just outright asked him, Elhien mumbled, “Are you going to refuse this too? Can’t you say yes to this at the very least?”

  Letting out a small sigh, Paseid gestured to Halman, standing silently with his head down a couple steps away from them. Suppressing his fatigue, he nodded. Elhien grinned, like that alone was enough to make her happy.

  It had truly been a long time since an outsider had set foot in the hydrangea garden. At a time when its owner only visited on a yearly basis, no wonder there were no outside visitors. Hence, her visit was a very meaningful thing. To her, and to the garden.

  They took a small lamp and walked side by side along the blue path of flowers melted into the dim evening.

  With her dejected air completely gone, Elhien’s footsteps were light and brisk, like she was about to fly away. Seeing that her childish face blushed with excitement, Paseid laughed. “There’s not much.”

  “Still, I’m happy. This is a place only a Brionake can enter.”

  “Not necessarily, but it is customary that outsiders usually do not enter.”

  Regardless of that, Elhien smiled innocently and breathed in the sweet smell of the flowers.

  Paseid guided her to the table on the low patch of grass. Elhien carefully sat across from him.

  “Oh, you must have seen my father at the palace today. You must be exhausted since you just arrived. I’m sorry if I’m…”

  “It’s all right. I rested enough on the way here.”

  She stared at Paseid, then fanned herself with her hand like she was suddenly shy. “It really is beautiful. I heard hydrangeas bloom all year long like this at your mansion. It’s really warm here. If I become a duchess in the future, can I come in here every day?”

  Paseid pulled his lips into a smile. “It’s a similar structure to the palace’s rose garden.”

  “But, wow, it really is just hydrangeas. May I ask why there are no other flowers?”

  Her surprise made sense, but Paseid stayed silent, unable to find an appropriate answer.

  Elhien looked around, then was completely absorbed by an unfamiliar sight. She saw a white wall standing a little deeper in the garden.

  “Is there something else over there?” she asked.

  “It’s the same. And to answer your previous question, I am not quite sure, since this place has been merely preserved without touching the bushes and flowers that were planted a long time ago.”

  “Haven’t you thought of planting something else?”

  “There is a reason for that.” Paseid grinned.

  “I heard the first king of Rarke took care of this place himself. He must have really liked this flower. Why else? Do you like them too, Paseid?”

  Paseid’s eyes slowly darkened. Elhien continued, unable to notice him because she was too excited. “But there are much prettier and fancier flowers. Of course, I do not mean that hydrangeas aren’t lovely.”

  She noticed the frame covered with fabric and asked, “Is that a painting over there? Oh, is it perhaps…?”

  Before Paseid could say anything in return, she rose from her seat. She trotted over to the portrait, her eyes filled with curiosity. Paseid stood up and reflexively took her by the wrist. She blinked in confusion.


  “Better not.”


  “It would be better not to see it. It’s not something I am too proud about.”

  Startled by her arm aching with pain in his grip, Elhien stopped.

  That evening, Elhien returned home looking quite depressed, but Paseid couldn’t even walk her out.

  Terendoke’s cold voice shot at Paseid. “Paseid, I will not order you. All decisions are yours to make. Of course, I will not simply sit back and let Morgana be, even if you refuse.”

  “Your Majesty.”

  “Lord Duke, I know that a war at this time is dangerous as well. However, it is our true duty to remind the enemy who claims to be the empire of the south that Rarke has not bowed down to them because we are weak.”

  “You are always right, Your Majesty.”

  “If you consent, Ransen of House Chesa will step in to complete the transfer of Rokland and the cessation of hostilities and foreign invasion.”

  Paseid stayed silent with his mouth shut tight, then asked, “Excuse me, Your Majesty, but I must ask one thing before I can answer. Until which point do you intend to continue this war?”

  “Until the doom of Morgana. That is a wish of Rarke that is hundreds of years old. What kind of a ruler would deny that?”

  “It is.”

  “But a wish is only a wish. I will not require a conquest of Morgana. The purpose of the war is to repay Rarke’s shame that we have experienced for hundreds of years and to remind the enemy of their arrogance. If this cannot be so, I will not be able to even show my face with shame.”

  Paseid’s face seemed calmer than before.

  “So, will you bring back victory for your wronged king?”

  “Give me the order, Your Majesty.” Paseid bowed his head even deeper.

  “My brother, Brionake. Go crush the enemy’s arrogance to bits and return.”

  Terendoke’s blue eyes flashed.

  “Yes, Your Majesty,” Paseid’s flat voice answered.

  Paseid Calandok Brionake, the current head of the Noble House Brionake, was appointed as the commander-in-chief of the entire Rarkian defense force with the king’s decree. No one dared to declare that they disagreed that he was fit to be a commander of the Great Battle against Morgana, the war between the north and the south claiming itself as a holy war to wash away the disgrace in history.

  Before even a month passed by, Muiyadro was flooded with soldiers and armies from each noble house. Soon after, the eldest son of House Chesa, Kalajesh Ransen, was ordered by the king to stop by to see him on his way out of Muiyadro to receive some instructions for Rokland.

  While the tension heightened, Paseid stayed in the outskirts of Muiyadro and had an introductory meeting with the called soldiers and the dispatched knights.

  There was no declaration of war from either of the countries, but Morganaan moles must have reported on the odd state of the Rarkian army, and so the war became a fait accompli.

  And today, the official appointment ceremony was finished.

  “I name Duke Paseid Calandok Brionake the commander-in-chief of all the Rarkian forces for the Great Battle against Morgana.”

  Terendoke’s shining silver sword silently pressed its weight on Paseid’s shoulders.

  Paseid returned to his mansion after almost two weeks to find Kalajesh, whom he had met on a couple of occasions at official gatherings during the preparation for the reorganization of the army. Kalajesh was leaning against the wall at the entrance of the mansion and chatting with Halman, like he had been there for a while.


  When Paseid let his presence be k
nown, Halman walked away quickly.

  Kalajesh came straight to Paseid and greeted him with a hug. Kalajesh Ransen Chesa was Jacalrin’s brother and Paseid’s close friend, a year older than him. The man with sandy-blond hair, like their mother, and green eyes was a good-looking man, as his nickname, the most handsome man in Muiyadro, suggested. He looked clean and neat, like he’d just taken a bath before coming, and smelled of something easy on the nose but fragrant.

  Paseid hugged back the lean man who seemed toned and almost as tall as Paseid but not all that muscular, and greeted him. “I was so busy that I didn’t even properly say hello.”

  “Jacalrin came and chattered away about everything, so no worries.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He’s grounded. He was found gambling on this war’s results at a gambling den in the outskirts of the city a couple days ago, and Father was furious.”

  It was quite an unfair punishment, considering how Count Rougak Chesa liked to gamble just as much as his little son. But it was their family’s business.

  “Which side did he bet on?” Paseid’s simple question came with a slight laugh. Kalajesh faintly smiled as well.

  “Chesa’s patriotism is no less than Brionake’s.”

  “That makes me feel a little better. Anyway, what brings you here?”

  “I’ve carved out some time because I was sad I was too busy to really talk to you after such a long time. What do you think, Commander-in-Chief?” Kalajesh said jokingly.

  Kalajesh was far more mature and tamer than Jacalrin, but blood was blood, and he seemed to be Jacalrin’s future when he talked so mischievously.

  Though he was extremely tired, Paseid’s excitement exceeded his fatigue as well. So, he kept his smile. “Sounds good. Would you like to go for a walk?”

  The knights and the workers of the mansion following him couldn’t move and were just standing by, because Paseid was standing at the entrance to the mansion. Kalajesh made an apologetic face at last, like he’d done something very inconsiderate, and nodded, then started walking.

  “You might be over thirty by the time you return from this war, you know.”


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