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Saint Spirit

Page 41

by Quelli di ZEd

movements, then you will appraise in base to the events that will happen what both that fitter. Must become a strategist if want to command, the passion and the strength of the warrior won't be enough for you of certain!"

  Ivo was amazed. Possible that Prometeo all this had already realized? Only thanks to his/her dispositions, he was in the thick forest, with half village to his/her succession and above all with Dafne nearby. If up to that moment you/he/she was blindly trusted his/her head, it owed for strength to go after all to that work. Instinctively takings in his big and rough hand of giant that pale and tapered of Dafne, if it brought her/it to the face and it grazed her/it as soon as on the palm with the lips. It got up of release and his/her footstep it was very determined by to almost make to tremble the earth.

  "Companions!it " shouted to full bellows, reaches the center of the impromptu camp "you come here all, I pray you, I want to explain you the plan that I have in mind, it is to you to decide whether to follow me or no."

  It enunciated the whole plan that few first Dafne had suggested him, launching during his/her harangue repeated looks of agreement toward the beautiful countess that, apart it slightly observed him/it satisfied.


  The sun had already risen. Saint and Sabrina proceeded their escape without almost speaking, without never turning back. Before leaving Helen, tied up and gagged, behind a redwood of the village, you/they had succeeded in tearing her of mouth important information. They now knew that it was Matteus to dettar he/she reads to the village and that the people to her dearer you/they had left their houses to find shelter in the forest and so to escape to the ferocious attacks of the demon. You/they had also learned the spine-chilling news that the head of the hunters intended to reach the citizens escaped for forcing them with the good ones or with the bad ones to return to the village. Sabrina proceeded grasped to Saint to that love to which totally wanted to abandon him to cancel the raging pain that twisted her the bowel. Helen had revealed him the tragic death of his/her/their father and it now had fixed in his/her head the last image of his/her usual hero, while it was shouting her to estrange from the village to save her life. It was that the last time that he/she saw the beloved fatherly face. His/her father was dead to save his/her family his/her people. You/he/she had shown up to that point he was loyal to the commandments that you/he/she had gotten married, accepting to become the example for that virtuous community. You could not betray him/it, it owed for strength to follow his/her tracks. He/she knew what time his/her hero observed her/it from the tall one, confident of the justness of the to be of his/her favorite daughter. No, you/he/she would not have disappointed him, you/he/she would be shown strong and brave, you/he/she would have brought forth the work of his/her/their father as it was his.

  Probably now, with that light, the first ones to awaken in the village would immediately have found tied Helen. Perhaps already in the night that discovery had happened and even an I manipulate of men it was already on their traces. The only hope for them stayed to reach the other halves the village in escape. To both to know that the family ones of Sabrina, together with Dafne, they were in safe from the claws of the perfidious Matteus, it infused courage. You/they had to find them, you/they had to tell them of the serious danger that you/they risked. That people in escape had left of the friends and of his/her/their relatives in their place native and now, to the sudden one, for guilt of some violent, you/he/she would have risked to find again us some real enemies. The forest became an impregnable place more and more. Of certain all those people had not passed of otherwise you/they would have left there evident traces of their passage. The desperation at the end defeated Sabrina that fell in knee and it bursted to cry.

  Saint grabbed him for an arm and exhorted her/it.

  "Sabrina, cannot afford the luxury of the desperation. We have an assignment: to tell that people of the danger that you/they race and then we are not even sure than ours can be near hypothetical pursuers."

  Sabrina was a dead weight, it refused with everybody herself to get up. It bursted to sob more thunderously still.

  "Saint there is lost, you also see him/it you that there is no human trace from any part. We are groping in the dark. How can we pretend to find them to the blind one in an immense uncontaminated forest? We risk not to go out alive of it. I know whether to move here me inside, but they are to a thread to lose me. Rather, to be sincere, doesn't know even if I would succeed in bringing back you."

  It made a break and of sudden it poured again what more it gnawed her the soul.

  "I will seem you a crazy person egoist, but I don't know if I want really to rejoin me to that people. My relatives. Dafne, your companion! Everything this would cancel in a flash there that been born between us. Saint, I don't want to abdicate you, forgive me! Now, with the death of my father, are the person to which more I hold to the world!"

  A sudden hiss and then a deaf hit was struck dumb them instantly.

  "Thing devil. seemed the noise of an arrow. are gi! intim Saint to the girl.

  They crushed to the ground without saying a word. Saint tried to snatch any noise in the thick of the forest. Then the unmistakable sound of human footsteps that you/they widened arrived, as to surround them. Saint realized the danger, but they was under draught and you/they could not get up and to escape. They crawled as serpents in the attempt to estrange from that place. Then, suddenly, a man he launched on Saint but him, already ready to the eventuality, it turned him of release and with a big stone it struck him/it, not before however that the aggressor, armed with knife, it slightly hurt him/it on the back. The burning of the wound alarmed all of its nerves. Saint threw as a devil on the man, it struck him/it with a violent heading in full face and it tore away him the knife. Sabrina crawled next to Saint, while another arrow hissed on their heads. She recognized in the extended man a hunter of the company of Matteus. Few instants and another man it emerged from a bush, armed with a long baton with which it struck Saint to a shoulder before you/he/she could get up. The second hit, however, failed. Saint got up and was thrown against the man, an arrow made him hum the ear and before the aggressor unloaded another beaten up violent, you/he/she was on him. Saint had in body a diabolic anger, it was a tigress in danger and all of its grim it now roared to fior of skin. The man extracted the knife, while with the other hand you/he/she prevented Saint to stab him/it. The baton was in earth and Sabrina it instantly reached him/it. But really at that time something heavy crushed her/it in earth paralysing her/it. Its eyes succeeded as soon as to notice three or four men around the duellists that grabbed its love. Then also she had lifted of weight and dashed to the air. The impact to the ground was less violent than it was waited. The grass! The soft grass seemed some same magic consistence of that of its pond, it was surely rather the same one. You/he/she had come to assist her/it to assuage her punishments. You imagined that the pond became animated and a giant of water brought away that Barbaric from his/her sight. You, meanwhile, would have held the closed eyes up to that you/he/she had not come her the voice of his/her love.

  "Hey, that say boys, do we amuse some or no? Matteus is not able of certain to calculate how much time can want us to peck at these two. Let's do take us a break of healthy fun, the correct reward for ours operated, is there?"

  It was Efrem to speak, a hunter of almost forty years, a type among the most bashful of the village. You/he/she had passed around always big part of his/her time for the woods. If it didn't chase, it tortured small animals or it beautifully idled about drunk. It was of the same pasta of his/her companions and his/her head Matteus. To none of their you/he/she had gone down never that pacific environment that for them it stinked only of hypocrisy. The weariness of the beautiful words, of the mutual help that their fellow citizens professed, he/she left them indifferent. Their collaboration to the life of the village limited him to the alone activity of the hunting. They did him/it in exchange for all those other things of which you/they had need for their maintenance. For the rest, they avo
ided any share to the social one, and only if they were you forced they mixed him to the others for some activities. Often their head Matteus admonished them: "Do cunning, if don't maintain a minimum of relationships with the others, you/he/she won't be given there all of a sudden more nothing and there are certain things that alone we don't know how to give us. Who will give us the suits? Who will give us a house? Who will give us the wine that we love so much? And here can find above all a wife, as have done me, that satisfy in bed you!".

  Despite their wild attitudes the other people of the village excused them attributing the cause of their bashful and impermeable attitude to the fact that you/they were a great deal rough and deprived men of a great dialectical ability. They forgave their unsociable actions simply imputing them to the embarrassment and the little civilization that it characterized them. Also Prometeo, despite it was careful to all of their attitudes, so that they never turned him into violent people, enough calm respect felt him to their respect for the laws of Boscocittà. You/he/she had had more times it tries that, in front of one application of his, Matteus and the

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