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Saint Spirit

Page 43

by Quelli di ZEd

in that places belonging garments to the past centuries, while the two strangers clearly wore suits novecenteschi. Saint thanked them for heart for their providential intervention and churches from where they came. The two strangers eluded the question of Saint and after having given a rapids glance to Sabrina, they greeted in hurry and they dispersed him in the forest.

  Saint was again to you for you with the splendid Sabrina, with that young that had decided to submit him to its hands. You/he/she had granted him his/her ardors of young girl, his/her refined persons breasts madreperla, the secret innocence of his/her chaste garden of silk, everything in exchange for his/her love of man, of his/her virility, that would have had to preserve her/it from the injustices of the external world. You was trusted him but, to distance of only a few times, all the expectations and the beautiful hopes of that young girl were broken on the sharp bluff of the real existence. It had bitterly known the impotence of his/her love in front of the accidents of the life. Saint kept on hating himself without possibility to appease the violence with which was accused. It stayed next to Sabrina, but without touching her/it, you/he/she would never have dared so much, it didn't have the right anymore of it. You/he/she had so seriously missed towards her, that feared that that would have been the irremediable wound that would have divided their roads. It was not so much this ch'egli you/he/she would have lost of her to destroy him but that ghosts ch'ella you/he/she would be had to bring within for the rest of the life, without possibility ch'egli could do I load to its place. He cursed all himself. Years of work to make to grow his/her conscience, to make her/it climb with extreme effort, one step at a time, to complete the man ch'egli inhaled to be and then, to the sudden one, incappare in an incomprehensible adventure, without any knowledge of cause and to suffer all the most atrocious insults, sentences and embezzlements that never, in the whole arc of his/her life, you/he/she had suffered. It seemed to be fallen in a trip dantesco, in which the goal was not the expiation of the guilts and the illumination but the annulment of the human conscience. For the nth time, when it started to believe to have found a sense or at least a center in that dimension, you/he/she was seized by the implacable hands of the case and shattered with immense violence to the ground.

  It was a rag, a coward felt him about trying that discouragement, when you/he/she was Sabrina the true victim of that situation and solo she could afford the luxury of that pain. It passed a weary indecifrato of time before Sabrina, against every forecast, he/she embraced Saint with a disarming sweetness.

  "Saint, you don't have any guilt, are a stupendous man and above all don't belong to the scanty environment of my village, you. you come from the stars!

  Saint collapsed in that embrace and her divine perfume it inebriated every cell of his and its eyes they were filled with tears. It admitted all of his/her weakness with that silent weeping. Absurd, but in that instant it was Sabrina to console Saint. Then, with soft voice, he tried to reassure her/it.

  "No Sabrina, has discovered only that in your village there are some dolts, but the majority of its inhabitants is honest and harmless people. Forgive me if I have not kept my promise, if I/you/they have not succeeded in defending you, I would give my life now if you/he/she could be returned back and to cancel.

  Sabrina appropriated his mouth.

  "Not to speak anymore of what has happened. I have been killed, now my ghost I am alone. The only thing that I want now is revenge against the mystifiers of my village, against all the rotten apples that hid to the shade their ignoble consciences and now, with the disorder, they make to emerge the whole dirt of their inclinations. The only thing that I want to now do, in my life, it is to eradicate the evil from my people. I want to do him/it for my father, for me and for all those that you/they will send before the village when everything this will end. It is in my destiny, as you/he/she has been him/it the to have met you, as you/he/she was written that that two foreigners reached to stop the violence of that brutes to halves their work. You have also understood him, that foreigners originate from the same your remote place. It was correct that it happened me this, so I have put aside, every egoism of mine is finished, because if only I think about myself the only temptation that attacks me it is the suicide. I am now only a weapon for my goal. It is so that they are born the heroes, Saint, and me I am sure that this vocation has always been a germ me, I was predestinate for a long time."

  Saint remained more and more upset by the impressive and sudden change of personality of Sabrina. In a beating of eye it realized to have lost forever that genuine and perspicacious young girl. Nobody would have him more magazine as it was before and this he could not accept him/it. Would you/he/she perhaps have been able to stop everything, if only you/he/she had been more careful? You/he/she had never wanted to believe in the destiny and the liberty of action he/she offered him boundless possibilities of aware choice and, therefore, responsible.

  "Sabrina, reasons, this is the them same identical inverted game. They are trying to make a war, blaming you and yours of wickedness and you are now doing him/it same. You cannot think that a person is only previously a criminal because you/he/she is not from your same barricade. The dolts that we have met in the forest were single individuals, as it are him/it each of us and as I am him/it the inhabitants of your village. The guilts of certain actions are individual, you/they cannot revert on the collectivity."

  Sabrina detached him of back Saint that you/he/she had remained embraced to her the whole time and looked at him/it disdained.

  "That you can know of it you? With that people I have passed the whole my existence and graces to the veggenza that has been handed down me by the geniuses of my father, I have always known who was good and who no. My father held under everybody to the identical roof of the mercy, of the goodness and of the collaboration, but the moment has arrived to divide the wolves from the sheep. My dear Saint, you I am happy has been my first and last love, but now it is clear me the assignment that will absorb everything of my future. You are free to be nearby me or of andar street. Don't feel yourself in obligation, this is a mission that concerns me, I have an account in suspended by to settle with my people. You don't belong to this environment, therefore you are free to continue your road with. a shade of bother clouded for an instant her eyes ". with the companion that has followed here you up to.

  Saint was amazed in front of the fanatical stubbornness of Sabrina. You perfectly realized that didn't have some power of persuasion anymore on the determination of that young girl. Other didn't stay him to do whether to be beside her, mute, with his/her soul by now in complete loneliness.


  Matteus the scene of its village enjoyed him that he prepared to the clash. After the dramatic story of Helen ch'era is found tied up and heathenly gagged next to a tree, many of them were convinced some justness of the vision of the head hunter. The crusade to save or to punish the fugitives starts. Matteus already foretasted the pleasure of when Efrem and the other ones would have brought Saint and Sabrina in front of his/her judgment. You/he/she would severely have punished them with the death sentence and this would have enacted the irremediable anger of Ivo, so you/he/she would have avoided the risk to have to go down to compromises with the trusted friend of Prometeo, seeing so to stagger his/her position of head. More Ivo you/he/she would be made to take from the anger, more you/he/she would have estranged from the people that he/she still lived in the village and more Matteuses you/he/she would have succeeded in strengthening his/her position of head, creating so a new was in the history of his/her people. Its dreams of glory were interrupted by an immense din to its shoulders. You turned of release and you/he/she suffered a deadly fear when it flowed a redwood in flames. The monster!

  People raced helter-skelter, while hot flashes of fire spit by the infernal mouth of the being houses and people wound. Matteus raced toward his/her people inciting her/it.

  "Not escape, let's be ready to fight! You take the arcs and you throw down that cosos."

ftly his/her narrowest collaborators were provided of arcs and they started to storm of arrows the part of sky where unmolested scorrazzava the demon. Some arrows went to target really on the great black wings. The being staggered in air and went to fall among the leafy branches of the conifers, as soon as out of the village.

  "Soon!Matteus " ordered to the other men "armed you of dark color, lances, swords, must encircle and to brake that bastard!"

  The men stirred all in the direction where the monster was fallen, encouraged by their huge number and by the fact to have just hurt him/it. But comes that they were in the thick of the forest, they were forced to divide in small groups to continue. Their boldness went well soon diminishing when the first group he came upon in the body torn to pieces of one of the fellow townspersons. You/they had not even realized that it was absent. Few instants later, from another group a little back, a cry and another seized body he/she was heard and dismembered to the speed of the light it dirtied of blood and shreds of meat the other petrified companions of the wretch. The monster was skilled to hide its immense massive structure in the thick of the

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