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Saint Spirit

Page 52

by Quelli di ZEd

ask explanations of the disappearance of his/her/their child and then, with already the drivel to the mouth, it summoned two his/her trusted.

  "You feel, this evening I have need of two young girls that systematizes some the disorder of this general quartier of mine. Bring me Helen, the daughter of the blacksmith and the red daughter of hair of the herbalist, is so pale and delicate that would do well her some healthy motion!"

  Concluded the sentence laughing at taste for this ch'egli he/she believed to have been a diamond double sense. His/her men didn't add any word, neither they made the choir to the vulgar laughs of their head, leaving the impregnate room of the alone rough echo of Matteus.

  The girls were withdrawn by their residences and their respective fathers they were convinced, some with the good ones and some with the bad ones, that the young girl had to be lent to systematize the office of their head and for them would have been a honor and a rosy possibility for the future. His/her mothers uselessly offered him to their place, sustaining to be more experienced to tidy up a house of their daughters, but the answer came shoal and unchangeable: "I sharpen, is now that learns also them the work of woman!"

  The dirty feet of Matteus to dirty the humble table of the kitchen of Prometeo were the first thing that you/they saw the young girl, pushes to strength in the house. The door behind of them immediately been closed, leaving her sun, together with that ogre.

  "Good evening, girls! I will avoid the sentences of circumstance and I immediately will reach the motive for this your convocation. You must serve your head and you must be good, well prepared and above all obedient, otherwise tomorrow morning I must give the sad news of your abduction from that malefic monster and then, alas, they would horribly find again you you tear to pieces in the wood. Obviously the services that you will lend to my person will be secret. You will limit you to say that you owe tener in order my trifles. Punishment for this disobedience, the deadly punishment of one of your parents. Then, a last thing before starting. I will ask once you the things alone and I demand your sudden obedience. If they will pass only few second in which you will shake or you immediately won't perform my orders, I will interpret your attitude as a sign of denial, therefore the consequence will be that to make you find again you tear to pieces in the wood. Remember you, I will be extremely intransigent. Are these my rules, understood?"

  The trembling and wet girls of tears gave theirs forced consent with a sign of the head.

  "Very well! Then stripped you, immediately!"


  Saint was literally still absorbed in the impervious ocean of its lucubrations. The flashes of total illumination were alternated vertiginosamente to the moments of inexpressible dark. You felt prey of the most insane schizophrenia. You/he/she would not have been able to hold up for a long time the frantic one to disarrange him of his/her emotions. More master than nothing didn't feel him. Its thoughts and its senses plotted with clean evidence to its shoulders. Even the actions of its body were not definite from him. His/her body! You/he/she could not afford anymore than to think about his/her body without being seized by the panic. His/her hand! It continually had to repress the impelling desire that made an attempt to his/her safety. Rivoleva his/her hand. He/she asked the impossible one to this tangled and impudent world and the only answer that it hissed him left to fior of ears it was:

  "He/she returns in you. Committed suicide and conclude this unhealthy risks!"

  Suddenly two fatal fragrances wound him/it bewitching him/it. Its thoughts became again smoke, thin, up to disappear entirely. It didn't have need that the eyes confirmed him that that he/she already knew. Dafne and Sabrina had reached him/it. It realized the breath of Dafne to his/her left and that of Sabrina to his/her right. It realized to have thought for all that endless weary of time about closed eyes, perhaps hoping to hover in flight and to detach from his/her body, as you/he/she had always done in past. But in that environment its Spirit seemed crucifix to its body and there was no truce to the gravity. He, however, clearly warned the ancestral expansion of his/her aura. The four hands of woman meanwhile they took to caress him/it on the face and on the body with endless sweetness. That mystical contact provoked sparks to like to fior of skin. Then they were the lips of both the beautiful goddesses to remember him the velvet that intervened to divide their immortal Spirits. Their lips and their languages crossed the limits of its face, then of its neck and it now realized to be without shirt and then without pants. The shiver of that two angelic touches accompanied its closed eyes to the discovery after all of its body, that unexpectedly he rediscovered completely naked. He/she left that the two priestesses laid down him/it in earth and they sounded every centimeter of his/her surface. Then they were the two feminine bodies to free him from the dresses and to entwine to his body. The emotions were very idyllic that to Saint it really seemed to have lost every consistence. The two nymphs had crossed its body and you/they were directly loving him the Spirit. He/she didn't know who of the two same above of him to make himself/herself/themselves love more deeply the possible, while the other wound his head with the legs, forcing to taste him/it until after all the nectar of his/her secret garden. The two baccantis were the same person, in total symbiosis they stirred, they changed position with unbelievable sincronia to inflict him the most unthinkable emotions that you/he/she had ever tried. Its eyes never knew thing you/he/she was happened. The eyelids had remained you seal for the fear that theirs awkward to open made to disappear of enchantment the poetry that that two bodies wrote on him.

  When it was reawakened, it was again dressed, stretched out in the curtain where you/he/she had discovered his/her mutilation.

  Has it happened? It was the first question struck by the arc of his/her mind. It went out out quickly and it discovered that the twilight had already dyed of shade the surrounding landscape. It flowed the whole group of survivors around the fire and him it went to unite to them. They were present also Dafne and Sabrina. It looked for their looks. They reciprocated him/it to Them with the usual dense glances of affection. It scrutinized to fund the faces and the gestures of both the women, but it didn't absolutely realize some attitude of understood accomplice among them. As it was possible? It was too much truth what you/he/she had lived. The thing most real up to that moment! During the evening it tried more times than to sound the two women making vague allusions respect to their bond, but both seemed to get vexed in front of those stupid inferences on the presumed complicity among them two. It was on the point to burst to laugh declaring his/her total loss of sense to the world, when a language of fire illuminated to day the starry sky. By instinct Saint got up and it set out in direction of the strip of light that it still revealed its passage in sky. When it was perpendicular to the light, dismay it threw him in earth. Had seen him, was certain of it! Few instants and it raised again him from earth hello to escape, but it was late, the demon witnessed him, to few footsteps and it stared at him/it. Saint remained literally paralysed by the fear to fix that immense dark massive structure that it observed him/it. The cries of Dafne and Sabrina that fixed there the scene terrorized a little anymore in, recalled the attention of the demon. Moved a footstep in that direction, but the occultist suddenly lifted the hand shouting a dry "No!".

  The monster stopped instantly him, it aimed its eyes of fire in those of Saint and it knelt him before. The man didn't persuade him of that unexpected reaction of the demon. It was completely esterrefatto. Now that succeeded to see more from near the gigantic massive structure of that devil, stayed even more confused of before. Why had that monster listened to him/it? It quickly reached a simple conclusion.

  "What fool I am, it is obvious that if this world is not real and you/he/she is created to rule of art by the mind of someone, I can succeed in changing the course of the events."

  But really while it was reflecting on what you/he/she was happening him, the winged being climbed over him/it and directed him as an arrow toward the women to his/her shoulders. Saint turned of release to
do in time to see only the demon hover in flight tightening among the hands Dafne.

  "No!the occultist " shouted with the whole air of his/her desperate bellows.

  But the two outlines in sky already appeared as a lower case letter stain as soon as darker in the obscurity of that livid sky. It was in the dark and it shouted without standstill. He/she cursed, it raved without anybody logic. Madness had extended him a nth shrewd trap to definitely steal him the sense. He/she saw Sabrina that stared at him/it dismayed and worried, with such an illegible look to be scared almost. Also other people had drawn near to the place of the abduction and you/he/she observed him/it with evident resentment. All had seen that demon kneel in front of him when Saint had ordered him to stay. But him which explanation you/he/she could give? Who would have believed never in his/her theory according to which everything of their world in reality didn't exist, drawing the obvious deduction that they didn't even exist?

  He made now only really account that the only bond with his/her past it was Dafne. Only with her you/he/she would have been able to find again the key to free him from that

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