cracks, the abysses and the continuous landslides of the ground had divided them soon in small groups that tried hopelessly a solid grip not to be devoured by the abyss that it opened under their feet. Sabrina was held holds next to her his/her mother and his/her sister. The lucidity and the promptness of reflexes with which you/he/she was facing that cataclysm left her/it amazed. It was as if he/she succeeded out in looking from and to manage all of his/her moves with an emotional separation and a concentration typical of the assassins. While it was deciding in hurry on what sod of ground to move and on whether to put the feet to avoid to be swallowed by the cracks, his/her Spirit it observed her/it thoughtful, clearly realizing that the cause springing that turned on change of personality was imputable to the multiple homicide of which was stain in the forest. Whoever kills, even though to defend, spiritually crosses the secret bank of the Lete and it mysteriously ties him to Caronte, acquiring an infernal separation towards the existence. He/she will never be known in life if I/you/he/she were a commune secret affinity that unites the Spirits that vote him to the death or that diabolic imperturbability both simply the indelible stain of a contracted debt with the ferryman of the souls. Perhaps, when a murderous Spirit finds again him in front of its eyes of bragia, Caronte he/she will ask him the correct customs that is up to him for what you/he/she has completed.
Sabrina had lost sight the other whole gruppettis of friends and relatives that tried to be saved as them from that terrible catastrophe, but in remuneration you/he/she had been very skilled from to find his/her secret oasis. Once crossed the thick bushes that hid that heaven to the sight of the strangers, the three women they made him account with enormous joy that in that place there was no trace of the cataclysm and that the soft grass under their feet was harmoniously in peace with the gravity. They laid down exhausted in earth and you/they could finally calm their limbs terrorized by the fear.
The time was incalculable in which softly remained dormant in that plain of peace. Sabrina was the first one to awaken from that regenerating sleep. It observed with bitter joy the bank where its beloved Saint had seen her naked. The center of the pond where you/they were reached swimming and you/they were embraced with so much passion that the same water of the pond seemed you/he/she had suddenly become warmer.
It walked around the perimeter of that mirror of water to stretch him the legs, it cast a protective glance to his/her sister and his/her mother that you/they still slept deeply, and definite to patrol the zone around the oasis. You inserted among the dense bushes, the most natural and sure defense for that place, but it was paralysed of hit miraculously staying seized to a branch. What would have had to be us out of that oasis, there was not more!
The void! A black abyss, without fund, the it looked out upon him in front of the eyes. The terror filled her the bellows, stopping her breath. Its look pushed him anywhere. It was as if the oasis had become a solitary sod of earth that floated in the nothing more absolute. It recrossed the wall of bushes and him it allowed to fall in earth. Was too much!
A so inconceivable thing to be been unacceptable. It bursted in a roaring weeping. He/she cried with everybody herself, how come you/he/she had done before.
Only, the occultist advanced crossing narrow paths of sterile earth in unstable balance on the blackest abyss. You was severely always reproached, himself had hated hundreds of times for his/her weak impotence in front of the puissance of that artificial world that continually it suffocated him/it and it crushed him/it. That world was now reduced to the nothing, you/he/she was disintegrated under magically to its unbelievers eyes. There was no more trace of the colors of his/her landscapes, of the sharp pain vegetation that trespassed anywhere in that fertile earth. There was not even more trace of the same earth that had entertained everything that immense to swarm of life and with it all the people that had lived you had also disappeared. Saint had succeeded in loving, to fear and to encounter with varied native of that place what time they appeared in its mind unlikely memoirs, situated in the caverns most distant of its trail existence. You/they would have been able to quietly belong to the many colored image of an overwhelming dream, as some turned it happens. There are certain so real and intrusive dreams that also after the awakening, their memory is alive for years in our mind.
Sabrina, Prometeo, Ivo, Matteus, Helen, unknown!
Dafne, his/her Dafne was by now only a bitterness smile that rippled the tired face of Saint, making even more it old of as it appeared at that time, now that seemed him to have tried everything. It didn't have desires anymore, neither desires. It didn't try to die and he/she didn't think to as you/he/she would have lived in that atavistic silence. Sadly the snake of earth that its tired feet rode, all of a sudden it widened, as if he had come on the head of that tapered body of reptile. To the summit of that spiazzo it towered he/she tests a bearded thoughtful oak. Saint last two figures of man under to the mastodontic tree. It instinctively reached her, without I handed questions, without being intimidates of it, without the smallest glint of curiosity was not even reawakened in the shadiness of its naked limbs. In one of the two men it recognized the archer that had assisted Sabrina and he in the wood. He/she deduced that the other one had to be the experienced swordsman, in this circumstance to open face. It scrutinized his/her features and they appeared him incredibly family. As it was possible that it also knew so much dettagliatamente that profile if the man kept on giving him the impression to be an extraneous suit?
The archer smiled at him and invited him/it to subsequently draw near. Saint obeyed, mortally maintaining him/it absent look.
"Have reached the terminal, warlike of the hidden one!the man " began in a friendly way smiling him.
A light breeze docilely raised him caressing disarranges her/it head of hair of Saint, that some was cradled to the right and some to the left from the seraphic sigh of that shaky world. To the occultist it seemed to have finally started over breathing at that time only. It had the impression that until then you/he/she had remained trapped in a convalescent apnea, someone who reached to free him the bellows from the cosmic void attending with which was met. It warned the blood flow in his/her brain and to again hydrate the arid his/her sinapsis, reduced to a hypnotic is cataleptic. His/her look he illuminated thanks to the life that restarted to flow in him. The archer he allowed to go to a soft rice that the ears of Saint ran over suddenly shaking him/it.
"Good morning Saint! Here that you are finally connected yourself to your Spirit. You would not have been able to continue to advance for very in that zombie state in which you had been reduced. You probably risked not to return back. However you must not worry yourself, you don't owe me nothing. Have already put to equal giving me what looked for!"
Only at that time Saint really succeeded in putting to fire that that it had around. Only he/she now saw really where it was found, realizing amazing himself/herself/itself with amazement of the change of the things around him. There was no sky, there was no earth! Its feet placed on an island of wide earth no more than one hundred square meters. Besides the two men, the only other thing foresees it was the big oak with the so immovable leafy branches to seem you draw on that black background. Black as it was the whole rest, as if you/he/she was suddenly found together with those four terrestrial things in the beautiful mean of the endless universe. You turned of release to be sure of as you/he/she had arrived up to there. The narrow edge of earth that had served its hypnotic walk was still present to its shoulders. But to now look at him/it, with great lucidity, you/he/she was taken by a turned on shiver of fear, asking himself/herself/itself as had succeeded in crossing him/it in a state of almost total trance, without leastly minding to where same putting the feet. As you/he/she had done to win the powerful sense of dizziness what time it seemed to magnetize him/it against his/her wish toward the edge of that afloat spiazzo in the void? He didn't remember where, but from some part you/he/she had read that the dizziness is not fear to fall, but it is fear of that uncontro
llable unconscious desire to throw him that he/she takes us of hit to the unprovided one, resurfacing from the deep dark of our existential blanket. Never as at that time it understood so to the perfection that acute reflection. It was forced to put on in knee leaning the hand and his/her stump on the sure earth to him underlying to take back the control on his/her weak equilibrium. There, to four legs, it aimed a severe interrogative look to the address of the two men that you/they stared at him/it impassive.
"Assembled on your breath, dear Saint, and you take back the control of your conscience. The fear is always the most astute and creeping enemy. You disguises from conscience to suggest us forgeries wise suggestions and lying maternal admonishments while, in reality, it intends only to create the limits to our development and to repress our wish using himself/herself/itself the anxiety, of the depression, feeding so the mistrust in ourselves. When feel to be afraid, dare! Make the most audacious thing that you succeed in imagining at that time, will rout so his/her sordid traps!"
The other man, meanwhile, assisted to the scene without
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