particular interest. On the face you/he/she had painted an expression very detached to make him/it seem an imperturbable statue, put at random there, as that tree and that sod of earth on which all leaned, without any reasonable sense. Saint finally opened mouth and without any preamble he/she asked:
"Tell me what is happening! I want to know the sense of everything this, always admitted that exist!"
The archer, that until then you/he/she had been standing with the fixed eyes on Saint, he bent and it seated under on the soft grass to the oak. It drew a depth breath and it started to speak.
"I believe that you have come to understand that this world is in reality a spiritual artifice. Nothing existed of what you had around and by now we have reached the conclusion of that tangled deception. All the things, the earth, the sun, the sky, the grass that you stamped on and that still stampings, the food that you ate and, alas, the people with which you laced relationships, didn't really exist. They derived from an internal world."
"That internal world is? I have always had the full control of my spirituality. In my astral trips I have always driven my fate, I have always decided what you/he/she would have been better for me."
"I have not spoken at all of your internal world and I have not even spoken of your astral trips through the sacred tides of the Unio Mystica. I report me to the internal world of somebody else. You, I, find us in the spiritual world of another being!"
"As we have made Dafne and I to catapult us in the spirituality of somebody else. You would not be able of it and me of certain have not done him!"
For the first time the mysterious swordsman opened mouth.
"And in fact you have not found together in the spiritual world of a third person. Simply you find only yourself in his/her spirituality!"
The man seemed to make an endless effort to pronounce those few words and immediately after a clear point of pain you/he/she shaded his/her sight forcing him/it to the silence. Saint was deeply disturbed from that revelation, yet it now seemed him so much logic to immobilize him/it from the amazement. However his/her voice, as the majority of the times happens in the human beings, it contradicted its thought.
"No, it is not possible, because I would ever have wanted to enter the conscience of Dafne? I would never allow me a thing of the kind, would be worse whether to rape her/it!"
While Saint exploded with its denial in front of that possibility, it got up standing and it advanced reaching a distance less of thirty centimeters from the mysterious character that had spoken. The man not stirred of a millimeter so, both too much proud, they were forced to reciprocally settle in the eyes.
To sustain that look was something that both regretted it, but two nobody succeeded in doing otherwise desisting in front of that fool challenge.
The archer scrutinized the occultist betraying a certain tension that imperceptibly rippled his/her forehead.
"Saint, if you do me the complaisance to take a seat and to give us the possibility to convince you some ineluctable fact what time we find us in the conscience of Dafne or better, in that that it stays some her internal self, at least to this dimensional level, I will be thankful of it and then I will pretend above all your thankfulness for what I am you to disclose. I know that your mental opening and the development of your eye clairvoyant they will succeed in following the amazing revelations that you must learn from my mouth. I confide, however, that you succeed to maintain the calm and the necessary lucidity to bear the immanent impact to the ground that will suffer your conscience. As I told you poc'anzi, we find us among what it stays some Spirit of Dafne in this dimension, that is not that terrestrial and that ancestral of the Beings doesn't even Overcome, where the majority of his/her Spirit he is rejoining for ricompletarsi. I want to disclose you first the physical and real things that you have lived in this environment so that, through such concrete explanations, I can bring as soon as you up to the origin of this whole matter. You must everything accept the fact that the things around you, in this adventure, they have been since principle a projection of the Spirit of Dafne; they fed him and they lived in relationship to it, without having any autonomy and without any possibility to free him from that condition. I already know that you have succeeded with sum sagacity in understanding the deception and to disclose the pretense of the surrounding world. Now however you must strive to understand you that also all the people that you have known, without any distinction the one from the other, belongs to Dafne or, to be more precise, is the energetic reflex of a part of the Spirit of Dafne and nient'altro. They don't really exist from any part and solo in this determined context the Spirit of Dafne you/he/she has revealed the variegated facets of his/her energy under these semblances, coadiuvate from your presence that interfered and it helped in turn to mould those figures. Who have seen, who have known, by now has been! A Spirit is always in continuous evolution and its endless energetic cells you/they can never stereotype him in a date, rigid defined figure. Everything and all were work of the spiritual energy of Dafne except a being.
Saint smiled and instinctively pronounced to fior of lips the name of Sabrina. The face of the archer withdrew him continuing its narration.
".anzi two beings. The wise man, had gi discovered by you to be an emanation of your conscience. The other figure is instead, unfortunately, the demon that infested that place. It was another part of your conscience that in all the ways it tried to destroy that artificial world to free you from the spell. Saint, that girl has never existed and will ever exist, neither now, neither never!"
The smile of Saint petrified him on its face. Of a line relived the whole entrancing even though brief experience that had tasted with Sabrina. The sweetness and her energy could not derive from a cruel deception. It boomed ill-omened in his/her mind darkened by the pain the oath that as soon as few instants before you/he/she had done her: would have returned to pick her/it up! You/he/she had promised him/it to you after having kissed her/it, with his/her fixed eyes in those of her. No, could not be a deception, a projection of that deceptive accursed I husk! Yet all the knots came to the comb with the exhaustive description of that foreigner, apparently relaxed and shinily detached by the unbelievable backstages that as soon as went disclosing. Who was really he? Suddenly Saint had the instinct to fling against the impassibility of that man to be sure of its Royal existence. Who knows, perhaps in the instant in which you/he/she had struck him/it you/he/she would be exploded as a bead of soap. But Saint held back that destructive impulse. It realized to still need of the lucidity that extraneous so that it disclosed him the thing that pressed more perhaps at that time him to know. It handed him the direct question, all of a breath.
"Where Dafne is, now?"
The archer smiled satisfied. It was from the beginning of the conversation with the occultist that waited for the moment in which that fundamental question would be jumped out, that would have clarified once and for all the condition in which Saint concerned.
"I premise, remembering you that you are in the Spirit of Dafne, everything that that we have around is Dafne. However, if you report yourself to the Dafne in meat and bones, as you have known her in this dimension, I must give you a terrible news. There that Dafne is dead. You/he/she has been the demon, that as I remember you it is a projection of your conscience that wanted to free you to kill her/it. Don't fear, to die in this dimension, as in all the others, it means to change to change. You are not here but probably it already has another density that you cannot certainly see with your limited human possibilities and almost surely, even if I saw her/it, you would not recognize her/it at all. You has lost his/her battle. It is as if your monster had made crazy chessman to the king; to be more precise, in this case we should speak of queen. The game is ended, the game is defeated. You desired your Spirit to stay joined to his, you/he/she has used all the weapons to his/her disposition, but your ensign has foiled his/her plans."
Saint bursted in a bitter laughter.
"You would want to make me believe that that d
emon is in reality the good samaritano reached to save me killing the cruel witch that held here me chained? I start to suspect that you are a rather skilled impostor and some too much sure of itself. If we are really in the Spirit of Dafne, the rivoglio here I want to speak to her, I want that is her to explain me everything of person, among my braccias.
The last words of Saint were strangled by a turned on burst of desperate hiccups that you/they did him/it violently to start. The imperturbability of the man in front of the accusation of Saint inviolata remained. There was no sign of irritation on his/her face, rather its expression seemed to purchase a merciful light while patiently it was declaring to Saint:
"The last possibility to be with her has proposed you him herself, but you have not accepted her. You were too much desirous to discover the truth. And so you/he/she has been given you the truth in exchange for the renouncement to Dafne. You will ask yourself because she has not expressly spoken to you. The Dafne that has been nearby you in this dimension didn't have the complete picture of thing it was happening. The succession of the events lived with the same awareness with which you lived them. Despite you I often accused him of insincerity,
Saint Spirit Page 55