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An Alaskan Wedding

Page 6

by Nance Sparks

  She was almost giddy when the gear was finally loaded into the car. The strong bass from the upbeat song could be felt all the way across the parking lot. Lights flickered and flashed through the windows. She’d never gone back to the after-party of a wedding. She was a contractor, not a friend, and once her job was done, she left. Sure, the occasional woman made her way to Riley’s hotel room after the party, but that was their choice and wasn’t in view of everyone else. But she’d sensed that Sara and Kay wouldn’t mind, given her connection to Andrea, so tonight she’d break her own rules. She shook her head when she realized she was close to skipping her way back into the building. Andrea was still standing between the fireplace and the dance floor looking sexy as ever. Her shoulders swayed along with the music. She smiled when their eyes met. The upbeat song trailed off and the DJ announced that it was time to slow things down. The first few notes of a slow song started to play.

  “Excuse me, beautiful, may I have this dance?”

  “I’d love nothing more.”

  Riley smiled and took Andrea’s hand, leading her out to the dance floor. Before the first chorus, Andrea nuzzled in close, and her head dropped down to rest on Riley’s shoulder. The warmth of her breath felt amazing on her neck. Andrea’s arms wrapped around her shoulders and Riley slid her hand from Andrea’s waist around to the bare skin of her lower back. They still fit perfectly together. Andrea stepped in closer, so close that Riley could feel Andrea push into her when she inhaled deeply. They swayed rhythmically to the music. She wasn’t even sure their feet were moving, but their bodies were definitely connected. This was a moment in time that Riley wanted on film, a moment she wished would never end. Words weren’t exchanged. There would be time to talk later. She simply wanted to treasure the way this felt. Treasure the way Andrea nestled into her neck and the way Andrea’s thumb was gently stroking the hair at the base of her skull. She had missed holding her in her arms. She’d missed feeling her breath on her skin. There were so many people on the dance floor that a second slow song started.

  “Another dance?” Andrea whispered into Riley’s ear. “It feels so good to hold you again.”

  “I’m not going anywhere.” Riley pulled her in closer and held on tightly. It might be a mistake. It might lead to getting her heart broken again, although that was jumping the gun. But she’d treasure this moment forever.

  Andrea leaned into Riley with all of her body. Her hip and thigh pressed between Riley’s legs. The years melted away and it was just the two of them again, still captivated by one another, in a world of their own. The giddy happiness from her teenage years took over. The feelings were so strong that they kept a tight hold on her heart all those years, even if she hadn’t realized it. Riley inhaled deeply cherishing the smell of Andrea’s perfume. It was like an intoxicating drug. The way Andrea’s body felt up against hers took her breath away. Everything else disappeared, none of it mattered, the past, Andrea’s parents, Scott and the years they’d lost, all of it simply ceased to exist. It was finally just the two of them, on this one night, dancing to this unforgettable love song. All too soon, the song ended, and the tempo of a fast song forced them to break away from each other. Andrea stepped back, her hand resting on Riley’s chest and she looked as disappointed as Riley felt. It warmed her heart.

  Riley wasn’t ready to let go just yet. “Come on, kick up your heels. You used to love to dance. Dance with me.”

  Andrea accepted Riley’s hand and twirled in close. There was that amazing laughter and those dimples again, such an incredible treat. Her eyes lit up like sparkling diamonds. They had learned how to do a fun swing dance in gym class ages ago and loved practicing it, mostly because they could hold each other for a moment when they would spin in close. Riley dropped into the steps and Andrea fell into perfect rhythm. It was fantastic. The upbeat tempo of the song was the exact timing needed for the steps and the spins. Riley couldn’t stop smiling, it was like a dream come true. They danced for a few more songs, a two-step and then just some good old-fashioned, silly wedding dancing. It was an evening that could have gone on forever. The next song started and as soon as the first few notes played Andrea squealed out with excitement.

  “Sara, I have to find Sara! We dance to this at work to blow off steam!” She grabbed Riley’s hand and pulled her across the dance floor until they were standing next to the brides.

  “Hips.” Sara pointed to Andrea.

  “Don’t.” Andrea pointed back to Sara.

  “Lie.” Sara spun up against her bride.

  Sara started to dance, seducing Kay with a series of hip flicks and pelvic thrusts as she spun around and explored her bride’s body. And then, Sara motioned to Andrea who performed a similar dance up against Riley. She revealed moves that Riley had never seen before. The high-heeled shoes were quickly shed and her hips became liquid, rocking from side to side with seaworthy fluidity. Riley couldn’t take her eyes off of her goddess, completely mesmerized by her movements. She finally snapped out of the trance and joined Andrea in a body melding dance of seduction. The rest of the dance floor disappeared. Her focus was transfixed on the hazel eyes making love to her with each seductive glance. Riley’s jacket was pushed off her shoulders and down her arms and then her suspenders became a means of beckoning when Andrea grabbed onto them and pulled her in close. Riley was putty in her hands, helpless against her spell. And then, just as the song trailed off, Andrea finished with a spectacular series of hip rocks and pelvic thrusts before collapsing into Riley’s arms.

  “You two are fucking hot together!” Sara said, somewhat breathless.

  “Not as hot as you two!” Andrea hugged her friend.

  Another song started to play. Kay tapped on her shoulder. “I think my wife needs me. Have fun, you two,” Sara said and then spun into Kay’s arms.

  “Could we get some air, just for a moment? I think the whiskey might have caught up with me.” Andrea stepped back into her shoes.

  “Come with me, I know just the spot.” Riley wrapped her arm around Andrea’s waist and guided her out to the deck overlooking the lake.

  “Oh, this is perfect, thank you.” Andrea leaned up against the railing and drew in a deep breath of the crisp evening air.

  “Are you okay here for a moment?” Riley asked. Andrea nodded and smiled. “I’ll be right back.”

  Riley ran up to the bar and asked for two glasses of water then made her way back out to the deck. Andrea was facing away from her, staring out across the landscape. Stars sparkled high in the sky and reflected beautifully in the still lake just over Andrea’s right shoulder. She resisted the urge to run for her camera and took a mental picture instead.

  “This should help.” Riley handed Andrea a glass of water.

  “How I’ve missed you. You’re still the same kind, caring woman, aren’t you?” Andrea leaned her head on Riley’s shoulder.

  Was she? “I think we’ve both probably changed over the years. No one stays the same.” It wasn’t romantic, maybe, but it was true.

  Andrea visibly shivered after a drink of water. The temperature had likely fallen at least twenty degrees when the sun had dipped below the horizon. Riley took off her suit jacket and draped it over Andrea’s shoulders. Andrea’s eyes closed and a smile touched her lips when she tucked her arms into the sleeves of the jacket and snuggled into the warmth. Riley would freeze for hours in order to see that smile again.

  “Thank you, but now you’ll be cold,” Andrea said.

  “I’m wearing a long sleeve shirt, not a knockout gorgeous dress. I’ll be fine.”

  “Listen, they’re playing another slow song. Will you dance with me?”

  Riley took the empty water glass from Andrea’s hand and set it on the railing. She wrapped her arms around her and pulled her in close. Instead of tucking her head into Riley’s shoulder as she had done earlier, Andrea just stared up into her eyes. Her hands moved slowly up Riley�
�s arms and then up the sides of her neck, over her ears and into her hair. The sensation of Andrea’s touch was almost too much. Riley felt Andrea’s hands pull her head forward ever so slightly, and it was all the encouragement she needed.

  She leaned down and kissed Andrea’s cheek, and then that spot at the corner of her mouth where whipped cream used to catch after a sip of hot cocoa, and then she kissed her fully on the lips. Andrea’s lips parted slightly, and the tip of her tongue teased Riley’s upper lip. Self-control melted away as their tongues became reacquainted in a deep and passionate kiss. Riley’s hands dropped onto Andrea’s hips and then she set out on a path of exploration up the sides of her waist. Breathless, Andrea broke the magical kiss. She looked up into Riley’s eyes, her fingers still buried in Riley’s hair.

  “Sweetheart, can we head back to the hotel?” Andrea asked, “I need some time with you.”

  Riley looked down into seductive hazel eyes. The power they still held over her was undeniable. The dizziness she felt, along with the weakness in her knees, couldn’t be blamed on alcohol since she’d had very little to drink. No, the culprit of her state of being was snuggled up in her arms, pressing into her with each breath. There was no doubt that she wanted to go back to the hotel room too. More than anything, she wanted to help Andrea out of that dress, but then what? Was Andrea just another single member of the wedding party who needed relief after a day bathed in romance? Not that she minded offering that relief to any number of women over the years, but Andi was different. Andi possessed the key to her heart and the risk of being hurt all over again was very real. She drew in a deep breath, immersing her senses in the fragrance of Andrea’s perfume. The regret she’d feel if she denied herself the chance to experience an evening alone with Andrea far outweighed the possibility of being hurt again. She wrapped her arm around Andrea’s waist and led her to the car.

  Chapter Twelve

  Andrea’s mind and body were buzzing, and it wasn’t entirely due to the whiskey. Riley’s hand was resting on her lower back beneath the suit jacket as they walked to the elevator together. It had already been such an electric evening. She knew they needed to talk, but really, she wanted nothing more than to feel Riley make love to her.

  “What floor are you on?” Andrea asked, pressing the button for the third floor.

  “Fourth. Room four ten.” Riley smiled.

  “My room’s closer.” Andrea leaned into Riley’s body.

  The elevator chimed and the doors opened.

  “Lead the way.” Riley grabbed the handle of her equipment tote and then she felt Riley’s free hand lift the back of the suit jacket. Her heart rate shot up the moment those fingers touched the bare skin on her back.

  Shivers ran up and down her spine and then throughout her core as she swiped her door card. The green light appeared, and the door clicked open. Andrea led the way into her room. She closed her eyes for a brief second trying to control her heart rate while searching for the light switch. Riley Canon, her Riley, was standing directly behind her. She’d never considered the possibility. It had been so long ago and she’d buried those fierce feelings away so deeply. Though it took no more than a moment in time for it all to bubble back to the surface. The lights clicked on and the room door clicked closed behind her.

  The suit jacket was lifted off her shoulders and her body erupted into a series of fiery shivers. Hands were on her hips and then lips on the back of her neck. Andrea drew in a sharp breath. Now, she was hot, so hot, with a need to be touched everywhere all at once.

  “Oh yes,” she whispered.

  Riley’s hands teased her with delicate touches up her sides and then along the outline of her breasts. It felt amazing to be touched like that again. Sweet, tender touches that made her feel savored. She slowly turned around and stared into Riley’s eyes. Eyes that seemed to be drinking her in and memorizing her every feature. It felt as if Riley was touching her everywhere she looked and it caused another round of shivers to erupt.

  Riley cupped her face in her hands. She leaned in close and then the sweet sensation of Riley’s kiss melted her entire being into a puddle. It was everything she’d dreamed about over the last decade. Delicate touches trailed down her neck for a brief moment before guiding the shoulder straps of her dress down her arms. Yes, please, take it off. She didn’t break the kiss to actually speak the words. Riley didn’t need words, apparently the deep throated moan was enough. The dress slid down over her bare breasts and then was guided over her hips before it fell to the floor. Riley’s hands explored up her legs and onto her hips and then her ass. She felt her lace panties slide down her legs and her body shivered with desire.

  “I need you.” Andrea’s voice was a breathless whisper.

  Riley silently guided her to the edge of the bed. Andrea stood there, in the dim lamplight, completely exposed. Riley seemed oblivious to the stretch marks and the extra pounds from carrying two children. Instead, she seemed to admire everything about Andrea, every flaw, every scar. Her touch was so delicate, and Andrea had never seen that look in her eyes before. It was a wanting, a longing, a desire and then there was so much more. Riley reached behind Andrea and threw the covers back before guiding her down onto the bed. The sheets were cool, but not cool enough to calm the heat coursing throughout her body. Riley had way too many clothes on. Andrea held her palm against her stomach, stopping her from lowering herself.

  “I need to feel you too. I need to feel all of you.” Andrea reached for Riley’s shirt and set on a course of unfastening. She stood up and leaned forward, capturing Riley’s earlobe ever so gently with her teeth and then sucked it into her mouth. Riley leaned her head back and moaned. Andrea slid the suspenders off her shoulders and then reached for the button of her dress slacks. Two clips and a zipper later, they finally slid down around her ankles. Riley shed the rest of her clothes quickly and stood there, completely naked, staring into Andrea’s eyes. Long gone was the lanky teenager. Riley had certainly filled out over the years. Her arms and shoulders had definition, probably from lugging around all of the photography equipment and suitcases. Her breasts were more than tiny bumps with nipples, now they were a plump handful of heaven. She still had a slight waist, but her hips were slightly fuller and her legs muscular. She was sexier than Andrea had envisioned when pleasing herself over the years. Andrea sat on the edge of the bed and then slid into the center. She patted the side of the bed.

  “Andi, you’re so beautiful.”

  “Come here.”

  Her breathless plea was met with a hungry kiss. Riley knelt next to her. A hand on Andrea’s knee, and then her thigh, her hip, her waist and then circling her breast.

  “Oh, please don’t stop.” Everything felt alive, she tingled everywhere Riley touched.

  The deep, passionate kiss was something so familiar and yet so new. She could have climaxed given enough time to savor that kiss alone, but then Riley’s hands cupped completely around her breasts, and then her fingertips pinched and teased her nipples. Riley seemed to remember exactly what she needed, exactly what she loved. Andrea explored Riley’s back with her hands and then reached down lower and cupped her ass. Her skin was so silky smooth. Everything about being with Riley was so completely different than it was with anyone else.

  “Oh, yes.” Andrea managed between gasps. She wanted to ask to feel what they’d never finished but didn’t want to bring up that night from so long ago. She didn’t want to spoil the moment.

  Riley seemed to know exactly what Andrea needed. She pulled away from the kiss and moved to her earlobe and then kisses and nibbles trailed down her neck. It felt so good to be touched like this, as if Riley was exploring her body in an effort to become reacquainted. This wasn’t the hesitant, unsure exploration of teenagers. This was a woman who knew what she was doing and exactly how to do it. Andrea leaned her head back into the pillow when Riley’s hands cupped her breasts again and then her lips encased one
of her nipples. Teeth grazed across her hardened nipple and then disappeared for a moment before her lips surrounded the other nipple. It felt amazing to once again be the complete focus of her attention. Andrea pulled her arms up above her head and held onto the iron bars of the headboard. A long time ago, she had loved being Riley’s focus of desire, and after fifteen years, it seemed that her determination to please hadn’t changed.

  Riley’s hands slid down her waist and then her lips explored Andrea’s stomach. Riley worked her way down Andrea’s body with hot, melting kisses and nibbles. Suddenly, her lips were teasing and nibbling a trail up her inner thigh as she worked her arms under Andrea’s thighs. Her legs were gently pulled farther apart and hot breath teased her just before Riley’s tongue tenderly offered a touch of pressure where she needed it most.

  “Oh, yeah.” Andrea’s grip tightened on the headboard.

  Riley sucked her clit between her lips. The sweet sensation of gentle suction was everything she remembered from that night so long ago. There were no words to describe how amazing it felt. Others had tried to please her orally, but it was never like this. It never felt the way this felt. Riley pulled back a bit and then, just as Andrea thought she was going to pull away completely, she drew her back in and it seemed as if it were deeper and more intense each time, the sensation overwhelming. Just when she thought she’d tip over the edge, Riley slowed down and teased her tenderly with her tongue again.

  She kissed all along her inner thigh and then she swept that talented tongue up between Andrea’s legs again and into that sweet, sweet wet spot. She felt Riley take her in her mouth again and then Riley was inside her too, and the pressure seemed to come from everywhere and she pushed into it with needful thrusts.

  “Oh, Riley. don’t stop—” Suddenly, she needed all the air she could claim.

  She could faintly hear herself calling out, crying out, begging Riley not to stop, begging her to go faster, deeper, anything to keep the sensation from ending. Andrea let go of the headboard and buried her fingers in Riley’s hair, completely consumed by tsunami-sized waves of ecstasy. She couldn’t speak, couldn’t breathe. She held her legs as far open as she could and still have a bit of leverage to push herself into the pleasing pressure that Riley offered. She wanted to feel everything for as long as it would last and then all of a sudden it was too much. Too much electricity, too much movement. She clamped her legs around Riley’s head and held her as still as possible while she convulsed wildly inside. She felt Riley’s mouth match her waves of climax and she seemed to come over and over again with quick, jerky shudders. Her muscles felt as if they had turned to liquid and it was all she could do to let her limbs collapse as she tried to catch her breath.


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