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A Time To Survive (Verge of Extinction): A Magical & Monstrous / Supernatural Urban Fantasy.

Page 10

by J. Axbridge

  “Man, I love this girl,” Arthur whispered not taking his eyes off Mayumi. All I could do was laugh and roll my eyes while still hugging Mayumi tightly. Victoria and Caelyn giggled having also overheard their older brother’s embarrassing comment.

  “Oh geez,” Ethan murmured as he walked over and picked up the book from the floor, careful not to step on the piece of Earl’s arm or blood and carried it back to the kitchen table flopping it down before beginning to examine it in more detail.

  Chapter 15 - The Huntra


  “Tell me again Yu,” I said, trying to piece together the puzzle called, “Mayumi Gushiken.”

  “When the meteors began striking earth,” Mayumi began, “I was working at the Sushi Hut in the mall eatery, that’s when mass panic erupted. I was not going to stick around and wait to be killed so I hopped the counter and ran out of there as fast as my legs would take me. In truth, I did not know what was going on but I did hear explosions and knew it was imperative I join the evacuating crowd.

  “Within a minute after I was out the west entrance near Macy’s, a meteorite strike knocked me unconscious. The next thing I knew I was waking up in a ditch, close to where the mall once stood. I woke to People screaming, many others were dead, fires were raging all around me, cars were overturned and destroyed, it was something out of a nightmare and balls of flames were still falling from the sky,” Mayumi looked up dramatically.

  “Weren’t you scared?” Ethan asked, hanging on every word Mayumi spoke.

  “I was scared at first, especially when I awoke dizzy in a ditch. But being a Huntra I had been trained to deal with disasters and bad situations, so I calmed myself as I was taught, taking deep soothing belly breaths. Very quickly I regained, then honed my senses and accessed the situation as best I could. I convinced myself that it was not a time to panic; it was a time to prepare for the worst which I knew was yet to come with the aftermath. So I focused all my energy on survival.”

  “Before you finish your story Yu, I need to know one thing. Using Caelyn’s favorite word, ‘dummy’—am I the only ‘dummy’ here not getting this? What the hell is a ‘Huntra’ Yu?” Arthur shook his head. “Hunter I understand, but Huntra? I’ve never heard that term before. Is it just a female hunter or something?”

  Mayumi turned and stared directly at Arthur before going on causing him to instantly blush, and I could see he was continuing to fall fast for my best friend and even faster for the so called, “Huntra,” who sat before him.

  “Arthur, are you listening to me?” Mayumi scolded.

  “Huh . . . what . . . Yes, I’m listening.”

  “A ‘Huntra,’ Arthur is someone who trains to hunt and track werewolves. I was brought up in Japan, in the ancient city of Kyoto where Huntra’s have trained for thousands of years, mainly because there are many werewolves in Japan to track, especially in the ancient cities. I loved tracking werewolves throughout Kyoto and Osaka but my parents pushed me to learn more about the different werewolf packs around the world, so I was sent to live with my relatives here in the United States to study and track American Werewolves. I have been studying Jax and his family for three years.”

  “YOU’VE BEEN STUDYING MY FAMILY? FOR THREE YEARS!” What could you possibly learn from my family? We’re boring as hell,” Jax looked slightly embarrassed.

  “Oh, lots of things Jax. Like your sleeping habits, what types of food you ate, when you hunted, what you hunted and how you dealt with full moons, among other fun stuff,” Mayumi grinned. “Jax, I was just observing, Huntra’s do not get involved and you should know that.” Mayumi sounded more like a member of the Department of Natural Resources than a seventeen year old girl. It was really kind of impressive and I found myself admiring her knowledge.

  “I’ve heard about Huntras from my father and grandfather but neither I nor my father has ever met one,” Jax said. “And I never would have guessed you to be a Huntra, Mayumi. Definitely seeing you in high school that thought never crossed my mind. But seeing you now and how laser focused and deadly your eyes are, I honestly don’t know how I missed it.”

  “Of course you missed it,” Mayumi winked, “I am a Huntra and we do not reveal ourselves unless in emergencies, as this is. And now that you know what I am, and I already know what you are, let’s please drop the act from this moment on and just be friends, ok,” Mayumi yawned giving Jax a thumbs up.

  “Sounds good to me,” Jax smiled, “I’m just relieved you’re on our side.”

  “Now as I was saying,” Mayumi turned back to the rest of us, “I woke up in this ditch and had to get to safety. I needed cover and needed it fast and that is when I spotted Dillon and Earl and knew they would lead me to safety since they were werewolves. I did not expect them to turn out to be traitors though. Luckily they lead me to a cave where I was able to hide until the showers slowed. I survived on my own as you can see, although it was not easy, but that is not the important part of my story. The important part is that I found out Dillon and Earl were working with vampires,” Mayumi paused taking a large swig from a water bottle before her almond eyes suddenly grew large.

  “Are you alright?” I asked worried.

  “I Got It!” Mayumi choked her drink down.

  “Got what?” I leaned in anxiously.

  “The vampires . . . You see, they knew Jax was headed to the lake! When he and his friends left his home to take all of you to go meet up with the human camps heading east, the vampires attacked Jax’s home. Of course when his father did not give them what they wanted, they faked the whole encounter with you on the lake,” Mayumi turned towards Jax excitedly. “So you would unknowingly go back to your home bringing Dillon and Earl with you to find the book they were so desperately searching for. Which by the way, is exactly what you did . . . you found the book your parents were unwilling to give up and now they surely know we have acquired it.”

  “That sort of makes sense in a crazy, twisted way,” Jax pondered tapping his fingers on the table staring into nothingness. “But that sounds pretty far-fetched.”

  “Yes, it was all preplanned and happened very fast, but how did they prepare so well for it? That is the question that needs to be answered,” Mayumi said, her tired demeanor gone, replaced by a clear rush of adrenalin.

  “Maybe they were watching Jax’s house like they do in spy movies, with hidden cameras and microphones and things like that?” Victoria spoke up.

  “You’re absolutely right Victoria Allister,” Mayumi smiled at her and Victoria’s face lit up. I simply looked on in confusion waiting for her to explain what she was getting at.

  “I am?” Victoria replied just as surprised as me.

  “She is?” Jax said quizzically. “There’s no spy equipment hiding in this place, I’m pretty sure of that.”

  “Yes, she’s right Jax, but they weren’t spying on your house from the outside with gadgets; they had an informant, a spy on the inside, someone close to you or your father.” Mayumi said.

  “THAT’S IMPOSSIBLE,” Jax slammed his fists on the table. “Everyone in the house was a trusted friend; they were all dedicated werewolves and worked for our survival in this new world. They wouldn’t sell me or my family out — especially not to vampires.”

  “It’s not impossible Jax,” Mayumi said cautiously. “What about your two friends who were with us in the boat? Could one or both of them have done something like this?”

  “ANDREW AND CHARLES?” Jax’s voice cracked in anger, “They’re my friends; I watched them die to protect me, to protect all of you. Don’t be so absurd Mayumi!”

  “Are you sure they are, dead?” Mayumi asked calmly.

  “Is it possible Jax, could Andrew or Charles be traitors too?’’ Arthur added.

  “No, they can’t be. I’ve known them for years,” Jax tried to sound sure but the tone in his voice was questioning.

  “Is there even a remote possibility?” I asked carefully, trying not to irritate Jax anymore than he already was. “R
emember they did disappear for a while longer than you thought down by the lake. They could have told the vamps where we were and at the same time the vamps could have gone to your parent’s house and looked for the book. Think about it Jax. It makes sense and fits the timeline of events.”

  Jax looked angry, “Even though I hate to admit it, there is a slight possibility that one or possibly both of my friends could be traitors and working with the vampires. So yes, there’s a chance, but I doubt it.” Jax paused in thought before speaking again, “Let me get this straight. The vamps planned the whole fight on the lake and intentionally did not kill me so I’d go back home and search for the book? With Dillon and Earl to boot, that’s a bit of a stretch Mayumi. I could have gone anywhere; I didn’t have to go home.”

  “But it worked,” Arthur said, convinced of Mayumi’s theory. “Although I want to kill every last one of them, those bastards are clever. They actually got you to go back home on your own and guess what? You found the damn book for them. Again, the book your mother and father wouldn’t give up and the book Dillon and Earl were supposed to take from us. . . HOLY SHIT . . . that means they’ll be coming back for it for sure, doesn’t it?”

  “Jax, they just wanted to scare you enough so you would travel back home and hopefully look for the book yourself,” Mayumi said, somberly bowing her head. “They knew trying to force you to give it up would not work, just as it did not work with your parents. They had to trick you.”

  With his parents captured and his best friends’ possible traitors this was not one of Jax’s happiest moments. He sat quietly staring down at the table breathing deeply and I could tell his inner wolf was raging to escape.

  Mayumi let Jax think things over and stopped asking questions, which relieved me more than I could say. Instead she began telling us her story from where she left off and let Jax sit quietly with his thoughts.

  “As I was saying,” she began again. “I expected to follow Dillon and Earl out onto the lake to meet with Jax and his friends but I did not expect to find all of you with him.” Mayumi raised her eyebrows, “I was shocked in a happy way because all I overheard was that Jax was taking some humans back east. Never in a million years would I have thought it was you five Addie, otherwise I would have warned you straight away—I am sooo sorry, please forgive me.”

  “It’s alright Yu, there’s no way you could have known. But you are saying that the vamps didn’t pass us on the lake first and then to Jax’s house, they had already been there?” I said, trying to wrap my brain around the whole unlikely scenario.

  “Correct Addie-san; it seems the vampires attacked the house first to find the book and upon not finding it scared Jax into going home. They must have reasoned that Jax would eventually figure out they were after the book and he would discover it for them. Clever things those vampires.”

  “Well that explains how they knew Sampson would be taking us across the lake,” Jax sighed, “Someone in my house must have told them and they were there to make sure it was only us on that boat. . . Really . . . Andrew and Charles . . . REALLY . . . ?” Jax shook his head in disgust before dropping it on the table with a thud.

  “Addie listen, the reason I did not expose myself once I realized you five were with Jax was because I did not want to put all of you in jeopardy. I did not know where Jax’s loyalty laid; I had to be sure before showing myself, especially since Dillon and Earl had gained everyone’s trust. I was just outside when I heard the ‘Vade Mecum’ was found . . . Great work by the way Caelyn, in translating the word jumble.”

  “Thank you, Yu,” Caelyn smiled.

  “I had to move quickly, I knew that Dillon and Earl wanted the book and I could not let them get out into the open with it. In Jax’s house I had them cornered and the element of surprise on my side so I took it and everyone here knows the rest.”

  “WOW, and I thought I knew you Miss Mayumi Gushiken,” I shook my head and grinned in disbelief, “If that is your real name?”

  “Of course it’s my real name and you do know me, I am that same girl you made friends with in 9th grade, and we are best friends forever. I still have our BFF bracelet, look,” Mayumi lifted up her wrist to show me the half heart silver charm bracelet we’d bought together at the mall in 9th grade. “It brought me luck.” She smiled, tears forming in her tired almond eyes.

  “No, they’ve brought us luck Yu,” I lifted my wrist showing her my half of our BFF heart bracelet. “Still I don’t know why you didn’t ever tell me you were a Huntra, I would have understood.”

  “No way could I have told you that I was doing an overseas study at Lyall High during the day and some off the record werewolf study during the night. I could not have said, ‘Hey Addie-san, want to go track some werewolves with me tonight after school? Oh and by the way, Jax is one too.’ Could I? You would have thought I was nutty.”

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right, I’m just glad you’re safe and on our side. You’re one scary bitch when you have an arrow pointed at someone.” I said and everyone laughed, the unshed tension finally leaving the room evaporating into the cool thin air.

  “So we have this Book, now we must figure out how to use it,” Mayumi looked from me to Jax. “The vampires will be here soon Jax and we cannot be, or we are dead. They now know what I look like and that I am a Huntra. So where do we start?”

  Jax sat straight, paused then shot up from the table without a word, his chair scratching across floor as it slid back. On a one man mission he began searching the bookshelves once more. “A clue has to be here somewhere.” He muttered as he started pulling out every remaining book on the shelf and tossing them onto the floor with thumps after a quick glance at their covers.

  Chapter 16 - An Unusual Recipe


  Without so much as a word, Jax searched the entire house in werewolf speed determined to find some mysterious clue to unlocking the importance of the Vade Mecum.

  Arthur promptly teamed up with Mayumi and together they combed over the inside of Jax’s home using her unique Huntra’s perspective. Once done inside, they headed outside. That’s when I heard Arthur proudly explain to my best friend the various ways he knew how to kill werewolves and vampires. In turn she shared her knowledge of hunting, tracking and killing if need be, with him. Including setting vampire traps using your own blood, to tracking without being seen or heard. They were creating a strong albeit unusual bond, definitely not the normal conversation teenagers have with each other when getting closer but considering the circumstances it seemed to be working its magic.

  Once they’d finished outside and reentered the home, Arthur sat and enthusiastically wrote down in detail everything Mayumi had taught him. Being alone by her side, watching her in her element, it seemed Arthur’s knowledge grew stronger, along with his affection for Mayumi. Little did he know Mayumi was also having similar feelings for him, I could see it in her dark eyes. She had that classic, “more than intrigued” look on her face. A look I’ve seen on more than one occasion when she was interested in a boy she’d met. Although romance usually didn’t work out for her and boys as she could be very particular about the littlest things. Now I understood why.

  Mayumi casually walked towards me noticing I’d been watching the two of them, her shoulders tall and proud. When she was close enough she whispered, “Your brother was such a pest when he was younger but he has grown into a pretty cute guy . . . still he is only sixteen . . . but I am only seventeen . . . will he every grow up . . . ?” Mayumi stared longingly at Arthur a moment. “Addie, this is stupid, I don’t have time for teenage crushes, I need to focus on the end of the world . . . we need to survive, and not . . .” She cut off her own sentence, smiled and shook her head, “No, I must stay focused on the task at hand, no distractions,” she said under her breath then walked away before I even had a chance to reply. It was then that I knew she was in deep for my brother and worried about the outcome of our fate. I only prayed their attraction for each other wouldn’t cause tens
ion with the group dynamic we seemed to be quickly forming.

  Turning my attention back to the rest of the room I found Ethan sitting between Victoria and Caelyn at the large kitchen table flipping through the Werewolves Member Vade Mecum page by page reading the romantic love story and searching for clues in the book. “This is sooo boring.” He complained, “We’ve read through half the book and it’s just plain dull. Isn’t there anything else I could do? Please.” He gasped rolling his eyes.

  “A guide to what? A guide to what? A guide to what?” Caelyn questioned herself over and over while running her finger across each coarse page line by line trying to find even the smallest of clues to unlock the book’s secrets.

  Victoria simply rocked back in her chair and watched with annoyance, “I’m with Ethan, what else can we do?” She muttered half asleep.

  Returning to where I originally found the book, I decided to go through the bookshelf yet again, this time with even more scrutiny. This also gave me an excuse to be closer to Jax. I desperately wanted to help him and to work with him and attempted to speak with him numerous times but he was having none of it and apparently wasn’t in the mood for chit chat. Feeling Jax’s cold shoulder, I decided to watch and wait for him to ask for help instead, keeping as near to him as possible, replaying the surreal moments in my head leading up to our present situation.

  “This is a waste of time,” Jax finally grunted in frustration. “The house has been searched from top to bottom, inside and out and still nothing new about this stupid book. Maybe the title is NOTHING at all, just a coincidence and there’s NOTHING important about it!” Jax said before punching a hole in the closest wall he could reach.

  He’d had enough, we’d all had enough and we were wasting time. All but giving up hope, Jax stared at the book as if willing something out of it, that magic would just happen, but nothing did.


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