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A Time To Survive (Verge of Extinction): A Magical & Monstrous / Supernatural Urban Fantasy.

Page 12

by J. Axbridge

  “So Yu, is this the book you were searching for?” I asked my best friend, already sure of her answer, or so I thought. I was just looking for confirmation.”

  “Actually Addie, it is not the main book I am in search of,” Mayumi brushed her hair back, revealing her more serious face, “This is an important book; the Werewolves Member Vade Mecum is a one of a kind, known all around the world to werewolves and Huntras alike. But I am searching for an even more special book if that’s possible, that actually may just be a tale. Yet if it does exist it will . . .” Mayumi paused thinking of the correct slang in English as she often did in school, “How do you say it? . . . Blow your mind,” she made exaggerated hand explosions on either side of her head grinning, causing everyone to laugh.

  “What book could possibly be more important than this one?” Arthur asked. “This has everything a wolf would want access too. It’s the whole werewolf world in one place. That’s more than impressive!”

  “Not true Arthur, the book I am searching for is even more precious. For example if this Members Book were gold, then the book I am searching for is a rare diamond . . . it is called, ‘The Book of Symbols’ . . . Have you ever heard about or seen anything like that Jax?” Mayumi’s voice rose in anticipation. “It is part of the so called, ‘Fairy Prophecy.’”

  “Book of Symbols? Fairy Prophecy?” Jax shook his head in thought for a second. “Nope, never heard of that book nor the prophecy, are you sure they’re real?”

  “Well I believe the book is real and that is enough for me. I also believe if you would have made it to your eighteenth birthday before this craziness started, The Book of Symbols would have been explained to you and possibly the Fairy Prophecy also. That is how it is done for Huntra’s in Japan; once we reach eighteen we are taught a lot of the mystical and magical secrets of our world. Of course I was told a little younger since I was sent to the USA to study werewolves and my Sensei wanted to prepare me for everything he could, especially if I was fortunate enough to come across a mystical book called, ‘The Book of Symbols’. The Fairy Prophecy on the other hand, I have no clue, my Sensei only mentioned that it played a bigger role in this world and that it was connected to the book somehow.”

  “Obviously you must know why the book is important, having learned so much about it.” Jax urged.

  “Unfortunately I do not, I left Japan before my training was complete so I do not know much about the book in detail. I only know that this particular book could change the course of the world. You see, as a Huntra I have a sworn duty to protect humans from not just rogue werewolves but all mystical and magical enemies that may try to harm them. This book, as I understand could cause grave harm to humans, therefore it is my duty to find and secure the Book of Symbols as fast as possible if there is a danger of it being acquired by an evil person or group. Again, that is if the book even exists and is here in the USA. There are a lot of ‘if’s’ to consider you must realize.”

  “And why would you think it’s in America?” Jax prodded further.

  “Let’s just say I have a gut feeling I was sent here to not just study American Werewolves. Why else would my Sensei even mention to look out for such a thing?”

  “I admit Yu it does sound interesting, you have peaked my curiosity but let’s concentrate on this book first.” Jax held up the Werewolf Member Guide. You know the saying, ‘A book in the hand is better than two in the bush,’” He smiled at his own joke. “Anyway, we might find a clue to finding that book you’re searching for by using this Vade Mecum first,” He tapped the book cover lightly.

  “So who else do we know are werewolves,” I turned to Page four, which was the start of the Werewolves Member’s List for Jax’s region. The names were written neatly in alphabetical order by last name followed by location. Right there in front of us, the 3rd family down just below the Acker family and written in bold letters we saw it:


  Parents: Elizabeth & Hadwin

  Kids – Adelaide, Arthur, Caelyn, Victoria, Ethan

  Location: Lyall City

  Werewolf Status =?

  Symbols = 0.

  “WHAT THE . . .” I shrieked loudly, as Mayumi and Jax stared at me and my siblings in shock, before their expressions slowly melted into a confused wonder.

  “Why are we in the Werewolves Member Vade Mecum? We’re not . . . werewolves?” I said bewildered; not sure what to think. “Tell me Jax, why is my family name in your parent’s book? And look . . . look at our Werewolf Status. It has a question mark, what in the world does that mean? Are we or are we not supposed to be werewolves? And apparently our symbols equals zero, whatever that means too?” I stared at Jax with my hands on my hips, clearly unnerved with my family being in the book next to all the actual werewolf families. “Is this some sort of cruel joke?”

  “Addie’s never got a zero in anything, she’s just in shock,” Arthur said sarcastically.

  “Shut it Arthur before I shut it for you!” I glared at my brother.

  “This must be some mistake Addie, I would have known you were a werewolf the minute I met you in 9th grade,” Mayumi tried to reassure me. “Spotting werewolves is part of my training and I have never felt you were a Werewolf at all and Jax there . . . he would have smelled your female werewolf scent a mile away, trust me,” Mayumi bowed her head slightly to Jax, acknowledging his skills as a werewolf.

  “Mayumi’s right Addie,” Jax touched my shoulder causing me to shudder. “It makes no sense as to why your family is in this book. It’s obvious you five aren’t werewolves,” He said matter of factly.

  “But . . . we are in this magical werewolf directory so we might be werewolves?” Victoria said giddily.

  “I think its cool our names are in this book. I want my werewolf powers? Shouldn’t I have a sixth sense or something?” Ethan asked Jax as he thrust his palms out like Spiderman willing webs to shoot out of them.

  “Listen, werewolves aren’t super heroes. You’re not going to have Spidey Senses and Superman Powers. . . Actually . . . maybe you’d be a little more enhanced than normal humans. Have any of you ever felt different?” Jax asked, looking curiously at each one of us.

  A resounding “Never” came from me and then my siblings answered the same. By the looks on their faces they were very surprised by what we’d just found out, except for me, I was in complete disbelief and unwilling to accept the fact that I may be a werewolf. Somehow it made me feel tainted, unwholesome and dirty, like I’d been living a lie my entire life.

  “Yu. . . You said you were looking for ‘The Book of Symbols’? I assume that book has something to do with the ‘symbol’ part written here,” I ran my right index finger across the book entry. “It may be referring to your mysterious book. That means the symbol book is likely real and possibly even around here somewhere.” I glanced around the messy room in thought.

  “Possibly, I was told it was real in my training and I have never doubted it. Now that we see ‘symbols’ referenced here under not just your family’s name but each family in this book, leads me to believe the book is indeed in the USA but it definitely would not be here, both of these books would not be in the same place. . . No matter, we now need to find it before anyone else! We will figure out its purpose once we have it in our possession . . . and maybe it will also shed light on the so-called, ‘Fairy Prophecy.’”

  “OK—OK, let’s be irrational for a second . . . so maybe we’re werewolves, so the hell what. Jax is a werewolf and he’s not that bad?” Arthur conceded. “But considering we’ve never been told this and we don’t have super natural powers yet, let’s just turn the page and see what else this book has to offer. We haven’t even gone through the thing and if I’m not mistaken, none of you have either.” He said flipping the page not nearly as concerned as I was about the possibility that our family may be made up of werewolves.

  Page by page we scanned the book surprised to find there were teachers, town officials and even a few of our friends who were act
ually werewolves and we never knew it. When we finally finished going through the member’s list and the rest of the Werewolves Member Vade Mecum we still had no clue as to why we were listed and why we had a zero on the symbol line where as some of the oldest entries actually had symbol numbers from one to ten.

  With the discussion of the symbol status all but coming to an end the five of us went on to our next big question, our werewolf status. We tried to recount the various events that happened in our lives that may have been strange or unbelievable. But the only thing that was really out of the ordinary for us was the meteoroid shower that destroyed pretty much the whole world and yet we along with our home, miraculously survived, and being a werewolf would have nothing to do with that — luck or God would.

  “Guys . . . Guys . . . GUYS . . . EVERYONE!” Ethan shouted and our heads turned towards him. “We’ve gone through the whole book and found nothing to tell us why we’re in it; but our names are still in there. On the last page I saw a name and location of the ‘Elder Wolf’ for this area. If there’s anyone who would know why we’re in the book besides Jax’s mom and dad it would probably be that Elder Wolf . . . Don’t you think?” Ethan said, hopeful he was on the right track.

  “How old are you again Ethan?” Mayumi asked, her lips curling upwards.

  “Who’s up for a hike?” Jax shouted while staring at Mayumi and nodding. I realized he knew that her being a Huntra, she would love to get back outdoors and on the move.

  “What about your parents and our parents? Shouldn’t we find them first before looking for some Elder Wolf?” Arthur asked, “We don’t even know if that head wolf is still alive? But we do know your parents are alive and our parents could possibly be too. Shouldn’t we at least think about finding them before going on some trek to who knows where?”

  “Arthur, just for a second let’s say our parents are alive,” I turned to my brother. “Even so they’d be thousands of miles from here and we’d be searching for two needles in a giant haystack. Jax’s parents on the other hand would probably be closer and finding them would be the first priority. . .” I swiveled back to Jax, “In any case, it’s up to you Jax; we’ll follow your lead because we’re not splitting up.

  “Thanks, but even if we assume my parents were alive when they left here with their captors, it would be suicide to go after them. By now they’ll be guarded by a lot more vamps. If we somehow made it to the Elder Werewolf first, he could have information on everything going on. Plus he may know more people or werewolves who could help us get them back. So I say let’s go find that old wolf first, find out what’s going on, and return this book to him before the vamps come looking for it again.”

  “Great and if that means we’ll find out why my family is in it, bonus,” I said, holding up the Members Book. “And Yu, you’re not a part of this, you don’t —”

  “I am not a part of this. I AM NOT A PART OF THIS!” Mayumi shouted, cutting me off. “Addie-san, you are my best friend; you are like my own family. Actually, now you are my only family! The world has come to an end and you think I am not going with you. You are crazy Addie if you think I would let you five go on your own, you need me and I need you . . . and of course you too Jax. A werewolf and a Huntra working together would be a great asset to this world right now. I do not know if that has ever been done but there is no time like the present to try something new.” Mayumi was upset, possibly even hurt by my suggestion and I quickly apologized.

  “Sorry Yu, I didn’t mean to offend you. You are as much my sister as the twins! You are family.” I said and we hugged tightly all the while holding back tears.

  “OK then, so if we’re going to do it, let’s do it. No more hugs and no more screwing around!” Arthur clapped his hands breaking the awkward silence. “By the way how far is this place? I’ve never heard of Misquah Hills? I’m assuming that’s where we’re going since it was written next to the Elder’s name.”

  “That’s exactly where we’re going.” Jax said a little too cheerfully. “Unfortunately it’s in Minnesota, easily more than three weeks to get there. Maybe even longer depending on the terrain we have to cross. Plus we’ll have to go through areas my family hasn’t explored since the showers.” Jax said, as he began searching through the books and papers on the floor. “If anyone sees a map we could use, let me know.”

  “I guess we all know what we’ll find if we stay here, our untimely death . . . so start taking inventory. We need to pack as much food, drinks, medical supplies and weapons as we can possibly carry, again . . . This is going to be fun,” I sighed, and walked over to the couch flopping down, then opened the Werewolves Member Vade Mecum for some last minute reading hoping to find something else in it that could be useful.

  “Umm . . . excuse me.” Caelyn approached Jax. “My clothes are still a little damp, are there any dry clothes around here I could change into before we leave?”

  Jax’s mood had much improved since we’d decided to search for the Elder Wolf and he smiled warmly at Caelyn, “I do have something you can try on; it’s what I wear when I go on a run.” he disappeared down the hall into his bedroom. Caelyn looked at me and I shrugged my shoulders. Upon returning he was carrying a stack of neatly folded outfits. “Here, take off your clothes and put these on under them. You can use the bedrooms to change.”

  “What in the world are these? They look like a cross between a scuba suit and a track suit and they only go down to my knees,” Arthur said, holding up the thick stretchable suit. “Will this even fit me? It smells like old car tires.”

  “We call them ‘Zip Coats’ and they’re awesome!” Jax’s face was one hundred percent serious, “I know they look really small but they stretch and form to your body. Also they’re waterproof, and they work like insulation. If it’s warm, they keep you cool; if it’s cool they’ll keep you warm. Pretty neat don’t you think?” Jax cracked a grin knowing we all thought these things were a little weird.

  “Zip Coats?” asked Ethan. “There are no zippers on them?” He turned the Zip Coat around in his hands looking at it from all sides.

  “True Ethan, but when we wear them and change from human to werewolf they stretch and the sound they make is like a bunch of tiny zippers zipping up at the same time. It’s the fibers stretching.”

  “Is it loud?” Ethan asked.

  “Not loud at all, but if you’re listening for it you’ll definitely notice it when a change occurs.”

  “And these keep you dry?” Victoria asked skeptically.

  “Yep,” was all Jax said, as he handed the last suit to me with a wry, sexy smile. He was obviously flirting with me and I loved it, I didn’t want it to stop. Again I felt that magnetic pull to him and if I didn’t move away fast I’d be pulled right into his lips.

  “I wish we had these before we jumped in the water!” Victoria commented as she sized up the Zip Coat to her body.

  “These are really cool; look at all the pockets on the back and sides, what are those for?” Ethan asked curiously, but before Jax could answer Arthur interrupted.

  “Hey, it has a crap trap,” Arthur yelled out, causing Mayumi to roll her eyes.

  By the look on his face, Jax wasn’t amused. “Firstly, to answer Ethan’s question. The pockets are for carrying things like cell phones, knives, power bars and so on, whatever you need on a run. As for Arthur’s comment, that’s a crude way of putting it but he’s right. It’s hard enough to squish into one of these things as it is, so who wants to take them off to use the toilet. So yes, it’s a crap trap when you’re in human form and my tail slides through it, in werewolf form,” Jax awkwardly grinned. “We really do need to get going now, I can explain more on our long hike.”

  I snorted as the twins chuckled under their breath.

  “What’s so funny Addie?” Mayumi asked. “Let me in on the joke.”

  “It’s like . . . it’s like a doggy sweater. Just imagine Cool Jax is wearing a dog sweater. Like the ones you see hanging in pet stores or those doggy costum
es during the Halloween season.”

  Mayumi and I began laughing harder, followed by everyone in the room, including Jax thankfully. It was laughter we sorely needed; it gave the group a chance to let out the pent up stress and tension we had before trekking into the unknown.

  “Hurry up, get changed and let’s go find that Elder Wolf,” Jax yelled out, causing our laughter to simmer down. Then without another word the group dispersed to the bedrooms and began changing into the Zip Coats.

  Exiting the bedroom first, Ethan walked over to Jax with more questions, “But how are we going to find the Elder in the middle of a forest thousands of miles away?” He asked, “That seems impossible, even if we have a map.”

  Opening the Vade Mecum Jax flipped to the end where the Elder Wolf’s name was printed neatly. I believe we simply tap this line here.” Jax said touching the Elder’s name with his index finger and a directional compass swirled into appearance pointing in the direction we needed to head.

  “WOHA, that’s too cool. How did you know how to do that?” Ethan asked, definitely not one to shy away from learning new technology, or old.

  “The directions are right there,” Jax pointed to side notes on how to use the book.

  “Yes, but it doesn’t say how long it’ll take us,” I said from behind Jax and Ethan where I’d been listening quietly, “. . . and whether it’s faster by back roads or highways and what about traffic congestion. What’s up with that? It needs a serious upgrade,” I said, still on a slight high from laughing earlier.

  “Enough Addie, the joke’s over,” Jax closed the book then faced me. “Let’s just . . . umm, yeah, umm . . . we just need to get going.” He tried to sound strong and serious in tone but seeing me standing there with only my ‘form fitting’ Zip Coat on he stumbled over his words and quickly turned and walked to the kitchen table. I must say, it did look rather amazing on me and made me think that maybe Mayumi was right after all; maybe I would look good in leather?


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