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A Time To Survive (Verge of Extinction): A Magical & Monstrous / Supernatural Urban Fantasy.

Page 27

by J. Axbridge

  “COME ON PETER, YOU CAN MAKE IT! RUN, RUN, RUN, RUN LIKE THE WIND, RUN LIKE WE WERE TAUGHT PETER!” Shawn screamed over and over, but looking back I knew today was not going to be my day. As Thomas, I would have to make a sacrifice this day for the greater good. Running on my toes at full speed over the narrow bridge I slid my hatchet out of my belt loop and started chopping at the hand ropes on both sides.

  “NOOO—PETER, YOU’LL GO WITH THEM!” Shawn yelled as loudly as he could, trying to gain my attention but I’d already made up my mind. We were all going down together!

  The vampires realizing what I was trying to do as the ropes began falling away turned into wavering tight rope walkers before catching their balance and running smoothly again. Two vampires instantly made missteps and quickly and silently fell to their deaths. Two down, I thought but the rest continued to control their balance and stayed on course as if the ropes were never there in the first place. “Dammit,” I cussed under my breath and pushed harder, if that was even possible, but not before noticing Lawrence Karayan coming up behind me inhumanly fast.

  I knew Karayan was determined not to let the bridge fall otherwise he’d never get to the SymJin today. One more quick glance and I saw him flashing passed everyone, moving so fast his feet barely touched the wooden planks. “Shit,” I muttered sensing the head vampire coming on strong and knew what I had to do to stop him.

  With what was left of the bridge already swaying from side to side from the weight, I decided to try and cut a support rope from the canyon wall. I couldn’t stop to do it though otherwise Lawrence Karayan would fly by me getting to the other side first, securing the bridge for his family of blood suckers to follow. This was something I had to do on the run.

  Lifting my hatchet, my right arm bending behind my head, I aimed and threw with all my might as a vampire grabbed my ankle and we smacked flat onto the thin board and rolled off. The vampire who tripped me up lost his grip and was gone, gravity pulling him to his death below but he’d succeeded in stopping me. I held on for my life with my left hand, my body dangling dangerously from the thin boards swaying back and forth.

  Hanging under the bridge, slowly regaining my strength, I reached up with my right hand to get a better grip and watched my hatchet rotate end over end as it sliced through the crisp air in silence heading towards the mountain wall where the bridge rope was attached. Lawrence Karayan knew what I was trying to do and ran fast ignoring me while trying to get to the end before the bridge came down in totality.

  But even with his speed he wasn’t fast enough; the hatchet hit the rope, cutting it in two as it stuck with a crack into the rock wall. The bridge tilted 90 degrees to the right and more vampires fell to their deaths hundreds of feet below screaming while I still hung on trying to shimmy my way towards the end. Lawrence too had fallen off but was able to hang on, and I watched him pull himself upright easily, his face growing angrier than before. Unbelievably he began running again, this time on the one rope left; it gave the appearance that he was flying. I had to pull myself up also but time was running out as vampires were now shimmying towards my position and what was left of my strength was waning. That gave me no choice but to begin kicking to keep them back just long enough to look up and yell to Shawn.


  Shawn knew he couldn’t wait any longer, his eyes said it all. He watched me clinging on for my life as Lawrence Karayan zipped up the bridge towards him in a blur.

  “I’m going to miss you brother . . . , until we meet again!” I saw him whisper, as he swung his hatchet towards the last tied rope cutting the bridge away from the mountain, watching me fall in slow motion to my untimely death along with the remaining vampires who were stuck on the bridge with me.

  Lawrence Karayan though having crossed the midway point jumped moments before the bridge disappeared under his feet. I hope he doesn’t make it, I thought, then closed my eyes and listened to the whooshing of the wind around my body before my world went black.

  Chapter 43 - Lives


  High pitched screams echoed in the canyon bringing me back to the moment at hand, turning my gaze from where Peter was a moment earlier, to a figure flying towards the canyon wall. “We didn’t get him,” I uttered watching Lawrence Karayan glide gracefully to the side of the jagged mountain gripping onto it like a rock climber with his overly large fingers and toes.

  I jumped up without hesitation and ran back to tell my great grandfather the news as fast as my legs could take me. Running into the open cabin I explained what had happened through gasping uneven breathes.

  “Peter and Thomas . . . , dead; gave their lives . . . but killed many vampires . . . ,” I said turning to the Allister’s. “You five . . . you better make their sacrifice worthwhile . . . and get to safety—NOW!” I spat, pointing to the back door taking in deep breaths with exhaustion, my wide chest heaving in as much air as it could take to regain my strength. “Grandfather . . . there is worse news! The giant vampire made it to this side of the mountain; he will be here soon.”

  “That’s it, no more talking, you must all go. We have no more time here,” my great grandfather said, pushing Jax in the back towards the back door.

  “No, I can’t go with them,” Jax stood his ground then turned and looked Adelaide in the eyes.

  We don’t have time for this, I thought as they stared at each other longingly.

  “You go Addie, take your family west and be safe. Once I rescue my parents I will come out west to find you. For now, Mayumi can guide and guard you, she is a great Huntra.” Jax had clearly made up his mind. I admired the young werewolf; he was a brave man that I was happy to have met, I only hope we have time to become friends.

  Mayumi in all her human beauty bowed her head to Jax in gratitude. Adelaide was speechless, she knew they had to go, we all knew they had to go now and there was no time to argue with Jax. Her eyes welled up. I could tell she wanted to go to him, and it looked as if she was going to kiss him, we were all waiting for it so we could get moving. But instead she hesitated. Really, I thought then turned my attention back to the more important issue at hand.

  “Grandfather, I too will stay and fight, we must give the Allisters and the Huntra a head start, they need more time to escape. Together with Jax, we should be able to slow the giant vampire down,” I said, pulling out a folded map from my back pocket, tossing it to the Huntra.

  “Keep this map safe Huntra, on one side you’ll find directions to the Book of Symbols. I believe you’re looking for that,” I said with a wry smile. “On the other you’ll find a map that will take you west through the safe areas. You’ll find I’ve made notes of what I found out west. Humans fighting, groups of them against the vampires, werewolves and the infected, they trust no one, be careful! This map should get you to them safely but you must show them you can help and prove that you’re human and they may let you into their ranks. NOW GO!” I yelled, “Take those vampires down, kill every last one of those damned demons and take our world back!”

  Chapter 44 - Parting Ways


  Jax’s heart was torn; I could somehow feel it as worry filled my eyes. He wanted to go with me, to keep me safe, yet he knew he must find his parents soon. Slowly he walked over to where I stood, kissing my cheek gently before stepping back waiting for me to leave the cabin. But I wasn’t ready to let go. Instead I grabbed the front of his shirt so hard the buttons pulled taut. Yanking him close, I held him tightly breathing in his wild nature scent I loved so much. I wanted to kiss him . . . wanted to kiss him so hard it hurt, but my mind drifted back school and I didn’t want to scare him off before we had a chance to start something even bigger and better. Tears streamed down my face as we let go of each other’s hands staring longingly at one another.

  Arthur pulled the large oak door wide open and was waiting for me to follow. “Come on Addie, we’ve got to go. Get y
our butt out the door. There’ll be plenty of time for mushy crap when we meet back up . . . and we will meet back up!”

  I gave him my, “leave me alone big sister stare,” and Arthur knew they’d be starting on without me.

  “Go ahead, you and Mayumi lead the twins and Ethan, and I’ll be right behind you,” I ordered, all the while my eyes stayed trained on Jax and his grievous expression.

  Arthur, Mayumi, Victoria, Caelyn and Ethan with chuters clutched tightly in hand, ran out the back door of the cabin following a barely visible trail into the dense forest.


  “NOT SURE . . . ,” Mayumi answered, “. . . BUT I’M POSITIVE THEY’RE IMPORTANT. ”

  “I’M NOT GOING TO LIKE THIS!” Was the last thing I heard before Arthur’s voice drifted away. Definitely my long distance hearing had improved, must be a werewolf thing, I thought before returning my full attention back to Jax.

  I finished a string of pleas begging him to stay with our group and after he’d declined each one with regret, I sadly turned to leave when yet again the front door kicked open. This time in its place stood the large vampire we were told to defeat - Lawrence Karayan and all seven feet of his huge menacing frame. Bleeding, with scratches and gouges over his body from climbing up the side of the jagged mountain, he looked bitter, angry and determined to get us and anyone who stood in his way for his grasp of earthly power.

  “Enough of these childish games Braddock,” Lawrence Karayan spat, “It’s time to finish you off, RIGHT NOW!” He let out a blood curdling scream and I froze with fright. Jax and Shawn attacked instantly, not waiting for approval but the huge vampire was strong, effortlessly flinging Shawn out the opened door in which he’d came, with Jax barely holding onto his thick neck. Shawn returned in werewolf form clamping his jaws into Lawrence’s leg causing him to screech wildly.

  Using werewolf strength, Shawn lifted the large vampire’s leg off the ground and pulled him out the cabin door hopping on one foot. Once outside I noticed Lawrence’s leg began dripping thick, dark blood, pooling on the ground as they continued to struggle for superiority. Shawn and Jax seemed to have the edge for the moment and were pushing and pulling the vampire back towards the fallen bridge as they fought hard. Jax finally took an open opportunity to go after the vampire’s neck and with Shawn on his leg they seemed to be overpowering the enormous monster. Lawrence started to lose his balance and began to flail about, going down on one knee before somehow regaining his strength and composure.

  The Elder Wolf to my surprise had not changed forms yet and did not enter the brawl, he simply watched the fight unfold and waited while I kept my distance watching from behind him. Coming deathly close to the edge of the mountain, Lawrence was able to stand erect once more. He violently shook Shawn off his leg then kicked him towards the cliff furiously. Shawn slid fast, frantically reaching for anything to latch onto in werewolf form but as in slow motion he slid over the side of the mountain top, disappearing without a sound.

  I wanted to help him but was too far away to get to him in time. Jax meanwhile trying to tear off Lawrence’s head from behind was met with the vampire’s full raging fury. Lawrence reached over his head grabbing Jax’s shoulders with such bone crushing strength that Jax let out a painful cry. With his inhuman might the powerful vampire easily threw Jax over the side of the jagged cliff and then slowly turned to face the Elder Wolf and let out a low blood curdling laugh.

  “So that’s the best you can do old wolf? You’ve had many years to prepare for my return and you only have two untrained young pups and yourself to defeat me and protect the SymJin?” Lawrence grinned. “It’s been a long time Braddock . . . , much too long. That pathetic fairy friend of yours couldn’t kill me years ago and there’s no way you’re going to kill me now. The vampire nation has risen and we’re going to rule the world once again, the way it’s meant to be ruled – WITH FEAR!”

  “MY DEAR, GO – GO NOW,” the Elder Werewolf ordered calmly as I continued to stand silent in shock, grief beginning to bubble in my stomach. He then turned on the oversized vampire, “You were supposed to be dead Karayan and now you’ve killed my grandsons and a close friend, for that you will finally meet your end, fittingly by the hands of a werewolf. You will not survive this time; I will make damn sure of that, ripping you apart piece by piece!”

  Those were the last words I deciphered before my eyes involuntarily teared up as I turned and ran faster than I’d ever ran before towards the cabin and through the front door, arms pumping hard. Flying immediately out the back at full speed I hit the trail heading through the dark, dense forest that Mayumi and the rest of my family ran through only minutes earlier. I only hoped I could catch them.

  Chapter 45 - Battle

  The Elder Wolf

  I had no intention of letting the ancient vampire defeat me or get his deathly hands on the Allisters and the Huntra. Angered, I took my walking stick and cracked it on the ground three times snapping off the end and turning my innocent walking stick into a lethal weapon I could wield dangerously. The tip now glistened in the daylight as I held my spear facing Lawrence Karayan. He looked from my spear to my face then smiled wickedly and our long awaited battle was at hand.

  I lunged at Lawrence without hesitancy but my body moved much slower than my mind had led me to believe it could and my age as an Elder showed. Lawrence easily sidestepped my advance with what seemed lighting speed and grabbed my spear a little too easily, right out of my hands. Pausing a moment for my surprise to set it, Lawrence grinned evilly then lunged at me. He would have killed me in that one swift movement if I hadn’t changed into my werewolf form; instead my own spear was now stuck deeply in my hind leg and I fell to the ground in pain. I reached to pull it out but Lawrence again was faster and stood above me pushing the spear deeper into my leg tearing my muscle and bone trying to get me to relinquish this fight and bow to his power but I held strong snarling at the evil creature towering above me.

  With my reaction, Lawrence Karayan pulled the spear out and stepped back laughing, giving me the opportunity to gingerly stand on all fours waiting for round two to begin. He was toying with me, but I still had fight left inside, I would not fold so easily.

  “Braddock, you are defeated, I could kill you now, you are no match for me and neither are those kids. Tell me where they are and where the Book of Symbols is and maybe I’ll let you live.”

  I changed back into human form and stood proud although I knew my time left was probably short as blood spilled from my wound down around my feet. I would need luck to turn the situation to my favor but had a feeling my luck ended with helping the Allisters’ escape, which wasn’t a bad way to end my long life on this once beautiful planet. I was at peace knowing the Allisters’ and Huntra would defeat this being and that I had served my kind and humankind well for my lifetime.

  “You have nothing to say to me Braddock?” Lawrence bellowed, “Then I will do one thing for you that I’ve never done for anyone I’ve ever killed. I will let you speak your last words and relay them to your young friends.” He peered at me in loath.

  “Thank you,” I said wearily, my life draining away, “Please tell them . . . I’m proud they will be the new leaders of earth!” I puffed out my chest, smiling and winking at that evil being. Lawrence did not utter another word; he took my spear and shoved it through my body in one swift and smooth motion. It wasn’t the battle I had envisioned yet I continued smiling as blood began dripping from the side of my mouth as I knew I was at least giving the Allisters’ time to escape by having kept Lawrence Karayan busy talking. Of course, as I stand here in pain, my death eminent, I wish I could have given them a lot more.

  “Karayan,” blood sprayed out of my mouth as I spoke, “those kids are strong and they will kill you. Give up now, go back to where you were hiding while you can,” I coughed up larger amounts blood yet still
grinning confidently at Lawrence, not giving him the satisfaction of my demise.

  Lawrence only chuckled; this time as he lifted my body off the ground by the spear stuck through me. Luckily by this point I was numb to the pain. Slowly he turned me around so I was now teetering on the edge of the mountain only supported by my own spear which I now hung tightly onto with both hands so I wouldn’t fall back.

  “I’ve had enough of you Braddock; go join your pathetic family,” Lawrence Karayan said all too coolly and shoved the walking stick turned spear hard watching me topple over the edge and out of sight. I said not a word, nor screamed, he would not get that satisfaction from me. I simply closed my eyes and wished the best for the Allisters’ and the Huntra as I sailed through the crisp sunny air towards my death.

  Chapter 46 - Over The Edge


  I was sprinting as fast as my legs would take me, flying over the roots and vines trying to trip me up as I raced through the thickening dark forest while my arms created pathways through the overgrown trees on the path. Spying a clearing ahead through a small gap in the trees I pushed myself to get there, pumping my arms harder as I crashed through the overgrowth. Looking down to avoid scratching my face, I burst through the last wall of overgrown brush into a small clearing. Startled, I saw Arthur, Mayumi, the twins and Ethan just standing there looking down, and not even noticing I’d darted up behind them at a full run.

  Realizing an instant too late that they were staring down over a cliff I tried to stop myself from flying over. My eyes widening in fear, I screamed, “Shiiiitt,” trying to slide the way I did during softball practice into home plate, but with mere feet until the drop off to stop my momentum I rolled onto my stomach, reaching back scratching the ground and grabbing for anything I could get a hold of before going over to my death. My efforts, though valiant, didn’t work as I’d hoped and the loose ground seemed to cause me to slide even faster and I felt my body slipping uncontrollably over the edge feet first. All I could do was look up at my siblings and Mayumi in sheer horror.


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