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A Time To Survive (Verge of Extinction): A Magical & Monstrous / Supernatural Urban Fantasy.

Page 35

by J. Axbridge

  “OK Ravot, so what is this ‘new plan’ of yours and how can we help?” Arthur asked. “It must be damn good if you went against Mayumi . . . I know I’d never do that.”

  Ravot then explained to the whole group how we needed to go west to the City of Lands End where the humans and werewolves were living together. He told us we must befriend the humans there and convince them to fight against the Ancient and the other creatures all within three days. He did admit that going west to the edge of the lands and finding enough fighters to follow us was not going to be easy but he believed it was our best hope at making a safe trade.

  After pondering over Ravot’s plan concerning the trade taking place on a boat far off shore with a GuDra flying the book out to them, Adelaide and Arthur decided it was a decent idea after all and I had no choice but to agree with it. With Ethan also in agreement, we packed up what little gear we had left, climbed on a GuDra and immediately flew west towards the City of Lands End.


  We landed out of sight, yet close enough to the large makeshift city of Lands End for Adelaide, Arthur, Ethan and I to walk to the front gates to find out who was in charge. Hopefully they would trust us enough to let us enter.

  “Finally a chance to stretch, flying high in that cold has just about frozen every muscle in my body,” Arthur shivered rubbing his hands together while bending his back backwards, then forwards slowly in a bowing motion before touching his toes.

  “Now that was some fast flying,” Ethan grinned, “That ride was simply awesome.”

  “Thank you Ethan, I appreciate your kind words and I apologize that it was such a cold ride for you humans, but we are here and you are still alive. Now the four of you must enter the city successfully and find the leader at once, then explain to them what is happening and why we need their help. Also do not forget, you must secure a sizable boat for the trade to take place out in the waters.”

  “Easy as pie,” Arthur rolled his eyes.

  “I still do not like leaving my weapons behind Ravot, I feel naked without them.” I complained, as it was Ravot’s idea for us to enter the town unarmed.

  “Yu, you know we can’t go in there with weapons; they might see us as a threat . . . Besides, the GuDra will help us if something goes wrong, they’ll be watching the whole time.” Adelaide tried to assure me although I could tell she was even more nervous than I going in there empty handed and unarmed for the first time in many weeks.

  The four of us began our walk under the gray cloud covered sky starting down a narrow dirt road that led to a checkpoint at the edge of the city. The closer we came, the more we found abandoned cars, trucks and other large debris had been deliberately placed on the path to make a maze on the way to the gate. Apparently this was a way for the Lands End Security to see anyone or anything approaching them easier. It seemed to work also, as soon as we approached the gate a voice rang out.


  “PLEASE - WE’RE SURVIVORS OF THE SHOWERS AND HAVE TRAVELED A LONG WAYS TO GET HERE; IT HASN’T BEEN AN EASY JOURNEY FOR US. WE’RE HUNGRY AND IN NEED OF WATER. CAN WE COME INSIDE PLEASE; IT’S NOT SAFE OUT HERE.” Adelaide spoke loudly in the most sincere high school girlish voice she could muster which was not an easy task with all we’d been through but I believe she did a great job, she sounded overly sweet, very innocent and super desperate.


  The four of us approached the main gate cautiously, keeping our eyes trained on the six enormous men in camouflage waiting with guns aimed in our direction. Without a word the large men motioned for us to raise our arms and hastily patted our bodies down, checking for weapons. When finished, they carefully examined our eyes with a small pen light for any sign of infection and finally they rubbed a blue surgical gloved finger over our top and bottom teeth, inspecting them for vampire fangs.

  “CLEAN AND CLEAR!” The leader of the six men yelled up to the guards in the lookout tower above us.

  The gates creaked opened at a mundane pace, just wide enough for us to squeeze through, and once in it slammed shut and locked behind us. We were then escorted by a group of armed men surrounding us on all sides who had machine guns slung around their shoulders to the city proper. The first positive thing we noticed was a professionally designed red, white and blue sign hanging high between two lifts that read, “Welcome to the City of Lands End - The Last Safe Haven and Vamp Free City on Earth!” Not for long I thought, if they did not decide to help us in our coming fight.

  Chapter 61 - Lands End


  Upon entering the City of Lands End my soul instantly filled with hope; it was amazingly pre-shower in every sense of the word. There were cars on the streets, a variety of shops that were actually open and people bustling here and there almost as if the world was normal. It had been months since we’d seen civilization like this and we were in awe.

  Nervous giddy energy flowed through my veins as I tried to stay calm and collected without smiling too much while we walked down a well groomed sidewalk on Main Street through the center of town. Passing what appeared to be a makeshift jail house, a sign hung out front that read, “Police, Courthouse, Jail,” covering the original Public Library sign.

  Taking in the city, Arthur mumbled, “I miss my old life. I’d take back our suburban hell in a heartbeat. Maybe we’ll all wake up and this is just a bad dream.”

  “I have seen these closed off cities on American TV shows,” Mayumi whispered. “There is always something bad going on that the main characters do not know. It is usually too good to be true and I think we are the main characters in this story!”

  “Well there’s a positive attitude,” I shook my head. “Let’s just meet the people running this place, then we can decide if they’re evil or not, OK Yu? Don’t condemn this city just yet; they may even have lattes and smoothies.” My voice cheerfully rose at the thought.

  “That is the Addie I know, always dreaming.” Mayumi remarked.

  “A CANDY SHOP!” Ethan screamed out, and my heart skipped a beat while he tugged on my arm. I thought we were under attack for a second causing me to reach for my shotgun on my back before realizing I’d left it with the GuDra. Thankfully my little brother was just excited to see a store that actually sold candy like we’d use to visit before the storms. My heart rate returning to normal, I turned to Mayumi.

  “Yu, check that shop out,” I pointed smugly, “candy is one step closer to lattes. Things are looking up.”

  “Do you think they actually have candy?” Ethan asked cheerfully. “I miss candy so much; I should have taken more from the vampire hotel. Can we go?”

  I glanced at our six escorts and they all shook their heads “no,” expressionless without a word.

  “Ethan, we need to meet some people first, and then we’ll head over there, alright.” I offered him a promise I only hoped I could make good, and by the looks of things, I didn’t feel like we were in any trouble just yet.

  “Promise?” Ethan’s eyes pleaded.

  “Yeah, I promise little bro.” I ruffled his hair the way I used to before the showers changed the world and Ethan smiled. At least some things will never change.

  We impatiently continued to walk until we’d reached the edge of town, near where the water line now stood which was half way across a four lane road and directly in front of a small, very fancy looking, gold trimmed hotel. We stood and stared at the waves rolling in for a moment; lapping the pavement like it was a normal everyday occurrence, before climbing the steps behind our escorts.

  Multiple guards were posted on either side leading up to the glass doors who nodded as the six escorts and the four of us entered. The lobby welcomed us with beautiful vases of colorful and fragrant flowers placed strategically on the sleek white marble flooring. Polished oak furnishings adorned the large sitting area near the check-in counter and bottles of fresh water and homemade cookie
s sat on a small table adorned with a folded sign that read, “Compliments of The City of Lands End.”

  “Is this place for real?” Ethan murmured.

  “WOW, you look more excited than when we went to the amusement park last year!” I smiled at my little brother lovingly.

  “But it’s, FRESH WATER AND COOKIES. Who wouldn’t be excited?” Ethan’s eyes and smile widened in unison.

  “I don’t care, water and cookies, dream or not, I’m going to enjoy them nice and slow,” Arthur picked up two cookies and snatched a bottle of water from the counter. Twisting the cap off with a “pop,” he brought the bottle to his mouth when Mayumi swiftly grabbed his arm and held tight causing water to splash out onto the shiny marble flooring.

  “Arthur, that may be poisoned or drugged,” she whispered.

  “Come on Yu, you know they’re safe. They wouldn’t have spiked drinks and cookies just lying around in a lobby of a hotel waiting for strangers to arrive. Would they? . . . And you said I watched too many movies? Well who do you think watched more movies now?” Arthur paused staring at the water bottle and chocolate chip cookies he was about to eat, then begrudgingly set them back down on the small counter.

  “Damn you Mayumi,” Arthur grumbled. “Is this what love does to a guy? Make him listen to whatever a girl says, even if she is wrong.”

  Mayumi’s tense jaw dropped slightly, her face turning scarlet as she gawked at Arthur before punching his arm and pulling him close.

  “Love you too Arthur, but you are still not having those cookies,” She pushed the plate further away jovially.

  “Come on Ethan, let’s check out those comfortable looking leather couches,” Arthur motioned, breaking free of Mayumi’s arm and running off, Ethan quickly behind him. I laughed watching as they both flopped down disappearing behind the couch backs, obviously having lain down.

  “Don’t worry kids, those cookies are eatable. Of course they may not taste the best, they’re one of Berry’s batches, but definitely not poison,” a voice rung out from behind us. A voice I recognized all too well and I froze in realization. At that instant I thought I was dreaming.

  “It can’t be,” I half whispered, still frozen in place and afraid to look. Mayumi naturally spun around quickly, apparently causing the man to stop abruptly as the sound of his footsteps silenced.

  “I don’t believe it! Is the sight before me real?” That same unmistakably familiar voice declared before I heard him walking again, this time his pace quickened, heading straight towards Mayumi. “Mayumi . . . , Mayumi Gushiken is it really you or is my feeble mind playing a trick on me? This is impossible.”

  Conceding that this man actually recognized and knew Mayumi, I knew it was him. . . Arthur and Ethan jumped up from the couch and I whipped around at the same time knowing that the impossible indeed had happened. My heart leapt when I saw him standing there smiling at Mayumi, like she was his long lost child. Then on cue upon seeing me, along with Arthur and Ethan rushing up behind, seeing his actual children alive standing only feet away from him, our dad began to cry.

  “DAD YOU’RE ALIVE! YOU’RE ALIVE!” I yelled, and ran into his outstretched arms like I was a little girl again. My dad hugged me tighter than I could ever remember as Ethan and Arthur ran up to us and joined in the hugging, tears of joy filling everyone’s eyes.

  “Mayumi, don’t just stand there, get in here,” my dad waved to her and then pulled her in when she was near enough, giving her a bear hug also.

  “Where’s mom?” Arthur asked glancing around the hotel lobby expecting to see our mother undoubtedly rushing towards us in joy.

  “She’s not here . . . I’m sorry. She’d be thrilled you’re all safe though . . .” Our father sniffled for a moment, his eyes full of sadness. “Unfortunately she didn’t make it.”

  “What happened to her? Was she killed in the showers?” I asked, tears once again forming in the sides of my eyes, this time for my mother.

  “We were hit badly in Denver . . . , just after landing. She didn’t make it. I’m truly sorry,” my dad looked down, unable to meet our tearful eyes.

  Taking a step back he straightened looking up, wiping tears from his watery eyes then stared at the group of us in amazement, regaining his fatherly smile.

  “But this . . . , my children . . . this is a miracle! I never thought I’d see any of you again. I’ve sent search parties back home but they never found you, I feared you were dead,” he said, shaking his head. “And where are the twins, why are they not with you? Don’t tell me they . . . please not dead.” Fear and dread began to take over my dad’s face and his bright smile faded.

  “Dead? No, they’re not dead. They’re not dead at all, but there is something very important we need to talk to you about dad, and it concerns Victoria and Caelyn.” My dad’s somber face slowly turned to one of confusion. “That’s why we came to this city,” I said, my mood changing from sad to serious. I’d have time to grieve my mother’s loss later; right now I had to concentrate on saving my little sisters.

  “Dad, you are in charge here, right?” I asked, glancing at the armed guards who were still standing by the entrance looking as mean and angry as possible.

  “Yes honey, believe it or not, I’m the acting mayor of Lands End. Those guys with the guns are my private security. I can explain all of that later, just tell me about your sisters, and tell me where they are and if they’re OK.”

  Leading us into the hotel conference room we sat down around a large oval shaped glass table where we were brought drinks, snacks and sandwiches. Arthur, Ethan, Mayumi and I explained all that had happened to us without ever taking a breath in between stuffing our faces with “real food.” We must have looked like pigs but it tasted so great and had been sorely missed.

  We told our dad about how our house was the only one left standing in the neighborhood, about meeting Jax and his werewolf parents, about the Elder Werewolf and especially about Lawrence Karayan, the vampire who held our sisters captive and refused to give them back without giving up a book called, the Book of Symbols. Which we also explained was now being protected by real, living, Guardian Dragons. That was information our Dad didn’t quite believe, but concerning the state of the world he conceded it was definitely a possibility and something he had to see for himself.

  “This is amazing, truly amazing. This has to be the best day of my life! Really it’s a miracle! I never thought I’d see any of my children again and here you are! I missed you kids so much and knowing that the twins are still alive out there is great news. We will get them back! We have a lot of good fighters living here that I believe will help,” our Dad said with fortitude, the happiness in his dark eyes replaced by pure determination to bring our family back together. “Listen, I’m sorry for never telling you about your werewolf genes. Your mother and I, we didn’t want to believe in those things and honestly, who knew the world would end?”

  For the briefest instant, Skyler my quirky friend flashed in my mind, I hadn’t thought about her in a long time but she knew the world would end and she’d told us, she’d told me the night before the showers started. But that thought skipped away as fast as it came as I was brought back to the conversation at hand when Ethan mentioned our mother.

  “Is mom really dead?” Ethan’s voice cracked as he stared at our father.

  “Ethan, she’s gone to a better place. I don’t believe this is the time to go into details. We have a more important task at hand.” Our dad closed his eyes a moment. “Later I will explain everything.”

  “Dad, didn’t the Elder Wolf tell you about us?” I said searching my dad’s face. “How we were special? He told us he’d told you and mom.”

  “Well, yes . . . , actually he did. But you need to understand; mom and I figured he was a kook. I mean come on, really, my five children . . . werewolves. What normal parent would have believed that sort of story? But seeing you now and seeing those markings on your nails, I realize the stories were all true. I apologize; I was blind
to the world and blind to the truth about you children for so long.”

  “Five werewolves? You are mistaken Mr. Allister,” Mayumi took a small bite of her bacon and lettuce sandwich, swallowing quickly. “I guess we forgot to tell you one very important detail, the twins are not werewolves. Their linage comes down from the fairies. It is hard to believe but it is very true. That is why the large vampire wants them.”

  “Wait . . . the twins are fairies? How did you kids forget to tell me that minor bit of information? Come on Mayumi, don’t pull my leg.” Our dad looked at us with a weird smirk, setting down his drink. “Fairies?”

  “Yes they are,” Arthur shook his head, “That’s why we need to get them safely back here even more. We need them to help us win this war with the vampires because they are the only ones who can read the Book of Symbols . . . How in the hell did we forget to mention that part, Mayumi’s right, it’s only the most important thing.” Arthur squished his plastic water bottle then tossed it into the garbage. “Three points!” He yelled with his arms up.

  In a mild state of shock our Dad sat in silence rubbing his week old stubble. “Fairies huh? From this moment on nothing will surprise me . . . yet speaking of surprises.” Our Dad turned to Mayumi smiling while he took a swig of water, “So you’re a werewolf Hunter and Tracker. Is that a family thing Mayumi?”

  “A Huntra, Mr. Allister,” Mayumi corrected my dad. “Actually it is sort of a family thing; but it appears I may be the last of my family to carry on the trade.”

  “So the exceptional grades, the great athleticism. You weren’t just a super sporty bookworm, you were a trained killer. Here I thought you were just a natural born athlete who trained hard . . . I mean, it’s obvious you’ve trained very hard by the looks of it, and what you did to stay alive and save my kids, your friends, is beyond words Mayumi. Thank you, I owe you – we all owe you.” My dad said gratefully causing Mayumi to blush and bow her head.


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