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The Lady Tamed

Page 12

by Boyd, Heather

  He jumped down from the tree stump. “Every career has its challenges. But wouldn’t this make the most wonderful stage to perform upon? Can you picture it? An elevated stage set among the trees over there and bench seats dotted between the old oaks over here. Footmen with trays handing out champagne and canapes to the audience.”

  “Father would never allow so many to trample through his woods.” Fanny caught his hand and tugged hard. “You and I have something important to talk about, sir. About Lord Wilks.”

  His gaze fell upon her face, and a frown replaced his contented expression. “What was in that contract that everyone but me feels is scandalous?”

  “I…” Fanny faltered, her cheeks heating.

  He raised one brow. “Tell me?”

  She shrugged. “I like to be prepared for all eventualities.”

  “And by all eventualities, you mean…”

  Fanny wanted the earth to open up and swallow her whole. She was certain he’d read that part of the contract, but apparently in his enthusiasm to accommodate her request to be his patron, he had not read it properly. “I considered that there might be a possibility that our continued association might lead to sharing a bed. I wrote conditions and compensations into the contract.”

  He stared at her with a frown, no doubt puzzling through what she’d said. “We have shared a bed. I’ve slept with you twice now.”

  “Slept. The contract goes into greater detail.” She gulped. “If we became intimate for any length of time, I imposed a limit to that relationship. I was certain you had read that passage,” she whispered when it seemed clear he really hadn’t understood at all.

  “No. I did not.” He folded his arms over his chest. “So, you actually imagined that the natural course of your patronage was that I would make love to you.”

  “I did consider that it could happen if we found we liked each other enough.”

  “Huh,” he said. He raked his hand over his short hair, frown set in place even more firmly now. “Well. That does explain most of what Wilks said to me.”

  “My brother Samuel knows, too.”

  “So Thwaite stole it, Wilks tried to take advantage and bribe me with it, and your younger brother has read it too, but the duke hasn’t ordered my murder yet.” His eyes widened and he shook his head. “At least no one can prove we’ve been intimate.”

  “My sister suspects I haven’t been alone in my room the last few nights. But it doesn’t matter. She won’t say a word. Thwaite has read the contract and could use it against me. I’m not sure what Wilks wants.”

  “Your money.” Jeremy shook his head. “But the contract is secure in your safe with your jewels and journals again.”

  “Thank heavens.” Fanny sagged against Jeremy, relieved beyond measure as she hugged him. “Thank you.”

  His hand swept up her arm, his fingers moving to the back of her neck and teasing into her hair. He bent his head toward hers and whispered, “All they have is their filthy imaginations now. I highly doubt anyone would believe them on the strength of their word alone.”

  “They could still cause trouble if they made a copy, which I fervently hope they did not consider.” She bit her lip and looked up at Jeremy, studying his face a moment before asking the question she most wanted confirmed. “How did you get the original contract back from them? Samuel suggested that you picked Wilks’ pocket.”

  Jeremy’s hand dropped from her skin. “Did he, now? What else did Samuel say?”

  “He said I should ask you for the particulars. Well?”

  Jeremy took a step back and glanced sideways. Fanny had the uncomfortable feeling he was preparing to run. She put out her hand to him. “Please, we need to talk about this.”

  He glanced her way, his expression shuttered. “There were good reasons I refused to talk about my past. The truth will not allow you to trust me more. In fact, it should do the opposite.”

  Fanny took her time to consider everything he was not telling her. In a way, he was confirming everything. Jeremy Dawes had been, was still perhaps, a thief.

  But Jeremy had been in the presence of her valuables on several occasions and she couldn’t credit that he was dangerous to her. She had not felt, nor did she feel now, that he would steal from her. In fact, his picking a pocket and a lock had been done to help her alone.

  It would be irrational that she might hold that past, and his recent actions, against him in the face of the aid he’d given her. “I won’t ask you to explain now, but I will ask again.”

  He looked surprised by her response.

  Right then, a drop of water landed on his cheek, and he looked up with an oath tumbling from his lips.

  Fanny did too, but all she saw was raindrops falling through the dark canopy and threatening to drench them if they did not move. “We must hurry back to the manor. There is a storm approaching.”

  Jeremy immediately put his arm around her waist. “I’ve been rained on before, but you should certainly not be out in it.”

  They turned for home, hurrying along side by side. But when they reached the edge of the forest it was clear the storm was upon them already. Rain had begun to fall in great sheets across the open field, and with such dark clouds rolling in, the rain could soon become heavier.

  She turned to Jeremy before they stepped out in the worst of it, mulling over what she’d learned in the woods again. Everyone had things in their past they didn’t like to talk about. She was no different. Jeremy could keep his secrets, provided they did not impact her own life. “We don’t need to talk about what you did or have done before we met, unless you want to tell me.”

  His smile reappeared. “I appreciate that. You probably wouldn’t enjoy the telling unless it were put in a play anyway.”

  Fanny gasped. “Don’t you dare put any of that in writing before you tell me. I think we can both agree I made a mistake writing that agreement, and it is a risk we should not take again with our reputations.”

  “You’ll have no argument from me, my lady.” He removed his coat and held it over her head. “We’ll just go on the way we were before.”

  Relief swept through her but then a rolling boom of thunder shook them both, and Fanny suddenly found herself wrapped tightly in Jeremy’s embrace. She wasn’t sure if she’d moved to him or he’d moved to her. All she knew was that in his arms was where she’d like to stay for a while. A good long while. Jeremy felt very safe, even if he was a thief.

  They looked at each other a long moment and then laughed nervously as they parted.

  Fanny gathered up her long skirts in both hands. “We’re going to have to make a run for it,” she warned. “Stay close.”

  He made sure she was protected by his coat. “Always, my lady. I am completely under your direction.”

  Chapter 12

  Jeremy tightened his grip around Fanny’s slender waist and hurried her the last few yards to Stapleton Manor through the hard downpour. They collapsed in the shelter of a stone archway but both of them were soaked through and unfit to be seen by anyone. “We’ll have to get you out of those wet clothes.”

  “You’re wet, too.”

  Jeremy’s appearance hardly mattered in the greater scheme of things. Despite her wearing mourning black from head to toe, there were streaks of mud on Lady Rivers’ skirts at the knees from where she’d slipped and fallen, taking Jeremy down with her. Her once-perfect gown had become a rag.

  If they were seen so disheveled, people might imagine she’d been rutting with him in a field. With the contents of their contract known by Thwaite and Wilks, they might all too happily make baseless insinuations.

  Jeremy couldn’t allow that.

  He had been at Stapleton long enough to have learned the most direct and discreet path to reach his chambers, and Fanny’s chambers weren’t too far along from there. He chivvied her up the first flight of stairs, checking at each turn for servants or a wandering guest.

  At first their path was clear but when they reached the upper fl
oor, they heard voices ahead of them. Jeremy pushed Fanny against a wall and held her there with his body. The Duke of Stapleton was talking with one of the servants not too far away.

  Fanny stifled a laugh against his shoulder.

  “Quiet,” Jeremy warned, seeing nothing amusing in their predicament.

  Fanny tried to peek past him, but he held her close and firmly away from the corner.

  She wriggled against his body, standing on her tiptoes to loop her arms about his neck. Her breath was warm against his ear. “I haven’t tried to sneak around behind my father’s back since I was a girl,” she whispered.

  Her warm breath sent a thrill racing through every part of his body. Jeremy slowly glanced down into her upturned face. “You’re lucky to have a father to sneak around behind,” he murmured, fighting a shiver and something more.

  He could see no sign that Fanny was alarmed by their proximity. In fact, she appeared to be cuddling up to him. She had, too, when he’d slept beside her, at odd times during the night. Right now, a droplet of rain was slowly sliding into her cleavage. Jeremy longed to lick that drop away, but not here in the hall where anyone might interrupt.

  By God, Fanny was a woman to crave. Pretty and used to getting what she wanted. He didn’t mind that she’d thought he might share her bed one day, but he was surprised that she’d want him there, and a month ago it had been, too.

  Her fingers stole into the hair at his nape and her lips parted on a sigh.

  He eased away from temptation. “Your current state is entirely my fault.”

  “Yes, it is.” A cheeky smile lifted the corners of her lips as her fingers spread over his chest. “What are you going to do about it?”

  Jeremy scowled. She was daring him to misbehave, and right here where her father could find them. Here was further proof that this woman didn’t play by society’s rules. But he was trying to.

  Jeremy peeked around the corner in time to see Stapleton turn into the stairwell and finally disappear. He waited a moment longer to be sure the duke was really gone and then grabbed Fanny by the hand to pull her out of hiding. He rushed her down the hall, and they reached her chambers without being seen. She produced a key and let herself in.

  Jeremy followed and looked around. “Where’s is that bloody maid of yours?”

  Fanny chuckled. “My maid is never in my room at this time of day. I’ve no idea where she is, either, or desire to know. I like my privacy.”

  He shook his head. “You allow your maid, all your servants, to run roughshod over you.”

  Fanny shrugged and moved toward the far windows to look outside and then turned to face him, her eyes alight. “The storm hasn’t abated. It could be like this for hours…and no one will come to disturb us.”

  “I’ll ring for your maid,” he decided.

  “Oh no, you won’t.” Fanny rushed to get between him and the bell. “All I need is a little help from you again.”

  Jeremy froze briefly then shook his head. Last time, he’d undressed her in the dark. He shouldn’t undress Fanny in the daylight. Not with Thwaite and Wilks lurking about. “The maid would do a better job.”

  “Of undressing me?”


  She popped a button undone at the front of her gown. “Of rinsing my skin clean and drying me?”

  Jeremy gulped. Fanny was pushing his limits on purpose. “Yes, of course, the maid will be needed for that.”

  Fanny sidled closer, her face upturned to his. There was a streak of mud on her jaw, and more water droplets splattered on her now heaving chest from her dripping hair. By God! Even bedraggled she was stunning.

  Jeremy trembled as she lay her hands upon his chest again.

  “Fanny,” he warned.

  “There’s no need to fight this.”

  “I must. One of us should give a damn about your reputation.”

  Fanny cupped his cheek. “You did me a great service retrieving my property from Wilks.”

  He pulled away immediately. “You’ll not thank me like this.”

  Her gaze followed him. “Don’t you find me attractive?”

  He scowled at her. “You know I do.”

  Her attention dropped to his lips. “Please won’t you kiss me, Jeremy? Please.”

  It was the second please that frayed his restraint. “Lady Rivers should never beg for attention.”

  “Then give me the kiss I’ve been waiting for.”

  Jeremy fought with his desires. He had wanted Lady Rivers since the moment they’d met. But that was in London, where casual flirtations were part and parcel with his profession. This was quite something else happening between them. They were playing with fire. She wanted to explore all the possibilities of their agreement. If he failed to please her, would she deny him her aid for everything else in the future? He wished with all his heart that he had never signed that damned agreement. “I should have no right to touch a woman like you.”

  She put her hands on her hips. “I’m only a woman.”

  “Lady Rivers, that does not even begin to describe you. This conversation is over.” He turned his back on her, intending to go find a maid to help her change.

  “Should I let Lord Wilks into my bed if he wants that, as well as paying his blackmail?”

  Jeremy spun around to face her. “I have no right to deny you any pleasure.”

  “And yet when I tell you what I want, you refuse to even consider the notion.”

  “For God’s sake. Do you not understand?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “Then explain it. Use small words that my feeble female brain can accept.”

  He advanced on her, one finger raised. “Don’t you ever talk about yourself like that again.”

  She shrugged, and the black rag she wore slipped to reveal dark undergarments. “Every other man since Rivers died has. They see the money and have to have me. They don’t even try to know me first.”

  Jeremy took a pace toward her. “Fools.”

  “If you leave me, that’s my only other choice. Fortune hunters and fools.”

  Jeremy growled. “That isn’t a choice.”

  “But this is,” she promised. “You are the man I crave above all others. You are the man I want to share my bed with.”

  Jeremy broke then, capturing Fanny by the head and jerked her into his arms. “Who needs a damn bed.”

  He crushed his lips to hers and stole the kiss he’d been dreaming of.

  Fanny was soft and giving and so, so sweet. Her arms stole around him, and Jeremy shivered at the contact. They were both still damp from the rain and there was probably a puddle forming beneath them that would be hard to explain later. Still he kissed her and wanted her and knew he wouldn’t stop.

  When she started pulling at his cravat, Jeremy wasted no time in stripping Fanny of her wet gown. Then he wrapped her in a blanket he stole from the bed and went on kissing her. When he started to struggle out of his own damp clothes, Fanny helped speed the process of his undressing.

  “Oh, dear God,” Fanny whispered when she stepped back as his breaches dropped to his knees after being undone. “What delights have I missed by putting proper clothes on you. Jeremy, you take my breath away.”

  Jeremy had to smile at that. Unlike the titled lords staying as the Duke of Stapleton’s guests for the wedding, those who circled Fanny like vultures after her fortune, there was no comparison when it came to physicality. He was hard-muscled and sleek, a product of barely making ends meet all his life.

  Fanny ran her hands all over his chest, teasing him without meaning to as the blanket fell from her shoulders and left her almost naked again. She flicked her fingers over his nipples, and then her lips were upon his skin. She licked him the way he’d wanted to lick her.

  Reverently. Slowly. Seductively.

  He grasped her by the hair and pulled her face up to his. “Fanny.”

  “Don’t you like it?’

  “You know I do.”

  He backed her toward the fire even as she
shivered from the cold and undid the laces on her corset with some difficulty. He wanted to see her. All of her, before things went any further.

  But once naked, Fanny huddled close and rubbed herself against him like a cat. Her breasts, works of art in his opinion, tortured as they dragged over his skin. He bent and took the nipple of one into his mouth. Fanny moaned and clutched his head to her breast. He rained kisses over her breasts and between.

  “You make me feel weak, Jem,” she whispered.

  He couldn’t have her falling into a swoon, so he put a hand across her buttocks and lowered her to her side on the thick Persian rug beneath them, keeping her close to the fire.

  Fanny’s arms encircled him again, and she found her way to his lips to kiss him. They lay before the fire, plastered together, tongues tangling and hands searching. Her body soft against his harder one as their kisses grew wilder, more passionate.

  Jeremy pushed her damp hair from her face and stared into her eyes for a moment. “Are you sure you want me?”

  “Never more so.” To prove her words true, she slung her leg over his hip, wriggling close enough that his cock brushed her curls.

  Jeremy shuddered. He stole a kiss, and then another, and finally began to explore Fanny’s thighs. She was warm and soft there, and he danced his rough fingertips along her limbs, then up to her hip and down again along her outer thigh. As he traced a return journey, he detoured inward, where her skin was most sensitive. He’d lain with women before, but he’d never had a proper lady want him, or touched any woman so thoroughly without clothing getting in the way. The excitement of her nakedness went completely to his head. His cock twitched, ached to be part of her.

  But he was afraid to make a mistake. A woman of Fanny’s class and experience, a widow of a satisfying and passionate marriage, had knowledge that far eclipsed his few paltry tumbles.

  He hadn’t the first idea of how to make love to her.

  He kissed Fanny to hide his uncertainty as he fumbled about with his fingers against her curls.


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