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A Scandalous Love for the Enticing Duke: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 9

by Henrietta Harding

  Isabelle’s heart hammered in her chest, and she wondered at this. Why? Why did she suddenly feel so weak after hearing him speak in his friend’s defence. Why did hearing him speak of honour in marriage and happiness, with such intensity, give her fluttery feelings in her belly. No, this would not do. She searched for something to say. A retort that would vanish away the seriousness that had just settled in the air, but all she could come up with was,“Very well, then. I suppose, that would do.”

  Then she turned around and took the last four steps to the library. Without pausing, she pulled the door open and stepped in. Her eyes widened at the sight she met.

  She had deciphered that she would meet Nicholas and Eleanor in the library together. However, what she had not considered was the fact that she would meet them laughing so comfortably together like old friends.

  Benjamin got to her eventually and pushed the door further so he could step in behind her.

  It was at that moment that the duo finally realised they had company.


  Chapter 12

  Eleanor was confused as she beheld her sister and the man at the door. She knew her sister must have come to fetch her, but why was she with Benjamin Witherspoon, her sworn enemy?

  “Is it time?” she asked, already getting up on her feet to put as much distance as possible between her and Nicholas, lest her sister thought more of their situation. A situation she herself did not know what to think of, yet.

  Nicholas must have realised what she was trying to do, for he too stood up and walked over to the shelf to replace the book he had taken. As he returned, she saw the grim look in his eyes and wondered if she had hurt him by her actions. But surely, he must understand that it was inappropriate for the both of them to be found so cosy together, without any form of chaperone, whatsoever. The worst assumptions could be made from their situation, and she would rather have a scandal-free season. While she could vouch that her sister would not behave so rashly, she could not trust the Duke’s judgement, or the ability to keep his mouth shut for that matter.

  “Yes. It is. Our company awaits us at the balcony,” Isabelle replied, stepping further into the room.

  “We have kept them waiting long enough as it is. I suggest we leave now.” Eleanor held a breath as her sister regarded Nicholas. She wondered what she was thinking as she watched her appraise Nicholas like one would a familiar face.

  “I see you have met Nicholas Stamford; the man sister is to be married to.”

  Eleanor’s heart dropped as her sister’s words sank in. This was Nicholas Stamford? Oh, but of course, they had only exchanged first names. She had not bothered to press further, thinking it sweet to relate without fully knowing who they both were. The mystery had thrilled her if she were to admit the truth. Now, she wished she had chosen to go along with her better judgement.

  “You are Nicholas Stamford of Yorkshire?” Eleanor asked as she turned to Nicholas. The incredulity in her voice rang clear, so did the hint of accusation. He did not have to say anything. The way his face fell was all the answer she needed.

  A strange ache settled deep within as she tried to digest what this meant. If this man, whom she had just spent over an hour bantering and laughing with, was the man who belonged to her sister, then it was obvious she was to be doomed. For though it had only been a little while, she was not naive to think the stirrings inside of her were anything other than a profound likeness for this man who was unlike any other she had ever met.

  “You did not know the man whose company you were in? That is surprising.” She jerked her head to look at Benjamin who had also stepped further into the room. Now, she could join the dots. Of course, Benjamin Witherspoon was Nicholas’ childhood friend. She knew of his reputation, and though Nicholas had assured her that they were nothing alike, she was forced to wonder – was it the truth? After all, what was a respectable man doing making heat crawl up the cheeks of a woman when he was already promised to another?

  “Nicholas, Elizabeth asked that I return with you. Like Isabelle said, we have kept them waiting for long enough. It would be nice if we leave now. These introductions can proceed on the balcony, I am certain.”

  “Yes. I believe it can.” As he glanced at her, she turned sharply, unable and unwilling to meet his gaze. She didn’t trust what she would do if she held them. Didn’t want to see any lie he would plead with those thunderclouds. She felt the moment his gaze left her and she released the breath she didn’t know she had been holding in.

  “Let us be on our way in that case. Of course, the ladies have to go first.” He walked over to his friend, and Eleanor decided it was time to return the copy of “Belinda” by Maria Edgeworth. She felt his gaze return, but she kept her posture upright, outrightly ignoring him still. After placing the book neatly into the shelf, she walked over to her sister. She only broke the silence as she reached Agnes, then to no one in particular, she announced, “I’m ready, we may take our leave.” No one send anything as they turned to leave, and she felt grateful for that for she didn’t trust herself to make any sensible conversation, not while she was battling a myriad of emotions in her heart.


  Nicholas had no luck against the conflicted feelings that plagued him as they headed for the balcony. He looked at Eleanor and wondered what she was thinking, if she was even considering the possibility that he knew who she was but had chosen to deceive her by keeping quiet about his identity. That was not the case, of course. Clueless as she had been, he had been shocked to learn of her identity.

  Now he knew he should have asked for full introductions. If he had known she was a younger sister to Agnes Birmingham, he may have withdrawn and removed himself entirely from the library. The longer he spent in her presence, the more enchanted he had become by her.

  Soon, they were out of the hallways and silence continued to reign as they found their way to the balcony where things would change completely. Where it would be affirmed that he could never pursue the relationship he would love to pursue with the Lady Eleanor.

  Suddenly, he was not feeling grateful towards his parents as he had been when he arrived at the ball. Perhaps, if they had held on a while longer, he would have met Eleanor first and offered proposal for her hand in marriage. However, he did not miss out on the irony of why he was here, in this ball, in the first place. He almost laughed at the twisted humour of fate.

  They finally reached the balcony, and true to Benjamin’s words, his parents and the Birminghams were waiting for them.

  “Oh look! They finally arrived. We were just about sending out a search party, afraid that you might have lost your ways, or come upon some sort of harm – God forbid.”

  Out of courtesy, Nicholas went straight to the Duchess of Cambridge, the woman who would be his mother-in-law, one way or another. Taking the hand she offered, he dipped into a regal bow and placed a warm kiss on her gloved hands.

  “My apologies, it was not our intention to keep you waiting ma’am. We are sorry to have caused you any worry. I would regret to know I caused any crease upon the face of such ageless, epitome of beauty.”

  Victoria was all smiles, grinning from ear to ear as she brimmed with his praise. She retrieved her hand as he released it.

  “Such a charmer, as always. When was the last time I saw you, Nicholas? It has been four years I believe? You should show your face more often. You have grown even more handsome.”

  “Coming from you, that is the highest of praises. I assume this means our ill deeds have been forgiven?”

  “What ill deeds?” was Victoria’s innocent reply, and everyone broke into soft laughter. He moved on from her to Henry whom he was more familiar with, for they met from time to time to discuss business affairs. He took the man’s hand and shook it with genuine eagerness. Williams Birmingham was a good man. One he looked up to, after his father. It was quite surprising that despite such a good relationship, he had never met with his children, before today.

  Perhaps i
t was because their country homes were so far apart and of course, there was the fact that he rarely attended shindigs.

  “He keeps getting better by the day. You have done a great job raising such a good man, Henry.”

  His father smiled at this, pleased at the compliment. “I have Elizabeth to thank all the more for that. She was more of the instructor; all I did was to provide a good example for him to look up to.”

  “That was more than enough, Father. Watching you taught me more than you can ever imagine.”

  “I agree with our son, Henry. You have been nothing short of a wonderful Father, a good role model.”

  They shared a knowing look which Nicholas thought nothing of. As soon as the formalities were over, including Isabelle and Eleanor meeting his parents, Agnes was nudged forward.

  Despite the sadness he felt inside, his lips curved up in a smile as he saw her. One thing could not be denied; Agnes was a beautiful woman. Looking at her face was almost like looking at an older copy of Eleanor. Except that she had brown eyes, and her face was devoid of freckles. If he had not met Eleanor before this, he would have been glad about the good choice his parents had made. Unfortunately, as it was, his heart was already in great danger of belonging to his goddess. Funny to consider that he may be sentenced to a life of heartache, constantly pining for his wife’s younger sister, if he went ahead with this wedding. That would not do, for it was no way to live.

  He contemplated announcing that he had changed his mind, that he wanted the youngest Birmingham, but he knew that would be insensitive. He thought of the embarrassment it would mean to this Lady who stood before him. The least he owed her was to respect her pride. His parents had made the proposal, in the first place, after all. No. It would not do to make such declaration, so he would keep quiet and bide his time. Perhaps what he felt for the Lady Eleanor was simply a fluke, and upon spending more time with his betrothed, he would come to develop stronger feelings for her.

  Resolved, he took her hand to offer a kiss, holding her eyes as he bowed. He was aware of the lack of reaction to her touch. He felt nothing, absolutely nothing as he held those eyes. Unlike the turbulence he had felt in his heart when he beheld Eleanor, the increased rate of his heartbeat when he stared into those clear pools. Still, he went along with this arrangement.

  “The tales do not do you justice, Lady Agnes. That is saying a lot, for they were so great, I almost assumed they were simply exaggerations. Now, I see it is the other way around.” He held on to her hand for effect as he raised, still holding her gaze. “You, are indeed beautiful, my fair lady.”

  “I wish I could say the same, but the only thing Mother could tell me was that you are a fine young man. That, I agree with. It is nice to make your acquaintance, Lord Stamford,” a genuine smile crossed her face.

  “Please, Nicholas will do just fine. And the pleasure is mine, milady.”

  “If you would, then, I insist we drop all the formalities entirely and simply address me as Agnes. The few people I consider friends, call me that.”

  Nicholas quirked his brow as a knowing smile spread across his lips. He got what she was hinting at, that she regarded him as a friend, only. If the Lady he was promised to had no romantic interest in him, did he mean he could nurse hope of some sort? “Ahh. In that case, Agnes, it shall be. I am honoured that you think so highly of me, to have given me such a previous position.”

  Loud laughter rang through the night air, and they all turned to look at Victoria, its source.

  “Oh, but of course! You are to be married!” she cried as she ended her laughter. “You two are going to be friends in the truest and purest of forms, and so much more. Is that not right, Williams? Oh! Look at them already getting along so well!”

  She leaned into her husband who put an arm around her. He too had a small smile on his face. It was easy to see that they were very much eager for this liaison to take place, and he feared that he may crush their spirits if it did not. Quickly, he made a disclaimer.

  “I agreed with Father and Mother, that I would like to spend some time with the Lady Agnes before offering a formal proposal by myself. You see, I would rather like to establish a relationship of some sort, get to know each other, see if we would fit. I have my excesses, and I am certain the Lady Agnes might have reservations about them. These are things we shall need to discuss first, to see if we can be truly accommodating of each other. Until then, I hope you do not take offence when I say, nothing is set in stone?”

  He watched as Victoria’s eyes widened as he spoke, and even though the smile on her face did not falter, it did nothing to settle his apprehension about her response.

  “Offence? None shall be taken. It is only wise that you would want this. However, we must bear in mind that courtship only commences after a formal engagement. If you are asking to spend so much time with our daughter, I do not know if we can allow so much, can we, Williams?”

  “They are just getting to know one another, Victoria. We did the same too, before I asked for your hand, if you would remember. An informal courtship, you may call it. Allow the children be, darling. It is their time.”

  He gave a small sigh at Williams’ words and smiled when he watched the Duke bribe his wife with an affectionate kiss to her forehead.

  “You may call for her whenever you wish. Of course, if that is okay by you, Agnes.”

  He half expected her to say no as she delayed, so he was quite astonished when he heard her say, “Of course, Father,” with a little curtsy.

  “Then it is settled,” Williams announced and everyone cheered – everyone except Eleanor. Even as he tried to give a genuine smile,her expressionless face bothered him more than he would have liked to admit.

  Chapter 13

  Heartbreak. Eleanor had heard of it, read of it so often, but never in her biggest imaginings, had she ever thought she would experience it. Still, here she was, standing in the corner, invisible to everybody, as her world crumbled down to pieces. She wanted to believe it could not be; however, she could not dismiss the fist holding on tightly to her heart, causing an ache in her chest. How was this even happening? What madness was this?

  Suddenly needing to get away from here, to breathe, she walked to her mother.

  “Mother,” she called out, and had to repeat it two times more, before Victoria heard her. Even her mother had been so carried away watching her sister warm up to the man who had finally given her ideal man a name. Everyone was so invested in watching him offer compliments to her sister and look at her like she was the only woman in the word when only a few minutes ago, she had been the recipient of all of those. His eyes had held enough sincerity that she had let herself believe them. Believe that she was not the only one in this attraction.

  “Yes dear, is there a problem?”

  “I am not feeling too well.” It did not take much effort to make her voice sound like she was indeed, ailing. For she was, though it was more emotional than physical.

  That got her mother’s attention, for she fully turned towards her, disentangling her arms from her father’s.

  “Oh dear! You do look pale. What exactly is wrong?” Victoria placed the back of her palm to her forehead to feel for a fever. Embarrassed for everyone was now looking at her, Eleanor flushed, and that added to the trick.

  “Uh-oh. You feel a bit warm too. Let’s get you home in a hurry. Do you think you can manage to walk?”

  “Yes, Mother. Perfectly well. I just need to lie down and rest my head. It hurts terribly, is all.”

  “In that case, we shall do just that. Williams, send for the carriage, please. Louis, you shall go with her. Someone has to remain to chaperone her sisters. We cannot cut short everyone’s time at the ball for her.” By everyone, Eleanor was aware her mother was speaking for herself. Before Louis would get to her, she lifted her hands, telling her to halt. Anyone but Louis.

  “I can manage. Louis does not need to come along. I can do fine on my own. If I need anything, I can always call for L
eah or Rachel.”


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