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A Scandalous Love for the Enticing Duke: A Historical Regency Romance Book

Page 25

by Henrietta Harding

  The young man smiled in response as he accepted the handshake. As they were equal in rank, he needed not to bow, and Williams was not one to care for those things, anyway.

  “I hope that will not change when you discover what has brought me here, My Lord.”

  Williams ears stood at that. What was Witherspoon on about? “I am hardly your Lord, Witherspoon. It should be the other way around. You are royalty after all, yet you care not for such affiliations. You are too humble.”

  “Ahh. Alas. The star accuses the moon of shining so bright.”

  This caused Williams to give into hearty laughter. The young Duke was such a delight. He was a gentleman through and through, and it gladdened him that Isabelle had chosen such a man.

  “Now I see why my daughter has taken a liking to you. Come, let us sit while we discuss what has brought you here.”

  “I am afraid, Your Grace we cannot remain here. There is a matter of urgency, and I would you come with me, right away. There are things that have been happening in this household that you must know of.”

  Williams who had already been leading the way to the sofa stopped and turned around. He had so many questions, but something in Witherspoon’s voice told him he would not get his answers in this room. So, deciding quickly, he announced, “Very well then. Thankfully, I am dressed to go out. I shall only fetch my hat and ask that my coach be prepared.”

  “Mine is ready and waiting, so there would be no need for that – except if you prefer to ride in your carriage, that is.”

  “Of course not. I have absolutely no reservations with riding in yours. Give me a moment while I fetch my hat.”

  Williams got his hat from where it rested on his desk and fit it atop his head, then they were on their way. As they stepped out of his home, he spoke with Edward.

  “Tell my wife that I have been invited by …”

  “It would be best if you simply told her you stepped out for a bit and would be back in no time,” Benjamin cut in.

  Williams looked from him to Edward who was waiting on his Lord’s word. The look in Witherspoon’s eyes requested that he be trusted. For some unknown reason, he felt compelled to do just that. So, to Edward, he nodded and said, “Just as the Duke has said.”

  Then, they were on their way to nowhere he knew, at the time. As soon as they left his townhouse behind him, Benjamin beat him to it.

  “I know you have a lot of questions.”

  He looked at the man who sat across from him and nodded. “As I should.”

  “Then allow me to share this with you. Perhaps, by the time I am done, all your questions will be answered. I only ask that you keep an open mind. In due time, all that I shall tell you now will be proven. Then, it will make sense.”

  Williams nodded again as he readied himself for what was to come. However, no amount of preparation could have readied him for the shock that kept hitting him as Benjamin revealed one truth upon the other. Indeed, he had been right and a lot had been going on in his household, under his nose. Agnes and Alan in love? Eleanor and Nicholas too? Victoria had been plotting against them? What was all this? How had he not gotten the least bit of an inkling?

  Heaving a deep sigh for what he had just taken in was a lot more than he had bargained for, he brought his kerchief out and wiped his damp forehead. The carriage suddenly felt hot.

  “You are certain of these things you speak? Especially of my wife? I am aware that the Duchess presents a formidable force, but to stoop to such depth, to sink so low, I never would have thought that capable. And all of my daughters? Not one of them had thought they could come to me?”

  “Well, with all due respect, Your Grace, your daughters believed that you were prone to take your wife’s side as you always prefer not to get on her bad side.”

  “Only because I do not like to see her so upset!” he defended, but he heard his own lie. He often let Victoria have her way because it was so much easier to do that than deal with the consequences. Now, he saw what evil he had been nurturing with his own hands. Right from the day he had married Victoria, he had given her a free reign. Because of the love he had for her, he turned a blind eye to the many flaws he knew were inherent in her and seldom denied her anything. He was her husband, and perhaps if he had acted like it earlier, put his foot down and curbed her excesses, all of this would not have happened.

  Alan was a fine young man and now, he felt bad that he had shattered the boy’s heart, as much as he had failed his daughters. Left to him, he never would have objected to a marriage between the two if he had known of the love that fostered between them. However, he suspected that he would have if Victoria had asked it from him. He took another deep sigh. He was even more disappointed in himself than he was in her. There was so much he had to make right, and on God, he would try his best.

  “You said we are on our way to the firm?”

  “That is right. She is set to come for more forged documents by 12 o’clock. We have fifteen minutes yet. We shall wait until her arrival. Then, you shall see for yourself. She will come dressed as a widow, but you will know your wife the moment you see her. There is no one else quite like her.”

  Williams said nothing as he distracted himself with the sight outside the window. Indeed, there wasn’t anyone quite like his Victoria.

  Chapter 33

  Shock, betrayal, disappointment, indignation, vengeance … in that order. Those were the emotions Victoria Birmingham had felt when news came to her of her daughters’ exploits against her. To think that they had all thought themselves wiser and capable of carrying out such plans successfully without her knowledge was beyond her. She had wondered endlessly where she had gone wrong. How could they have chosen to repay her in such unfashionable manner, after all that she had given them, just by bringing them into this world and a life of privilege? That was not to mention the values and lessons of propriety that she had tirelessly worked to integrate into them as they grew. If anyone would have asked her, she would have proudly said she did a great work. Sadly, that could not be said, could it? For if she had done a great work, they would not have failed her so.

  She supposed she could be thankful for her faithful household staff. For without them, she never would have been aware of all of these happenings. How then would she have known how to act in order to come out victorious in this game of chess they played? Two days ago, on her request, Louis had taken a bowl of soup up to Agnes. Only on getting to the door of her daughter’s chambers, the chief servant had heard the girls speaking in hushed tone. Instinctively, she had known that whatever they spoke of was a matter of secret, so her curiosity had been piqued. With ears alert, she had pressed her face to the doors and tried to get bits of information. Of course, she had not been able to get it all but that which she had, had been sufficient enough to know what was going on.

  Alan remained in London, and with the help of Benjamin and Isabelle, an elopement was being planned. Not only had Agnes stooped so low to engage in an affair with a merchant, she also was willing to run away with him and get married! Thinking about it alone gave her a headache, even now. Just when she had thought that all was finally going to go according to her plans, she had come to hear of this. Preposterous, was what it was. Alan had failed to hearken unto her warning, and the Duke of Sussex had decided to make an enemy of her. The moment she had gotten her emotions under control, she had quickly realised what must be done. It was just as well they had chosen to make an enemy of her. Perhaps, when she was through with the lot of them, they would know precisely why she was feared in all of London Society.

  As always, she maintained a friendly demeanour with her girls and got them to warm up to her. That was often her foremost strategy, for as long as their guards were kept down, it would be easier to strike! So, she had laughed and dined with them, all the more grateful that their moods had improved and Agnes seemed to have fully recovered from the flu that had struck her down. Now, it was time to act, and they were not any wiser. Today, Benjamin was meant
to come for them, but that would not happen. It was the reason why she had gotten them into the drawing room. Once they remained where they could not be reached, she would have no worries as she went about securing proper damage of Alan Sheldon’s reputation and business. He had dared to call her bluff, and she would show him how much of a mistake that had been. She looked at the huge clock on the wall. Thirty minutes left until she had to be at Bond Street. That would be enough time to make the journey of course, but only if she left now. The thrill of the game shot through her nerves, and a secret smile stayed on her face, as she put the muslin she had been hemming aside.

  “Girls, I am afraid I shall have to leave now. I have an appointment that requires my presence, and I mustn’t arrive late. I believe that you shall be fine until my return?”

  It was Agnes who replied, smiling sweetly at her. “Of course, Mother. We are not little children any longer. We can cater for ourselves.”

  “Ahh. Indeed. In that case then, I shall be on my way. Never worry. I shall not be long.”

  They nodded, and she did too, at the maids in the room. They had to leave the girls behind for her plans to sail smoothly. The maids understood instantly and began to follow her. Just before she stepped out of the room, Edwards appeared. She was almost startled, but recovered quickly. This was one more piece she was yet to fit into the puzzle. Her husband and his most loyal servant, the butler. She rolled her eyes, not bothering to hide her contempt.

  “Yes? Is anything the matter?”

  “Not at all, My Lady. I have only brought news from My Lord. His Grace requested that I inform you that he has stepped out for only a little while and shall return in no time.”

  Her mood instantly brightened again. This was good news. If Williams was already out of the house, then she needed not to worry about getting him out. Now, she was left with Edward, but that was an easy feat to achieve.

  “Oh, is that so? Well then, thank you for bringing this news to me. I was just about to step out myself. I have an appointment with Madam Rosette, you see. Erm … there is also luggage I would like to be retrieved from Mayfair. I hope you will not mind if I request that you go for it, alongside Leandro? It will only take a little while, I’m certain.”

  “Of course, ma’am. I only need directions, and I shall be off on my way.”

  “Oh, wonderful! Leandro is familiar with the environment and the package that I need to be picked up. Meet him, and the two of you may leave as soon as possible.”

  “Would you be fine on your own, My Lady? Without any male company, that is. Seeing as the ladies shall remain, they would need what is left of the male staff around.”

  Victoria appreciated his concern, but she already had that covered. “The ladies will come to no harm, I assure you. I shall go with Gaius. Now, I am being kept for too long. I am afraid, if I do not leave in this instant, I may not make my appointment.”

  “Indeed. My apologies, My Lady. I shall be off now.” He bowed, and she nodded, acknowledging him. Then, he was on his way. Victoria stepped out of the drawing room with her maids in tow. Then, she closed the doors and waited until Edward could no longer be seen. As soon as he took the turning by the left and disappeared into the hallway, she stretched her palms to Louis. Not needing any instructions, the chief maid dropped a bunch of keys into her hands. Swiftly, she found that which belonged to the drawing room doors and stuck it into the keyholes. With two turns, she succeeded in locking her girls in. It was only as the clicks sounded that the girls realised what was happening.

  She heard footsteps first, then the handle moved. As she predicted, they began pounding on the door right after and finally, came the cry for help.

  “Mother … what is going on? Why have you locked us in?”

  Her lips widened, so much that her cheeks began to hurt. First taste of victory, and it already felt so good.

  “I think we know the answer to that question now, don’t we, Agnes? You had thought you would run off into the sunset with that Sheldon boy, and I would never know? Ah. How many more times shall I have to tell you girls? You can never hope to best me at this game. Now, you shall remain there until I say otherwise. Enjoy your stay. Have a good day!” she chimed as she retrieved the keys from the lock. Then, she handed it over to Louis and spun on her feet. Saying nothing more, for Louis knew what to do, she walked away from the pounding, the cries, and the pleas. Just for effect, she gave into the theatrical laughter that had been building up in her belly and relished the sound of it as it ricocheted through the hallways.

  By the time she exited the town house, Leandro and Edward were gone and a hackney was already waiting for her. She entered the carriage, and when it began to move, she changed into her black widow attire. Soon, they were at Bond Street, and she was fully transformed into a black widow. As always, the coach halted in front of Lackley’s Press, the firm which was responsible for the forged documents. She had meant every word as she sounded that warning to Alan. She was not one to make empty threats, and by the end of the day, this would be proven. The coachman stopped, and she waited until he had come around to help her out of the carriage.

  Certain that her veil was rightly placed, she stepped into the firm. She easily sighted Mr James Lackley, the owner of the firm and her dearest partner in crime. He was busy on his printer and did not notice her presence until she called out to him.

  “Mr James.”

  He halted immediately and turned around. His eyes promptly lit in recognition, and he bowed. “Ahh! My Lady, you have returned. I was thinking you would not be coming today, any longer. It is quite past the time we agreed.”

  “Yes. I got held back, but I am here now. I do hope they are ready?” She looked around, but there were no familiar parchments to be seen. More than that, Mr. James was acting a little bit strange. For one, he seemed nervous, his eyes had darted back and forth more times than she could count in such a short time, and twice now, he had seemed to be peering intently into her veil as though he was curious to discover who was behind the covering. What was this? she wondered. Perhaps, he was suddenly developing cold feet, now that he had been asked to do more false work.

  “Yes. They are. I worked on them all through the night. I kept them in the inner room for safekeeping purposes. I did not want to chance them getting in the wrong hands. If you would not mind waiting for a bit, I shall go for them. Please, feel free to take your seat.”

  He seemed eager enough, she thought, as she regarded him carefully. Mayhap, it was nothing, and she had simply interpreted wrongly.

  “That will not be necessary. I shall be okay to remain on my feet until your return.”

  He bowed again and turned to go into the inner room. She watched him as he opened the door and caught a glimpse of several people working before the door closed behind him. Suddenly left alone, she busied herself with taking in the room where she stood. She was so carried away that she did not even look when she heard the door open, simply assuming that it was Mr James, returning with the documents. Then, she heard her name called out by a very familiar voice. Thinking nothing of it, she turned instantly. It wasn’t until she came face to face with her husband that she realised what a mistake that had been. She had answered to her name out of reflex; there was no way out of this now. She had to thaw from her frozen state. Then he spoke again.

  “Victoria! So it’s true?”

  Chapter 34

  Back at the Birmingham town house, the girls were in a fit, trying to wrap their heads around what their mother had just done, Agnes especially. For the past three days since learning of her mother’s deeds, it had been a hard feat, trying to keep an unoffended demeanour around her. Now, she felt as though she may explode with the anger and disbelief raging in her veins.

  “I find it beyond me to come to accept that she thought to lock us in, and actually did!” she exclaimed, aware of her voice hitching higher than she had intended. Yet, she could not bring herself to feel the slightest bit of remorse. Her sisters’ expressions told
her that they understood her plight. For this, she was grateful. The emotions she had been forced to experience in the days past were taking their toll on her. First, learning about Alan’s supposed betrayal had wrecked her. She had never felt so sick in her entire life, and many times when she laid alone in her bed, isolated from the rest of the world as her fever and flu racked through her, it crossed her mind that perhaps, the end had come. She had gone through various stages as she grieved the loss of a love she had cherished and risked so much for.


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