Love and Mistletoe

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Love and Mistletoe Page 1

by Dawn Brower

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Love and Mistletoe Copyright © 2019 by Dawn Brower

  All rights reserved.

  Cover art by Mandy Koehler

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  For my Elizabeth Evans. I know you’ve been waiting on Luca’s story for several months now. I’m sorry it wasn’t a bazillion pages so you could stay with him a lot longer. Hope you enjoyed him either way…

  Blessed is the season which engages the whole world in a conspiracy of love.

  Hamilton Wright Mabie




  Love and Mistletoe

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5



  Also by Dawn Brower

  About Dawn Brower

  Dawn Brower

  Excerpt: Chance of Love


  Chapter 1

  Excerpt: A Gypsy’s Christmas Kiss


  Chapter 1


  Thanks to Elizabeth and Megan for helping me polish this book. Thanks to Mandy for creating the cover art. I appreciate all three of you and how much you help me with my writing endeavors.

  Love and Mistletoe

  A Scandal Meets Love Christmas Short Story


  Chapter 1

  The brisk cold air nearly froze her breath in her throat as she walked toward Fortuna’s Parlor. Lady Evelina Davenport stopped and frowned. The ice on the path would make it nearly impossible to walk across. What had she been thinking? This was one of the worst ideas she’d ever had. If only she hadn’t allowed herself to be coerced into fencing lessons by the Duchess of Clare. The former gypsy princess had a way of getting what she wanted from someone, and Evelina was no different than anyone else. She couldn’t say no even if she wanted to. She hadn’t really wanted to…

  She liked Lulia, the Duchess of Clare. The duchess was kind, bold, and stubborn. Everything that Evelina wanted to emulate. She hated being a wallflower no one noticed. It didn’t matter that she was the daughter of the Duke of Livingstone. Her dowry and lineage hadn’t been enough to lure any gentlemen to court her. She might as well be invisible for all the attention she’d garnered on her first two seasons, and the third…that one was almost worse... Sometimes the attention wasn’t worth it.

  Now at one and twenty she was ready to give up. Being a spinster was starting to sound more and more appealing as each day passed. Come spring she would start her fourth season with no eligible suitors. The only gentleman that has paid her any attention during her third season hadn’t wanted to dance with her at all.

  No one would be able to convince her that Luca Dragomir, the Crown Prince of Dacia had wanted to lead her in that waltz. It had been glorious while it lasted. He was oh, so handsome with his dark wavy locks and sea-green eyes. His tanned skin only added to his appeal. All the ladies whispered about him, but he didn’t show any of them any undo attention. He was polite always, but he kept his distance. The only lady besides her he’d waltzed with was the new Duchess of Ashley. She wasn’t available anymore. Evelina had to wonder if he had returned home now that he couldn’t have the one woman who’d held his attention.

  After their waltz… All the ladies were smitten with him and verbally attacked her without actually speaking to her. There were harsh whispers and rumors spoken about her. Many questioned her parentage. They started to wonder if she was really a duke’s daughter or if her mother had had an affair. They were nasty and mean, and Evelina hated them all. Their jealousy had turned them all into shrews.

  That’s when Lulia had taken her under her wing. She seemed to like to take timid women and turned them into fierce lions. Evelina needed a little boost to endure all the slurs. Her life had taken a turn and she couldn’t find a way to move out of it. She was drowning without anything to save her from the depths pulling her under. Lulia was her savior. Evelina would not disappoint her.

  She reached the gaming hell and took another breath. It seemed as if it was colder than the last one. She couldn’t wait to get inside and thaw her frozen limbs. Evelina reached over and opened the back door, then nearly bolted up the stairs. When she was inside, she leaned against the wall and took slow even breaths. The heat almost burned her throat with each breath. It was such a difference to the outside temperature.

  “Ah you made it,” Lulia said. “I was about to give up on you.”

  “I’d never skip one of our lessons.” She pulled her hands out of her mittens then shoved the garments into her cloak pocket. “I just need a moment to gain feeling back into my limbs before we can begin.”

  “Are you sure you only need a moment?” Her gypsy accent was thick as she spoke. Her dark hair was plaited and hung down her back in one long braid and her blue eyes nearly sparkled with mischief.

  “I’m certain.” She lifted her chin defiantly. After a few more harsh breaths the burn lessened. Evelina stood up and walked with purpose toward the fencing room. She’d come a long way in the past few months. She doubted she’d ever be as good as Lulia or the duchess’s cousin, Diana, the Countess of Northesk, but Evelina was proud of her accomplishments thus far.

  Once she was in the back room, she pulled off her cloak and hung it on a hook, then prepared for her lesson. First, she put on her protective equipment then pulled out her foil. She wanted to learn to use a rapier, but Lulia didn’t think she was ready for the razor-sharp blade. She turned toward Lulia. “I’m ready,” she declared.

  “I see this,” Lulia said. Her voice held a hint of amusement in it. “All right, little mouse, let’s begin. En garde.” She held up her foil and waited for Evelina to make her move.

  What could she do that would take her instructor off guard? Probably nothing. Lulia was all business while they were fencing. She didn’t stop once to focus on any other task. It was all about the lesson. Evelina lunged forward and Lulia stepped out of her path. She blocked the foil without much effort and lunged toward Evelina. Her foil nipped at her protective vest.

  “Point,” Lulia said. “Set again.”

  Evelina had sweat dripping down her forehead. They worked for over an hour and she still had yet to score a point. She twisted out of Lulia’s path and spun around. She lifted her foil and pushed forward hitting the center of Lulia’s back. Finally. “Point,” she said with glee.

  A slow clapping sound echoed through the room. Both Lulia and Evelina spun around to meet an aquamarine gaze. The gorgeous face of Luca Dragomir greeted her and blinded her at the same time. He’d been watching them fence and she hadn’t noticed. Thank God she hadn’t… Her cheeks blazed with heat at the idea of him being near her, watching her…

  “Great match ladies…”

  She didn’t hear another word. The room spun, and she fell fast. She didn’t hit the ground, something less hard somehow cushioned her fall… Total blackness enveloped her.

  Chapter 2

  Luca had come to Fortuna’s to visit with Lulia. Whenever she wasn’t at home, which was more often than not, she could be found at the gaming hell. She collected lost little birds and helped them to build confidence and find their own sense of worth. Her latest
project, Lady Evelina Davenport was no exception to that rule. She was a lovely little bird though. Luca had found her immensely attractive since that one time they’d danced at Lenora’s insistence. He hadn’t been in a place, and still wasn’t really, to court a lady of good birth. He wanted to though. Evelina would make a perfect princess. She had an outstanding lineage, but more importantly, she was kind, generous, and had a backbone to rival even the fiercest of warriors.

  She probably hadn’t realized he’d noticed how the ladies treated her. She’d been invisible to them until that dance. Luca had felt bad for her, but there was little he could do. If he paid her any more attention their vicious tongues would have only cut deeper. The only way he could protect her was to stay away. It had killed him to do so. His little bird needed him. She’d been wounded by his actions or rather inaction, perhaps both…

  Lulia had stepped in where he couldn’t. He owed her a great deal for that. With her guidance Evelina had grown wings and soared. She held her head high and brushed off the spiteful rumors. He’d been so proud. He’d been even more proud when he’d walked in and saw how well she was doing with her fencing lessons. She had come a long way in a few short months. Soon she might even surpass her teacher.

  Then she’d fainted…

  He’d barely been able to cross the room in time to catch her. Luca never should have announced his presence. It had startled her and if she had hit the floor… He took a deep breath and reminded himself that she hadn’t. Thankfully, he had a long stride and had reached her before she hit the floor. Even now he held her cradled in his arms. He kept reassuring himself she was all right. That she had suffered no ill will from his careless actions.

  “You should probably lay her down,” Lulia said.

  Luca glanced up and frowned. It was sound advice, but he found himself unable to follow it. “Why did she lose consciousness”

  “I suspect it was a combination of things…” Lulia placed her hand on his shoulder. “Luca, set the girl down.”

  He shook his head. Luca lifted his free hand and pushed one of her auburn curls behind her ear. He willed her to open her eyes, so he could back in their green depths. He had adored her from afar for too long now. He had to do something about his obsession with his angel. “Tell me what you think happened.”

  Lulia let out an exasperated sigh. “She was too cold and too warm, then too startled. It was her undoing.”

  He frowned. “I don’t understand.”

  “When she came in, she was all frozen limbs. Her lips were blue and her face stark white. Outside she’d have matched the frozen landscape. The only thing that would have helped her stand out was her dark red cloak.” She started putting away the fencing gear. “Then she came inside, and the heat hit her fast and hard. I could tell she was having trouble breathing, adapting, but she insisted she was ready for the lesson. That girl pushes herself too hard. Even with all that I think she would have been fine, but then you came in and ruined all her efforts.”

  “So, this is my fault?” he asked. Guilt ripped through him. He’d been right. He should have stayed in the other room and waited for her to leave. He had been drawn to the room unable to keep his distance any longer. His Evelina was there. He had to be near her.

  “In part,” Lulia agreed. “Mostly she’s to blame for her current state. If she’d waited a little longer you being here wouldn’t have made a bit of difference. Just give her some time and she’ll come around.”

  He twirled a loose red curl with his finger, mesmerized at its silkiness and the sheer beauty of it, of her. Luca wasn’t a fool. He loved her, had loved her from the start. He had to do something about it now that he accepted it. He’d court her. Make her his in truth. She was attracted to him at least. That gave him something to work with.

  “Are you certain she’ll be all right?”

  “Yes,” Lulia insisted. She studied him. “You’ve come to a decision haven’t you.” Her lips curled up into a shrewd smile. “You’ll be needing my help.”

  He nodded. “I have, and I will.”

  Lulia would be instrumental in his courtship. Through her he’d been able to learn everything about Evelina. It was a little stalker like, but she had to grow a little. If she had any chance of ruling beside him, she had to leave her timidness behind her. When she was a princess she could come back and make all those evil bitches eat their words. He looked forward to it too. They were not worthy of her.

  “Then you best come tonight. They are holding a Christmas ball here at Fortuna’s. There will be lots of opportunities to speak to her, maybe even steal a kiss or two.”

  He lifted a brow. “Won’t there be a lot of people in attendance?” He didn’t want to ruin her, he wanted to marry her.

  “They’ll never tattle on you,” she grinned wickedly. “Besides I fully intend to ensure this place will be covered in greenery.” Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “What’s Christmastide without a little love and mistletoe to see us through the cold nights ahead.”

  Luca smiled and laid Evelina down. “I’ll return later. See she’s taken care of.”

  “You don’t need to ask,” she said. “She’s important to me too.”

  With that Luca left Lulia alone. He had a lot to plan for that evening. Luca was going to court his angel. He only prayed she’d agree to be his. If she said no, he wasn’t certain he’d be able to handle losing her.

  Chapter 3

  Evelina’s eyelids fluttered open. It took a moment for the room to come into focus. She was laying on the wooden floor of the backroom in Fortuna’s Parlor. At first, she couldn’t recall how she’d gotten there. Then she remembered. The cold, the walk, the heat, then…Luca. The prince had been in the room. She jolted upward and scanned the area. He was nowhere to be found. In fact, she was alone. Where had Lulia gone? Why would the duchess have left her laying on the floor of the fencing room? What should Evelina do? Should she leave and pretend this hadn’t happened? She had so many doubts and no answers to her questions.

  “Ah,” Lulia said as she entered the room. “Sleeping beauty is ready to wake and embrace the world around her. How are you feeling little mouse?”

  “Like someone is pounding on my head with a thousand tiny hammers.” She swallowed hard. Evelina was thankful that the prince had left. She hated he’d seen her so indisposed. What must he think of her? She couldn’t recall ever being so embarrassed.

  “That will pass,” Lulia said dismissively. “Come now get on your feet. We have a lot of work ahead of us. You must come home with me.”

  “Why?” Evelina asked. Confusion spread through her throbbing head. “I should go home.”

  “You will do no such thing,” Lulia said firmly. “You will come home with me as I said. I’ll help you with your little head problem and then we will dress for the Christmas ball.”

  “I don’t think I should go to that…” The last thing she wanted to do was socialize. The way the ton had been treating her of late she hated going anywhere.

  “Nonsense.” Lulia dismissed her words. “I know what you think. They’ll whisper behind your back and make you a pariah. That won’t happen. This ball is not like the normal ones you attend. Those invited are…family. They’ll treat you with kindness.” She held her hand over her heart. “I promise.”

  Evelina didn’t want to go, but she also hated disappointing Lulia. She nibbled on her bottom lip pensively. What should she do? Her head screamed with pain and it hurt to think. It was easier to do what Lulia wanted and she would help her. She knew many herbal remedies and had aided her in the past. “All right, but if I regret this, you’ll owe me.”

  “You have no cause to worry over such things. Come let’s go now.” Lulia tossed her the dark red cloak she’d worn earlier. “Put that on so we can go. I have a carriage waiting out in front of the dress shop. I have to grab something from downstairs before we leave.”

  Lulia left her alone to get ready. She slid her cloak on and secured it then fetched her mittens out of
her pocket. Lulia still hadn’t come back up when she was ready. Should she go down to the carriage without her? She was apprehensive and uncertain. As she finally made a decision Lulia came up with a large box in her hands and thrust it at her. “Here carry this while I put my cloak on.” When she didn’t start moving Lulia started shooing her with a wave of her hands toward the exit. “Go girl. The carriage is waiting.”

  She felt a little like Cinderella, and not in a good way. Lulia was ordering her about like the wicked stepmother and making Evelina work. She didn’t mind. Work helped her build courage and stamina. She sighed and headed down the stairs and around the dress shop to the carriage. A footman opened the door and helped her, and the large package inside. There were wool blankets and heated brick waiting in the carriage for them. Evelina sighed and snuggled into the warmth as she waited for Lulia.

  After a few moments she came back outside. She entered the carriage and settled under her own blankets. “At least we don’t have far to travel. To think I used to walk everywhere. Marrying Finn has made me a lazy hag.”

  “You’re not a hag,” Evelina said appalled.

  “But you’re not denying I’ve gone lazy,” Lulia grinned. She had a wicked gleam in her eye.

  “I didn’t…” She hadn’t meant to imply it… “I…”

  Evelina felt awful. How could she even begin to apologize for that slight?

  “Don’t stress about it,” Lulia said then sighed. “You’re going to die young if you keep worrying about things you cannot change. Try to embrace the happiness around you.”


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