Love and Mistletoe

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Love and Mistletoe Page 2

by Dawn Brower

  She wished it was easier to take her advice. Evelina always worried. It was just part of her innate nature. “I’ll try.”

  The carriage came to a stop at Lulia’s townhouse. The footman opened the door and helped both ladies out. They carried the large box inside and Lulia ordered one of them to take it to her room.

  “Now that we are here, we can begin.”

  “What exactly?” Lulia wasn’t always big on details. She drove you toward her goal and expected you to follow along without much instruction. Most of the time it worked. Usually she didn’t have blinding head pain either.

  Though now that she thought of it most of that had already subsided…

  “I have your dress for tonight,” she began. “You’ll bathe, rest, then my maid will prepare your hair. It’ll be fun.” She clapped her hands. “Almost like having a daughter I didn’t have to go through the trouble of birthing.” She shuddered. “That’s never happening…”

  If it made her happy to act as her fairy godmother, then so be it. That was much better than her being the evil stepmother any day… She let Lulia lead her up the stairs to work her magic. Maybe the Christmas Ball wouldn’t be as bad as she anticipated it would be…

  Chapter 4

  Luca strolled toward the townhouse of the Duke and Duchess of Ashley. He didn’t have a lot of friends in England, but the duke and duchess were among them. He’d only started to become acquainted with Julian, the duke. Lenora would support him in whatever decision he made, but he wasn’t ready to discuss any of it with her, or Julian. He just wanted a few moments with his friends to feel happy. To know that just being with them would give him hope that love, that a happy-ever-after was possible.

  Lenora hadn’t believed Julian could love her. There had been a time Julian hadn’t really seen her or even gave her a second look. Sometimes it took waiting through the impossible until love found its way into a person’s heart. Luca hoped that he wouldn’t have to go through the same obstacles his friends had.

  He lifted his hand and knocked on the door. It swung open after a few moments revealing a regal butler. He stood completely straight and had absolutely no expression on his face. “Hello,” he said. “May I help you?”

  Luca sighed and handed the man his card. “I’m here to see the Duke and Duchess.”

  The man folded his hand over the card and gestured for him to come inside. “Wait here while I inquire if Their Graces are at home to callers.”

  Luca barely refrained from rolling his eyes. At the very least Lenora would visit with him. Julian was always a maybe on that front. There were times Julian could be…difficult. He still hadn’t completely forgiven Luca for pretending to court Lenora. He’d let it go…eventually.

  The butler came back and bowed. “Your Highness. If you’ll follow me.”

  They walked down the hallway and then stopped at the entrance to Lenora’s sitting room. The butler opened the door and gestured for him to go inside. Lenora was sipping on tea and staring out the window.

  “The snow is really coming down,” she said and turned to face him. Her golden brown hair was plaited and wound into an elaborate style on top her head. “I’m surprised you braved it for a visit.”

  He smiled. “We don’t get snow in Dacia. It’s an invigorating experience to walk through.”

  “You’re a little bit insane I think…” She sipped her tea. “Why are you here Luca?”

  He shrugged. “I won’t keep you long. There was something I wished to ask you.”

  “Oh?” She lifted a brow questioningly. “It must be important for you to come here in this weather. What is it?”

  Luca considered how to broach the question he needed an answer to. He didn’t want to tell her everything. That would only lead to more questions on her part. It was best to keep it as simple as possible. “When you came with Lulia to Dacia you were like a little lost bird… One of her pet projects.”

  Her laughter echoed through the room. She lifted her cup and saluted him. “You really know how to keep things as blunt and truthful as possible.”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t mean to offend.”

  “You didn’t,” she insisted. “It just reminded me of how desperate I was back then and how glad I am things turned out as they had.”

  Luca recalled how lost she had been. Julian had broken her heart and she’d been determined to be better, do better, and she wanted revenge. She wanted him to feel the same pain she had. All that suffering… Still, they’d found their way toward each other. To a love that made Luca envious...

  “You let go of your uncertainty and let him back into your heart.”

  “I did.” She smiled. “And he stopped being a black-hearted rogue. It was just our time.” Lenora crossed over to him and placed her hand on his forearm. “Are you in love Luca?”

  He didn’t answer her. “How did you keep going? When everything seemed to fall apart and there seemed as if there was no hope?”

  Lenora hugged him and then stepped back. “If something is meant to be it will.” She cupped his cheek. “Most of all if you love someone you need to fight for them. You want to know why?”

  “Yes,” he said. “I need something to hold on to.” He had no idea how Evelina felt about him. She might not have any romantic feelings for him at all. Luca needed…her. His Evelina.

  “Love never gives up hope,” Lenora said softly. “If it is strong and true it will always be there. It embraces you when you are in your darkest moments and lifts you up to fight another day. If you love this person you are deliberately not telling me about, then go to her. Tell her. Believe in your own happy-ever-after.”

  “I will try.” He wanted Evelina enough to do that much. If everything went as he planned later that night he would know one way or the other. He wouldn’t give up. He could never do that… Luca hoped with everything inside of him Evelina loved him too.

  “That’s all you can do,” she said. “Now tell me you’re still coming to Fortuna’s later. It’s supposed to be a lot of fun.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.” He grinned. “Lulia promised me that it would be a night I’ll never forget.” He hoped it would be one he celebrated for the rest of his days.

  “Did she?” Lenora narrowed her gaze and frowned. “What does she have planned?”

  “I’m afraid I’m not privy to any of the details. You know how Lulia is. She keeps her schemes to herself.” Luca liked that about the Duchess of Clare. “You never know until you’re in the middle of it.”

  “You’re quite right, but I must admit I’m rather curious.” She shrugged. “I suppose we’ll find out exactly what it is she’s concocted this evening.”

  Luca hoped that whatever Lulia planned help lead Evelina to him. He wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anything in his life. She was his everything. Soon he would be able to hold her, and steal a kiss or two if she allowed. “It’s time I leave. I’ll see you tonight.”

  “Yes you will,” she agreed. “Now go before the weather worsens.”

  Luca nodded and turned on his heels. He exited the room and was out side before Lenora could pull him into another conversation. Besides he had a few other stops to make before the ball later on. Luca smiled as the snow blew over him. The cold couldn’t even stop him or the plans he had. He wouldn’t let it…

  Chapter 5

  The gown that Lulia had designed for her was the most gorgeous thing Evelina had ever worn. It was a deep red silk that overlaid white organza. The bodice was trimmed with gold lace and tiny seed pearls. Her maid had plaited Evelina’s hair and weaved in the same lace and seed pearls, then wound her red gold locks around her head like a crown. She felt like a princess on her way to the ball to meet her prince. If only that were real… There was only one prince she wanted to have an interlude with and he barely noticed her.

  “Are you ready to leave?” Lulia asked.

  Lulia looked lovely too. She had on a gown of ice blue that emphasized her waist and was threaded with silver la
ce. Her dark hair was left adorned and styled in an elegant chignon. Her husband Finn would join them as well, though he mostly kept to himself. He didn’t like socializing and in some ways was like Evelina. He preferred going unnoticed though. Evelina didn’t want any undo attention; she just wanted the ton to treat her better than it had of late. A little respect would go a long way.

  They exited the Clare townhouse and stepped into the carriage. The ride to Fortuna’s Parlor wouldn’t be long. Evelina shivered as a cold breeze rocked through the carriage. At least the snow had stopped falling. It would have made their trip more treacherous if they had to make their way during a storm.

  Finally they arrived at Fortuna’s. The carriage stopped outside the dress shop where the gaming hell was located above it. Madame Debroux ran the dress shop during the day and the gaming hell ran at night under the cover of darkness. It worked to both businesses’ benefit. Finn stepped out of the carriage first then reached inside to assist both of them out.

  “I cannot believe you wanted to go out in this. It’s bloody cold. I don’t know why I let you talk me into these things.”

  Lulia chuckled softly. “Because you love me.”

  “That I do,” he agreed and pulled her into his arms. “Lets go inside where it’s warm.”

  They all trudged up the stairs shivering a little as they walked. When they finally made it inside Evelina gasped. It looked nothing like it had earlier that day. Someone had come in and worked their magic. Everything was aglow under the candlelight and was decorated in holly along the walls. Mistletoe had been strung up in each doorway and other places in the gaming hell. Evelina would have to be careful she didn’t step underneath any of it. Not that she expected a gentleman to want to kiss her.

  “Go have some fun,” Lulia encouraged. “Talk to everyone.”

  “I’d rather not…” Socializing had never gone well for her.

  She turned away from Lulia and froze. Luca walked into the gaming hell. He looked so wonderful. His dark hair shined in the candlelight. He wore a dark jacket and breeches that only made him more gorgeous to her. She couldn’t see his aquamarine eyes, but she believed those would be as equally stunning to her.

  He wasn’t for her…and never would be. She had to find a way to make herself accept that. She glanced away from him and moved out of the main room. She couldn’t stay that close to him and not want what she couldn’t have. The best course of action was to put some distance between them. It was the only way she’d be able to survive the night with her heart intact.

  Luca stared at Evelina unable to glance away. She was oh, so lovely. The gown only made her more stunning, but he always found her so. She would always be the most beautiful woman in the room to him. His Evelina was perfect.

  She glanced downward no longer meeting his gaze. He would work on her with that once they were together. She turned and left the room. That was fine with him. He’d much prefer they have a private discussion. One that he hoped would lead to kisses. Lots and lots of kisses…

  “Oh, good, you’re here.” Lenora hugged him and then stepped back.

  “I told you I’d come.”

  She smiled. “But you didn’t tell me the name of your special lady.” She wiggled her eyebrows. “No need to spill now. I can read the signs.” Lenora gestured toward Lulia. “Besides its obvious after I saw our favorite gypsy’s more recent companion.”

  Luca ignored her reference to Evelina. It wasn’t time to confirm anything. He still had to talk to the lady he wanted to marry. To convince her to allow him to court her… “Not now, Lenora dear. Go convince your husband to twirl you around the room for a bit.”

  He hated to be rude, but he had other priorities. Luca left Lenora alone and then went in the direction Evelina had. He found her standing in the middle of the fencing room. Mistletoe had been hung everywhere. There was no place she could stand and avoid not being underneath it. How had Lulia known she’d come to this room? Her cryptic statement about it being a perfect night for love and mistletoe…

  Luca moved toward her slowly. He didn’t want to spook her and she might bolt from the room if he moved too fast. When he reached her he leaned down and whispered, “Has anyone told you how lovely you look tonight?”

  She turned toward him a little startled. “Your Highness…I…”

  “Sshh,” he said. “Do you know you’re standing underneath mistletoe?”

  Evelina glanced up and frowned. “I did not. That’s an awful lot of it too…”

  “They may have gone a little overboard in here.” He held out his hand. “Will you dance with me?” Kissing could come later. She went into his arms without any fuss and he began to twirl her around the room.

  “Shouldn’t we dance in the other room?” her voice was low.

  “I’d rather do it in here,” he told her. “It’s more romantic don’t you think?”

  Evelina glanced up with surprise evident in her eyes. “Why would you want that…with me…”

  “You’re the only one I could ever want it with,” he replied huskily. “I’m only sorry it’s taken this long for me to say it to you. Luca lifted his hand and cupped her cheek. “You’re the loveliest woman I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

  “I don’t understand…” She licked her lips. “Am I dreaming?”

  “Only if I am too.” He leaned down and whispered in her ear. “This is real and if you’ll let me I’ll make sure we have many more nights like this.”

  “I’d like that…your highness…”

  “Luca,” he said firmly. “You must call me Luca.”

  He danced with her a few more minutes then stopped under a rather large bunch of mistletoe. Then he leaned down and pressed his lips to hers. The kiss was sweet at first and then grew more passionate. He touched his tongue to hers and tasted her the way he’d only imagined before this moment. He pulled back not wanting to push her too far.

  “Luca,” she whispered his name. “What do you want from me?”

  “I want everything,” he said. “First we’ll do the courtship thing because you deserve it, but you should know I fully intend to marry you at the end of it. I adore you and I intend to prove to you how much you mean to me for the rest of my life.” A tear fell down her cheek and he wiped it away with the pad of his thumb. “Don’t cry love. I can’t handle it.”

  “I never thought you could love me. This was always a dream. One I never believed would come true.”

  “I need you to trust that this is real. Tell me you want this. That courting you and marrying you is something you can see between us.” Luca prayed that she would say yes. He needed her to.

  “Yes,” she said. “A thousand times yes. There’s nothing I want more.”

  “Then consider the courtship started,” he said and swung her around the room. Then he leaned down and kissed her again. This was what he’d wanted, waited for. Soon, in the not so distant future, she would be his princess. He would love her for all of their days together…


  Three months later…

  Courtship. Marriage. Family. Those were all the things that a lady hoped to have, but not all managed to achieve. Evelina certainly hadn’t thought she would fall in love, and have a gentleman love her in return. The last man she thought would court her was Luca, the Crown Prince of Dacia.

  Now she was his wife. They had married earlier that day and were about to embark on a wedding trip. Afterward they would return to Dacia so she could meet his family, and be crowned his princess. How had her life come to this?

  “Are you pleased?” he asked her.

  “I have never been happier…”

  “You’re glowing,” Luca said. He reached up and brushed a stray lock of her hair away. “I love you.”

  “I love you too…”

  She leaned against him as the carriage rocked along the path. It was still a little chilly in England, but nothing like the day he’d announced he intended to court her. Their courtship hadn’t lasted long before he asked
her father for her hand in marriage. The best day for her had been when their engagement had been announced in the Times. All the ladies that had previously snubbed her wanted to be one of her closest friends. She’d ignored them of course.

  “Where are we going?” she asked her husband. “You never did tell me.”

  “It’s a surprise.” He kissed her forehead. “Do you really want to know?”

  She shook her head. “As long as I’m with you nothing else matters. This is what I’ve always wanted. To be loved and to love… I just didn’t think I’d ever find it.”

  “Some days I didn’t either,” he admitted. “But we found each other. I’m grateful every day for that.”

  Evelina was too… She had so many things she never thought to have. Friends who would stand by her through everything, good or bad…a husband who would adore her every day for the rest of her life. One day she would have even more than that. She’d have children to make her family complete. This was the dream she never dared to hope for.

  “Sometimes it is hard to hold on to hope.” She frowned. “Life isn’t always easy.”

  “Love never gives up on hope,” he said softly. “As long as we have that, and each other, we can see our way through the rest.”

  “Yes, we can.” Evelina agreed and leaned her head against his chest. The carriage came to a stop by the London docks. Luca helped her out of the carriage and they headed toward one of the ships. This was the first day of the rest of her life. Luca loved her and she loved him. She might not know where they were headed, but as long as they were together, they could be anywhere and she’d still be as happy as she was in that moment. Life wasn’t perfect, but it had perfect moments. That was all a person could ask for…



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