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There's Fire: A Friends to Lovers Romance (Where There's Smoak Book 5)

Page 4

by Nadine Hudson

  I hate to admit it but she’s right. Until the police find them there isn’t much we can do but be on the defensive. If that’s our only option, I’m going to do whatever it takes to keep her safe. Just then Gabe and Joe walk through the door.

  “Hey buddy!” Gabe exclaims. “You really gave us a scare there.”

  I smile back at both of them. “Hey, guys. Thanks for coming. But you really didn’t have to. It sounds like they’re going to be discharging me here in a few hours.”

  “Well we still wanted to come check on ya and make sure you were okay,” Joe says.

  “Yeah, besides,” Gabe intervenes, “how exactly were you kids planning to get home?” He smiles brightly at me.

  That’s right. I forgot Brooke didn’t drive down here. I’ve been so focused on getting out of here that I haven’t thought about how we’re getting home.

  “Oh, and I grabbed this for you, Conner. I know how you young kids are about not having it on ya at all times.” He reaches into his back pocket, pulls out my cell phone, and hands it to me. I laugh.

  “Thanks, Gabe. Good looking out.”

  “Have you two eaten yet?” Joe asks. “Me and Gabe can go grab something for yas if you want?”

  I am starving. “That would be great, guys. I’m fine with whatever you can find.”

  “Me too. Thanks so much. Here. I think I’ve got a twenty in my purse,” Brooke answers, then starts digging around in her bag.

  “No. No,” Joe says interrupting her rummaging. “We’ve got it.” She gives

  him a thank you smile. Then Joe and Gabe disappear from the room.

  I swipe my phone screen to unlock it and briefly scroll through my messages and missed calls. Then I get an idea. This is perfect. If Rachel’s the one helping Ian I can text her. She’ll answer me. Maybe I can reason with her. I start scrolling through my messages until I find her name and tap it.

  Rachel, I think it’s time we talk about things. Can I see you?

  I look at Brooke with a smile and she’s eyeing me curiously. I turn my phone around to show her the screen.

  “If I can get Rachel to talk to me maybe she can tell me where they are and what they are planning.”

  I watch a smile form over Brooke’s face as she slips onto the bed beside me and stares down at my phone holding onto my arm. “Great idea! Do you really think she’ll answer though?”

  Her sudden excitement is contagious. “It’s worth a try right?” I smile back at her and we both watch my screen patiently. A minute or two passes and then a long bubble with dots forms on my screen indicating someone on the other end is typing. I feel Brooke’s grip on my forearm tighten more and more the longer the dots are on the screen. I can’t tell if she’s holding her breath but I realize that I am. Our eyes stay fixed on the screen for at least a minute before the dots disappear completely. What?!

  “Uh! What happened?” Brooke asks.

  “I’m not sure. She must’ve stopped typing.”

  “Ughh! Damn it.” She groans then rises from the bed and paces across the room to the window. I feel a little deflated too as I toss my phone onto the bed beside me then rub my face hard with my hands. Shit.


  After a long, slow, several hours of waiting Dr. Reynolds finally discharges me with strict directions to follow up with my primary care doctor within a week and under the condition that I promise her I will come back to the ER if my symptoms get worse or new symptoms develop. Joe also made me give him my word that I would take it easy over the next few days. Take it easy? Right.

  Gabe drops Brooke and I off at the firehouse where I pick up my truck.

  “You’re going to be staying with me until all this is over, right?” I confirm with Brooke as we both climb into the truck.

  “Yeah. I think that’s probably best. Can we stop by my house quickly though? I want to grab some more stuff before we go to your place.”

  “Are you sure? I think you look great in what you’ve got on now.” I glance over at her and smile. She is drowning in Bobby’s sweatpants and t-shirt. She glares back at me unamused.

  “I’m sure.”

  “Well, the other alternative is you could just wear something of mine?” I suggest. Part of me is just flirting playfully but a bigger part of me is serious. I would love to see her lounging around in a pair of my boxers and… well nothing else. The thought alone makes my cock stir. I fight back a smile pulling at the corners of my mouth.

  “Thanks, but I would really like to wear my own clothes for a change.”

  We pull up outside of her house and I realize immediately that something is wrong. I narrow my eyes at her house and try to figure out what's out of place. My eyes scan her front porch Her front door is cracked open. My heart starts beating hard in my chest. Is he here? I look over the rest of the outside of her house and notice a window on the second floor is cracked.

  “Hey, look.” I say calmly, pointing a finger to the second floor window. “That’s your bedroom isn’t it? Was that window cracked before?”

  I hear her inhale sharply as she shakes her head no. I pull out my phone immediately and call the police. An emergency response operator answers in two rings. I explain that we need an officer as soon as possible and give her the address. When I hang up the phone I notice Brooke is shaking in the seat next to me.

  “Hey, hey, hey. Relax. Calm down. It’s okay,” I say to her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her into my chest. I rest my chin on her head and squeeze her tightly. “It’s okay. The cops are on their way. Just breathe. It’s going to be fine.”

  She pulls away from me hard. Her eyes are wet with tears. “I’m so sick of this Conner!” she screams. “I’m sick of being scared all the damn time. Why can’t they find them? I don’t understand. What are the police doing?” Her cry quickly turns into a sob as she leans forward in her seat and throws her face into her hands.

  I see the blue and red lights flashing in my rearview mirror.

  “They’re here,” I say quietly to her then pat her back before hopping out of the truck and meeting them on the sidewalk. Brooke slowly climbs out of the passenger’s seat. She dries her eyes with her sleeve then joins me, Jerry, and another officer on the sidewalk right out front of her house.

  “Have you guys been inside yet?” Jerry asks, looking back and forth at both of us.

  “No,” I answer. “We pulled in and I saw the door was cracked open and then I spotted the broken window on the second floor. I called you right away. I didn’t want to take any chances.” I place my hand on the back of Brooke’s neck and pull her closer to me. She leans into me but continues staring at the ground, her arms wrapped tightly around herself.

  “Okay. Why don’t you two wait in your vehicle and we will check it out,” he nods and then looks at the younger officer beside him. I turn and lead Brooke back to the truck, keeping my arm around her until she’s safe inside the cab. I know she’s shaken up and terrified. She has every right to be.

  But I’m not scared. At least not of him. He’s a fucking coward. I knew that for a fact the second I found out he put his hands on a woman. And the more he screws around with Brooke the more pissed off I get. If I’m afraid of anything it’s what I might do to this bastard if I ever get him alone. I’m afraid I’ll end up in prison because there’s not a single doubt in my mind… I’ll fucking kill him.

  Twenty minutes later Jerry and his partner emerge from inside Brooke’s house. Jerry waves at us from the sidewalk and Brooke and I both climb out again and meet them. I wrap an arm around Brooke’s shoulders and I feel her hand rest on my chest. Her touch is a welcome feeling. It started to feel like she was pulling away from me the more scared she became. It feels good to know she’s letting me protect her.

  “Well, all is clear. There’s no one inside. But you should know,” he turns his attention to Brooke, “There has been a lot of property damage.” I feel her hand grip my shirt. “Whoever broke in smashed a lot of things. Windows, mirrors, dishes, e
lectronics. There’s also spray paint on the walls, things torn out of closets and cabinets, just a mess. I’m terribly sorry, Brooke.”

  “Whoever broke in?” I snap. “What do you mean whoever broke in? We’ve told you exactly who has been tormenting her. This is Ian Thompson or Rachel Bardelli. Or both.”

  Jerry puts a hand up at me. “I hear you, Conner and I’m sure that’s exactly who was involved here but nothing has been proven yet. I mean, we can do the investigation and try to find prints but you know what the budgets look like for us in this small town. We’ve got few resources and lesser manpower. It will take weeks just to gather evidence and if they were wearing gloves there won’t even be any prints.”

  I know what Jerry says is true but the more he speaks the hotter I can feel my face becoming. “Listen Jerry. I don’t give a shit what you have to do! You better start doing something about this or I will!”

  “Conner, enough,” Brooke says, pushing hard against my chest. She nods at Jerry then tilts her head down to the ground. “Can I go inside to get some things?” She asks, quietly.

  “Yeah, go ahead.” He waves in the direction of her front door. And I follow Brooke inside.

  One step inside the front door and Brooke and I are frozen in our tracks. It's so much worse than I expected. I look around the room trying to catalog all the damage but it’s too much. It would be quicker to catalog what hasn’t been damaged. Her furniture has been sliced and the stuffing from inside has been ripped out. Her walls are spray painted with red and black paint. The words whore, homewrecker, skank, and bitch are graffitied on every wall.

  All of her electronics look like they’ve faced a baseball bat including her television, her ceiling lights, and her living room lamps. There was so much rage released in this one room that I struggle to understand how anyone even had the energy to cause this much destruction. Brooke begins moving slowly through the room toward the stairs and I start to follow behind her but she holds a hand up at me.

  “Just give me a minute,” she says quietly through tear filled eyes.With each step she takes I hear the crunching of her destroyed belongings beneath her feet. Seeing her like this cuts me to my core. I want to hold her. I want to kiss away her tears. I want to beat the shit out of Ian. I have so many emotions coursing through my body at this moment that I can’t bring myself to stand still. I pace back and forth through her living room stepping on shards of glass and pieces of her furniture as I go.

  I look out the window and spot Jerry and his partner leaning against their car casually talking to each other. They are never going to find Rachel or Ian. I shake my head at them then pull out my phone. I scroll through my contacts and stop on Rachel’s number then tap the screen. Six rings then voicemail. I hang up and redial her number. Same thing. I have to get her to talk to me.

  This time I leave a message, “Hey Rach, it’s Conner. I’ve been trying to get a hold of you… I hope you’re not mad at me, baby. Give me a call back… please. I love you.” I feel myself almost choke on the last words. They taste sour leaving my mouth. But if that’s what it will take to get her to answer me then it’s worth it. I look around and realize Brooke hasn’t come back down. I move slowly up the stairs and back the hallway toward her bedroom. I knock quietly and open the door to find Brooke sitting on the end of her bed holding what looks like a black and white cloth.

  “Hey, you need any help?” I ask softly. She looks up at me, tears streaming from her eyes.

  “You got me this,” she says as she shows me what’s in her hand and I realize what it is. It’s the stuffed penguin I left for her on her doorstep. I smile at her and bend to my knee so we are eye to eye. I take her chin in my fingers and tilt her head up.

  “Stop putting your head down like you’ve been defeated.”

  She lets out an exasperated laugh.

  “Look around, Conner. I have been defeated. He has destroyed everything I own. Everything I have!”

  I look around for a second then smile softly at her, “You don’t have to be afraid, Brooke. You’ve still got me. And I’ve always got you. Always.”

  She looks up at me through her lashes and I watch a small smile start to form on her lips. There’s my girl. I pull her tightly into my chest and she wraps her arms around me. “I love you, Brooke. No one will ever be able to destroy that.” She doesn’t say anything but I feel her squeeze me just a little bit tighter at my words.



  I feel more relaxed and comfortable when we get back to Conner’s house. Well, aside from having to wear his boxers and t-shirt because all my clothing was destroyed but just the familiarity and normalcy of it is comforting. After seeing my home practically turned upside down it feels good to be somewhere that I’m used to being and having it look the way it should.

  “Have you heard back from Rachel yet?” I ask, watching Conner pace around the room. He’s wearing his jeans from earlier but he took his shirt off almost as soon as he got into the door. I’ve been having a hard time trying not to stare.

  “No. Not yet. I tried to call her when we were still at your house. I thought maybe she would answer a call over a text, but she didn’t.”

  With everything that has happened over the last two days I know it’s not the time but Conner flaunting himself in front of me for the past hour has been a welcomed distraction from two psychos terrorizing my life. I bite my lip as my eyes follow his rippling body moving smoothly from one side of the room to the other. He’s focusing hard and it causes all his muscles to tense and tighten. I shift my position on the couch. I can feel myself getting hot and bothered by him. Then it hits me.

  There’s a very real possibility I could lose him. I could lose him forever. I could have lost him yesterday. Really lost him. The thought is chilling and I shiver in place. Then Conner’s words come back to me. You don’t have to be afraid, Brooke. You’ve still got me. And I’ve always got you. Always.

  I smile at the recollection and I realize he’s absolutely right. I can’t keep living in fear. Not of Rachel. Not of Ian. And most importantly not of Conner. I already trust him with my life. Shouldn’t I be able to trust him with my heart too? The epiphany washes over me and sends radiating sensations throughout my body and I shift again. My eyes look to Conner. I want him. All of him. As passionately as he can give himself to me.

  Before I can get up from my seat to make a move there’s a knock on the front door. My heart begins to pound and my eyes flash to Conner’s. “Oh, it’s probably the pizza.”


  “Yeah, I ordered pizza for us. I figured you weren’t really in the mood to cook anything and… well, we already know I don’t cook so…” He smirks at me then goes to the kitchen and answers the door. I hear him exchange words with the delivery guy. Then he closes the door before coming back into the living room carrying a pizza box and a stack of paper plates on top.

  “Dinner is served,” he grins and sits next to me on the couch. He slides the box onto the coffee table in front of us. Then he serves us each a slice. I didn’t realize how hungry I was until I took the first bite. I didn’t even realize that I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast this morning and it’s now almost ten at night. After two slices I’m sufficiently stuffed. I watch Conner finish up his fourth slice before tossing his empty paper plate on top of the box.

  He extends his arms over his head and I watch his muscles move through his body as he stretches them. I practically drool on my lap watching him twist and turn in slow motion. He seems to still be distracted with finding Ian and Rachel because he doesn’t even notice that I’ve been ogling him for the past thirty minutes. Maybe he’s right. Maybe I should focus on that instead of how I’d like to peel his pants off with my teeth right now.

  The thought causes my pussy to throb in response. I inhale sharply. Oh my God, Brooke. Stop it.

  “Well,” Conner starts, pulling me from my inappropriate and inopportune thoughts, “I think I’m gonna go take a shower.” I w
atch his lips start to curl into a smirk as he gives me a side-eyed glance. My groin clenches. Ah fuck. “Both doors are locked so you should be okay until I get out. Unless…” His smirk grows and my heart skips a beat. I wait holding my breath for him to finish his sentence. Go ahead. Ask me. Unless I want to get in with you? But instead he laughs and stands up from the couch.

  I feel my heart drop into my stomach. Damn it! I watch him take the pizza box out to the kitchen then he heads back the hallway into his bedroom. He’s going back there to undress. This is it. This is my chance. I have to tell him. And I need to do it now before I lose my nerve. I hear his bedroom door shut and I stand from the couch. I suck back one last deep breath before making my way back the hallway toward his bedroom door.

  My clammy hand grips the knob to his bedroom door. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. Maybe because I’ve been both fantasizing about and avoiding this exact scenario since the day I realized I’m in love with Conner Smoak. I close my eyes and pull in another breath. I can do this. There’s too much between us for this to not work out. Just as I’m about to turn the knob I feel it twisting from the other side. I jump and inhale sharply as the door swings open.

  Suddenly, my eyes are met by a broad bare chest and my jaw drops. My eyes travel down his body and I realize he’s in nothing but a towel. He’s so damn sexy. I feel my cheeks flush as my eyes meet his-those bedroom blues stare directly into my soul, dancing brightly with something sinful reflecting in them. I watch a smile grow on his mouth before his tongue slips through his lips, wetting them as it passes. My panties are instantly soaked.

  He has already made love to me, giving me a more incredible experience than I’ve ever had before. But now there’s a hunger in his eyes I’m dying to unleash. My heart is banging in my chest as a shot of desire races down my spine. I want him to ravage me. Claim me. Own me completely. His eyes travel to my chest and he watches it rise and fall with my rapid breath. And just as my lips part to speak his hands are on me. Finally!


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