There's Fire: A Friends to Lovers Romance (Where There's Smoak Book 5)

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There's Fire: A Friends to Lovers Romance (Where There's Smoak Book 5) Page 8

by Nadine Hudson

  “Hiya, Brooke. I’m Dr. Soverns. How are you feeling?” His voice is soft and kind. He smiles down at me gently as he talks.

  “I-uh, I feel okay,” I answer foggily.

  “Your family told you what happened?”

  I nod my head and my eyes fall to my lap. I hope he doesn’t go into it again. My breathing shakes when I start to think about it.

  “Hey,” he says touching my forearm. “You are a very lucky girl, Brooke. We weren’t sure if you were gonna make it.” He flashes a small smile again and I’m not sure if that was meant to make me feel better or what but it definitely didn’t. Nobody wants to hear how close to death they were. I’m not sure how to respond to that so I just stare at my hands and fiddle with my fingers.

  “I want you to understand your condition from a medical standpoint so I’m going to go over your injuries, what to expect, and what the recovery looks like, okay? I know you just woke up so if this is too much for you, you let me know, alright?”

  I bob my head in agreement but don’t look at him. I see Conner tip his head trying to catch my eyes in my peripheral vision. He eyes me curiously and I offer him a reassuring smile. I’m having a hard time taking in anything that the doctor is saying. If I’m being honest it’s all been a blur since his words, we weren’t sure if you were gonna make it. My mind is stuck back on the fact that I almost died to process anything further.



  Brooke looks overwhelmed with all the information the doctor is laying on her right now. I’ve tuned him out. I’ve been watching her, studying her since the second she opened her eyes. I’m terrified to look away. Afraid that if I do they’ll fall shut again and won’t open back up. The thought of never being able to get lost in those deep green eyes again causes my throat to constrict. I need to see them but she keeps looking down. I tilt my head to try and catch a glimpse and she lifts her eyes slightly to meet mine. I’m immediately put at ease.

  Dr. Sovern goes on for another ten minutes or so. I’ve already heard this a dozen times from him. I know exactly what to expect and how to take care of her once she discharges. Before she woke up I paid very close attention to every word but now that she’s awake the only thing getting my attention is her.

  “We will continue to monitor you for twenty-four hours but as long as no additional concerns come up we can discharge you tomorrow if you’re comfortable with that?”

  I wait for Brooke to respond but she doesn’t. She just continues staring down at her hands on her lap.

  “Brooke?” Polly finally gets her attention and her eyes flutter up to Dr. Sovern.

  “Ohh, uh yeah. Yes. That, uh, that sounds great. Thank you. I’d like to go home.”

  He nods and leaves the room. Polly and Scott rise from their chairs and follow him out looking like they are asking more questions. Finally, it’s just the two of us. I smile at her brightly. And she smiles back but hers is much softer.

  “What is it?” I scooch closer to her and take her hands in mine. She looks up at me with tear soaked eyes and my heart is suddenly in my gut.

  “Conner, where am I going home to?” Her bottom lip starts to quiver. “Ian has destroyed both our homes. Our things…” she trails off as I slide into the bed beside her and pull her close to my chest. “Hey. Listen to me, okay. It’s all going to be just fine. Trust me. I don’t want you to worry about a thing. Do you hear me?” Warmth rises in my chest.

  I feel her nod against me and sniffle. “Okay.” She squeezes tighter to my side. I’m surprised at how easily she believes me. She didn’t question how I know or what my plan is. She has blind faith in me and the feeling makes my heart soar. She’s still letting me take care of her. I take her chin in my fingers and carefully tilt her face to mine. Before I can lean in for a kiss her hand is around my neck pulling me into her. My tongue slips through her lips and tangles with hers. She moans into my mouth sending a surge straight to my groin. Ohh, Baby. I’ve missed you.



  “Today’s the big day sweetheart! Are you ready?” My mom beams at me. I raise my eyebrows and suck in a deep breath.

  “As I’ll ever be.” I glance at Conner who seems to think my mother’s overbearing energy is humorous. I smirk and narrow my eyes at him. Everyone has been unusually upbeat today. I don’t know if it’s because I’m getting discharged, or the fact that I’m still alive, or a combination of both but they have definitely been acting strange.

  The nurse comes in with a wheelchair and an apologetic expression. “Sorry dear. I know you said you didn’t want the wheelchair but it’s hospital policy. You have to be taken out in it.” She shrugs her shoulders and her nose scrunches up.

  I roll my eyes toward Conner who is grinning from ear to ear. I knew he would be. He loves to see me uncomfortable and few things are more embarrassing than being paraded through a hospital, in a wheelchair that I don’t need, and being followed out by a small crowd of family, friends, and nurses.

  “I’ll push her.” Conner smiles brightly at the nurse and I shake my head at him. I know how much he loves taking care of me and though it was difficult at first I’m starting to get more comfortable with letting him. He twists the chair into the hallway and nurses at the desk stand to wave me goodbye. I smile shyly and give them all a small wave. I just want this to be over quickly and draw as little attention to myself as possible.

  As we reach the lobby Conner leans down. I can feel his warm breath on my neck as he whispers into my ear, “Let’s go out with a bang, shall we?” Before I can respond he tips my chair back making me wheely out the double sliding front doors. I squeal loudly feeling like I’m about to fall backward.

  “Conner!” I shout trying to reprimand him but I can’t control my laughter underneath.

  “Sir! Excuse me sir! You can’t do that! Please sir!” I hear nurses shouting behind us as they chase us out the door. As embarrassing as it is I can’t stop laughing. I feel the heat rise in my cheeks and as soon as we’re out the door he scoops me out of the chair and into his arms spinning me around.

  “I love you,” I say against his mouth before molding my lips to his. He hums in his throat and squeezes me tighter to him. He finally lets go when we hear a beeping noise and turn to see my parents pull up. We jump in the back seat and head for home.


  I climb out of the car and my breath catches in my throat as I take in my house. I’m in shock. The windows are fixed. The door has been painted. I spin around to grab a hold of Conner and he’s there to pull me into him with a large smile spread across his face. “Welcome home, baby,” he says and kisses the side of my head. My hands cover my mouth as I stand there gawking. My mom hops out of the front seat and takes my hand ripping me from Conner’s side.

  “C’mon! I can’t wait for you to see the inside!”

  I follow her to my front door and when I step inside it takes my breath away and I try to gasp for air. All the graffiti is gone, broken glass and electronics gone, shredded furniture gone. Everything inside looks like it’s been staged for a magazine cover. I hold my breath as I look around the room trying to take everything in but there’s too much for me to process.

  “But...How...Who?” I don’t even know which question to start with. I hear Conner laugh behind me and I turn to pull him closer.

  “It was a lot of people actually. The whole town chipped in something whether it was painting or building supplies, time, furniture, appliances. Everybody did something.” He moves close behind me and pulls me tight against him, resting his chin on my shoulder. “Do you like it?”

  I inhale sharply as I feel tears prick the corners of my eyes. “I love it. It’s beautiful. Thank you!” I spin toward him and wrap my arms around his neck, pressing my lips to his. He leans back pulling me off my feet and deeper into his kiss.

  “Hmh.” My dad clears his throat at the front door behind us. “Polly, maybe we should give them some time.” He smiles at us both and I can’t hid
e the blush that’s now spread across my face. Did my dad just say that? My mom turns to us and smiles brightly.

  “Oh, yes. Yes, of course,” she says smiling a large, knowing smile and I’m suddenly more embarrassed now than I was doing wheelies out of the hospital. Oh my God. I feel Conner’s hands squeeze tighter to my body. “We actually have a lot to get ready for tonight anyway so we'll just see you two there.” She flashes us each one more smile before bopping out the door behind my dad.


  “Oh, just a small welcome home thing. No big deal.” My mom waves a hand at me and cuts me off from asking more questions as she squeezes out the door.

  As soon as the door closes I watch a smirk curl on Conner’s mouth. That sexy smirk that makes me weak at my knees. “There’s another room I want to show you,” he says playfully as he presses his forehead to mine. Then he quickly pecks my lips and sweeps me off my feet. I laugh loudly, throwing my head back as he carries me up the stairs and to the bathroom.

  He sets me on my feet and I look around. Everything in here has been redone too. I let my fingers trail along the new white countertop of the vanity. I open up one of the freshly painted cupboards and find brand new bath towels and washcloths. I open the shower door and it’s stocked with all the necessities. I turn and smile at him brightly. “Was this all your idea?”

  “I wish I could take credit for it. But honestly the town came together on their own and started doing all of this. Gabe and Bobby kind of took the lead but everyone chipped in where they could.” He shrugs and his eyes travel around the room before falling back on me. I watch a flame ignite in his eyes and I suddenly feel hot under his gaze.

  “I do have an idea now though,” he grins devilishly and it's contagious.

  “Yeah? Show me.”

  He moves closer to me. The heat from his body radiating to mine. His fingertips trail up my sides as he lifts my shirt over my head and tosses it on the floor behind us. He wraps an arm around my waist then tangles a fist in my hair. His grip is firm, controlled, and so damn sexy but when his lips touch my skin they are soft and gentle as they tickle kisses down the side of my neck.

  I feel my breathing accelerate and my heart starts to race. He’s always had this effect on me. It doesn’t take much for him to get me this way. Goosebumps rise on my skin under his breath as his mouth moves along my body. A quiet moan escapes my lips and another threatens to be released but he catches it in his mouth. I wrap my fingers around his neck and pull him into me.

  His hands travel to the waistband of my leggings and slip beneath them and my panties in one movement. He reaches around to the back, filling his palms with my ass cheeks and using his grip to press his erection against me. I feel my pussy clench with want. He drags his hands down my legs pulling my pants and panties down with them. I remove my bra and step out of my pants slowly one foot at a time until I’m naked in front of him. He steps back and lets his eyes travel the length of my body then bites his lower lip.

  I feel my core clench at his expression. How can he do that to me without even touching me? “You are so fucking beautiful.” His voice is raspy. He leans over to the shower and starts the water then turns back to me. He pulls his shirt over his head then unbuttons his jeans and slides them down along with his boxers freeing his solid erection that’s now pointed directly at me. A gasp escapes my lips and he grins wide.

  He moves to me again and I’m wrapped in his arms in an instant. Lost in his body, his kiss, his scent. Completely consumed by him. Without pulling his lips from mine he fiddles behind him for the shower door and slides it open and we clumsily step inside into the heat of the water. His hands are all over my body, greedily grasping and massaging every surface I have. His stiff cock is digging into my hip yearning to slip inside me.

  I reach down and wrap my fingers around it and start to stroke it from base to tip. Conner’s dark blue eyes squeeze closed and he throws his head back as he lets out a groan. I can feel his heart pounding against his chest. He takes another step toward me then slams my body against the cold shower wall. The contrast between the icy wall on my back and the steamy heat from the shower and Conner’s body causes my core to tense.

  Conner grabs my wrist where it grasps his cock and he throws it above my head pinning it to the wall before doing the same with my other. He holds them there with one hand while traveling down my center with the other. He swipes two fingers into the folds of my pussy and slips them inside me. “Ahh,” I moan. Desire pulsating throughout my body. He continues slipping in and out of me as his mouth wraps tightly around my nipple, pulling it. Teasing it with his tongue and lips. I tilt my head toward the ceiling as my body has no choice but to absorb the pleasure he’s inflicting on it.

  I arch my back away from the wall, pushing his fingers deeper inside me. The heel of his palm rubs hard against my clit and I shutter. His eyes are on mine. Watching. Gauging my reaction. Using it to direct his next move. “Conner.” I pant as he continues his relentless motion in and out of me. “I want you! I want you now.”

  He grins and his eyes grow wide with pleasure. He releases his grip on my hands and lifts me in the air pressing my back flat against the wall. He lowers me slowly onto his dick until he’s so deep inside of me that we are hip to hip. His cock fills me completely and I moan loudly. His mouth finds mine catching the end of my moan.

  He thrusts himself hard inside of me as I grip tightly to his neck. My legs wrapped around his waist squeeze tighter, pulling him even deeper inside of me. He holds firmly to my ass cheeks and I start rolling my hips as he holds me up. As my hips tilt back I can feel his cock hitting that delicious spot inside me. I tilt them again and shutter when his dick clashes against it.

  His eyes stay on my face and his lips part as I ride him. “Holy fuck baby! You have no idea how sexy it is watching you get yourself off on my dick.” His dirty words send tingles cascading down my body with the water. His hands continue to hold me up and brace me as I continue riding him. Repeatedly hitting my spot with the rhythm. I feel myself building on his cock. “I know you’re close, baby. Come for me. Come on my dick,” he growls digging his fingers into my flesh.

  He takes hold of my hips and slams himself deep inside me causing me to free fall over the edge and into my orgasm. My walls clench and pulsate around him and he moans his gratification against my skin. I feel him start to tense as he finds his own release and lets go crying out my name, “Ahh, Brooke!”


  We’re both slumped on the floor of the shower. Breathy, tired, completely sated. The water is still streaming down on us. Conner takes a breath in then slaps my ass cheek hard as he sits up. “Okay, we’ve gotta get cleaned up. We’ve got places to be.” He scrambles to his feet and grabs a bottle of soap and squeezes the pink liquid into his hand. I stand up too and watch him as he kneels before me and rubs his soapy hands up my legs and across my stomach. He takes his time covering every surface with a lather of bubbles.

  I close my eyes and take in his warm touch. His slow movements. His scent. When he finishes I take a turn and do the same. I keep my eyes closed as I wash him. I want to see how well I have memorized every curvature, every outline of his muscles. I smile to myself as my hands travel around his body, my fingers dipping into the outlines of his abs. Mmm, this man is so intoxicating. I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of him.



  Leaning against the door frame of the bathroom I watch her intently as she puts on her makeup.My arms are folded tightly across my chest to keep me from reaching out for her. She’s wearing a just-short-enough sun dress and sandals. My dick twitches at the thoughts running through my mind while I stare at her. She side-eyes me and smirks as she finishes her mascara.

  “What are you doing?” she asks, furrowing her brow.

  My smile grows wide. “Just enjoying the view that’s all.” She shakes her head like my words have no effect on her but I now know otherwise. I pull out my phone and che
ck the time.

  “You about ready?”

  “Yeah, just two more minutes.” She’s been saying that for the past hour but I don’t mind waiting. The longer it takes her to get ready the longer I have her all to myself.

  “Are you ready?”

  “I’ve been ready.”

  Some of the guys from the company had gotten together while I was at the hospital with Brooke and bought me some new clothes since mine were destroyed in the fire. They even brought an extra dresser here to Brooke’s house for me. Maybe it’s moving too fast but Brooke has insisted that I stay with her until I figure things out at my house. And I couldn’t agree more. There’s nowhere else I’d rather be.

  “Are you going to tell me where we’re going?” she asks, putting a hand on her hip and turning to look at me.

  “If I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

  She purses her lips and I step toward her pulling her into my arms and kissing the pout off her mouth.

  “No sad faces today.” I smile against her mouth and I feel her lips turn up into a smile too.


  I make her close her eyes as we pull into the firehouse. I jump out of the truck and race to the otherside to get the door for her, excitement building in my body. I know she will be able to hear the crowd and the music as soon as I open the door, if she can’t hear it already. I take her hand and guide her out of my truck.

  “Okay, open.”

  Her eyes spring open and her jaw falls as she looks around. “What is all this?”

  “The town wanted to show you their support.” Her reaction is everything I was hoping for.

  Her eyes scan the area falling on the tables set up where people are sitting to eat, the tents full of baked goods and other foods being sold, games and dunk tanks, and stop when they land on the stage set up in the parking lot with a band playing.

  I watch her chest rise and fall as her breathing increases. “They did all this for me?”


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