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Page 4

by Traci Sek

  "So why didn't he try before? Don't you hate him for what he put us through?"

  "Why should I? Everybody grieves in different ways, and we should be happy that things are going to change. Because honestly, I am tired of living in the past. I want to go to high school happy, and if this is what it takes, then so be it."

  "When did you become so mature?"

  Kate laughs. "I learned it from you, silly."

  I can't help but smile. "Awe Sis, I love you!" I hug her.

  "I love you too, Jessa."

  I need You to Make Me Right


  Laying on my bed staring at my white ceiling, I sigh for the hundredth time in the past hour. Jessa has been on my mind since the minute I met her in biology. She was so cute with her shoulder-length wavy brown hair, and those eyes that seemed to hold sadness and pain but past that held hope and happiness. I have never been so lost in someone's eyes like I had been that day. She seemed shy at first until she came out of nowhere, shocking the hell out of me and the others at the school dance.

  I’m drawn to her. She isn't like the other girls at school: blonde and fake. They are only pretending to like me to get what they want. It's funny how a title can change you in the blink of an eye.

  In eighth grade, I had acne and was picked on a lot. The funny part is half these people who come up to me now, begging to be my friend, were the same people who pushed me up against lockers and knocked my books out of my hands. I have the power now, and there is no way I’m going back to being that dork from three years ago.

  I have worked hard to get where I am today. I cleaned up my acne, worked out relentlessly, and started taking no shit from no one. I’m determined to have no one mess with me ever again.

  However, that’s slowly changing now that this new girl came to school. It’s like I needed her to run into me to wake me up and realize that this wasn't who I wanted to be or who I needed to be. It frustrates me. I have to get to know this girl more. Even if it means I have to go back to the scrawny little boy, I once was.

  I get up and look in the mirror. My face is now healed from that asshole who tried to hurt Jessa. I think back to that night and shudder. If I hadn't followed her, God only knows what would have happened.

  Then It brought me to the question, why wouldn't she let me walk her home? What is she hiding? Did I give off that strong of a persona where she thought I would judge her? If only she knew that I would never judge anybody unless they deserved it or judged me first. But her, never. I feel this instinct to protect her at all costs, even if she keeps pushing me away.

  I realize that I wanted all the wrong things in life, and I needed her to make me right again. With that determination in mind, I throw on a shirt and head downstairs. I have to plan on how I’m going to get her to open up and trust me.

  Pizza and a Confession

  "Hey, girl!" Gia strolls up to me with Julia. Ugh, Julia, is like a lost puppy. Doesn't she have any other friends? I smile. "Hey, guys. What's going on?" I close my locker and continue walking with them. As usual, Julia says nothing to me. Instead, she examines her nails as if they were growing two heads about to jump at her.

  "Some of us are going to Jo-Jo's pizza after school. Want to come?"

  Pizza is one food I can't resist. "Yeah, I'd love to, but there's a problem." I look at Gia, hoping she would get the hint that I have no money.

  "Oh, that's right, you're allergic to pepperoni. No worries. I got it covered," Gia winks at me. I sigh relieved.

  "So, who's all going?"

  "Well, me, you, Julia, and Alex. It's a regular hang out when the weather gets warmer."

  "Oh, nice." Why was Spencer not invited? I don't want to ask that question out loud since Julia always gives me a dirty look.

  "I invited Spencer," Julia chimes in all flirty. And there it is! She bats her eyelashes a few times before smiling like a lovesick puppy. I roll my eyes and shake my head.

  "Oh, great! I was going to ask him, but I wasn't sure if he was busy with the new fundraiser they were planning," Gia replies with a shrug.

  "Well, he said he could squeeze us in." They both laugh.

  I start to feel sick. For once, it wasn't because I was hungry. Roy had actually bought some food for the house, along with school supplies. It was from the fact that I still hadn't talked to Spencer about that night. I had done a good job of avoiding him, but I wasn't sure why?

  "Well, listen, I have to get to class. I'll meet you after school outside because I have no idea where it is."

  "Ok sounds good," Gia says enthusiastically.

  The last bell rings and I meet Gia, Julia, and Alex outside. We walk to the pizzeria, which isn't too far from the school. Spencer’s already there waiting for us. Julia’s the first to skip up to him. She gives him a hug and kisses him on the cheek. Alex follows with their usual handshake high five combos, and then it’s my turn.

  "Hey Jessa, how are you?" Spencer asks sweetly. He wraps his warm, strong arms around me for a quick hug throwing me off and tilting my world. Even though it’s quick, it seems to go in slow motion.

  "Hi, I'm good. How are you?"


  We continue in, grab the biggest table available, and sit down. Alex and Gia practically jump each other kissing intensely, and Julia makes sure she gets a seat right next to Spencer. Spencer clears his throat causing Gia to jump.

  "Sorry,” she blushes.

  “What are we going to eat?" Spencer asks.

  "Well, apparently Jessa is allergic to pepperoni," Julia says in a smug voice.

  Is she trying to make me look bad? I squirm a little in my seat.

  "Oh, that sucks," Spencer says, looking at me with those intense chocolate eyes.

  All eyes are on me now.

  "That’s ok, we can get half cheese half pepperoni Gia pipes in saving the day. Let's go order." She grabs Alex's hand, yanking him from the table as he nearly trips over his own feet, and leaves the table.

  "I have to use the restroom," Spencer says. "I'll be right back."

  Now it was just Julia and me.

  "Ok, Jessa, listen up. I know there's something up with you."

  "Excuse me?" Julia gives me another one of her famous death glares. I suppress the urge to roll my eyes.

  "You heard me. I know you're hiding something. I can see right through you, and you're using it to become best friends with Gia."

  "I don't know what you're talking about."

  "Cute. Anyway, be warned, I was Gia’s friend first. I'm the one that will be helping her at her party, not you, and don't think you're going to weasel your way to Spencer either. He's mine."

  I sit back wide-eyed and confused. "I don't know what I ever did to you, but you need to back off. I'm not trying to steal anyone's man or friend. There's nothing between Spencer and me."

  "Yeah, and there won't be."

  "Whatever," I utter as Gia, Alex, and Spencer swoop back into their spots in the booth.

  "Well, I hope we didn't miss anything," Gia says, smiling.

  "Nope. Nothing. Just getting to know each other is all," Julia says sweetly.

  She then wraps her arm around Spencer. He doesn't resist.

  "Well, that's good, I'm glad," Gia says excitedly. "Anyways, everybody here is coming to my party tomorrow, right?"Everyone nods. "Good because it's going to be awesome."

  "Let's just hope it won't turn into a rager." Alex, for the first time, chimes in laughing, and Gia hits him.

  "What's a rager?" I ask.

  "You don't know what a rager is?" Julia asks incredulously.

  Spencer shoots her a dirty look.

  "No, sorry. Not much into the party scene."

  "It's when a party gets way out of control. People you don't know show up, they bring drugs and alcohol. It's a mess." Spencer answers smoothly.

  "Oh, that sounds like a huge headache." They all laugh.

  "Yeah, it can be, but not my party the minute someone shows up that I don't recognize, I'm sla
mming the door in their face."

  The pizza arrives, and instinctively I reach for the pepperoni but quickly retreat when Gia elbows me in the ribs. My hand gracefully glides over to the cheese side, taking a slice and a bite from its hot gooey edge. It instantly burns my mouth as I struggle to blow out the heat without blowing the food chunks. I glance at Julia, who’s watching me. I avert my eyes and nibble on my slice while the rest rip and tear apart the pizza as if it were their last meal.

  “Yum, this pizza is heaven,” Gia groans as glorious cheese stretches from her full mouth. She scoops it up with her finger and pops it into her mouth like a pizza eating pro. “I swear if they ever go out of business, I will protest.” Everyone laughs at her dramatics.

  I manage to eat one slice. I’m feeling sick again, and my nerves are in an uproar.

  "So, listen up, guys," Spencer says as he stands up. "It's been fun, but duty calls. Lots to plan for this fundraiser, and you all better be there."

  "Of course, we wouldn't miss it for the world," Julia says.

  I cringe and fist my hands on my lap. She’s terrible at flirting. I can't believe Spencer would fall for that crap.

  "Great, I'll see you all at the party."

  The realization hits me like a ton of bricks. Tomorrow is the party. I suddenly feel like throwing up.

  "Are you ok? Gia asks.

  "Hmm? Um, I don't know. I'll be fine, I think. It's just my stomach."

  "Oh my God! You didn't eat pepperoni, did you?" Julia asks.

  I give her the dirtiest look I can muster. "No, but thanks for your concern."

  All eyes are on me now, making me wish I never said anything.

  "Really, I'll be fine once I get home," I assure them.

  "Alright then, guys, adios." He salutes us, making everyone giggle but me. He gives me one last look before he walks out the door.


  "Hey, Kate, don't forget tonight's the party."

  "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I was finally invited to a sleepover with some girls at school. Since Dad’s being so nice, he already said I could go. I'm sorry, Jess."

  "No, no, it's ok. I'm glad you're finally making friends. You should be hanging out with people your own age anyway."

  Kate smiles. I’m looking forward to the party, yet dreading it at the same time. Whatever happens, happens, I guess.

  "Jessa, Kate, Let's go," Roy yells from the bottom of the stairs.

  He reluctantly agrees to drive us to each of our parties. I wear the same outfit I wore to the dance, it’s the nicest one I own, but this time I grab a sweater. We get in Roy's beat up 1986 pickup truck that he refuses to let go of. He claims it’s his baby. Kate is the first to be dropped off.

  "Have fun!" I yell as I watch my sister run up the cobblestone entryway. My chest swells as I watch her hug the girl that opens up. I’m so happy she is finally making friends.

  As soon as she is inside, we continue on.

  "So, where does this girl live?" Roy asks.

  "Nineteen Pennyworth Dr."

  Up until now, I had never been to Gia's house. I only got the address yesterday at the pizzeria.

  "So, there's not going to be any boys at this party, right?"

  "Yeah, Dad, there is. Why?"

  "I thought this was a sleepover."

  "It's a party first, then a sleepover for the girls. Don't worry, I'm responsible. I had to be, remember?" Roy shifts uncomfortably in his seat.

  "Well, I just want to know these things, Jessa."

  "Since when? I could have been pregnant by now or a school drop out for all you know."

  Roy shoots me a nasty look. "Well, I'm glad you're not."

  I can tell he is starting to get aggravated by my snippy remarks.

  "Listen, Dad, I'll be fine."

  We pull up into the large wrap around driveway to a large white house. Wow. I jump out of the truck, trying to ignore Roy, hoping he would drive away before anybody sees him. Thankfully he does, just in time for Julia to answer the big black double doors. She looks around behind me.

  "What? No magic pumpkin?"

  "No, sorry to disappoint you."

  She rolls her eyes and walks away, leaving the door open. I walk in slowly and look around. It opens right up into an open kitchen living room combo.

  "Jessa! I'm so glad you made it," Gia shouts from behind the counter.

  "Hey! Yeah, me too. You have a nice house."

  "Thanks, I guess. Come, let me show you around." I follow Gia into what looks like another dining room area complete with three fine china cabinets and a huge table that fits eight.

  "So this room is off-limits. My mom would kill me if this china gets broken, and it wouldn't take her long since she's going to be home all night. But don't worry, she has agreed to stay upstairs the whole night."

  We continue walking. "This is where the first bathroom is, we have three. And this living room is also off-limits. It's boring here, anyway, this is where my parents entertain themselves. Now, this is where we will be."

  We walk down three steps into another living room, with a wraparound black leather couch, two swivel chairs, a large flat-screen television, and leads out to a patio area. I also notice a fire pit outside already lit, with lounge chairs surrounding it.

  "I set up the video games for the guys because they love to ditch their girls all the time."

  "Wait all the time?"

  "Oh yeah, this isn't my first party. I try to have one once a month."

  "Wow, ok."

  "Anybody can come outside and sit by the fire."

  The doorbell rings before I even get a chance to take it all in.

  "Help yourself to a drink over in the kitchen and make yourself comfortable."

  I sit down on one of the swivel chairs facing Julia, who is now immersed in her phone. Two guys walk in, both tall and muscular. One with sandy blonde hair and the other had brown hair. They are both dressed in what I assume is the school's team jerseys.

  "Jessa, this is Eric and Mark."

  "Hi, nice to meet you."


  Julia jumps from the couch like she was sitting on needles and jumps into Marks' arms.

  "Hey, Jules," Mark says as he wraps his arms around her.

  Oh, so that was her game. She just wants to keep Spencer from me. She didn't actually like him. She’s just a huge flirt. The doorbell rings again, echoing throughout the spacious house as Gia disappears around the corner. Julia turns on some loud music and then sits on the couch between the two guys. I watch as she whispers in their ear before giggling. One of them whispers back and nibbles on her ear as she smacks his chest playfully. I feel disgusted watching her display. I force my eyes to scan the room, picking up on little details. Next to the patio door is a wooden shelf littered with family pictures and books. A small lamp sits next to my chair on a sturdy end table. Three more people enter the room: two girls and a guy. I recognize one of the girls from my English class.

  "Jess, this is Peter, his girlfriend Sam, and Lisa."

  I nod and get up from the chair. "So how many people are coming tonight?"

  "Um, maybe twenty. I'm not sure."

  "Oh, wow. Ok."

  "Don't worry, you will be fine. Just be yourself."

  The doorbell rings a third time as Gia takes off, leaving me alone. I decide to walk over to the drink counter and grab a drink. Eric appears next to me, filling his red solo cup with orange soda. He doesn't say anything at first, but I can tell his eyes are bouncing between his cup and me. I suddenly feel uncomfortable. I’m not sure if it’s because he’s so close to me or that something is off with him. I decided to shake the feeling and continue pouring my drink, not bothering to make eye contact with him.

  "Jessa, right?"

  "Yep, that's me," I say, still not looking up at him. We both twist the caps back on the pop bottles before he starts to speak again.

  "Where are you from?"

  "I go to school with you."

  "Oh right, ne
ver seen you before, sorry."

  "That's ok I'm not much of a talker. You’re on the football team, right?"

  "Yeah, receiver."

  "Oh, that's cool."

  "You're cute," he laughs.

  "Um, thanks?"

  "I'll save you a dance later," he says as he puts his hand on my lower back.

  I freeze. He smiles and walks away, leaving me in stunned silence. I calm my racing heart down just a few decimals reassuring myself that what he said was true. He had never seen me before, and he simply just wanted a dance. I turn my body and lean my back up against the granite counter. I sip slowly on my drink until my eyes land on Spencer’s form.

  "Let's get this party started," he yells, and everyone cheers.

  He glances at me and gives me a breathtaking wink. My heart stops for a split second before I come to. Part of me wants to run right out of Gia's front door, but I don't know how to get home, and flashes of the night of the dance fill my mind.

  "Now is your chance to talk to him. He's not going to bug you any more about it. He told me the other day."

  Gia appears out of nowhere and stands next to me. She must have seen me staring at him. I give her a look.

  "I'll do it eventually. I'll let him get settled first. I can't just rip him away as soon as he walks in the door."

  "Alright, but don't waste your only opportunity."

  "I won't."

  More and more people show up, making the once spacious house feel like a jail cell. I lost count after the first ten. It had to be more than thirty by now. I lost track of Gia in the sea of people. The stench of sweat and cologne invades my nostrils, making me want to throw up. I watch Julia, who’s now the center of five boys' attention. Including Eric. Something about that guy rubs me the wrong way. My eyes continue to scan the large crowd, finally spotting Spencer talking to some guys in the far corner. It’s now or never, do it while Jules is distracted.

  I take a deep breath and head his way pushing through the crowd. The music’s pumping in my ears and through my veins matching the rhythm of my heart. As soon as I reach Spencer, I square my shoulders, lift my chin, and draw strength from the bottom of my stomach. He immediately stops talking and looks at me.


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