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Page 7

by Traci Sek

"Yeah, you go. I don't want to hold you up." I feel awkward for some reason. Should I hug him? Or just wave and watch him walk out the door?

  "So, I'll see you at school Monday?"

  "Yeah, you bet."

  I watch as he walks to his car and gets in. I shut the door and headed back to my room.

  It’s now Wednesday, and today is the dreaded dinner party at Sarah's house. Roy, of course, is in a glorious mood. He’s dressed up in nice jeans and a dress shirt. I hadn’t seen those clothes since before mom got sick before everything went to hell. It makes me sad to think of mom and the memories we had together. My mind flashes to Spencer. I still can't believe I had the guts to kiss him. God only knows what he was thinking. I can't wait to get back to school and face him. Part of me is hoping he will come back to deliver more of my school work, but I know it isn't going to happen.

  "Jessa, come on, get ready. We are leaving in an hour." Roy says.

  I’m in no hurry to get ready, let alone go. I continue to sit on the couch watching Roy frantically collect things. He stops and looks at me when he realizes I haven't moved. His face is now irritated.

  "Did you not hear what I just said?"

  "Oh my Lord, Dad, I heard you, and I don't really care! I'll get ready when I feel like it."

  "No, you are going to get ready now because I said so. You are in big enough trouble from being suspended and punching people in the face. You have a lot of makeup to do, and as long as you live in my house, you will follow my rules."

  "What rules? We haven't followed the rules since mom died!"

  "Jessa enough. You have punished me long enough for my mistakes. We are moving on. Now get up and get ready or so help me, Jessa, there will be consequences."

  I roll my eyes. "I hate you," I say as I get up off the couch and stomp up the stairs. I know I’m acting childish, but I can't help it. Kate’s already ready when I enter our room. I flop down on the bed and sigh.

  "What are you doing? Get ready." Kate says with a smile.

  "I don't want to. I don't want to go." Kate sits on the bed next to me.

  "Come on, Jess, we promised Dad we would do this, and in return, we could get the stuff we need. So, suck it up, cupcake, and deal with it."

  I can't help but laugh at that statement. Kate pulls me off of the bed forcefully, and I force myself to get dressed. I fix my hair into another bun and throw my ratty sneakers on.

  "Girls, time to go!" Roy yells from the bottom of the stairs.

  "Just smile, and before you know it, it will be over." Kate reminds me, and for a split second, I see our mom. My bottom lip wobbles as I take a deep breath, stuffing the feelings back down.

  "Yeah, yeah, stop being so grown up. You're making me look bad." Kate rolls her eyes playfully.

  The whole car ride is silent. We finally pull up to an average-sized brown house. The house has a big brown door, a porch, and a small front lawn.

  "Ok, girls, be on your best behavior and give her a chance. Especially you, Jessa." He gives me a stern look.

  "Whatever," I reply, crossing my arms tight over my chest.

  We walk up the front porch stairs as the big brown door swings open.

  "Hello," Sarah exclaims, stretching out her arms. "Welcome. Come in, make yourself at home."

  Kate enters first, and I follow close behind. I glance behind me only to see my dad kissing Sarah. Anger boils in my stomach again.

  "Don't worry about your shoes," she yells as she squeezes past me. "Follow me."

  We walk into a living room attached to a dining room with a big brown oak table perfectly set for us. A boy about Kate's height stands watching from a distance.

  "Kate, Jessa," Sarah begins. "This is my son Ryan."

  "Nice to meet you," he says and holds out his hand.

  I notice Kate freeze with a shocked look on her face.

  "Don't I know you?" She asks curiously.

  He smiles. "Yeah, we go to the same school. You're in my English class."

  Her blush intensifies as her eyes look anywhere but his.

  "Oh yeah, that's right. What a small world." I reluctantly shake his hand and sit down at the table.

  "What would you guys like to drink?" Sarah asks.

  "Just a juice, please," Kate responds.

  "Water is fine," I reply.

  "I'll have the same as Kate," says Ryan.

  "Let me help you with those drinks," Roy says. I notice Kate staring at Ryan with a goofy grin on her face.

  "So how old are you, Ryan?" I ask.

  "I'm fourteen."

  "Ah, Kate will be fourteen in June."

  He smiles. "That's cool."

  "So, kids I made a big lasagna, wth a chef salad and a big chocolate cake for dessert. Your dad said that was your favorite."

  "Yes, we love lasagna," Kate cheerfully replies.

  I nod in agreement. She brings out the food and sits down to eat. I force myself to have a little salad and the tiniest piece of lasagna. I didn't want to be here after all. And as if Sarah were reading my mind, she starts to talk.

  "So, Jessa, I want you and your sister to know that I understand how hard this is for you, and I want to tell you a little about Ryan and me. Ryan lost his father three years ago. He was a police officer and was shot while on duty. So, I am not divorced or anything like that."

  I look up from my plate as a tinge of regret hits my chest.

  "Ryan had a tough time dealing with it, as well. I also want you to know that whatever happens between your dad and me, I will never try to replace your mother."

  I look back down at my plate. The thought of my mother makes me want to cry.

  "Now, with that being said, I'm thirty-nine years old, I like to watch hockey, and I love to read all kinds of books. Ryan here takes after my love of hockey and plays on a team. So, what do you girls like?"

  Kate, of course, goes first without hesitation. "Well, first I want to say, I am very sorry for your loss. All deaths are tragic. I'm sure my dad has told you my age, and I like to play the guitar. Of course, not professionally just for fun."

  "Oh, that's great! So you play a lot at home?"

  "Unfortunately, no. I lost my guitar in the last move. But I hope to get another one soon. I also love the arts. I was kind of thinking about being a producer of some sort."

  Although I know about Kate's love of arts, I think she laid it on a little thick.

  "Well, that's wonderful, dear. Ryan is thinking of becoming a hockey player."

  "That's really great, Ryan," Roy says proudly.

  "And Jessa, what about you?" Sarah asks.

  Everybody’s now looking at me. My dad is giving me a blank yet stern look. I swallow the little bit of food left in my mouth.

  "I don't like much, just dancing. I'm a homebody. That's all."

  "Well, do you want to dance professionally?"


  "How old are you?"


  "And do you have any future plans?"

  I just shrug my shoulders.

  "I don't know, but what I do know is I hate 21 questions."

  I think I see amusement flash through Sarah's eyes. She must have gone through this with Ryan. I wonder how many guys she actually dated before my father.

  Was it wrong to ask that? I decide it’s best to keep my mouth shut.

  "Ouch!" I’m knocked out of my thoughts again by a forceful punch. "Kate, what the hell?" Kate’s giving me an 'I'm embarrassed, please stop, or I might die look.'

  "Jessa, don't talk to Sarah that way," Roy bellows from the end of the table.

  "It's ok," Sarah says and then continues. "I would love to know whenever you make up your mind." We all continue to eat me picking at my plate, appetite completely gone.

  I listen as they talk about Ryan and how she and Roy met. I tune most of it out with the thought of Spencer, which accompanies the thought of Julia. I would punch her again if I needed to.

  "Jessa, are you ok?" I look around the large table.
/>   "Yeah." I manage to say. This dinner is so dull. No wonder I keep zoning out.

  "Well, I think it's about time to head home."

  "Are you sure?" Sarah asks in an annoyingly, flirty voice.

  Roy smiles at her.

  "The dinner was excellent, Sarah. Thank you so much," says Kate. She then looks at Ryan.

  "I hope I'll see you at school?"

  "Of course."

  We say our goodbyes and leave. Roy did not hesitate to start yelling as soon as we got in the truck.

  "Would it kill you to try even just a little?"

  "I was trying. I'm not just going to be all happy with butterflies and magic ponies. And I'm not just going to give up on Mom completely."

  "Nobody said you had too! You heard what Sarah said at dinner."

  "Yeah, I heard, we shall see."

  Roy sighs and rubs his temple. "I don't know what to do with you, Jessa."

  "You would if you didn't ignore us for almost two years." He falls silent. I had won—at least this round.

  Crazy Talk

  I get up as fast as I can and get ready for school. Normally I’d be dragging my feet just because it's Monday, but today was different. Today I was finally going back after my week-long suspension and the anticipation is killing me.

  "Whoa! Slow down there, girl! What's the rush?" Kate asks.

  "I am just excited to go back, start over, you know."

  "Right." Kate retorts with a snort. She’s staring at me with a suspicious look.

  "Ok, fine. I want to see Spencer. Is that such a crime? I mean, I just want to see how he will react to me. Will he bring up the kiss? Or will he just pretend it didn't happen?"

  "I knew there was something else. You need to calm down; You don't want to look all crazy when you see Spencer."

  I laugh and take a deep breath. My outfit consists of black leggings and a peach t-shirt with my silver flats. I left my hair down today and quickly comb my fingers through it one last time.

  I arrive at school, and Spencer’s outside talking to some people I recognize from Gia's party. Ok, stay calm. I tell myself, just pretend you don't see him. I walk up the stairs and slowly pass him.

  "Jessa, hey!" Spencer calls as he jogs up to my side.

  "Oh, hey Spencer, how are you?"

  "Great! I talked to Gia for you."

  "Oh, and?"

  "Well, she’s in denial, but I told her to watch how Julia acts and try to find some clues, you know?"

  "What are we in, an Agatha Christie novel now?"

  He laughs. "No. You know what I mean. I told Gia to apologize to you and that Julia was crazy."

  "Spencer. You can't force someone to apologize."

  "I didn't force her, I just suggested it, that's all."

  As Spencer continues to talk, I notice people staring and whispering.

  "I take it the whole school knows what I did?"

  "I don't know. I'm not part of the gossip train. Who cares, don't worry about what other people are saying. Your news will be old news soon enough."

  "Are you sure you want to be seen with me?"

  "Are you kidding?"

  "No." He gives me a crazy look.

  "Yes, Jess, I'm positive. I want other people to see that I'm talking to you because I don't care about what they think or say."

  "Watch out Spencer; she might hit you!" Someone in the back screams.

  He sticks his middle finger up at them. A bunch of cackling follows. I give him a look of horror.

  "Don't worry about it, Jess, I'm serious. What you should worry about is making up with Gia, and here's your chance."

  "Hey, Gia! How are you?" He asks enthusiastically as she tries to walk by. He gives her a hug.

  "I’m good, Spencer," she then looks at me.


  "Well, that's my cue to get to class. Try not to kill each other." He winks and walks away. I don’t hesitate in fear of being rejected by the only best friend I have here.

  "I know Spencer talked to you and I didn't want him to, I’m sorry," I say with as much confidence as possible.

  "It's ok; I am glad he did. I'm sorry Jess, I didn't mean to be nasty that day, it was just a lot for me, and I wanted someone else to be angry and to feel the way I did. I realize it wasn't right. Can you forgive me?"

  "Yes, of course, I can. Again I am sorry for what happened to you. I really had no idea."

  "I know. It's ok, and I would rather not bring it up anymore if you don't mind."

  "Not at all. Though there is still the issue with Julia."

  "Yeah, Spencer told me, but I can't just go accusing her of anything. Neither one of us has any proof. I will, however, keep it in mind and keep a close eye on her. Just promise me you won't punch her again."

  "I promise if she promises to stay away from me."

  "I'll talk to her. Come on, let's get to class." A wave of relief washes over me. I have my friend back.


  I grab my lunch and sit down in my usual spot across from Gia and Alex. Julia’s conveniently placed next to Alex. I try my best to avoid eye contact with Julia and my best to come up with small talk. The awkwardness at the table is like stale death in the air. But of course, Julia’s itching to say something. The wheels are turning and just waiting for the moment to open her mouth and pounce like a hungry tiger. I get up to throw my tray away but I don't even make it two steps from the table when I hear Julia's mouth.

  "I can't believe you are still friends with that thing after she punched me in the face."

  I stop dead in my tracks and turn around. "Excuse me? What did you just call me?" An evil smile lights up her face.

  "I wasn't talking to you," she replies.

  "But you said it loud enough for me to hear. So, that means you're too cowardly to say it to my face?" I slam my tray back on the table making Gia jump. Julia doesn't even flinch. My blood is boiling again. Julia stands up and rounds the table to face me.

  "What? Are you going to punch me again?"

  "Julia," Gia shouts. "Knock it off; she didn't do anything to you."

  "Whoa, girls! How are we today?" Spencer jumps in between us.

  The whole cafeteria is watching intently.

  "We aren't thinking of fighting today, are we?" Spencer continues. She’s so lucky he showed up because I was inches from her face.

  "I don't fight," Julia says sweetly, batting her disgusting fake eyelashes.

  "Then stop starting drama bitch," I yell over his shoulder. The whole cafeteria starts whispering.

  I watch as her eyes grow wide and her nose flares. She quickly hides it by plastering a smirk on her face, "Who's the drama starting bitch? Because I know it isn't me," Julia retorts.

  "Enough, Julia," Spencer says. "Walk away. Nobody wants to get in trouble today."

  She rolls her eyes and walks back to her seat. Spencer turns to look at me. I wasn't in the mood for another heart to heart, so I simply ignore him, picking up my tray, and head to the garbage can. I dump the contents of my tray and walk out nonchalantly.

  "Jessa, wait," Gia yells from behind me. I whip around to face her.

  "Do you see now? Huh? She's a manipulative bitch!"

  "I saw it. I got it, but I can't make a scene in front of everyone. The best way to deal with her is to kill her with kindness."

  "Oh well, I have no more kindness for her. I'm done!"

  "That's fine, but I can't just walk away, Jess."

  "Then don't. But don't include me in anything you do together."

  "Jessa, Gia!" Spencer’s voice echoes in the empty hallway.

  "What now, Spencer? I didn't start it if that's what you're going to ask." I immediately say, letting my wall come up again. I can't help it.

  "I wasn't going to ask. I saw her get up and face you. That's why I jumped in."

  "Well, you didn't have to save me or anything again."

  He gives me an annoyed look. A look, I didn't think he was capable of giving. "I'm going to ignore that commen
t because I'm sure you don't mean it, and you're just upset right now."

  He’s right. I didn't mean it. Regret starts to creep in again, but I cover it up and roll my eyes.

  "I wanted to ask you guys if you could help me with the last fundraiser of the year. Half of the profits go to a homeless shelter; the other half goes towards funding for the prom."

  "Yeah, no problem. What do you need us to do?" Gia asks.

  "Well, it's a car wash, a lemonade stand, and a food drive. So, whatever you want to volunteer to help with, would be great."

  "Is Julia volunteering?" I ask.

  He winces and hesitates before admitting, "yes, she is part of the car wash."

  "Oh, of course, she is, little miss bitch showing off her bikini body to all the hot eligible bachelors."

  "Come on, Jess. Don't be like that." He gives me a tired, sad look. I almost feel bad for him, but my pride and anger are much more significant. I make a mental note to fix that soon.

  "You’re right. I won't be like that. I'll volunteer for the food drive."

  "Perfect choice. Thank you so much. So, what you're going to do is just collect canned goods and put them in the separated boxes that will be labeled when you get there. I'll show you."

  "Wait. When is this?"

  "This weekend. It's a two-day event, Saturday and Sunday. I already got the signs made. I got advertisements up, and now I'm just finishing looking for volunteers."

  "How many more do you need?" Gia asks.

  "Just four or five more, but with you guys, I'll only need three."

  "That's not bad. I'll get more people for you," Gia says.

  "Thanks. I'll catch you guys later. I got a lot more to get ready. Oh, and don't forget prom tickets go on sale Monday after the fundraiser. They're thirty bucks a piece."

  Thirty bucks a piece? Roy will never fork over that much. Plus, a dress and shoes... I sigh. I guess I won't be going. The bell rings, and students start pouring out of the cafeteria. I wave goodbye to Gia before I end up facing Julia again and walk to my next class.

  Car Wash

  After school, I decide to pick up Kate. I haven't spent much time with her even when I was suspended. Kate had made more friends and was always finding something to do. I watch as one kid after another pours out of the school. Where is she? I wonder. My eyes scan the crowd as I stand on tiptoes.


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