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Page 16

by Traci Sek

  "What happened? Do you know how many rumors I heard this past hour? I tried to text Spencer, but he said he didn't know. Spill."

  I look towards the open door and watch Jeremy leave. I have no choice. I shrug and tell Gia what had happened.

  "What?! That's crazy. Why is Julia always starting with you? and what the hell with Jeremy?"

  "I don't know. I have a music class with both of them. I'm going to explain to Spencer as soon as I get a grip on Jeremy."

  "Well, good luck with that. Let me know how it goes!" She gave me a side hug and continued to her class.

  As I arrive in music class, Spencer is waiting for me by the door, and Jeremy is busy looking at some papers.

  "Are you ok? What happened?" Spencer quickly asks.

  "I'm fine. I got double detention. No big deal."

  "No big deal? Jessa, what was all that crap Julia was saying?"

  "What, do you believe her?" I’m getting irritated quickly.

  "No, I never said that, but I deserve an explanation."

  "Well, you will have to wait a little while longer."

  There’s no way I’m going to let Jeremy get away again. I brush past a confused looking Spencer and walk up to Jeremy's desk.

  "What the hell, dude? Are you avoiding me? Where did you go earlier?"

  He looks up from his paperwork with an innocent expression.

  "I'm sorry, I didn't want any part of a catfight that didn't involve me. I can't get in trouble because my mom would kill me. So I just walked away."

  "Are you kidding me? It was all about you! Now the whole school thinks I'm cheating on Spencer with you!" Something flashes in his eyes that I can't quite decipher. Spencer comes up behind me.

  "Oh, I had no idea. If that's the case, I will fix it. Don't worry." He gives me a small smile and looks back down to read. I fight the urge to rip up his papers but don't feel like sitting through another— third detention. He suddenly looks up.

  "Oh, by the way, see you at work." He winks and then gives a glance to Spencer.

  "Work?" Spencer asks. Shock and anger are evident on his handsome face. He crosses his arms over his chest as his teeth grind together.

  "Yeah, I was going to tell you before the drama that I got a job last night working at the same store Jeremy does. He got me the job." His nostrils flare, and I swear I see a flash of hurt run through his eyes, but it’s gone when he blinks.

  "You... are working with the guy who everybody is accusing you of cheating with? When were you going to tell me?"

  "So you do believe Julia’s lie, don't you?" I mimic his stance with my arms crossed tight on my chest. I try not to let the sting of that thought bother me.

  I can't believe what I’m hearing. After everything we been through together, some rumor from Julia— of all people— would end it? I feel tears sting the corner of my eyes.

  "What do you want me to—"

  "Alright, class, take your seats. Let's get started."

  We both sit quietly next to each other. Spencer leans over to whisper in my ear. "What do you want me to think when you won't tell me anything?"

  "I told you. I got a job; there is nothing between us. I don't even like Jeremy, and what Julia said is untrue. He gave me a hug to congratulate me on getting the job. That's all."

  Spencer says nothing; instead, he grinds his jaw at the latest news. His hands ball into fists on his desk. Class ends, and we both get up to leave.

  "You know, I wish you would tell me these things sooner," Spencer starts.

  "Yeah, and I wish you would trust me, but I guess that won't happen."

  With that, I turn and walk as fast as I can out of the room. I avoid Spencer for the rest of the day. He sends me numerous texts which I ignore. I even manage to dodge him walking home. It hurts that Spencer doesn't trust me, but I have no choice but to push those feelings away and focus on my new job.

  Ice Cream

  Despite the day I had at school, I’m still excited to start my new job. As I arrive at the mall, my nerves kick in. Deep Breath Jessa, I tell myself. I arrive at the store and walk up to the counter. The same lady that interviewed me stands behind the cash register and smiles at me.

  "Hi, Jessa. Are you ready for your first shift?"

  "Hi. Yes, I am." I announce with more confidence than I feel.

  "Great, follow me." I follow her into the same backroom as the day before. Melissa hands me a uniform shirt and a badge.

  "Here you are. Just go in that bathroom over there and change into this. Make sure you arrive five minutes ahead of your shift, wearing your uniform and badge for every shift. It's essential."

  I nod and do what I’m told. Afterward, I fill out a lot of paperwork and listen to Melissa explain all the rules, the do’s, and don'ts. Then she takes me over to Jeremy.

  "Jeremy, make sure you show her everything she needs to know." With that, she disappears into the back office.

  Jeremy looks at me in a strange way that makes me uneasy. He then gestures to me to follow him. I feel awkward about what happened in school, but I quickly push it aside and focus on my task ahead.

  "So the shirts go in this pile. It's a sale this week through the weekend. Just make sure every pile stays folded and neat. Also, try to keep your eyes on shoppers for any stealing."

  "Ok." I pick up one of the shirts and start folding it. After about five minutes, we move to the clothes racks.

  "Just make sure the clothes are hanging properly on the hangers and also look for the stickers. Some people will mix sales and regular prices. The red tickets are sale items, and the white are regular."

  "Got it."

  "Let me show you the shoes and jewelry section."

  We walk over to a somewhat messy section of the store. The whole wall is designated just for shoes. A single metal rack in front hangs all the jewelry and sunglasses.

  "Pretty much the same thing as clothes. Ensure the shoes are placed neatly in the box and that they are left and right with the correct size."

  I try my best to fix the shoes without success. I can't understand why they don’t fit in the box. Jeremy laughs at me.

  "Here, let me show you." He takes my hand in his; the feeling is weird. His hands feel cold and dry, whereas Spencer's are always warm and soft. He gives me a look that I don't recognize, and I quickly look away, feeling uncomfortable. He proceeds to show me how to fit the shoe properly into the box.

  "Oh, OKAY, I get it now. You could have just told me, though, it's bad enough there are rumors at school. I don't need anyone getting the wrong idea, Spencer already believes them." Those last words make me want to cry. I love Spencer more than he will ever know.

  "Well, he's an idiot to believe rumors. Didn't he bother to ask you?" He continues to fidget with the shoes.

  "Well, he tried, but I was too preoccupied with you ignoring me and disappearing instead of standing there telling people it wasn't true."

  "He should believe you no matter what," he says firmly.

  "You know I don't think you like him very much, and one would think you were purposely trying to break us up?"

  "Let me guess another rumor you heard?" he says with raised brows.

  "No! It's something I was thinking of."

  "You’re right, Jessa. I don't like him. I don't like that he’s possessive over you like you're one of his prized stuffed animals..."

  "Hey, that's not nice! You don't even know him," I say, getting angry.

  "I've heard enough about him, and it’s giving me a bad taste in my mouth," he sneers.

  "Well, maybe you shouldn't believe all the rumors you hear?" Sarcasm drips from my mouth.

  "Touche," he snickers.

  I roll my eyes. "Anyways, answer the question."

  "Which question?" he asks innocently.

  "Don't play dumb with me! You know which one."

  "Excuse me, miss?" I turn around to see an older woman looking at me, holding a few articles of clothing.

  "Can I try these on. I didn't m
ean to interrupt, but the doors are locked." Before I can reply, Jeremy whips out a set of keys.

  "Right this way, ma'am." I have no choice but to follow him so I can learn.

  He unlocks the first door and lets her inside.

  "Sorry for the inconvenience; we keep our doors locked in case of potential thieves. Only so many items are allowed in the fitting room at a time."

  "Oh, no problem," the woman says, smiling.

  "So who keeps the keys all the time?"

  "Me," he replies with a smirk. Again I roll my eyes.

  "So, I have to come to find you whenever someone asks to try something on?"

  "No. Melissa should give you a walkie talkie after your training when you’re on your own— probably sometime next week. Then you can just call me on the radio."

  "Ah, got it." Although the question remains unanswered, I decide to let it go tonight and ask him again tomorrow. The shift finally ends, and I quickly punch out and head for the door.

  "Jessa! wait." Jeremy’s right behind me.

  "What's up?"

  "Well, I'm done with my shift also, so I was wondering if you wanted to get some ice cream? My treat." I glance at my phone again. More calls and texts from Spencer are building up. I would answer him when I got home. I put the cellphone back in my pocket.

  "Sure, why not."

  We ate ice cream and talked some more. Jeremy manages to avoid the topic altogether, but I don't mind. I need a break from the drama, and despite the nagging in my mind about Jeremy, he is a fun guy to talk to.

  I finally arrive home and go straight to my room to call Spencer. It rings once before he answers abruptly.

  "Jessa..." he says slowly then pauses.

  "I'm sorry, Spencer. I overreacted when I shouldn't have. You do trust me, don't you?"

  He sighs. Which I hope is a sigh of relief. "Yes, I do. But from now on, you come to me first and tell me so we can avoid all this drama."

  "I promise," I say with a smile on my face. "I love you."

  "I love you too, Jess. Where were you this whole time?"

  "Working. It was my first night on the job. I just got home."

  "Oh? How did it go?"

  "It went great. It seems to be easy," I say with honesty.

  "That's good. I'm glad."

  "I'm gonna let you go. I'm tired, and it’s been a long day. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

  "Alright, sweet dreams."

  "You too, babe."

  I quickly take a shower and snuggle into my bed and shut my eyes.

  Secret Love Notes

  It has been a couple of weeks since the “Julia” incident, and since I got my new job. Spencer’s even more clingy now than usual, which I sometimes love, but I often feel suffocated.

  I don't want him to be mad, so I keep it to myself. The rumors calmed down, and in school, Jeremy seems to be making an effort to avoid me, yet, he still talks to me at work. Today I finally have some downtime, so I decide to stay home and spend time with Kate.

  "Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask her.

  "Yeah, sure."

  "Okay, let's watch The Notebook."

  It was our mom’s favorite movie. We would sit down together under a warm blanket with popcorn and watch it together. I haven't watched it in a long time. I pop in the movie as Kate brings the popcorn. The film starts, and all you can hear is the crunch of popcorn between our teeth.

  "No, Spencer today?" Kate asks.

  "No, I told him that I needed a sister night."

  "I'm shocked, he agreed."

  "Why?" I inquire with curiosity.

  "Because he's been up your butt lately," she smirks at me while keeping her eyes glued to the TV.

  "It's true." I sigh.

  "Well, I can't blame him, I mean I heard what happened at school."

  I kept forgetting that Kate now went to the same school as me.

  "I didn't know senior news traveled down to the freshmen."

  "Yeah, you’d be surprised."

  We both remain quiet, half watching the movie half in thought.

  "So any progress with Ryan?" I casually ask. I know I hit a nerve as I feel Kate’s body tense next to me.


  "Have you even tried?"

  "No. Anyways, it's not like he's interested anymore. He's always got a girl by his side now."

  "Really? Are you sure?"

  "Well, I'm not blind, Jessa, I can see."

  "I meant, does he do anything back? Like wrap his arms around them or kiss them?"

  Kate thinks for a moment.

  "Well, no, not that I’ve seen. He just smiles at them, but I know it's fake. I know his genuine smile. Then he just stares off into space."

  "Well, that means that he's not interested. I think you should get back together with him."

  "What? Are you crazy? You know what happened last time we were together— it ended tragically."

  I lean over and hug her.

  "That was not your fault! You have to understand that, Kate! This time will be different. I know he likes you; you can see how he secretly looks at you when he thinks no one is looking. It's a look Spencer gives me all the time." Come to think of it; it kind of reminds me of the way Jeremy sometimes looks at me. I shudder and brush that thought away.

  "So what Jessa. Sarah would never approve, and I don't know how I would be able to talk to him."

  Suddenly an idea comes to mind, but I’m not going to share it with Kate. I know how she will react. I simply let the conversation go and watch the rest of the movie in silence. As soon as I’m sure Kate is asleep, I dig into my book bag for a piece of paper. I quickly write a short message and fold it up. I peak my head out of my bedroom door. The house is dark, indicating that everyone is either asleep or in their room. I quietly sneak up to Ryan's door and slip the note underneath. Then I tiptoe back to our room and strategically place another letter for Kate on the floor by her door.

  The next morning I wake up with a smile on my face. I notice that Kate is not in the room, and the note is no longer where I had placed it. I throw on some clothes and grab my book bag, and head for the kitchen. As I had planned, both Kate and Ryan are sitting across from each other locked in a staring contest. When they notice me, they quickly look away and pretend to eat their breakfast. I simply smile.

  "Good morning, guys! What’s up today?"

  "Nothing," Kate replies in her usual, “I’m pretending to be grumpy” tone.

  Ryan only shrugs his shoulders. My plan seems to be working. They are hiding something, and if I hadn't written those notes, I would have never known. I only hope that it will work. Kate would never be ok with herself or our dad’s accident if she didn't try to get back together with Ryan. She needs to see that our dad’s accident isn't her fault, which

  is the only way to do it.

  "Good morning." Sarah hums as she strides into the kitchen. That’s our cue to leave. It isn't that Sarah is terrible, but we hated having a conversation with her. It always ends up with her in tears or about Roy or money problems— stuff that neither of us can handle. We all say good morning and quickly get our bags and head out the door.

  "Jessa, do you mind if I walk with Shirley today? We are going to stop at the gas station before school," Kate asks nervously.

  I smile like the Cheshire cat.

  "No problem." Kate gives me a side hug and runs off. I notice she is wearing makeup today, and I know that she isn't walking with Shirley. She’s meeting Ryan behind the gas station. That's what I —Ryan— had requested in ‘his note.’ I stroll up the street, noticing that Ryan also changes directions, no doubt, to meet Kate behind the gas station per my —Kate's— message. I only hope that luck is on their side today and that they realize they need to be together.


  This year is flying by, and the mid-winter ball is upon us. This dance is only for seniors as a way to celebrate the end of midterms. My job is still going well, although my hours were cut since the holiday s
eason is over. However, I was ok with that. I have exams and homework like crazy, and I’m glad for the extra time to get it done and study.

  Jeremy is more distant from me even at work, and I can't figure out why? Every time I try to talk to him, he makes himself look busy or walks away— pretending he doesn't see me. If I weren't such a curious person, I’d be okay with this. Something isn't adding up, and I’m determined to get to the bottom of it. As I walk into school, I cringe at all the flyers hanging on all senior’s lockers.

  "Ugh." I really hate dances. Every time I go, something terrible happens.

  "Hey, girl!" Gia says with excitement as she walks up to me, holding a flyer.

  "Hi. What's up?" I ask.

  "You're going, right?" She holds up the flyer in my face. I roll my eyes.

  "I don't want to..."

  "You have too! Don't leave me alone! Plus, it's one of the last dances of our senior year."

  I shrug and shut my locker.

  "Gia, the last time I went to a school dance, something bad happened!"

  "Well, this time, it won't. Nothing bad has happened in a couple of months. Besides, we won't leave each other's side."

  Why did Gia have such an effect on me? It was like I could never say no. Just then, warm, strong arms wrap themselves around my waist, and instinctively I lean back and put my head on his chest. Spencer places his head on my shoulder and then kisses me on the cheek.

  "What's up, ladies?"

  "Gia is trying to convince me to go to yet another dance."

  "Any luck?" He asks, looking at Gia with half a smile on his face. I unwrap his arms from me and huff.

  "Were you both ganging up on me?" Gia looks away guilty but says nothing. "I can't believe you guys!"

  "Oh come on, Jessa, just go! It's our last dance..."

  "Yeah, yeah, I know the whole shebang," I quickly interrupt Spencer. His lips form into a sad frown, and he looks at me with those gorgeous brown eyes that suck me in every time. I swear between him and Gia, they kill me.

  "Ugh! You guys kill me... Fine, I'll go!"

  They both clap excitedly and smile. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch sight of Jeremy. He’s leaned up against a locker, his arms folded in front of his chest, glaring in our direction. I watch as he quickly pushes himself off the locker and heads in the opposite direction. I can't help but feel nervous. I never saw a look like that before, not even from Julia.


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