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Tempered (Et Lapis Sanguis Book 1)

Page 7

by Dawn Ibanez

  She came alive in his arms. Both times he kissed her, she had been an active participant. If Edmund hadn’t interrupted them, he couldn’t say he still wouldn’t be upstairs with her pinned against the wall.

  There was also her tale to consider as well.

  Augustina seemed coldly practical when she told him of her time with De Leon. But she was twelve when she was thrown in his fighting pits. She also said she and her sister escaped on Mel’s birthday.

  Elijah sat heavily on his bed as his stomach twisted.

  Augustina would have known what awaited Mel because she went through it herself.

  Elijah looked at the clock on the side of his bed and frowned. It was 6:24 a.m. He took off his pants and climbed into his bed. He would have to talk with her and let his intentions be clear.

  He was attracted to Augustina. There was something about the savage passion she kept leashed called to him. But he would not make her feel as if she were obligated to sleep with him for her protection.

  Before he could lament on it any more, the phone beside his bed rang. He reached over and saw that it was the hospital calling.

  He sat up and answered the slim device. “Hello.”

  Monica’s voice came over the line. “Good, I caught you.” She took a deep breath and continued. “I know you’re about to go to sleep and most of this can wait. But I’ve found a match in both Gus and Mel’s blood. I know what they are.” Her voice was so excited Elijah couldn’t make her slow down. “I thought their kind were killed off centuries ago. But apparently, they’ve just been in hiding, breeding with humans. I’ll meet you tonight at Sector Central. I know you wanted to put Gus through some sort of test. But please do not let anyone taste her blood. I don’t know what those ramifications are just yet.”

  There were a handful of creatures that could have children with humans. And most of them had gone extinct. Or so he thought. He disconnected the call and laid back on his pillows. He felt his entire body stiffening. He was beginning to enter the last few centuries of being a vampire. Sleeping all day was the first sign. He just had to make sure everything was prepared for someone else to take over once he was gone. The curse would change him, and he would either have to go into hiding or challenge Dominic for rule.

  Elijah knew in a fight Dominic would win. The gargoyle hadn’t lived as long as he had by being weak. One of the first challenges he watched Dominic take was one by a Fae prince. Dominic killed the obnoxious Sidhe shortly after their fight began.

  Elijah’s eyes snapped open. Monica hadn’t said what Augustina was, probably because she didn’t know if anyone was listening. She would have only taken that sort of precaution if people around her would think of her as an enemy.

  Like vampires would if they discovered she was a member of the Fae.

  Elijah started to sit up in his bed, only to fall over when the world around him went black.

  Chapter 7

  A soft click woke her. Gus sat up in her bed and saw the girl from earlier carrying a bundle of clothes into the room. The girl froze, caught like a deer on the road. Gus rubbed her forehead. “What time is it?” she asked.

  It took a moment for the girl to realize she had been spoken to. “Oh, I’m sorry Mistress. It is just after 5:00 pm. Master Elijah should be waking soon, and I was told by Master Edmund to have some clothes ready for you.”

  Gus rubbed the back of her neck as she tossed the blankets off her body. She climbed out of the bed and stretched her arms over her head. “What’s your name?” she asked.

  “My name, Mistress?”

  Gus fought the urge to roll her eyes. “First off, don’t call me that. I’m no one’s mistress. You can call me ‘Gus,’ like everyone else.” The girl looked scandalized at the thought. Gus went on. “And I want to know your name. I don’t want to sit here and refer to you as the housekeeping girl.”

  The girl placed the clothes at the foot of the bed. “My name is Rebecca.”

  “Rebecca, Sabrina, and Maxwell. Are you the only ones that work here?” Gus asked. When Rebecca hesitated, she smiled and shook her head. “Forget I asked. You probably don’t know what you can and can’t tell me.”

  Rebecca went to the other side of the room and opened the curtains. “According to Master Edmund, you’re going to be taking the Glaive trials. Is that true?”

  Gus frowned as she picked up the pants from the bed. “I guess that’s what Lord Elijah wants me to take. He just said he wanted to test me.”

  “You’re a fighter?”

  Gus looked at the girl in front of her. Her short ginger hair curled around her face while her brown eyes were curious as Mel’s. If given a chance, this girl and her sister would be best friends. Gus nodded. “I’m a fighter,” she said before putting the pants on.

  The black material was heavier than she first thought. Gus pulled the pants up with ease. “A perfect fit.”

  Rebecca smiled. “Good. I had those brought in from Sector Central. They’re what most of the Glaive wear. The material is breathable and hugs your body, but it’s thick enough to keep you warm and it won’t tear at the first cut of a knife.”

  Gus looked at her. “What?” She lifted her leg and examined the cloth covering her skin. “This can block a knife?”

  Rebecca shrugged. “My cousin works in the city center. He helped develop the cloth and said that it won’t stop a direct stab, and if it’s sawed at, it will be cut. But for the most part, if someone is swinging at you, you’ll be fine.”

  Gus grabbed the shirt next. “What about this?” she asked.

  Rebecca’s faint smile fell. “Unfortunately, we didn’t have any of the tops in your size. But that one was left by Lady Hayden. It’s a regular shirt, but that jacket you brought with you should provide ample protection.”

  Gus nodded as she slipped the blue top over her head. It was just as form-fitting as the pants. “Where is that jacket?” she asked. “It was a gift from a friend.”

  Rebecca smiled. “Sabrina has it downstairs in the front hall. When you and Lord Elijah are about to leave, you’ll have it.”

  Gus turned to the bed and started to turn up the blankets. Before she could make the bed, Rebecca was on the other side. “You don’t have to do that. It’s part of my duties.”

  Brown eyes met with brown. Gus’s hand tightened into a fist around the blanket she held. She didn’t like where her thoughts were trying to go. “Are you happy here?” she asked softly.

  Rebecca looked at her curiously. “Why wouldn’t I be happy here?” She shook her head before Gus could answer. “Both Lord Elijah and Lord Dominic have said that if we aren’t happy, we are free to leave. We’re humans, not slaves.”

  “But you avoid Elijah.”

  Rebecca frowned as she made the bed. “I don’t know the whole story, but avoiding the Lord has nothing to do with fear. It’s more of a… we don’t want to remind him he’s immortal, and we aren’t.” She picked up one of the pillows and started to fluff if. “I think it has something to do with my grandmother. But after she died, Uncle Max said that it would be easier on him if he didn’t see us.”

  Gus frowned as she put on her shoes. “That’s sweet and horrible at the same time.”

  Rebecca shrugged. “It’s how our world works.”

  Gus quietly laced on her boots and looked up at the knock on her door. “Yes,” she called.

  “The car has been ordered. We will be leaving for Sector Central in the next twenty minutes. I wanted to make sure you had something to eat.” Elijah said.

  Gus straightened and went to the door. She glanced over her shoulder and saw Rebecca trying to make herself even smaller in the far corner. Gus opened the door and looked at Elijah. Once again, he was in a suit and tie. His hair was perfectly combed back, all neat and proper. Gus stepped into the hallway and closed the door behind her. “I usually don’t eat anything when I first wake up,” she said.

  He stepped back to give her more room. “Did you sleep well?”

  “I thin
k I passed out from exhaustion more than I slept.” Gus walked to the stairs and frowned when she saw Edmund standing at the bottom. “But if you’re worried about your little test, don’t worry. I’ll pass it.”

  “I’m not worried about that.” Elijah paused as he walked down the stairs. “Monica called me before I went to sleep.” He raised his hand when Gus gasped. “There was no news about your sister. Not really. It was more that Monica has found out what you are.”

  Gus laughed darkly as she stepped off the last stair. “I really could not care less,” she said. When he frowned at her, she went on. “I have lived my entire life as a human. Now you want me to identify as something that I have no knowledge of. That’s a crock. I’m still me.”

  Edmund moved around Elijah and in a flash had her pinned against the banister. “You should start to care,” he growled. “If you are supposed to face a killer, who’s to say you don’t have some inherent weakness they can exploit simply because you’re too stupid to understand who you are.”

  “If you want a go at me, just say something. I’m sure Elijah will let you off your leash long enough for me to embarrass you.” She didn’t flinch when his grip moved from her shirt to her throat. “Did I touch a nerve?” she asked.

  “Release her, Edmund,” Elijah ordered.

  He growled as he squeezed her throat once before releasing her. The captain of the Glaive backed away from Gus and glared at Elijah. “I’ll meet you at the Center. If there are any new developments, I will contact you.”

  Gus remained still as he walked away. The blank expression on Elijah’s face kept her from coming up with some sort of remark for the captain. When Elijah turned to her, she shrugged. “I don’t really blame him for being a dick.” She fixed her top and went to Elijah’s side. “I’m an unknown variable. And I think he’s the type that likes to know all of his variables.”

  “He is. But that still give him no right to lay a hand on you.” Elijah walked in the opposite direction. “Edmund knows you are under my protection.”

  Gus followed him. She looked at the art he had hanging on the walls. It was all beautiful, but nothing that made this massive place feel as if anyone actually lived here. She shook her head. “Look, we both know that he could have taken my head off without even trying. He didn’t. No harm, no foul.”

  Elijah turned to her. Something burned in his eyes. “You are under my protection.”

  “But he is trying his best to protect you.” She stepped closer to him and inhaled slowly. “He sees me as a danger, but for some reason, you won’t. I can see how it’s frustrating to him. If he hadn’t have interrupted us, there’s a chance he could have found you dead in my bed and I would be gone.”

  He reached up and touched her face. “You sound so sure of yourself.”

  She smiled at him. “Which part? The murder or the sex.”

  His lips turned down in a frown. “Why are you here, Augustina?” he asked.

  As he moved away from her, she felt the chill of the hallway. Gus swallowed as she stepped to his side. “You told me to come with you.”

  “And you probably could have escaped a number of ways since then. But I want to know the truth.” He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger. “Why are you here? Is it to kill me? Or seduce me? Do you think sleeping with me will guarantee your sister’s safety? Are you willing to whore yourself out for her?”

  She hadn’t realized her hand moved until she felt the stink in her palm. Gus stepped back from him, mindful of the red handprint on his jaw. “I think it may be best if I hitch a ride with Edmund. At least he treats me like trash he thinks I am.”

  She turned down the hall and stopped when Elijah appeared in front of her. He reached forward and gently caressed her face. When he pulled his hand away, he frowned at the tears wetting his fingers. “Augustina, I shouldn’t have said that.”

  Gus lowered her head. She didn’t want to see his face. She didn’t want to hear his soft words and gentle promises. She reached up and wiped her eyes roughly. “Why not? It’s true,” she said. She moved around him and went down the hall. “I’ve whored myself out as a fighter. An assassin. I even slept with that piece of filth just so I knew my sister was safe. So, yes. To answer your question, I am willing to whore myself out for Mel’s protection.”

  She turned her back to him and went to the front door. The jacket Tati had given her the night before was hanging neatly on a hook. She took it down and roughly pulled it on.

  As she opened the door, a car pulled up. Behind the driver’s seat was the boy from the night before. Gus was silent as she walked to the car and climbed into the front seat.

  “It’s fine, Gabriel. I believe Edmund will be along shortly. We’re going to start without him.” Elijah climbed into the seat behind Gus.

  When Gabriel got into the car he looked at both of his passengers. “Is everything okay?” he asked carefully.

  “Yes,” both Gus and Elijah said in unison.

  Gabriel’s eyes widened as he turned his attention the road in front of him. “Alright,” he said slowly. “Let’s get you two Sector Central.”


  An hour passed since they arrived at Sector Central. Augustina wanted to be taken to the area where she would go through with her test, and Elijah cursed himself for not calling the entire thing off. He sat behind his desk staring at yet another report from a distant part of the sector. He would have to dispatch a few of his officers to handle those that would dare to poach in Dominic’s lands. A familiar icon appeared on his computer screen and he wanted to curse. With everything going on, there were two people he needed to speak with, but he wanted to avoid them at all costs.

  While dealing with Dominic would be easy, until the gargoyle decided to come to the North, handling him would be nothing compared to the man on the other end of the video call.

  Elijah activated the call and looked at the computer screen. “Hello Gideon. How is the South?” he asked. He leaned back in his chair and examined the other vampire.

  Gideon smiled as he leaned on one arm. “Things are the way they are,” he said with his heavy southern drawl. “I’m not complaining too much. How are things up there?”

  He was fishing for information. Elijah pulled a tablet closer to him and watched the stream of the weapon’s room. Augustina stood speaking with two trainees. Each person was picking out a weapon. Elijah turned his attention back to Gideon. “Hectic. There are some problems coming up, but nothing I can’t handle.”

  Gideon leaned back in his chair and put his feet up on his desk. “Well, a little bird told me that there is something stirring up there and you are right in the thick of it.”

  Elijah placed the tablet face down on his desk. “Answer something for me.” Elijah drummed his fingers over the back of the tablet as he thought about everything Augustina told him. “What made you invade Punta Cana?”

  The ever-present smile on Gideon’s face fell. “You mean De Leon’s old estate?” When Elijah nodded, Gideon cursed under his breath. He ran his hand over his face as he gathered his thoughts. “Well, two girls showed up on my door. Sisters. Both looked like hell. The younger one, Esmeralda, told us about how they used to live in the South. She told us horror stories about how he had humans as slaves of all kinds on his property. She asked if we could look after her older sister, because they barely managed to escape.”

  Elijah’s eyes were focused on the back of the tablet. “What did the older sister look like?” he asked in a whisper.

  Gideon shook his head. “Esmeralda looked like she had been through hell. Augustina looked like she had been put through a meat grinder. But she was a fighter that one.”

  “What do you mean?”

  Gideon rubbed his nose and chuckled. “She had a broken arm and a fracture in her leg when she got here. One of my men was going to take her to the medic while another took Esmeralda to get something to eat. The girl hadn’t said one word until then. Didn’t give anyone a clue of how she was hurting. Bu
t as soon as those hands started to separate her and her sister, she became a wildcat. She’s the one that gave Liam that scar.”

  Gideon’s second in command always said he received that scar because he had tried to take care of a feral animal. Elijah drummed his fingers again. “And you just let them go?”

  “Why all the questions about the past?” Gideon asked. When Elijah stayed silent, he leaned back again. “Is it because somehow you found them hiding in the North? On the run from some imaginary enemy?” Gideon laughed as he dropped his feet to the floor and sat straight. “Get that look off your face. Liam got a call from his nephew Shawn. You may have met him?”

  Elijah closed his eyes and leaned his head in his hand. “Your captain’s nephew is her boss?”

  Gideon smiled. “It is a small world after all, isn’t it?” he laughed.

  “This isn’t a laughing matter,” Elijah said quietly. “Esmeralda was attacked and is currently in a coma.”

  Gideon leaned back again. “Augustina will tear up your sector if you don’t find out who did it.” Gideon shook his head. “She wasn’t here long, but the pure rage and anger from that girl. The only one that could have any hope of reaching her would be Esmeralda. When we figured out they were with Shawn, we were glad that they finally found a home and some peace.” Gideon looked past the computer screen and nodded. “I have to go. There’s something brewing south of the boarder here too.”

  “Let me know if you need any assistance.”

  Gideon laughed. “If Augustina kept up her training, you can just send her down. She’s worth five highly trained vampires. I’ll talk with you later.”

  Elijah waved as the screen went blank. He turned the tablet again and picked it up. Augustina was strapping a pair of knives to her wrists. Elijah cursed as he shut off the feed and stood. As he approached the door to his office, Christine raised her hand to knock on the door.

  “What is it?” he asked sharply.

  She frowned at him. “Please don’t take that tone with me, Lord Elijah. I am not the person that pissed you off,” she said. She stepped back and motioned for him to exit the office. “I thought you would want to know that there is a small betting pool among the Guardsmen. They think the woman you brought in won’t last two minutes with the trainees.”


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