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Tempered (Et Lapis Sanguis Book 1)

Page 20

by Dawn Ibanez

  “Unfortunately, no. But that is telling in and of itself.” In the background he could hear her scribbling in a note pad. “Gus has been gone for almost a week and a half. Her blood should be out of your system, but it’s not.”

  “We know that. That was why Mel gave blood to Edmund.”

  “Yes. And he has experienced no change. This could be one of two reasons. Either the change in your system has to do with your connection with Gus, or Edmund is just that much of an asshole that he was destined to be a miserable gargoyle at a young age.”

  “Monica, that isn’t nice,” Elijah scolded.

  “I’m not going to apologize,” she said defiantly. “He came in here acting like Mel would be his salvation, and when I showed him the results, he demanded that I do the tests over. When I did, he just melted into the shadows, not even a thank you.” She paused her speech and scribbled something down.

  He could only rub the bridge of his nose. He had been so wrapped up with Augustina, Elijah missed his second’s state of mind. “I’ll talk with him.”

  Monica sighed and slammed her pen down. “I know the circumstances behind his change. He didn’t ask for it. But he needs to stop blaming everyone else for it.”

  Elijah nodded. “Agreed. As I said, I will speak with him.”

  “And that tech you said was really the Fae queen? Yeah, I have some records of a transfer from Nova Scotia. But her name was supposed to be Carol Jonas. I don’t know where this Tati came from.”

  “Don’t worry about it. Find Carol, and then we’ll take everything from there.”

  “Okay.” More scribbling in the background. “How are you and Mel doing?”

  He knew what she was asking. Monica was his head physician, but she was also the closest thing he had to a daughter. She and Mel seemed to have struck a friendship that would stand against the test of time. “She misses her sister. I think she and Dominic are planning on going to war.”

  “Against who?”

  “Each other.”

  “She really shot him, huh?”

  Elijah frowned. “You know about that?”

  “They got into a pretty heated argument down here. It was like Master Dominic was egging her on to see what she would do. She warned him to back off, or he wouldn’t see her coming. He said something along the lines of that would be the day he decided to wear pink.”

  Elijah snorted. “Pink paintballs,” he said simply.

  “No,” Monica gasped. She then fell into a fit of giggles.

  Elijah sighed and shook his head. “You didn’t hear it from me. But I will have to have a discussion with those down in the training rooms. Dominic was not pleased by Mel’s little outburst.”

  “Understandable.” She then stopped her scribbling. “But I asked about Mel, and you. Nice try, but I want to know how you’ve been holding up.”

  He didn’t want to think about his reaction to waking up to find Augustina gone. When he made his way to the Tower, Mel had been nearly feral. They decided to stay together so Augustina wouldn’t have to choose where to go first on her return. That was when Dominic and Mel’s private war began. “I’ve been working.”

  “Translation, you’ve been reading the same six reports from Whitechapel to piece together the whys and hows of those murders to see if this cult sprang up overnight or if there was more than one killer three hundred years ago.”

  Elijah hated how well she knew him. He closed the file and leaned back in his chair. “There is no reason for you to worry about me, Monica.”

  “You say that. I know different.” She shifted something and Elijah heard her chair sliding back. “I’ll report back if I find anything else. And I may stop by the estate in the morning for something to eat. Warn your sourpuss. I’ll see you then, Dad.”

  Elijah lowered his head as she disconnected the call. Monica only called him her father when she was truly worried for him. He sighed and placed his phone on his desk. He needed to figure out where the Ripper and her cult were hiding. He also needed to find out how they knew so much about their victims.

  Elijah picked up his mother’s file and opened it again. He examined the washed-out grey photos from the scene. His own memory of that night was hazy at best. He had spent the day sweeping chimneys. Since he had been so small, one of the detectives from the Glaive wanted him to go to Buckingham Palace to sweep the chimneys there too. Elijah made it very clear that while he was more than old enough and mature enough to meet the Ruling Gargoyle of England, Her Majesty Queen Victoria, he wanted to make sure his mum knew about it too. Especially since his mum was a seamstress and could probably find some work in the palace too.

  His hands shook as he remembered walking into their single room flat. His mum wanted to make a special dinner. They were going to have a guest. A man who had been calling on his mother and taking her out for lunches during the day. His mum was finally going to introduce him to her son, Elijah.

  But his mum had been laying in a pool of her own blood. Her insides pulled out while the roast burned in the oven.

  Elijah jumped to his feet and paced around the room.

  His mother hadn’t been a prostitute. She was a seamstress who had the misfortune of falling for the wrong man and foolishly turning away from her family. He looked at the photograph again and frowned. “Lindo Cartigo,” he said softly.

  “Who is that?” Edmund asked coming into the office.

  Elijah looked at the other vampire. “He was the man my mother had been dating when she was killed.” He picked up the file and flipped through the first handful of pages. “Cartigo was supposed to come over for dinner, but he never showed.” He looked at Edmund. “No evidence anyone was in the flat with her. No one came after the murder to see what happened. He was supposed to come to dinner.”

  “He stood your mother up.” Edmund took the file from Elijah and placed it on the chair behind him. “Or he could have been a figment of her imagination. You can’t start making up and searching out conspiracy theories to fit this situation.”

  Elijah frowned as he moved away from Edmund. “Lindo was never a figment,” Elijah said. He rubbed his temples as he felt a headache surface. “He came around only during the day. She never let him upstairs. He always picked her up for their dates.”

  “You think he has something to do with her murder?”

  “If this is the same person that committed the Whitechapel murders, then the reason is probably the same. Cartigo was Fae. He and my mother may have had relations, and the killer struck. The only reason why I’m even suspicious of someone I haven’t even thought about is because I barely remember him. And someone had to know her to tell the other cult members. That one sniper knew too much about my mother to simply have read a file.”

  “What do you want me to do?” Edmund asked.

  Elijah knew he needed to speak to his second about Monica’s concerns. The vampire’s attachment to Mel could also pose a problem. Especially if he was snared in her little war with Dominic. But all of that needed to wait. He needed to treat Edmund as his station demanded. “Find out all you can about Lindo Cartigo. I want to know why he never showed up to my flat.”

  “I may not find anything.”

  Elijah nodded. There was a chance no information would be found. There was also a chance he would have some answers. “Do what you can.”

  As Edmund started for the door, Rebecca ran to the office and grabbed the doorframe to stop her slid along the hardwood floors. She looked from Edmund to Elijah with wide eyes. The smile on her face was one of pure joy. “Lord Elijah,” she said giving him a quick curtsey. “Lady Gus has just been let through the gates. She’s making her way up to the house now.”

  Elijah nodded. “Thank you, Rebecca,” he said. “Does Lady Mel know?”

  Rebecca shook her head. “I don’t know. I would assume so. She went out for some air a little while ago. But it’s possible she doesn’t know.”

  Elijah looked at his second. “Would you mind?” he asked.

nbsp; Edmund’s lips pressed together. There was something on his mind and he refused to share it. Elijah would deal with him later. Right now, he needed to see the woman that ran to his sector and stole his heart.

  Chapter 21

  When Elijah reached the front door, he saw that Mel indeed knew of her sister’s return. The younger Vega sister was currently wrapped around the older like a kola bear. Augustina held Mel and spoke to her quietly. A few feet from the front door, Edmund stood watching the scene as well. “Over the years, I’ve seen so many siblings say how they would do anything for each other. But those two. They really would,” Edmund said.

  Elijah remembered how Augustina told him anything he asked simply to guarantee her sister’s safety and a promise to avenge her. “I think you and I have no concept of what they would do for each other.” He patted Edmund on his shoulder. “Dig up what you can with that name. I have a feeling that Augustina’s return will herald another wave of murders. Our people need to be ready.”

  Edmund nodded. “I will let you know what I find come morning.”

  Elijah was silent as his second melted into the shadows. His focus was the woman with long black hair pulled back into a high ponytail. He walked down the stairs to his home and saw Mel climb down from Gus’s body.

  “That seals it then,” Mel said with a smile and shrug. “I’m never going there. Not if she’s there.”

  Augustina touched Mel’s hair and nodded. “There’s more to the story. But we’ll all respect your wishes,” she said.

  Mel glanced back and smiled at Elijah. “I’m going to be an instructor at the Tower,” she said to her sister. “After the attack, a few of people came up and asked if I could teach them how to shoot too. So, I’ve got two classes a week lined up. With three nights at the bar with Shawn and Henry, I’m set.”

  Augustina nodded. “When this blows over, you and I are going to talk about our lives here.” She looked at Elijah. He was struck by the difference in her eyes. Once, they were a deep brown of a tourmaline gem. Now they resembled garnet. “And I have to discuss my new position with you as well.”

  He frowned. He hadn’t expected her to say that. “What new position?” he asked.

  She turned to her sister. “Mel, would you mind if I talked with Elijah?”

  Mel shook her head. “I’m just glad you’re back.” She wrapped her arms around Augustina again and held her tight. “It wasn’t the same without you here.”

  Augustina returned the embrace. Elijah watched silently as they parted, and Mel walked towards the gardens of the estate. Augustina then turned to him. “I don’t know how we should even greet each other,” she admitted.

  He held out his hand. “Welcome home,” he said. When she placed her hand in his, he pulled her close and covered her mouth with his.

  Her hands grasped his shoulders. She returned the kiss with as much desire and passion he gave it. Elijah could feel his body hardening as she stepped even closer to him.

  He pulled away from their kiss but continued to hold her. “I missed you.”

  A teasing smile crossed her face. “I had no idea.” She laughed as he released her and caught hold of his hand. “Come on. I need to tell you what happened.” She then stopped as she started up the stairs to the house. “Do you have a fire-proof room here?”

  He blinked at her. “The majority of the house is fireproof. Why?”

  “I’ll tell you when we get inside.” She squeezed his hand and led him into the mansion. Augustina smiled at Rebecca and Sabrina as they passed them in the hall. She looked over her shoulder at him and swallowed. “There’s so much we have to talk about,” she said lowly. When they reached the door to his apartment she stopped. She turned and looked into his eyes. “A lot has changed in the past few days.”

  He touched the side of her face. Her skin was no longer a deep olive tone. She had more of a golden hue to her complexion. He tilted her face to the side and noticed how smooth her skin was. “Variables always change. But there are constants as well.” He opened the door behind her and gestured for her to walk ahead of him. As she disappeared down into his apartment, Elijah saw that the coat she wore was an exact replica of the one Tati gave her before. “The queen must really like that style of coat.”

  She reached the living area of the apartment. “It’s a uniform.” As she stripped out of the coat, Elijah noted the backless nature of her top. He blinked when she sat on the sofa. “Queen Titania has her own version of the Glaive. They’re called Sanguis.”

  It took a moment for Elijah to remember his Latin. “Blood?”

  Her eyebrow rose in a mocking expression. “Knights were taken, Chevalier.”

  Elijah smirked as he went to sit next to her. Chevalier did sound more authoritative than Knights. “I can assume you’ve joined whatever force these Sanguis are.”

  “Like I said, I would be like a member of her Glaive. But since I would be living here, I would be listed as on call. Only the roughest and toughest cases would need my attention.”

  He didn’t want her in any more danger, but he also knew what he said to Dominic was true. He would stand by whatever decision she made. As long as she came back to him each morning, Elijah didn’t care if she worked for the Fae or for his sector.

  She looked at her hands and rubbed them together. “And I have my own magic.” She looked at him and lifted her hands. “I’m a fire magic user.” She mused as she continued to rub her hands together. “And being in an army of sorts is kind of in my blood. All of the women in my family have served the Queen in some sort of capacity.”

  Elijah watched as she continued to fidget. He could remember seeing her so awkward. He touched her hands to still them. “Your scars are gone,” he said. His fingers trailed up from her wrist to her elbow. “Tati must be incredibly powerful to revive you. I didn’t understand everything when she tried to explain it.”

  “I was put into healing waters. They helped me recover. They also wiped my memories for a little bit.” She looked at him, and her focus was his eyes. “Have I told you how much I love your eyes?” she asked.

  He looked at her and shook his head. They hadn’t been together long and didn’t have the time to approach verbal boundaries like love. Elijah frowned as she looked away from him. “You only remembered my eyes?”

  She quickly turned and was straddling his lap. Before he could question her, Augustina caught his mouth in a kiss that was equal parts desperation and passion. Elijah felt his body harden as she moved on top of him. Her fingers trailed through his hair while his hands cupped her behind. The feel of her body in his arms was his idea of heaven. He trailed his hands up her bare back and stopped when his fingers caressed scar tissue.

  Above him Augustina went rigid. She looked at him for a long moment. “I’m fully Fae now. Most injuries disappear right after they heal.”

  He reached up and snapped the band holding her hair back in that ponytail. His consort was a woman who was wild and free in every way. Before she could say anything, he traced the scar again. “I think my heart stopped when I saw that scythe cut into you.”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “I only felt a scratch,” she whispered. “It didn’t hurt.”

  Elijah shook his head. “It did.” He tilted her face to his. “It ripped out my heart and destroyed your sister.”

  Augustina gently touched the sides of his face before kissing him. “What are we going to do?” She trailed kisses down his jaw and made quick work of taking off his tie.

  “I’m seeing a pattern you have,” he said leaning his head back. His body trembled as her tongue traced a line from his jaw to his Adam’s apple. She scrapped her teeth against his skin and made him gasp. “I bite back, Love.”

  She stood from his lap and laughed. “That’s another thing,” she said. “The reason why you can stay up is because I gave you my blood.”

  He took her hand and kissed the palm. “We already figured that out. There’s something about the bond you and I have that is reversing
my change.”

  She reached out and played with a lock of his hair. “Tati said she created the loophole in some curse the Unseelie King made a few millennia ago.” Her face turned an interesting shade of red as she looked at him. “I care about you. So, when I give you my blood, it started to counter the curse. You won’t weaken, but you won’t have to worry about turning to stone. At least that’s my understanding.”

  Elijah was still as she turned and went to the kitchenette. He knew what she hadn’t said. Augustina didn’t care about anyone. She loved with a fierce devotion most would think destructive. And no one would link the cure to a vicious curse such as vampirism to mild affection.

  He stood and went to her side. He pressed her body against the counter. “Is that your way to say you love me?” he asked. His widened when she quickly turned and had him pressed against the granite.

  Augustina kissed him passionately and climbed up his body as she opened his shirt. Elijah wrapped his arms around her and took her into the bedroom. His consort was doing her best to distract him from his question. When he laid her on the bed and pinned her hands over her head he looked into her eyes. The tears he saw made him stop. “Augustina.”

  “He doesn’t belong here between us,” she said softly. She sat up when he moved off her. One of those hated self-deprecating laughs left her. “But that’s something he always made me say. That I loved him.” She shook her head and wiped at her face. “I hate him so much.”

  Elijah sat up next to her and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “I’ll never ask again,” he said.

  She pushed him to the mattress and straddled him. “That’s the thing. I want to say it. I feel it in here,” she pressed her fist to her breast. “But I can’t get the words out.”

  Elijah took her hand into his and opened her fingers. “Answer this one question, and the rest will be moot.” He placed her hands on his chest and made her look into his eyes. “If another faction took me out, would you go after them?” he asked with a smirk.


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