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Dungeon Bound 2

Page 18

by Bastian Knight

  Cindra withdrew from the werebadger’s face and leaned into his hand.

  “Look, I know you gave me your oath. But we didn’t nail down the specifics. I-I don’t want you pushing it off to eventually,” Reyna said as she turned her golden eyes to Gabriel. “That ass-sniffing shit-stain has to pay. He…”

  Sthuza’s glare softened. “I sympathize with you, Miss Reyna, but the adventurers that captu—sold you to the baron stole something quite valuable. If we fail to recover it in the next few days, it will be too late.”


  “I am sorry. Master gave you his word, and we will help you, but not until after we get the crystal back. Our mission is time-sensitive, yours is not.”

  Reyna glared at his Prime, and Gabriel watched as the lycan’s amber eyes glistened with unshed tears.

  “Sthuza, how many did we kill when Kelith attacked? Of the baron’s men?”

  All three women turned their attention to Gabriel.

  “Thirty-four, Master. Why?”

  “Doesn’t matter how many die unless that bastard gets his!” Reyna said. Sthuza turned back to glare at the shorter woman.

  Gabriel ignored them both. Instead, he thought back to everything he knew of Baron Alberik.

  How many guards did he have? I’ve heard people talk of the reduced size of his personal forces. Think he took losses in some squabble with another noble a couple summers back, right?

  ‘Master, what is this about?’

  Gabriel shook his head and blocked Sthuza from his thoughts. He turned further inward, confident that he knew the answer.

  The surrounding din grew louder, but he shut out the distractions and concentrated. It took a few minutes, but he added up all of the rumors he’d heard and the patrols he’d seen over the years.

  The baron can’t have more than a hundred guards in total. We killed about a third of them when they attacked us. If we choose the fight…

  “We can do this,” Gabriel declared. He turned his attention back to his companions, then froze at the odd sight.

  He blinked, half-expecting the scene to vanish. When he looked again, it was the exact same spectacle.

  Reyna was almost foaming at the mouth as she glared at Sthuza. The disguised gorgon’s baleful stare put the petite lycan’s to shame.

  Glancing down, Gabriel noticed the toes of Sthuza’s boots barely scraping the weathered floorboards. Reyna was half a foot off the ground.

  At least Sthuza has the grace not to kick and scream like a toddler.

  Cindra, the last person Gabriel would expect to provide a calming effect, stood between the pair and held them up like misbehaving puppies.

  Glad she kept them from brawling. Would prefer she didn’t show off her strength so blatantly though.

  Gabriel looked at his Prime, then the snarling, spitting lycan. He turned to Cindra.

  She was the only one who had noticed him move. She watched him pick up his ale and down half of the mug in one go.

  “Thank you, Cindra,” he said. “Please put them down now.”

  Sthuza froze at his words. Her face went white, and she slowly turned toward him. Reyna kept spitting and growling.

  Cindra dropped both women in an instant. “Sure thing, Pa-Gabriel.”

  “If you two are done, would you like to hear my idea?” he asked.

  Sthuza’s pale cheeks flushed red, but she nodded.

  Still sulking, Reyna glanced at him, then inclined her head. She scowled and crossed her slender arms.

  “We must have killed at least a third of his men when they invaded,” he said.

  “Truly, Massster? I expected him to have over two-hundred men-at-armsss.”

  “Wait, that ass-licking noble invaded your place? Is that why you’re living in this shitty rathouse?” Reyna asked.

  Gabriel instinctively glanced toward Mrs. Spaulding. The innkeeper was busy delivering more drinks across the room.

  ‘Relax, Master. I activated my bracelet before we started. And my apologies about earlier.’

  It’s fine.

  He turned his attention back to Reyna. “Not exactly, but yeah, he tried to steal something of ours, and we killed all the men he sent.”

  “Packmaster shredded his sniveling pup too,” Cindra added with a broad grin.

  Reyna’s eyes widened. Her golden-brown gaze flicked between Cindra and Gabriel. “Really?”

  Gabriel blushed and looked away, but Sthuza smiled and nodded. “Yes, Master permanently eliminated his son, Kelith, and saved my life.”

  Reyna scoffed. “Permanently? I don’t know. All those rich, inbred shitheads collect Divine Favors to get resurrected if they die young, don’t they? I’ve heard they’re hard to get, but the baron’s got plenty of money.

  “Still, I bet dying fucking sucks. Did he beg? Please tell me the little turd-licker begged.” She kept her intense gaze focused on Sthuza as she spoke.

  The disguised gorgon grinned and nodded. “Yes, he did. And it was most certainly permanent. Lady Merideva and Master told Kelith what was going to happen and then shredded his soul.”

  Reyna raised her small fists and pumped them above her head, wiggling in her chair. The move caused her borrowed coat to slip off, and more than a few men shot her hungry glances. She didn’t notice.

  “That’s fucking awesome. Can we do the same thing to inbred shitstick senior?”

  Gabriel laughed and shook his head. “I don’t know about doing the exact same thing. There were extenuating circumstances that I’d rather avoid if possible.

  “But yeah, we can end the baron. If he actually racked up enough credit with a god willing to stomach his behavior, we’ll just have to kill him again, won’t we?” Gabriel said, matching the lycan’s eager grin. “And we can do it tomorrow, but then we’ll have to get right on the road.”

  “Hells yeah! You’re not too bad, kid.”

  Gabriel rubbed his eyes when that drew another round of growls and hisses.

  “What he can’t be more than like fifteen, right?” Reyna asked with a straight face.

  Sthuza’s incredulous stare was an identical match for Gabriel’s as they both gaped at the outrageous statement. But Cindra threw her head back and howled.

  “If Packmaster isn’t even an adult yet, he’ll get way bigger than Cindra!” she declared while rubbing her hands together.

  “Uh, Cindra, that’s—” Gabriel choked off when his Prime kicked his shin under the table. Hard.

  ‘Remember her size issues, Master.’

  She’s going to realize it, eventually. You know… when it becomes apparent I’m not growing taller.

  ‘Trust me, Master.’

  He sighed, but nodded and turned his attention to the last of his ale.

  Before either of the boisterous pair could say anything else outlandish, Mrs. Spaulding arrived with a large tray laden with steaming bowls of stew.

  She looked them all over, and her eyes lingered on Reyna’s outlandish outfit. “I thought you and your friends might like a late dinner, dear.”

  “You’re a lifesaver,” he said. The moment he caught the first whiff of her famous oross stew, his stomach reminded him that he’d had a busy day and needed to eat.

  She smiled, her rosy cheeks bright as she passed the heavy bowls around the table. “I had Elrick heat some back up for you lot. I hope you all enjoy it.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Spaulding, this smells divine,” Sthuza replied with her typical class and grace.

  “Anytime, dear. Friends of Gabriel are always welcome here. Now I better be off and make sure that fool husband of mine doesn’t make a mess cleaning my kitchen,” she said and waved before leaving.

  Gabriel turned back to his companions and was going to suggest they eat while it was hot.

  His advice was wholly unneeded.

  Cindra had her bowl tipped back and was pouring the steaming stew into her open mouth. The sounds escaping her throat as she swallowed the thick stew would have panicked him if she wasn’t ti
lting the bowl back further as she drained it.

  Well, she can breathe fire, so I guess it wouldn’t be too hot for her.

  Reyna’s bowl still sat on the table like a normal person’s.

  Almost normal.

  Gabriel watched as she scooped the thick, red stew with her bare hand and shoveled it into her mouth.

  Then she exhaled and swore loudly at the scalding heat that burned her hand and mouth.

  She… actually makes Cindra look reasonable… ish.

  Reeling from their complete lack of etiquette and common sense, he hesitantly turned to Sthuza.

  His Prime stared back at him with a look of smug satisfaction. She quirked an eyebrow and indicated the messy eaters with a tilt of her head.

  You don’t even need to say it. Is every furry monster girl so outrageous?

  His Prime didn’t answer him. Instead, she unrolled her cloth napkin and picked up the exposed spoon.

  Sthuza winked at him before she started in on her stew like a civilized person. “Mmm, this tastes every bit as good as it smells, Master. It is even better than what she served before. We must get her recipe.”

  Gabriel grinned at Sthuza and nodded as he took his first bite. A subtle, peppery heat complimented the shredded oross meat and the starchy vegetables.

  Several round loaves of crusty bread accompanied the meal, though Cindra and Reyna devoured most of them.

  I think Cindra swallowed one whole.

  The tavern and inn might be a bit rundown, but the place stayed in business thanks to the fantastic food the Spauldings served.

  The foursome sat in relative silence until Gabriel and Sthuza finished.

  “Do you think we could get more, Packmaster?”

  “I gotta agree with the fu—uh with the boob monster.”

  “If there is any more already heated up, it might be a wise idea, Master. We will need to get some rest and then set out quickly if we are to deal with our newest issue before leaving the city.”

  He chuckled and flagged the innkeeper down.

  Everyone enjoyed their second serving as much as the first. Though Cindra pouted when Sthuza glared at her request for thirds.

  “It’s nice to see ladies with such healthy appetites,” Mrs. Spaulding said while she collected the dishes. Each bowl had been licked spotless by a certain gray-skinned patron.

  “Thanks again for the wonderful meal, Mrs. Spaulding, it was even better than the last time I had it,” Gabriel said.

  “That’s probably because of the beautiful company you’re keeping now, dearie. The stew’s the same as I’ve been serving for thirty years.”

  Two of the women grinned at that, while the shortest glared at him in challenge.

  “Four of you might get a wee bit crowded in that room, but we had to throw a deadbeat out of one on the second floor just after sundown. I’d be happy to let your new friend claim it if she needs a place to stay. Just give me a bit to tidy the room up.”

  Gabriel sighed at the turn of good fortune.

  “That would be excellent. Reyna was most insistent on needing her own room,” Sthuza said.

  “You all look exhausted. Perhaps you should head on to your room, and I’ll go grab the key then lead the lass up to where she’ll be staying.”


  Barely ten minutes later, Gabriel found himself locked in the comfortable room with his bonded.

  Before he could ask either of them anything, Cindra wrapped him in a crushing hug that blasted the air from his lungs.

  Sthuza watched with surprising patience as the powerful hellhound rubbed against him for several minutes before she cleared her throat. “That is quite enough for now, Cindra. Release Master so we may discuss what we need to before bedding down for the night.”

  Cindra sulked, but loosened her grip and reluctantly pulled away from him. “Cindra is good girl. She listens to Alpha Bi—Female.”

  “Yes, you have been very good. Thank you,” he said, then reached out and ruffled her hair affectionately.

  “Now, Master, we should discuss Reyna and the situation she presents.”

  He nodded but had to yawn. “Sorry, it’s been a very long day.”

  The disguised gorgon grinned and waved away his apology. “That is putting it lightly. Today, or yesterday at this point, has been longer and more stressful than anything I have experienced in centuries, Master. Perhaps you would like to get more comfortable while we discuss your plans?”

  Seeing the heat in her eyes, he grinned and nodded. They all started to strip off their armor and prepare for bed.

  Gabriel finished with his boots, stretched, then looked over to his bonded.

  Cindra was bent over and fussing with something on the floor. He didn’t see what it was because his eyes were glued to her round ass and glistening slit right in front of him.

  Sthuza hissed and chased after the nude hellhound. Once he got over the surprise, Gabriel chuckled, closed his mind off from his Prime, and watched as the pair of gorgeous monster girls raced around the room.

  He was more than a little surprised at how energetic they were, and he let them be for several minutes.

  “Calm down, both of you,” Gabriel ordered when it became clear neither was going to stop on their own.

  They slowed then moved to stand before him, eyes downcast.

  “Relax, I’m not mad. Maybe a little embarrassed, but your attention is very flattering. Still, I think we need to discuss our next step.”

  The idea of just staying in the room for a week and trying to break both beds with them has some serious appeal. But that would doom us, or at least Meri.

  He smiled at the beautiful pair. “As much as I’d like to further explore the physical aspects of our relationships right now, I’m exhausted, so let’s settle down and decide what comes next.”

  Both bonded monster girls nodded and flashed bright smiles.

  That’s a lot better. They are both so incredible. And not just in looks. Bonding the pair of them, and Meri, was definitely worth almost having my soul destroyed.

  Gabriel thought back to the horrific torture he’d endured when Estrial and her companions sacrificed him.

  Still want to kill that duplicitous elf when we catch her, though.

  His bonded argued about their sleeping arrangements for a moment. As a compromise, the three of them pushed the beds together, an easy feat with Cindra’s aid.

  It took several minutes for them to convince Cindra to wear anything. She finally relented when Sthuza leaned close and whispered something in her fluffy ear. Then his bonded disappeared behind a dressing screen.

  He took the time to strip down to his underwear and settled onto the combined bed. When they stepped back out, their appearance stole his breath—and his train of thought.

  Sthuza wore a sheer, black silk nightie that provided tantalizing glimpses of her flawless body as she slunk over to the bed and sat beside him. All she had on beneath it was a pair of dark-green panties.

  The blue satin nightgown that Cindra wore looked like it was sized for Sthuza, and it struggled to restrain her breasts while barely descending past her hips. Unlike the prim and proper gorgon, his second bonded wasn’t wearing panties. That became clear the moment Cindra lifted the hem and twirled to show off her sexy lingerie for her Packmaster.

  Gabriel gulped at the blatantly erotic scene. His Prime was a touch more subtle, and he enjoyed the feeling of Sthuza pressing her cool breasts against his bare chest. He found it rather challenging to keep focused on the discussion once the two scantily dressed monster girls snuggled up to either side.

  They leaned back against the headboards to discuss the day’s events.

  For her part, Sthuza was happy to keep the conversation flowing. She brought up several points about their newest companion that he hadn’t considered.

  When Gabriel reminded her that he’d never heard of werebadgers, Sthuza took a few minutes to tell him what she knew of them. She looked less than eager as
she explained that they had a well-deserved reputation for belligerence when provoked.

  And a tendency to claim provocation at the slightest offense.

  Sthuza also assured him that the way he’d dealt with the lycan in the prison had cemented him as the boss—regardless of what Reyna might say.

  Gabriel blew out a sigh. “I still can’t believe that I got so angry. I was going to kill her.”

  “Your bond with the fur coat is having some influence on your thoughts, Master.”

  “Am I going to become as violent and short-tempered as a male hellhound?”

  Sthuza shook her head, sending head-snakes whipping about. “No, Master. I do not believe it will alter you that much. Your life has changed greatly, and it will take time for you to settle into who you truly are. I have faith that you are on the path to greatness.”

  “Cindra has lots of faith in Packmaster.”

  Gabriel grinned, then kissed each of the monster girls.

  When the talk returned to Reyna, Sthuza mentioned that he could bond with the surly lycan, if it was what he wished.

  A part of him wanted to pursue the idea the moment his Prime mentioned it. Then he remembered Reyna’s foul attitude.

  Her mouth’s even worse.

  He kissed the gorgon again, then sealed his mind to think.

  Reyna does seem competent. But Sthuza doesn’t like furry monsters due to… something that happened with those catgirls she petrified. I want to ask her about it, but it clearly still bothers her. At the same time, her reaction to kissing Cindra was the opposite. But this isn’t the time to stir the pot. Think it’s best to hold off on the idea of bonding Reyna for now.

  The topic shifted again when Cindra sleepily voiced her support for hunting down Kelith’s father and ending that threat. She’d suggested doing just that before they left the dungeon.

  “I agree that taking out the baron would help reduce the risk to Lady Merideva,” Sthuza said. She then continued on for several minutes as she explained her thoughts on the pros and cons of Cindra’s idea.

  Tired as he was, Gabriel struggled to keep his attention on the topic. Despite his best effort, he faded in and out, catching only a few words—until a soft hand grasped his manhood and gave a gentle tug.


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