OUTLIER: Blood, Brotherhood, And Beauty (Beauty 0f Lifee Book 4)
Page 31
“We’ll be just outside the door,” Scott said to Dan and guided Lexa from the room.
Dan watched as Scott put his arm around Lexa and left. His only thought was, Get your hands off Lexa! She’s mine!
Guess Who Woke Up from His Nap?
August 2
St. Michael’s Hospital – Outside Room 1030 – 10:20 p.m.
Once outside Dan’s room, Scott said, “We better let the others know he’s awake. They’ll have our heads if we keep it to ourselves much longer.”
Lexa paced up and down the hall as she made her first call. She went straight to the matter when it Boss answered. “Dan woke up. The doctor is with him now. He is alert and remembers everything. He is having a tough time breathing though, and he’s in a lot of pain.”
Lexa continued to explain what happened minus the intimate moment she and Dan shared. Dan being in pain concerned them both. Nick told Lexa he would inform the rest of the team and they would be on their way over shortly. She hung up and slid to the ground with her back against the wall near Dan’s door and eyes closed.
Waiting had been so hard. Now it is time to see how bad it is and what Dan needed to do to recover. Lexa needed a few moments to regroup as she relived the feelings which surged through her moments before Dan coughed. This is unknown territory. I have no idea how to proceed. Though, I’m glad we get a chance to figure it out. A smile played across her face as she thought a single word, Dan.
Scott called the general first, he would be a dead man if he didn’t. His uncle had been both delighted and concerned and promised to arrive soon. Uncle Will asked him to call the rest of the family and Dan’s old unit. Scott dialed his dad’s number—he might be able to pass off the chain of communication to a few others. Though he was happy, he didn’t relish retelling the details of Dan’s awakening repeatedly.
He conveniently left out the part between Lexa and Dan. Their private moment didn’t need to be shared or discussed by others. His dad agreed to contact his uncles, and they would communicate with rest of the family.
Scott now needed to call Blaze. As he dialed, Patch rounded the corner. Must be here for his daily visit. This is gonna be fun to tell him, Scott thought as he smiled. “Patch, amazing you gave Heather the slip today.”
Patch gave Scott a ‘give it a rest’ look. They became friends and harassed one another mercilessly over the past weeks. Scott’s favorite thing to tease him about was the burgeoning relationship between him and Heather.
“Guess who woke up from his nap?” Scott said and was promptly blown away by the relief and pure joy which engulfed Patch’s face. He was damned glad he never teased Patch with this.
He almost had—once. Lexa punched him hard in the stomach when he suggested it to her. She called him a daft idiot and a few more colorful things for even thinking of teasing Patch that way. She was absolutely right given Patch’s reaction now.
“Really? You’re not joking with me, are you?” Patch asked warily.
Scott shook his head. “Not joking. Not about this.” Scott was amazed again watching the emotions play out across the medic’s face.
“How’s Blondie doing?” Patch asked cautiously.
“Doctor is with him now. Seems to be having a bit of trouble breathing. I don’t know, but it could be the result of the coughing fit. Dan’s very tired, and he indicated his pain level is nine.”
Concern clouded Patch’s face for a moment but cleared swiftly. No reason to worry the others until the doctor finished his exam. Time to celebrate the fact Blondie woke up. The rest would be dealt with later.
Noticing Lexa on the floor, Patch bent down and gave her a long, tight hug. Exuberance flooding his voice, “Our guy is back! Blondie’s back. Any bets on when Blondie will be griping about getting out of here? I better call Blaze and Winds. They’ll want to know even if they can’t be here. Gotta call Heather, too. He is awake. Blondie is finally awake.”
Lexa stared at Patch as he started to make the calls and smiled. Boy, Patch babbled like Loki did when he got excited. Then she thought about his question. Probably wouldn’t be long before the complaining began given all the stories she listened to about Dan and hospitals. Lexa would bet three days max.
Thirty minutes later the hall outside Dan’s room was filled with all of Alpha Team, Patch, Scott, William, Walter, and Heather.
William paced back and forth unable to stand still. Not a patient man, he chafed at not being allowed to go into his son’s room. “What’s taking the doctor so damned long?”
Walter stepped in front of William stopping him from pacing. “The doctor will be done when he is done. Breathe deeply and relax.”
Raking his hand through his hair, William resorted to sniper breathing to calm down. His son awoke from the coma, and he wanted to go in now.
Another five minutes had passed before the door opened. Dr. Markson exited the room surprised to find everyone waiting. Though he wondered why he was surprised because he shouldn’t be. If the others didn’t have a duty to perform this hallway would be packed to the rafters with Brodericks, Special Forces soldiers, TRF teams, and hospital staff. This young man had the ICU staff, ER staff, Surgery staff, and tenth-floor nursing staff cheering for him. Bill lost count of the number of daily inquiries into Dan’s health status from them.
Dr. Markson surveyed them as the door closed behind him. “First, let me say, Dan has indeed awakened from the coma. However, he was in significant pain, so I gave him a potent painkiller—he is now sleeping. The nurses are prepping to take him to radiology for a new scan of his lungs.
“Overall his health looks good given his condition, but he is having some difficulty breathing. He should be back in his room in about an hour. Please make your visits brief. Dan needs rest still.
“Tomorrow I’ll check in and review his progress again. His lungs are sensitive, so please don’t engage him in conversation. Talking may trigger a coughing fit.” A thought promptly crossed Bill’s mind—this group used humor often, so he added, “Or make him laugh.”
They nodded with understanding smiles and parted so the doctor could pass. The door opened again, and the nurses pushed Dan’s bed into the hall. Everyone looked at Dan and thought he appeared the same as before, but now he was actually only napping now, no longer in a coma.
Alpha Team, Patch, Gambrill, and the Brodericks filed into the room to wait. Heather needed to return to the surgery department because she was still on shift. Patch agreed to stop by and update her later.
St. Michael’s Hospital – Room 1030 – 11:30 p.m.
Dan returned about forty minutes later, still sleeping as the nurses reattached the monitors and left. Ten people milled around the room. They spoke in soft voices as they waited to not disturb Dan’s rest. Nearly twenty minutes later Loki noticed Dan stirring. He tapped Ray’s shoulder as he moved forward to the bed which alerted everyone. Within a minute they surrounded the bed on three sides shoulder touching shoulder looking at Dan.
An incessant beeping filtered in first as Dan began to wake. He heard breathing on all sides of him which told him he wasn’t alone and triggered a sense of being trapped, surrounded, and vulnerable. Anxiety crept in and took hold. Dan mentally shook himself.
I’m in a hospital not there. Not there. NOT there! Hear the beeping, idiot. Hospital, smell the disinfectant. You’re in a hospital. Hate them, but better than there. Any place is better than there. God, I don’t want to be there.
Dread continued rising as the feeling of being encircled and examined closely increased. His mind conjured images of bastards who circled him during his torture. They stood around him and laughed as he writhed in pain and screamed his lungs out. The animals took turns jabbing him with the needles. Helpless, defenseless, he couldn’t stop them. He didn’t want to remember, but the images haunted him.
Hospital … you’re in a damned hospital idiot. YOU’RE NOT THERE! Nightmare thoughts continued filling his head. No, not there, hospital, hospital plea
se, not there. Dan tried to counter his fears. He needed to find out what was causing his sense of entrapment if he had any hope of quelling the anxiety and stopping the terror rapidly taking over his rational thought process.
Heart racing, Dan knew he needed to open his eyes, but he was petrified of what he might find. Maybe his mind was playing tricks, and he was still there. Afraid to make it real, he kept his eyes shut tight as panic continued to rise.
Everyone eagerly waited for Dan to open his eyes, but the smiles on their faces slipped when the beads of sweat form on his brow. Anxiety ridden, his body shook and caused the heart monitors to beep at an increased rate.
Patch realized his error. Damn! He should’ve remembered. In his eagerness, his excitement overrode his logic and what Blondie needed—or in this case, what he didn’t need. Patch stepped back as far as possible from the bed and immediately ordered the others, “Give Blondie space. Back away now. Move completely away from him now!”
They complied, grasping by Patch’s reaction and tone, but most not understanding why. William understood, and his heart dropped. He should’ve realized and made everyone move back. He glanced at Patch, once again thankful Patch took such good care of Daniel.
Assuming a tone none of them heard Patch use before, one which conveyed a mix of authority, safety, and comfort Patch crooned, “You’re not there. You’re in a hospital. You are safe. Stand down. You’re not there. Open your eyes, Blondie. Stand down.”
Loki wanted to make Dan aware he is here for him. He moved forward and reached out to take his hand so Dan wouldn’t feel alone.
Patch grabbed Loki and pulled him away before he could make contact with Dan. “I said back away! I meant it!” Patch growled.
Loki eyeballed Patch confused. “Why? He needs to know we’re here.”
Urgently, Patch whispered, “You can’t touch him if you want to live. Blondie’s in a fight or flight mode right now. Happens when he awakens and feels trapped or surrounded. Blondie always chooses fight. Trust me, even in his current state he could snap your neck before you knew what hit you.”
Loki stared at Patch eyes wide open with a look of complete disbelief though he could tell Patch was deadly serious.
Patch turned his attention back to Blondie and saw his words hadn’t reached him and Blondie and was getting scared. How would Brody help him? Nothing different came to mind, so Patch repeated, “Blondie, stand down. You’re not there. Open your eyes. Please, open your eyes.” Patch’s and Blondie’s panic increased—Patch wished Blaze was here.
Recognizing the panic in both Dan and Patch, Lexa stepped closer to Dan, heeding Patch’s warning by remaining just out of range. She said tenderly, “It’s Lexa. You’re with friends. Dan, you’re with family. I’m here. You are okay. Relax, please. You’re safe with me. This is real. Look at me please.” She waited for his response and relief spread within her when he opened his eyes a slit.
Lexa’s soothing voice filtered through Dan’s panic and his mind accepted what she said. Gathering courage, Dan opened his eyes a tiny slit. His erratic heartbeat slowed closer to normal as he registered the faces around him. Family. Lexa. I’m not there. I’m in a goddamned hospital. Painful, quick panting breaths turned to slower shallow breaths. The adrenaline ebbed from his body, and the tension retreated as he focused solely on Lexa.
After several minutes, he looked at each person in the room trying to read them. Dan read so many things … tension, compassion, comprehension, alarm, concern, apprehension, and totally freaked out. Crap! Dan felt terrible for freaking out Loki.
The thing which affected him the most and allowed the final bit of fear and panic to recede was each of them, without reserve, gazed at him with acceptance, not judgment—even his father—especially his father. Taking a few more moments to steady himself Dan wiped the sweat from his brow. He smiled slightly, but they couldn’t tell with the oxygen mask over his mouth. So Dan cocked his head to the side and lifted his hand to wave hi to them.
Everyone talked to him at once. They stopped then all started several times. It was hilarious to watch, but Dan didn’t dare laugh. It might initiate coughing—he wouldn’t do that again.
Finally, they got their act together and determined the pecking order of who got to speak first. Dan received hugs, shoulder pats, and well wishes. It felt terrific, but it also exhausted him. Just lying in the bed listening exhausted him. Dan didn’t like it one bit. Within a short time, his eyes kept slipping closed no matter how hard he tried to keep them open.
“Rest now. I’ll be here all night. The guys are going to head out shortly, but you need to sleep now. I’ll be here all night,” Lexa said softly as she stroked his hair.
That sounded so good to Dan. She’ll be here all night, she’ll be here in the morning, was his last thought before slipping off to a peaceful sleep.
As soon as Dan fell asleep, Loki turned to Patch and said, “Explain what happened, please.”
Scott interrupted, “He doesn’t have to. It doesn’t matter.” Scott had a suspicion what it was about and loathed to listen to the details. It would be too excruciating to hear. Panic like that could only result from intense torture.
Patch looked at them all and said despondently, “I should’ve remembered. I was just so happy he was awaking I forgot. I won’t share the full details, not my place.” Patch kept to himself, it is too sickening to hear. I couldn’t repeat it even if I wanted to—which I don’t.
After taking a quick breath, Patch said, “Enough to say it has to do with his time as a captive. It isn’t PTSD. The two other times Dan panicked it was very similar to this. The same combination of things, pain meds muddled Blondie’s thinking, he was in a small room, and surrounded by people.”
His tone turned severe and firmly stated, “I’m utterly serious about not approaching him when he is panicked. The last time this happened an orderly stupidly laid a hand on Blondie’s shoulder after I told him not to touch him. Blondie broke the man’s arm, dislocated his shoulder, and nearly choked him to death before we could restrain him, and Blondie was in terrible physical shape much like he is now.”
William cringed inside recalling what happening after Yankee’s death.
Alpha Team’s reactions were a mixed bag to this statement, but most seemed shocked. But not the general, Scott, or Jon.
Jon looked to the general and asked, “Special Forces training?”
William glanced at Jon and only nodded.
The group stayed a while longer—each remaining long enough to satisfy their need to know Dan slept soundly. They left focusing on the cocky tilt of his head as he waved hi to them. It was good he came back to them. As they left, they told Lexa they would be back in the morning, and she should try to get some sleep, too.
Everyone except Lexa and William left. William moved to the bed and gently held his son’s hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow, son. Thank you for waking up.” He laid Daniel’s hand down and turned to Lexa. “Call me if any complications arise tonight. I’ll be here first thing in the morning.”
“I will. Get some rest, sir,” Lexa replied.
He took another look at Daniel and said, “Your mother is going to be so happy when I call her tomorrow. Goodnight, son.”
Finally alone with Dan, Lexa returned to his bedside and brushed her hand over his head. She leaned down and whispered in his ear, “You intrigue me. You’re a complicated man. You make me feel things I’ve never felt before. I think we are in for an exciting ride. It won’t be easy, but it will be worth it. See you in the morning, Dan.” Then she lightly kissed his forehead goodnight—wishing his lips were still accessible. She settled into the recliner and fell into the first sound sleep she had in nearly three weeks.
August 3
St. Michael’s Hospital – Room 1030 – 4:30 a.m.
In the wee hours of the morning, Dan awoke. He turned his head to find Lexa sound asleep in the chair. The pain woke him, but Dan waited to call the nurse in. He didn’t want to wake Lexa.
She looked so peaceful. Dan noted the dark circles under her eyes. She needed rest. He wondered how much she slept in the past weeks. Didn’t look like much. Dan enjoyed gazing at her. He felt like a schoolboy with a crush. If he listened carefully to his heart, he knew it was more than a crush.
Dan hoped he correctly read in her eyes what he thought he saw and it wasn’t a figment of the pain meds. Most pain meds made thinking hard, and he sometimes got confused while taking them—one reason he avoided them. He hated not being clear headed—too dangerous for him and others when he became muddled, and his fight or flight mode kicked in.
He heard Lexa though, he was sure of that. Lexa kissed him, twice, once on the forehead and once on the lips. She stroked his hair—it felt good.
This would be complicated because they were teammates and not allowed to have a relationship. Could he give up the team to be with her? Would she give up the team to be with him? The team was their family. Could he risk it for Lexa?
The pain reached a level where he needed meds to manage it, so he pushed the call button. As he waited for the nurse, the answer to his question came to him. It was a resounding YES. Dan knew he would risk everything for a chance at life with Lexa.
He was startled when the nurse quietly said, “Dan, what do you need?”
Dan reached for the pen and paper from the table next to his bed and wrote, level 9+. He closed his eyes when she left, so he didn’t see the syringe she would use to administer the pain meds. His nurse left and returned in less than two minutes.
Betty saw the lines of intense pain around her patient’s closed eyes. Why did he wait so long she wondered? Dan would heal faster if his body didn’t have to deal with pain. Betty injected the meds into the IV line, then thought Dan needs to be on a pain pump so he can self-administer smaller doses as he needs. She decided to make the suggestion to Dr. Markson when he made his rounds today.
As the medication took effect, Dan drifted off into a drug-induced sleep thinking about how nice it was to wake to Lexa’s kiss—it would be nice to do that on a regular basis.